Infernal Artist

Chapter 665 Each other’s path

"From now on, you are one of us."

The woman just finished speaking.

Liu Ping's expression changed and he immediately shouted: "God!"


The yellow sand beneath our feet spread out to both sides, turning into a bottomless cliff.

Liu Ping fell forward and disappeared.

The woman stood on the sand dune and did not stop her. She just watched the scene quietly.

The aura on her body gradually dropped and dissipated, and it seemed that she had begun to transform into a real human woman.

"Run? You are about to become one of us, what will happen even if you run away?"

The woman said softly.

The words just fell.

The black flag in her hand released a round of light and shadow, enveloping her and turning into a stream of light that penetrated into the sand.

the other side.

Liu Ping fell into the depths of the sand sea, kept facing downwards, and finally landed in the vast river with a "plop".

God's voice then sounded: "In Yun Xi's six-path reincarnation fragmented world, when I asked Gaia, Pao Ye and Rita to fuse, they focused on the world with the underworld attribute."

Liu Ping soaked in the river and whispered: "Forget the River..."

"Yes, this is a tributary of the River of Forgetfulness, so according to the original design, you should have forgotten everything and not be completely demonized immediately."

God appeared on the river and looked toward Liu Ping.

Suddenly, a female voice sounded:

"Really? This speaking being must be the master of the divine power."

Liu Ping suddenly turned his head and looked.

I saw the woman transformed by the evil spirit was also soaking in the water, looking behind Liu Ping.

God quickly said: "That flag - the power of era change allows you to find each other at any time."

"Damn... no! Since it has turned into a human being and is by my side now, isn't it looking for death?" Liu Ping said.

He suddenly came to his senses and muttered: "We can't let it die. If it dies at this moment, it will be incompatible with the future, and the four laws will obliterate me."

"You didn't kill it! No existence knows what changes will happen to it, and the four laws don't know either! So the laws can only watch silently." God said.

The woman stared at God, and suddenly there was a murderous aura in her body: "What a fascinating power of laws. They are arranged into a special shape that can know everything and command everything, thus giving birth to such a being... I would have known there was a guy like you." existence, I should kill you first.”

It raised its hand, trying to use the little strength it had left.

God sneered: "You can't kill me."

His body quickly became transparent and then disappeared into the void, making it impossible to find any traces again.

Two lines of small burning characters appeared in front of Liu Ping's eyes:

"Look, God is dead."

"God has once again switched to the state of 'death' and is hiding behind you. It is up to you to resist everything for God."

Liu Ping was speechless.

God died a little too soon!

But at this moment, Liu Ping couldn't care about anything else.

In the water of the River of Forgetfulness, he gradually began to forget many things in the past.

But it's no use!

Whenever he forgets everything, a force suddenly emerges from his body, forcing him to remember everything, and some unknown evolution will immediately occur.

"You are about to become a demon!"

"Because you were immersed in the Lethe River, you died and began to forget everything."

"The evil power in you revived you and remembered everything, and began to help you evolve."

"Due to your continued immersion in the waters of Lethe, you have died."

"The power of the evil spirit has resurrected you again, allowing you to gain memories again."

"It is still at an extremely initial level, so it cannot completely defeat Wangchuan's power, but it will soon grow."

"You died, you forgot."

"You lived, you remembered."

"You died, you forgot."

"You live, you remember again."


The burning small characters kept refreshing, showing a temporary even match.

Liu Ping's expression kept changing.

An undercurrent enveloped him, pushing him deeper and further.

The woman stood in the water and watched this scene silently.


She had completely turned into a human being. She closed her eyes and turned into a corpse, floating along the current towards the depths of the River of Forgetfulness.

After counting the breaths.

The female God of Death quietly appeared.

She floated in mid-air, looking into the depths of the Forgotten River.

"Yunxi, it's up to you."

"Okay," Yun Xi then appeared, exuding inexplicable power fluctuations, and said, "I will call on the power of the Six Paths to enable this evil spirit to move from the tributaries to the main stream - but is it really useful?"

