Infernal Artist

Chapter 649: Prank on me?

The floods were overwhelming, pouring down like a curtain from the sky.

A giant tree kept weaving through the water.

There were more than thirty creatures, densely packed on the wood.

Although the giant tree was large, it could not bear the weight and gradually sank toward the water.

Underneath is complete turbidity and darkness.

At this moment, the human beings in the world finally realized what it was like to be a living being.


From suffocation to near death, this extremely painful feeling erodes every world master.

No wonder the name of this event is: Feeling the Suffering of All Beings!

The bear man desperately clung to the giant tree, pressed his body tightly against the wood, and held his breath with all his strength.

The feeling of suffocation...

I don’t know how many times I have experienced this.

The most important thing right now is not to leave this giant tree.


It squinted and looked around.

Many creatures couldn't bear the torture of suffocation, so they let go of their hands and floated to the surface with all their strength.

The water surges.

As soon as they let go of their hands, they were immediately enveloped by undercurrents and rushed to unknown places.

Being suffocated and drifting involuntarily, there is only one end.


The load of the giant tree suddenly lightened.

With the powerful impact of the rapids, the giant tree suddenly floated to the surface.

Until this moment, those creatures who chose to cling to the giant tree had a moment of dawn and were able to take a deep breath.

"Come alive!"

"Damn, this feels so bad!"

"Air, I want air."

The creatures screamed and roared, venting their unwillingness to be the masters of the world.


Lines of small words appeared before everyone’s eyes:

"The giant tree is the only prop in the current environment."

"It has the only attribute: relative safety."

"Explanation: The fewer sentient beings staying on the giant tree, the safer it will be on the giant tree."

——Safety when there are fewer people!

The creatures came to their senses.

"Let go! The wood is almost sinking!"

"You are the one, get out of here!"

"Kill you!"


While the giant tree was still floating on the water, the creatures hugged the tree while attacking other beings around them.

Have no idea!

It is not always possible to meet the upward impact of water.

There is absolutely nothing wrong with that description.

——If there are so many creatures on the giant tree, it will definitely sink.

The fighting broke out immediately!

In the surging torrent, the creatures huddled together on the giant trees.

At this time, the bear people are the ones who suffer the most.

There was cold sweat on its head, it curled up into a ball, its face couldn't help but twitch -

This doesn't work.

This bear man is in bad shape and can be bullied!

Any living being who sees it can't help but have such thoughts in his heart.

"Damn bear man, get out of here, you are the heaviest!"

The two mantis-like creatures struggled to slash at the bear-man.

The bearman had rough skin and thick flesh, and he had a healing ring in his belly. He hid at one end of the giant tree, pressed his body tightly against the surface of the giant tree, and allowed the two mantises to attack his back and buttocks.

Mantis chopped for a while and gasped: "Don't let go yet? Let go quickly. The giant tree can't carry so many people. Go and die!"

The second mantis patted the bear man on the head hard.


A huge stream of water collided with the giant tree.

The world is spinning.

Many creatures were thrown away.

Shadows emerged from the creatures' bodies, flew into the sky unwillingly, and disappeared.


As a world-like life form, it is not familiar with the bodies of living beings. In such a flood, it is several times more difficult to survive.

Wave after wave of rapids rushed over.

Large and small whirlpools appeared on the water, becoming more and more dangerous.

The giant trees kept floating, spinning, and tumbling.

When have world-like lifeforms ever suffered this?

They gradually come back to their senses.

——The current situation is not suitable for fighting.

Besides, some people have been thrown out, maybe the giant tree can float?

Everyone immediately stopped their hands, hugged the giant tree tightly, and tried their best to climb on it to ensure that they would not let go.

But the bear-man suddenly appeared.

By this time, it had adapted to the impact of the water flow. While everyone was gritting their teeth and facing the flood, it kicked out the mantis on the left.

"I told you to hit me on the head just now!"

The bear man said fiercely.

The mantis broke away from the giant tree, was washed away by the current, and disappeared immediately.

Another mantis shouted: "Don't mess with me, or I'll beat the shit out of you!"

