Infernal Artist

Chapter 643 The changed past

The light gathered into lines of small characters, which appeared in front of Liu Ping's eyes:

"Please choose from the following items to obtain rewards at this stage."

"One, a dream card;"

"Two, creature position (select this option, the number of creatures you can summon will increase by one);"

"Third, dream fruit (helps you make up for some regret deep in your heart)."

Liu Ping read it quickly and then read it carefully again.

Obviously, the last time the "omen" was triggered, he chose "the thing you are afraid of".

This time "fear" turned into "regret".

——What will this cause?

This one is more likely than the other two options.

"I choose three, Dream Fruit." Liu Ping said.

A fruit with hazy brilliance quietly appeared in front of him.

Almost instantly, the fruit turned into strands of light and disappeared into Liu Ping's body.

All of a sudden.

All the surrounding scenery turned into fleeting quicksand and disappeared suddenly.

Liu Ping found himself back in the restaurant again.

This is the future.

My future self is still sitting in the restaurant, holding a cup of tea in my hand and drinking it slowly.

He glanced at Liu Ping and said slowly:

"You have the power of dreams in you. This is our turning point."

Liu Ping pondered for a moment and asked puzzledly: "What will be the outcome of this future battle...?"

That Liu Ping said: "The result in the future was originally the destruction of all sentient beings and all things, but since I awakened to the technique of 'lonely life' and activated the 'omen', everything has become different."

He stretched out his hand and made a pushing gesture in mid-air.

One after another dominoes appeared in the void, and with a gentle push from him, they fell one after another.

"The first domino stands here, your future."

"When I knock it down, every link and everything from it to the past will change."

Liu Ping thought for a while and said, "It's not easy to understand."

In the future, he spread his hands and continued: "For another example, you sowed seeds in the fields yesterday and harvested the fruits tomorrow. Do you understand this?"

"Okay." Liu Ping nodded.

"If you planted melons yesterday, you should harvest melons tomorrow, right?"


“But the future has changed and tomorrow you’ll be harvesting beans instead of melons – does that make sense?”

"It doesn't make sense."

"Yes, it doesn't make sense in terms of time, space, fate, cause and effect, and logic, but you did get the beans. These beans are already in your hands. What do you do now?"

Liu Ping thought for a while and said, "Unless I changed my mind after sowing yesterday and planted beans in the field instead."

"That's right, so the past will definitely change!" Liu Ping said in the future.

"When did it start?" Liu Ping asked.

"When I seal that guy, it means that Guo has changed." Liu Ping said from the future.

"...But how to change the past?" Liu Ping murmured.

"This is what we are fighting for - what happened in the past? Why did it change? My enemy also wants to know this, and even wants to control the past!" Liu Ping from the future said softly.

"Besides me, is there no one else who can help?" Liu Ping said.

"Look around." Future Liu Ping said.

Liu Ping stood on the restaurant, leaning on the railing and looking into the distance.

The whole world is empty.

Only he and his future self exist in this world.

Outside the world, there is only endless blankness and nothingness.

Even this world has a strong sense of loneliness, as if everything no longer exists except the current world.

Liu Ping felt a little suffocated and couldn't help but breathe lightly.

In the future, he turned his arm casually and immediately rolled the tea cup on the table into his hand.

He took a sip of tea from the tea cup and murmured: "The art of the world, the universe in one's sleeves - I didn't know how to do this originally."

"I haven't been studying for a long time." Liu Ping shrugged.

"So now I know how to do it - look, you are in the middle of the 'past' and the 'future', and you can change both ends of time. What a rare opportunity this is." Liu Ping said in the future.

"Are you just waiting for me to work in the future? Don't you do anything yourself?" Liu Ping said with his hands on his hips.

"What are you talking about? I am you, the future you." Future Liu Ping said with a smile.

Suddenly there was a blood-curdling cry from the sky.

Both Liu Ping stood up.

Pieces of black scales appeared from the void and flew towards him in the future.

"Listen, when I sealed it, the 'fruit' changed, and the four laws will kick you back to the past - my enemies will also find ways to invest power in the past, you have to stop it!" Liu Ping said from the future.

"Me?" Liu Ping said.

"I want to stay here to fight, so it can only be you - in the final analysis, it is still me - the 'omen' has been activated, and the power of dreams uses your heart as an anchor to send you to certain specific places. moment." Future Liu Ping said.

The words fell.

He gently pushed Liu Ping in the dream.