God's tired voice sounded: "The evil demon has passed out and turned into an ordinary human being. It is the best way to make him forget everything and reincarnate. As for Liu Ping - get him back immediately!"


The female Death God hurriedly flew towards the depths of the river.

After a while, she came back carrying a wet Liu Ping.

"Thankfully there is God, and fortunately there is this tributary of the River of Forgetfulness." Liu Ping spat out water and said.

"Even the Forgotten River Water cannot suppress you for too long. Sooner or later, the evil power in you will enter a stage of rapid growth." God said worriedly.

"Why can't he become a demon? In that case, wouldn't he gain more power?" Gaia, the Mother of the Earth, wondered.

"He will become a demon. We have no idea what will happen - don't look at me, I just died. Now my power is at its weakest, sometimes working but not working." God said.

Liu Ping continued: "So it's best to prolong this process as much as possible so that I can adapt to this power bit by bit without being controlled by it immediately."

With a wave of his hand, he took out a big gourd and placed it in the Forgotten River to fill it with water.

As long as you carry the Forgotten River water with you, it can temporarily offset the demonic power.

This way you can slowly adapt to the changes in your body.

"What should we do now?" Master Pao asked.

"Armor-casting—Liu Ping and I have deduced and created a brand-new armor-casting method based on the demon's armor-casting technique." God said.

"What's the effect?" Master Gun asked.

"If you can successfully cast armor, you can use the armor to seal the power of the evil spirit on your body. In the future, you can also cooperate with the 'Gu Ming' to seal that evil spirit." Liu Ping said.

After saying that, he picked up the gourd and took a sip of Wangchuan water.

The strange runes surrounding him gradually dissipated.

The void opens.

A man and a woman appeared quietly.

They are the masters of time and mysteries.

The woman stared at Liu Ping and said, "The Wangchuan water can indeed put you in a state of death, but you only have six days. After six days, it will not be able to withstand the power of the evil spirit."

The man said: "This time is calculated individually, and I can't do anything about it. It only uses your body as a reference."

"So I have to build that armor in six days?" Liu Ping asked.

"That's right," the woman said.

"No more waiting, let's start immediately." Liu Ping said.

"Then come with me. I will take you to a time when dreams are still intact. You must build that armor within six days." The man said.

"Let's go." Liu Ping said.

A vortex opens in the void.

Liu Ping jumped up from the Wangchuan River, followed the man into the whirlpool hole, and disappeared into the world.

After counting the interest.

He suddenly appeared on a train.

Outside the carriage are rolling mountains of ice and snow——

This is where the dream begins.

The man said: "I can't control that nightmare king anymore. It will return to its original era."

"You mean, the era when the nightmare tide began?" Liu Ping asked.


After the man finished speaking, he patted him on the shoulder and disappeared from the train.

Liu Ping looked out the window at the snow-capped mountains.

"It looks like the armor will be cast soon." He murmured softly.

the other side.


A fragmented world.

dark night.

A female corpse opened her eyes.

She stood up and looked around, only to see a mass grave here.

"I died of illness in this body... but who am I?"

There was a look of confusion on the woman's face.

Thousands of miles of solitary peak, no one around except the long wind crying.

A strange memory came to her mind.

This is the memory carried in the body, proving this woman's short life and misery.

The woman gradually showed a thoughtful expression.

"I remember...the essence and true meaning of power in all heavens and worlds."

"All sentient beings, all things, and all existences in all realms should prostrate themselves at my feet."

The woman walked back, sat down in the grave, closed her eyes and entered a state of concentration.

after awhile.

Between heaven and earth, waves of spiritual energy gradually came from all directions.

They disappeared into the woman's body one after another.

Time keeps passing.

Its daybreak.

The woman suddenly opened her eyes and jumped from the grave to the ground with a slight leap.

"I have entered the refining qi, and I can barely resist hunger."

"Give me a little more time..."

"Look at me breaking through the entire cultivation system and standing at the top of all living beings."

"——Then find out the truth of the matter, and then find a way to figure out your identity!"

The woman's eyes were cold, and she had an inexplicable air of contempt for all living beings.

She walked out of the mass grave.

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