Originally, it didn't matter if it didn't speak. After all, the distance between it and the bear-man was quite far.

But after it said the phrase "beat the shit out of me"——

The bear man's expression changed.

It almost gave up clinging its claws to the giant tree and charged straight at the mantis in a desperate manner.

The mantis saw something was wrong, and immediately turned its forelimb into a sharp thorn, and stabbed straight at the bear-man.

"Come on! We'll all end up together!" Mantis shouted loudly.

But the bear man didn't seem to see the thorn, and rushed forward, letting the thorn pass through his shoulder.

"Damn guy, get out of the dream!"

The bear man roared angrily.

It swung out its palm with all its strength and sent the mantis flying away from the giant tree.

After this blow, it immediately leaned down and quickly clung to the giant tree. One of its claws sank deeply into the wood, and the other claw grabbed the long thorn, pulled it out from the shoulder and threw it away.


Another surge of water hit the giant tree.

The giant tree snapped from it.

Seven or eight creatures were scattered directly into the flood tide, disappearing in the blink of an eye.

The bear man held the broken wood and rose and fell in the water, looking around -

Now there are no other creatures in sight, only a human-faced scorpion with six pairs of claws clinging to the other end of the broken wood.

at the moment.

Only the bear and it were left on this piece of wood.

Maybe it was the bear-man's ferocious expression that frightened it, or maybe it saw the bear-man's ferocious fighting style just now——

"Don't do anything, we can cooperate." The Scorpion said.

"The fewer people there are, the safer it is on the giant tree." The bear man stared at it and said.

"It's just the two of us now, it's safe enough." The Man-Faced Scorpion said.

"But it can be safer, isn't it?" the bear said.

"The cooperation I mentioned is good for both you and me." Man-Faced Scorpion said.

Its upper body is that of a human, its lower body is that of a scorpion, and its long tail hook looks extremely sharp.

——He also seems to be a ruthless character.

Taking advantage of the water's weakening, the bear man spat out a mouthful of water, kept pushing on the water with his feet, and asked, "How do you want to cooperate?"

"The reward I chose before was to investigate the follow-up mission - I know what I will face next!" said the Man-Faced Scorpion.

"Why did you tell me?" the bear asked.

"I can't handle it alone. I need at least one helper. It's a pity that all my team members have disappeared without a trace." The Scorpion said.

"I can be a helper, provided you tell me what happened next." Xiongren said.

Its face was very ugly, even looking ferocious and painful.

——It's like there is a stick in the body that is constantly stirring.

Can this bear man do it?

The human-faced scorpion murmured in his heart.

But this wretched bear-man often showed such an expression from the beginning.

With such an expression, it killed two mantises and ensured that it would not be thrown away by the raging waves!

——Besides, there is no other choice.

"Listen carefully, this dam failure will cause a huge flood, which will awaken a ferocious beast sleeping under the water."

"We, the masters of the world, are trapped in the body of a living being and are no match for it." The human-faced scorpion said.

"What should we do?"

The bear man also became worried.

My stomach hurts, but I can still bear the urge to poop.

Although the flood was severe, he had good water skills, and the bear man could also dog paddle, and there was driftwood in his arms, so it was no problem.

But if another giant beast comes, no one can survive it.

"I prepared an incense extracted from the scorpion's toxin." The human-faced scorpion said.

"What's the effect?" the bear asked.

"It can envelope us with an aura of death. Any creature that sees us will only think that we are two corpses." The human-faced scorpion said.

"Does the giant beast eat corpses?"

"It doesn't eat. It only eats live, clean things."

——This sentence is actually true.

"You are well prepared. What do you need from me?"

"This incense must touch the blood of two creatures to be effective. Do you understand now?"

"I see."

At this time, the wood rushed forward and finally entered a place where the water was slightly gentle.

The bear man breathed a sigh of relief.

But the human-faced scorpion said quickly: "Quick! We need to light incense immediately - when the water slows down, it will appear!"

"Okay!" The bear man responded.

It grabbed the driftwood with one hand, covered its belly with the other, and swam as hard as it could.

