Infernal Artist

Chapter 642 The road to evolution!

Rumble, rumble——

The door to the dark tower slowly closed.

The "Demon Devouring" team led everyone into the tower and came to a hall paved with white crystals.

The crystals emitted bright light and condensed into a figure in mid-air.

It was a girl with twin tails.

"I am the envoy of the 'Balance' camp, here to deliver a mission for Dreamland."

She looked down at the crowd below and said:

"Please combine freely!"

“No matter how many or how little you have, you can build a team.”

"Every world lord cannot take action personally, only your creatures can fight on your behalf."

"You have five minutes to form a team."

"Each team will be randomly assigned opponents to complete the first battle."

"The winner will gain entry to the Gate."

"If you lose the battle, you will exit the dream."

I saw small doors slowly appearing one after another on the walls around the hall.

"Looks like we need to find someone to fight - fight with living beings."

"Yes, it's over if you fail."

"This is to eliminate a group of world lords from among us."

"Only the winners get through those doors."

Everyone was talking about it.

The silver-haired man's eyes flashed, and he was about to persuade "Nightmare" to join the team again, but saw that he had already turned around and walked towards the corner.

"Hey, I like you very much, and I just need two more followers. How about you follow me?"

Liu Ping said to a middle-aged man and an ugly woman in the corner.

——This is Bingye and Dai.

The two looked at each other and said gratefully: "Thank you for your respect, sir. We will definitely listen to you."

Liu Ping nodded with satisfaction and said, "Do your job well and I won't treat you badly."

The silver-haired man said from afar: "Brother Nightmare, I was about to ask you to join my team. Why did you find two people like these?"

"Haha, don't pay attention to me. I'm just having fun. I might quit at some point." Liu Pinghun said nonchalantly.

The silver-haired man thought the same thing. With such a playful guy, he would definitely not listen to orders. We are working hard while others are playing, and there may be conflicts and even affect the team's battle.

As soon as he thought of this, the silver-haired man gave up.

"Okay, we are now a team."

Liu Ping said happily to Bingye and Dai.

Seeing this, other people looked for suitable world masters and began to form a temporary team.

However, there are also people who are lonely and unwilling to team up with anyone.

The silver-haired man looked at his dozens of team members, thought for a moment, raised his head and asked:

"Excuse me, there are so many of us. If we encounter other teams with smaller numbers, how will the battle be calculated?"

The Lords of the World all looked at the girl with twin tails.

"How many people are there on the other side? How many people do you have to fight? The victory or defeat will be calculated based on the number of games." The girl said.

"What if there is only one person on the other side?" the silver-haired man asked.

"Then let's decide the outcome in one battle," the girl said.

——In this way, having more people will be a disadvantage.

"Quick! There are only two minutes left! We are divided into twelve groups, and they will be matched according to the creatures in their hands. Come on, let's start with you first!" The silver-haired man began to divide his men into teams.

Time passes slowly.

Finally, before the five-minute limit, everyone was divided into teams.

The girl in mid-air saw it and waved a ray of light that fell in the hall.

All of a sudden.

All world lords feel they have lost something.

"My Snow Demon is gone." Bingye said through a message.

"The same goes for the frost elves. They seem to have been teleported away." Liu Ping said.

The girl with twin ponytails in mid-air smiled and said: "Everyone, your creatures have begun to fight. Please wait for a while."

"Who is the enemy?" someone asked.

"Anyone who is not on your team may become an enemy. This distribution is random." The girl with two ponytails said.

The words just fell.

Suddenly, a world lord seemed to have received some message and sighed: "I lost."

This is a loner.

He saw a snow wolf covered in blood appearing next to him, no longer alive.

This is his creature, dead in battle.

The Lord of the World sighed again, his figure gradually became illusory, and disappeared from the front of the Crystal Hall.

——He has left the dreamland.

Soon, someone else said regretfully: "I lost."

A creature that had just died in the battle also appeared next to him.

However, another World Lord next to him said: "It's not necessarily true. Your side has lost. There is no news from my side. We are in a team fight."

The man's eyes lit up, he clenched his fists and said, "Come on, you must win."

Another person said: "Don't worry, my giant white-helmeted beetle is a super defensive life and will not be defeated easily."

Even though he said that, he became nervous after all.

There was no one in the entire hall who was not nervous.

Even the silver-haired man swallowed.

Although he has confidence in his own soul, but——

Isn't there a nightmare over there?

I don’t know what his creature is...but it must be very strong.

If you are eliminated here, everything in the dream will be over.

"Excuse me - can't we see the fighting of the creatures?" He asked the girl with twin tails in mid-air.

