Infernal Artist

Chapter 650 No, you didn’t

There was a cold wave on the surrounding water surface, giving off a deep chill.

The human-faced scorpion is dead.

The giant beast has also gone away.

Invisibly, everything begins to transform.

It seems like something new is going to happen.

The bear man washed himself, put the healing ring on his hand, sat on the driftwood and waited quietly.

Many times, many things are really out of helplessness.

It was impossible to win against that giant beast.

What can you do as a bear?

This is like the long life of sentient beings.

The bear man was thinking silently when he saw ripples appearing on the water waves, converging into a line of small words:


"You worked hard to survive this dam breach."

"You are the only survivor."

"This event is not over yet, but since the current phase has ended, you can choose to receive phased rewards, or accumulate this reward to the next time in order to obtain more generous rewards."

"Please choose to redeem or accumulate."

As soon as Liu Ping finished reading, God's voice suddenly sounded in his ears: "Exchange it. If you don't exchange it, you won't have a chance."

"Huh? You're here." Liu Pingqi said.

"I have been waiting, and have been waiting for a long time," God said in a deep and tired tone.

"Okay, I choose to exchange." Liu Ping said.

On the water surface, ripples continue to float, changing into new small characters:

"You chose to redeem the staged rewards."

"The current redeemable rewards are:"

"1. Take out a piece of equipment that you already own. From now on, you can use its power;"

"2. You can summon another creature to replace the current creature;"

"3. Meet the team members immediately."

Liu Ping read it quickly.

God said: "Liu Ping, there is no road ahead."

"What do you mean?" Liu Ping asked.

"The normal process of dreaming has come to an end at this point." God said.

"What's next?" Liu Ping asked again.

"All tasks are beginning to change. They will turn every outstanding world-like life form into a nightmare, and those female world-like life forms will have everything taken away and merged into an unknowable existence." God said.

"Then what can I do?" Liu Ping asked.

"I don't know, it depends on you." God said.

"There is something you don't know?" Liu Ping asked curiously.

"Listen, Liu Ping, ahead is the intersection of the past, present and future. The four laws and all laws of the heavens are surrounding it, waiting for everything to settle." God said.

"Is everything still uncertain?" Liu Ping asked.

"Yes, the existence you sealed - no one knows what it is, I can know it, but I dare not know - in short, when you become a nightmare, you will meet it." God said .

Liu Ping looked at the ripples on the water and said, "In other words, this is the last time I will get a normal dream reward?"

"Yes, just like before, when you get a reward, an 'omen' will be triggered." God said.


Change the cause from the effect.

Change the past from the future.

If I had one more chance to use this power...

"My future self said that the power of dreams is magical, and I hope I can obtain it. Unexpectedly, my opponent obtained it first, and even let it lead directly to nightmares." Liu Ping sighed.

"Choose. Once you make a choice, the corresponding laws of destiny will unfold, and only then will I know the corresponding things." God said.

Liu Ping glanced at the three options.

Once you make your choice, the road ahead will lead to nightmare.

what to do?

Liu Ping was silent for a long time and then said, "I choose the first option."

If there are "omens", I still have a glimmer of hope to change the "cause" of everything.

on the water.

Ripples formed several lines of small characters:

"You chose to 'take out a piece of equipment you already own'."

"Please select the equipment you want to take out."

"From now on, you will be able to use its power."

Liu Ping's mind moved and he pulled out a long knife from the void.

——Prison Suppressing Knife!

As soon as he held the knife, the small words on the water quickly changed and turned into a brand new mission:

"This is the path to evolution."


"From this moment on, you are considered good enough."

"Task Release:"


"Kill all your teammates and absorb their power to get higher rewards."

"That's the first step to becoming a nightmare."

Collect all the fine print.

God said: "-Next, you must follow the requirements of the mission, otherwise your enemy will immediately notice that something is wrong here, and it will come in person to kill you, and now you cannot resist its power at all. "

Liu Ping said: "You just said, 'Next, I must follow the requirements of the mission.' Is that true?"

"Yes, it's 'Next, you must follow the requirements of the task.'" God confirmed.

"Then if I don't arrive at 'Next', I don't have to follow the mission, right?" Liu Ping asked.

"Yes," God agreed.

"I have made a choice, are you ready?" Liu Ping asked.

"I'm just ready - by the way, that time was three hundred years ago, and you can't see her until that moment." God said.


Liu Ping waved the prison sword and slashed into the void with all his strength——

Lines of burning small characters then appeared:

"You activated the prison knife's power: life-suppressing."

"The current skill has swallowed a card, provided by God."