The human-faced scorpion took out the incense stick.

The two looked at each other, cut their palms, and let the blood drip onto the incense.

The incense suddenly began to emit a faint fragrance.

"I can't bear to part with this piece of driftwood, so I'll pretend to be dead on the driftwood." The bear said.

"Okay, how about I lie down here and you lie down on the other side?" asked the Scorpion.

"No problem." The bear said.

"Wait! Are you pretending to be dead? Although there is incense, if you move around like a living creature, it will definitely attract its attention. Don't get me involved then!" said the human-faced scorpion.

"Who doesn't know how to pretend to be dead? Don't underestimate others and hurry up." The bear said.

It fell down and immediately stood motionless. Coupled with the effect of the incense, it was no different from the corpses floating on the surrounding water.


The human-faced scorpion praised, quickly chose a position, and lay down on the wood.

At this time, the water flow appears more slowly.

A huge black shadow gradually appeared underwater.

It surfaced quietly, revealing two giant pupils as big as a house, scanning everything on the water.

It was quiet and silent.

Everything became silent under its gaze, as if it was afraid of disturbing it.

The bear man still lay still, but lines of small words quietly appeared on his retina:


"You are affected by the aura of hunting and luring."

"This energy is death energy at the beginning, but it quickly transforms into life energy, making people feel the infinite vitality in you."

——The human-faced scorpion is hiding from me!

It wants to monopolize this piece of driftwood!

After all, according to the mission rules, the fewer sentient beings staying on the giant tree, the safer it will be.

If only the human-faced scorpion stayed up there, wouldn't it just pass this test?

This sinister guy.

The bear man was furious and continued to pretend to be dead while quickly thinking of countermeasures.

on the water.

Those two pupils as big as buildings seemed to notice the bear man.

They were like stars floating in the sky, slowly approaching the direction of the driftwood.

One breath.

Two breaths.

Three breaths.

The beast paused in front of the driftwood, staring at the two beings on the wood.

A corpse cannot be eaten.

A bear-man pretending to be dead - this one is edible.

The giant beast slowly opened its mouth——

At this last moment, the bear finally figured out a way.

In the dead silence, a voice suddenly emerged——


A strong stench burst out from the bear man's anus, turning into a shit-yellow mist that enveloped the entire bear.

——The Scorpion with Human Face just said something that is true.

This giant beast only eats live, clean things!

The bear man could hardly bear it any longer, but at this moment his soul was so blessed that he let nature take its course and took this action.

I saw that the giant beast's mouth that had just been opened immediately closed, retreated a little distance, and let out a low roar.

There was an emotion of disgust and disgust in this roar.

The giant beast looked at the bear-man again——

This is a piece of cake.

This bear is farting with a full stomach of shit!

Can it be eaten?

Definitely not!

The giant beast retreated silently, turned around, and prepared to leave.

While it was turning around, the bear-man's butt suddenly moved, making a sound like a cannon.

An afterimage flew out from its butt. The bear man caught it and washed it in the water. Then he threw it on the human-faced scorpion.

The giant beast had just wandered not far away when it suddenly stopped.

It feels a healing breath full of vitality.

But the strange thing is that this breath came from another corpse just now.

The giant beast slowly turned around and its eyes fell on the human-faced scorpion.

The bear-man officer also found a trick. The ring was just stuck under the human-faced scorpion's buttocks, so that the giant beast couldn't see the ring at all, and could only sense bursts of life force coming from the human-faced scorpion.

the most important is--

This human-faced scorpion is so clean!

The giant beast became interested and slowly approached the human-faced scorpion.

The human-faced scorpion couldn't pretend any longer. He sat up suddenly, pointed at the bear-man and shouted: "Were-bear, how dare you cheat on me!"

The bear-man lay still and pretended to be dead.

——You bastard, why don't you seduce me first?

Fortunately, a demon master like me is rich in experience, invincible in adaptability, and can use all kinds of things in the world to resolve dangers.

Otherwise, if someone else comes, I don’t know what will happen.

Now it's your turn to die!

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