"This is the primary election, so naturally you can't see it. If you can pass the primary election, you can see it later." The girl smiled.

Sure enough, you can't see it at all...

For a moment, the entire hall was enveloped in a serious and uneasy atmosphere.

"My snow demon must not encounter an overly powerful fire elemental being, such as a guy like the Molten Lord..." Bing Ye said with his hands clasped together.

"Don't worry, didn't I take out a lot of equipment and equip both the Snow Demon and the Bearman?" Liu Ping said confidently.

Bingye and Dai looked at each other, both feeling a little frustrated.

Liu Ping saw something was wrong and asked, "Did something happen that I don't know about?"

"When we disguised ourselves and sneaked into the tower, we were afraid that those people would check our lives, so we put away all our equipment." Dai said in frustration.

Liu Ping was stunned and thought quickly.

There are three people on my side.

Team of three.

If you encounter a lone traveler, it will be very dangerous if the team consists of snow demons or bears.

Even if they meet other teams, in a three-on-three match... they can only guarantee that the Frost Elves will win one game.

After all, she is a demigod, she is learning how to become a god, and she has countless good things, so she has a great chance of winning.


If both the bear and the snow devil lose——

That is one win out of three.

The ones who will definitely be eliminated!

Just as he was thinking about it, he suddenly saw a pile of snow quietly appearing next to Bingye.

"It's over, the Snow Demon is defeated."

Bingye let out a long sigh and said gloomily.

"And Dai and I, we don't necessarily lose." Liu Ping said solemnly.

"Although my bearmen fight fiercely... but all their equipment has been taken away by me." Dai said nervously, wringing her fingers.

Now even Liu Ping became worried.

My future self said that dreams are a power that I have never seen before——

I can't leave the dreamland yet.

It shouldn't stop there.


A sound.

I saw a bearman appearing at Dai's feet, covered in cuts and bruises, vomiting blood from his mouth, and it seemed that he was already dying.


Liu Ping and Bing Ye's hearts suddenly sank.

Dai cheered: "Win! My bear-man defeated a four-clawed vine snake! It's incredible!"



And he still beat the four-clawed vine snake?

The Four-Clawed Vine Snake is a highly venomous humanoid snake with immense strength, sharp claws, superb fighting skills, and a variety of weapons.

How could the Bears win?

The three of them looked towards the bear-man together.

The bear man turned over with great effort, reached out and dug at the back of his butt, and raised something high with trembling hands.

That thing had a faint smell of shit rising, but it emitted a faint light, releasing its perfect wave of healing power.

——That healing ring!

The last time Sigrid treated the werebear, she stuffed the healing ring into the werebear's mouth and forced it to eat!

"That's right... This is a ring that can continuously release detoxification, cleansing, stopping bleeding, and healing... It has always been in the bear man's body." Liu Ping muttered absentmindedly.

"That's okay..." Bingye was speechless, happy, and a little nauseous.

Dai breathed a sigh of relief and quickly treated the bearman's injuries. She turned back to Liu Ping and said, "You didn't take away the equipment from that frost elf, did you?"

"Of course not." Liu Ping said, crossing his arms.

By this time, he felt much more at ease.

A demigod like Sigrid, coupled with the numerous equipment of the Thorn Bird——

If you lose this way, Liu Ping will admit it.

Waited for a few more breaths.

There was only a soft "pop" sound, and Sigrid appeared in front of the three people.

She sat on the ground, holding the parchment in her hand and looking at it with gusto. Until she noticed that the environment had changed, she quickly stood up and said:

"Eh? Is it over already?"

"We won, two out of three!" Liu Ping announced.

Both women became happy.

"Sigrid, how did you fight?" Bingye asked.

"Just throw out a bunch of traps and forget about it." Sigrid shrugged.

At this time, more and more World Lords disappeared around.

The rest are winners.

All the battles ended one after another.

In mid-air, the girl with twin ponytails smiled and said:

"Okay, the primary election has been completed."

"On behalf of Dreamland, I formally welcome you to Dreamland Tower No. 7539."

"The road of evolution sweeping through the entire dreamland is about to begin again."

"Welcome to participate!"

The words fell.

Lines of small characters condensed with light suddenly appeared in front of Liu Ping:

“Event: The Newbie’s Plight.”

"Process: Completed."

"You are still in the month-long test, but in this incident, you have discovered the secret of the Dark Tower."

"It's where dreams begin the path to evolution."

"According to this secret, you will receive corresponding stage rewards."

All the small words of light disappeared in a flash.

Suddenly, lines of small burning characters quickly appeared in front of his eyes:


"You are in a dream, and you are about to receive the reward of the dream."

"If you select the correct reward option, your fourth ability: 'Omen' will become active again."

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