Liu Ping suddenly disappeared from the restaurant.

In a void.

The dark void is filled with wind.

Below is an endless river of time.

Countless historical fragments flashed endlessly in the long river, showing everything that happened on the entire timeline.

Liu Ping floated in the air, waiting quietly.


He felt something in his heart and looked up towards the end of the long river.

A deafening roar spread in all directions:

"Ah ah ah ah ah, seal it for me!"

I saw that in the distance of the long river of time, a huge body connected to the sky and the earth suddenly appeared.

It was covered in pitch-black scale armor, and an extremely painful roar erupted from its mouth, as if it was fighting an ultimate battle with something.

That’s my future self!

He used the huge black scale armor to activate "Destiny" to seal something!

Liu Ping watched quietly, and suddenly an unparalleled fear arose in his heart that was uncontrollable.

What on earth is it!

It can destroy all living things, all things, and even the entire world!

What kind of existence can do this?

Aren't the Lords of Nightmares and the Doomsday its opponents?

Lines of burning small characters quickly emerged:

"With the dual power of 'Omen' and 'Dream Fruit', you will go to a certain moment in the past."

"That is an incident that you deeply regret."

"You have to change it."

"——Because only by changing it can you stay in the past for a while, and your enemies are trying to influence the past!"

"You have to do this."

"If you fail, everything on the entire space-time line will not be established, and you will be obliterated by the four laws."


Liu Ping disappeared from the void instantly.

There was silence.

Liu Ping opened his eyes and found himself lying on the hospital bed with injuries everywhere on his body.

This is a hospital.

He lay on the bed and thought about it silently.

——When was this in the past?

what happened?

Suddenly, a memory gradually emerged in his mind.

"……I remembered."

Liu Ping murmured.

This was the first time in the past era that I went deep into a certain world and studied the world's life forms.

At that time, the consciousness of this world had just been born, and a nightmare lord had come to destroy everything and plunder resources and living beings.

At that time, I believed that all nightmare lords were the will of the world, so I only helped to resist a little.

When he realized that he could not defeat the lord of nightmares, he had no choice but to fly away and let the world be destroyed.

It was many years later that I was shocked by something.

——This world is innocent.

Its soul has just been born, and if it can be guided correctly, it may become his own help.

Everything here will not be destroyed.

There is one more important thing.

This world... seems to be hiding some secret.

Liu Ping thought clearly about the cause and effect, and disappeared from the hospital bed in a flash.

He appeared directly at the door of a temple thousands of miles away.

"Yes, it's here."

He whispered and stood outside the door waiting quietly.


There was a slight sob in the temple.

——That was a newly born world-like life form. Because it realized that all its gods had been killed in battle and could no longer resist the devouring of the nightmare lord, it was about to be destroyed along with the world, so it began to cry at the last moment.

Liu Ping pushed the door open and went in.

I saw that the statues in the hall had collapsed and all the candlelight was extinguished.

The rows of seats were empty, and no one came to worship the gods. There was only a young figure sitting in the first row, sobbing constantly.

"Need help?" Liu Ping asked.

The figure suddenly stopped crying and turned around to look at Liu Ping.

This is a little girl wearing a short skirt, with straight bangs, and a pair of light blue eyes full of despair.

"Sorry, who are you?" she asked.

"I am Liu Ping, a passing world lord." Liu Ping said.

——Originally, in this era, I was just a human master with peak strength.

But with the help of 'omens' and 'dreams', I tried again, and now I am a world-like life form.

I never had a conversation with her back then...

But now, I have the qualification to speak.

"My world is about to be destroyed." The little girl said.

"The fact is obvious that the Lord of Nightmares is eyeing your world, but I happen to hate the Lord of Nightmares, so if you are willing, I will use your world as a battlefield to learn about it for a while." Liu Pingdao .

"Of course I am willing, and I will keep your help in mind." The little girl saluted solemnly.

"What's your name?" Liu Ping asked.

"I don't have a name yet, what about you?"

"My name is Liu Ping."

"Liu Ping?"

"Yes, let's go kill that nightmare lord together."

"Okay, I may not be able to help. Even the gods have died in the battle."

"It doesn't matter. Cheering is also a good help and can boost my confidence."

"Can we win?"

"If you can't defeat me, I have a way to escape with you."


"Fake, your world is here, where can you escape? If you want to escape, I am the only one who can escape."

"Don't cry, I was joking."

"Hey, don't cry. I was wrong, okay? I will try my best this time."

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