Infernal Artist

Chapter 666 Psychic!





Liu Ping walked alone in the snowy field, quietly waiting for the dream mission.

Lines of burning small characters continue to emerge:

"The armor you wish to forge has been learned in the dream."

"Dreamland is a super gathering place imagined by all living beings. It has the ability to transcend reality, but no one has ever imagined casting the Armor of the New Era."

“Things here must be guided.”

Liu Ping looked at the lines of small words and muttered: "Guide..."

"Yes, guide your dream and make it come true."

A female voice sounded from beside him.

Andrea arrived quietly, wearing a red dress and floating on the ice and snow.

"Is there a way to guide dreams? Andrea." Liu Ping asked.

"Yes," Andrea said, "Actually, as a spirit from the Holy Realm, what I am good at is not fighting, but guiding you to obtain the power of the Holy Realm."

"Can the power of the Holy World cast that armor?" Liu Ping asked.

"All power and knowledge are recorded in the Holy World. Even if I don't know it, there are always some spirits from the Holy World who can guide you to obtain what you need to make armor." Andrea said.

"What should I do?" Liu Ping asked.

"You have just finished a fierce battle. You cannot start right now. You need to find a suitable place, eat and drink enough, and fall asleep in the warmth." Andrea said.

"It sounds like it's for a sweet dream." Liu Ping said.

"That's not true, this is actually called channeling——"

Andrea's expression became serious as she spoke: "You must be in the best condition to welcome this channeling. I will guide you to meet the spirit of the Holy World."

"Okay." Liu Ping thought for a while, then reached out and made a secret.

With him as the center, a force suddenly spread out in all directions, forming a barrier out of thin air.

Liu Ping lit another fire to warm the small camp.

He randomly took out some dry food from the storage bag.

I haven't eaten these things for a long time.

I never imagined that I would be cooking a good meal in my dream.

He took out a pot, lit the fire, and soon seven or eight dishes were cooked.

Andrea helped make a dining table and two chairs out of stones.

The two of them served the meal together.

"Speaking of which, I haven't eaten food in a long time." Andrea said.

Liu Ping poured himself a glass of Wangchuan water and said:

"Yes, this kind of thing seems to have become very luxurious - in fact, when I was practicing Taoism, many people were proud to eat the food I cooked."

Andrea took a bite of the dish and immediately praised it.

The two of them chatted casually and ate all the food on the table.

After eating, Liu Ping took a short rest, moved a futon and placed it next to the bonfire, and sat on it comfortably.

"Aren't you going to lie down?" Andrea asked.

"As a practitioner, the most comfortable thing is actually to cross your legs, ignore everything, just watch the emptiness and watch the world change." Liu Ping said.

"Very good, your condition has recovered, and I feel more confident." Andrea said.



Liu Ping took a deep breath and stopped breathing.

After resting for a while, his spirit seemed less tired, and he quickly entered a deep state of concentration.

Andrea stood in front of him, raised her hand and pressed it between his eyebrows, silently reciting obscure spells.

I don’t know how long it took.

Time seems to have become extremely long, and it seems that just a moment has passed.

"wake up!"

Andrea shouted.

Liu Ping suddenly opened his eyes and saw that he had left the snowfield and camp.

There is mist between heaven and earth.

The entire world is filled with endless dead bones, covering everywhere in Liu Ping's sight, extending to the invisible end of the world.

"Is this the holy world?" Liu Ping asked.

"No, this is the residence of a spirit from the Holy World. No one knows where this place is. It's because I know it that I can take you to visit." Andrea said.

While the two were talking, a huge figure appeared on the horizon.

The figure was as big as a mountain. It spread its wings and flapped a few times at will, then crossed the bone-covered land and landed directly in front of the two people.

This is surprisingly a strange bird with twelve human heads!

Its twelve heads were arranged in a fan shape, some staring into the void, some looking back, some looking towards the sky, and only one head looked towards Andrea and Liu Ping.

"Dragon Girl, what do you want to do when you bring a dreamer to my place?"

The head looked a bit like a human and asked.

"He saved my life. I am serving as his spirit in the lower world, so I brought him to visit you." Andrea said.

"Oh, that's it. Welcome to be our guest."