"The 'Omen' has been activated."

"Go to the moment of your choosing, because she still exists in this moment, so you can go to her past."

"Because you have reached her past, maybe you can trigger it from there and change the present and the future together!"


Everything around him turned into blurry light and shadow, gradually converging into a boundless torrent.

All the light and shadow went away in chaos.

Liu Ping took advantage of the power of the bronze sword and flew upstream in the river of time, flying towards an extremely distant place.

"There is a force chasing after you. It is your enemy. It has noticed the fluctuations here!" God said.

"It's okay." Andrea said quietly.

"That power can destroy everything, Liu Ping can't resist it." God said.

"I've been waiting for this moment for a long time."

Andrea appeared quietly, lying gently on Liu Ping's body, chanting a long list of spells.

God was silent for a few breaths, and then suddenly said: "Your 'no body' actually comes from Liu Ping? Wait, who of you is the Holy Spirit!"

"He deceived all laws, even himself, so no one knows who he is - furthermore, he does not necessarily exist. This is an extremely high power of fraud - this is 'nothing' The true meaning." Andrea said.

"Is it 'nothing'?... No matter how powerful the spell is, it can't hit someone who doesn't exist. It's really wonderful." God praised.

While talking, the bear man disappeared.

The power from the dream also disappeared from him.

He became his original self.


Liu Ping spoke out.

The heavy light and shadow dispersed.

A wisp of heart-stopping dark purple light flew past Liu Ping silently.

Wherever it passes, everything undergoes some unspeakably terrifying change.

Liu Ping looked at the blurry lights and shadows around him, and saw that they were slowing down one after another, showing historical scenes one after another.

In those scenes, all sentient beings stopped what they were doing and all showed weird smiles.

They all looked towards Liu Ping, but their gazes penetrated Liu Ping, and they kept searching in the void.

"Trying to use such a technique to change everything is destined to be in vain." A child said in a deep tone.

"Where are you?" a man said.

"Where are you - the guy who prevented me from coming." A woman also said.

"Everything will perish," said an old man.

"Show up, you dare to cause the 'effect' of sealing me, but what about your 'cause'?" a lion roared.

"Come out, become a part of me, and let everything end." A corpse said.

The dark purple light quickly flew away.

All visions gradually disappeared.

——It didn’t hit Liu Ping.

Liu Ping immediately turned around and fell with all his strength in a certain direction in the blur of light and shadow.

His speed was extremely fast.

The howling of the wind could no longer catch up with him——

A moment.

The blurry afterimages disappeared one after another, and everything became clear.



The world appears.

Liu Ping fell down gently and stood with a knife.

There was a buzz of people all around.

There were people fleeing everywhere.

He immediately saw the little girl standing in a daze on the street corner.

"Is that Dai?" Andrea asked.

"It's her," God said.

"How could she be human!" Andrea said in surprise.

"She is a human being." God said.

"But the future is in the dream, and she is a world-like life form." Andrea said.

"So...what happened in this period of history depends on Liu Ping!" God said.

In the void, lines of small burning characters quickly appeared:

"Time, space, destiny, and cause and effect are all in place."

"The four main laws have come here, waiting for what happens here to become destined in order to connect with the future."

"If you do something that doesn't make the past fit into the future—"

"You will be obliterated by the Four Laws!"

Collect all the fine print.

Liu Ping walked towards the little girl, squatted down in front of her, and whispered, "Hello."

The little girl's eyes regained focus.

"Hello." She looked at Liu Ping and said.

"You look a little sad. How can I help you?" Liu Ping asked.

"I don't know...whether I am dead or alive."

The little girl shed tears, her eyes filled with confusion.

Liu Ping paused and looked around.

I saw the same line of small words appearing above the bustling crowd:

"The dead."


A pedestrian stopped on the other side of the street.

It seemed like it couldn't see Liu Ping, but its eyes fell on the little girl.

A weird smile gradually widened from the corner of its mouth, just like those living beings Liu Ping saw in time and space.

"Finally found you." It said slowly.

In the void, the runes manifested by the four laws all lingered around Liu Ping, as if they were ready to obliterate him at any time.

"No, you didn't." Liu Ping said.

He stood still.

The little girl stood beside him, her expression blank, and she stopped making any movements.

They seemed fearless.

But the four laws in the void disappeared again.

The pedestrian turned into a ray of light and arrived in front of Liu Ping in an instant. He raised his sharp long arm covered with black vertical pupils and stabbed him——

The long arm passed through Liu Ping's body and hit nothing.

——This is an illusion!

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