As the strange bird spoke, it opened its mouth and took out several twisted corpses from the pile of bones on the ground, and placed them in front of the two of them.

"Eat." It gestured.

Liu Ping's face froze as he looked at the twisting and struggling corpses on the ground.

Andrea pulled Liu Ping and said with a smile: "You're welcome. Actually, we came here for other reasons."

"What's the matter?" The strange bird took a corpse into its mouth and ate it in a few mouthfuls.

"We want to build a battle armor for the next era. I already have the method, but there are some materials and methods that I can't use," Liu Ping said.

The words just fell.

The twelve heads of the strange bird turned together, all staring at Liu Ping.

Liu Ping noticed that each of its heads had a line of small characters "?????" floating on it.

A head made entirely of flames spoke: "As far as I know, the next era is called the 'Era of the End', and it is the last era."

A head exuding countless runes of reverse flow said: "The evil demon will end all living beings, and then linger in all 'empty' until the end of eternity."

A head that looked like a beast said: "Since Andrea is willing to bring you here, it means that you have indeed obtained their armor-making method."

A head purely made of wood said: "As for their armor, I know the origin of some materials - after all, they do not appear out of thin air. The armor can only be made by drawing materials from all things in the world. "

Liu Ping was shocked.

Sure enough, we came to the right place!

This being at least knows where some of the armor-making materials are, and that’s hope!

A head made entirely of light said: "But why should I tell you the materials for making armor?"

Liu Ping spread his hands and said, "I can exchange."

"Exchange?" Twelve heads shouted together, "Nothing in the lower world can reach the holy world. The things you take out cannot stay here, so you can't make a deal with me!"

When the strange bird said this, his mood suddenly became depressed.

It shook its head, turned around, and prepared to fly away.

Andrea suddenly said: "The Holy World will not let you spit out the food you eat, right?"

As soon as the strange bird opened its wings, its whole body shook suddenly and it stopped motionless.

Andrea smiled sweetly and said: "What do you want to eat? We came up from the lower world through dreams. We can return to the lower world at any time and get you something to eat."


Do you want to bribe the big boss in front of you with the simplest means of eating?

Liu Ping glanced at Andrea.

Andrea gave him a reassuring look.


The next moment, the strange bird suddenly turned around, rushed forward a few steps, retracted its claws, and crawled in front of the two people and said:

"Are you sure you can get something to eat?"

"I promise." Andrea said.

The strange bird's mouth opened, and large amounts of saliva flowed out. It shook its head and said, "According to the rules, I cannot be greedy for food from the lower world -"

"We are treating you," Liu Ping said.

He also saw that eating seemed to be really useful!

The strange bird stared at him, sniffing its twelve heads together, and suddenly said: "I smelled an evil dragon scent called 'Shape of Ashes' from you. It is waiting for you in a place - it seems You have a festival, can you give it to me?"

Liu Ping paused and asked: "What should I do specifically? What should I do to make you eat it? Bring it to the holy world?"

"You think too simply. You can come to the Holy Realm only because of Andrea's power, plus the power of dreams, so you can make the trip. Otherwise, you wouldn't be able to come up at all."

The strange bird said.

"So, what about the shape of ashes?" Liu Ping asked.

"A special method must be used. It depends on whether it wants to eat that guy." Andrea said.

The strange bird opened its mouth and spit out a stone tablet, which fell to the ground with a crash.

I saw that the stone tablet was covered with strange words.

"This is an ancient spell from seven eras ago. Anyone who casts this spell at will means that they are about to sacrifice to me." The strange bird said.

"Is it enough if I recite this spell?" Liu Ping asked.

"Defeat it, place it in front of the stone tablet, chant the spell, and I can eat it." The strange bird said.

"Okay, if we let you eat this meal—"

"I'll tell you the materials needed to make armor!"

"It's a deal."

"It's a deal."


Liu Ping opened his eyes.

Andrea said: "Shall we go find the three-headed dragon?"

"No, let's not look for it in this main time and space. Let's go to the parallel world." Liu Ping said.

That's right.

In a parallel world, the form of ash seems to be still playing hide and seek.

It is under the guard of the Four Laws.

It is in that world and cannot leave for a while!

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