Infernal Artist

Chapter 667 Two clowns!


A clear female voice sounded:

"Waiter, serve the wine and some of your signature dishes."

The waiter followed the call and went out.

I saw a delicate-looking woman standing at the door of the restaurant, wearing a colorful feather coat, holding a whisk, looking at me.


The waiter's heart skipped a beat and he immediately responded loudly:

"Hello, Fairy, please take a seat. Good wine and food will be coming soon!"

After saying that, he hurried to the kitchen to order the dishes.

The woman then took steps, climbed up the steps to the second floor, and sat down by the window.

Food is important.

Cultivation requires a huge amount of energy, and eating is a simple and essential way to replenish energy.

Pills are also a way.

However, the elixir is too powerful, and it takes a certain amount of time for the meridians and Dantian to recover after each use.


The human body is so fragile.

The woman sighed silently, feeling a little irritated.

Yes, since practicing Taoism, I have discovered that the human body is so fragile, and even minor injuries will make me feel painful——

So what exactly was he before?

The woman closed her eyes and tried her best to think about it, but she couldn't remember it.

She felt even more irritated, so she simply performed the techniques and started practicing.

——There is nothing wrong with practicing.

I need to become stronger!


A male voice sounded from across the table:

"I am Zhao Chong, a disciple of Wansong Clan. I have met the fairy."

The woman opened her eyes.

I saw several male monks appearing across from me.

They all looked at themselves with burning eyes.

——Since I started practicing, I have used many methods to reshape my body, cleanse my marrow and remove my hair. I have also used other methods to continuously improve my body, so that this body already possesses highly perfect characteristics.

The dual evolution of genes and soul has brought the proportions of the body and the coordination of the facial features to the extreme.

Sitting here without moving is an example of natural evolution.

To put it in layman’s terms——

Your own body is the epitome of all beauty.

This is the only way to become stronger.

But it will also cause some troubles that you have not imagined.

"I have no intention of mating with you humans, and I'm about to eat. Do you understand?" the woman said calmly.

The faces of several male cultivators opposite showed strange expressions.

——Why does this female nun talk like this!

"Fairy," the leading male cultivator said, cupping his hands, "May I ask which sect you are a disciple of?"

"Get out!" the woman said impatiently.

He has already stated that he does not want to mate, so why do these male humans continue to talk nonsense?

Time is such a precious thing. If you don't seize the time to practice, you are still going to hinder me from becoming stronger?

The woman's eyes swept over the monks.

His current strength is not enough to kill them all at once.

If you really fight, you will definitely get hurt.

That would greatly delay the speed of your own practice.

Is there any solution?

"Fairy, when you say the word 'get out', it usually means you have a grudge against us." The leading male cultivator said.

"As for the enemy, even if she is very beautiful, we will not show mercy." Another male monk said.

The woman said patiently: "I'm here to eat, don't mess with me unless you want to die."

This sentence is already her greatest compromise——

Because I actually gave a reasonable explanation to these human practitioners!


What a humiliation...

The woman's expression remained unchanged, her silver teeth clenched loudly in her mouth.

Several male cultivators opposite listened, but did not understand her kindness at all.

The leading male cultivator laughed loudly, put a sword on the table, and said with sharp eyes:

"You haven't said a few words, but you keep provoking me. This is not good."

The woman closed her eyes.

Is there any way? Is there any way? Is there any way?


No, actually there is!

A special method is included in the setting collection, which was created by some strange practitioners.

Because those practitioners arrived at an unfamiliar divine pillar, the vanguard of the nightmares finally obtained the relevant information and added it to the setting collection.

That method is called——


The method of Jiuyou makes practice as fast as climbing a cloud ladder and as fast as a dragon swimming.

Its only flaw—no, it can’t actually be considered a flaw, but a necessary condition.

Its only necessary condition is to kill.

Killing... is such a simple thing.

The woman's hands turned around, her eyes glowed with a scarlet light, and her whole body's aura also changed accordingly.

"Forget it, since there is better food, it's okay not to eat the food."

She picked up the whisk from the table.

next moment.

A distant roar erupted in the restaurant.

Amidst several screams, vigorous blood mist flew out and sprinkled down the street like drizzle.

parallel world.

Hide and seek contest scene.

Liu Ping appeared quietly and looked around.

The whole world is in depression, without any life.

A small figure emerged from his hair and whispered: "Rita asked me to tell you that all the contestants in this world are dead, and you are the only one who is still alive."

"Thanks, Lilith." Liu Ping said.

That doomsday was really powerful, and it actually took care of all the nightmare lords trapped here.

The Lords of Nightmares are all subordinates of evil spirits.


What force is it again?

Liu Ping was just thinking when he suddenly saw a person quietly appearing on the ruins of a nearby wall.

It was a clown wearing a white mask.

He appeared so naturally that when Liu Ping found out, he had already taken out a flying knife.

"Your Excellency?"

Liu Ping drew out his Baina knife and made a defensive posture.

"Don't be nervous, I'm just a passerby. Because we have a common profession, I'm here to help you." The white-faced clown stood on the broken wall and said with a smile.

"Common profession? You mean - clown?" Liu Ping asked.

"That's right."

The clown saluted him, swayed back and forth on the wall, and sang loudly:

"The clown who guards Purgatory knows everything,"

"He came to check on the situation and found two nasty guys,"

"One is the multi-doomsday, and the other is the feeder of worlds,"

"Oh la la, we are not afraid at all, we are not afraid at all,"

The clown suddenly stopped, pointed at Liu Ping and said, "Guess why?"

Liu Ping spread his hands and said: "If you are on my side, then we are two against two."

The white-faced clown snapped his fingers and said, "That's right, because we are two clowns!"

The wind blows.

There was silence.

The white-faced clown held a throwing knife in his mouth and remained motionless in a funny posture on the wall.

Liu Ping opened his mouth and was about to say something when he suddenly saw a line of small words popping up above the other person's head:

"The inner administrator of the Pillar of Purgatory, the guardian of the other world, the destroyer, the killing clown, the companion of the King of Eternal Destruction, and one of the founders of the mysterious organization."

You can tell just by looking at the name——

This guy is quite strong!

I just don’t know why he would be on my side.

The ground suddenly shook.

A figure penetrated the void and flew from the extremely distant mountains.

Lord of the manor!

His gorgeous clothes had long since become tattered and in a state of tatters. He gasped: "Which of you has escaped the multiple falls at the end of time and space? Who is the last person?"

Before Liu Ping could speak to the white-faced clown, his expression suddenly turned ferocious and he shouted: "No matter what, as long as I kill both of you, this matter will be over!"

Almost at the same moment, the white-faced clown said:

"I'll take him away, and you go kill that little bug with three heads. When the battle is over, we'll have a drink together."

The words just fell.

The void began to twist, and a world suddenly flew in from a distance, wrapping the clown and the manor owner in it, and then quickly disappeared from Liu Ping's eyes.

Liu Ping: "...Andrea, do you know what this is?"

"There may be some changes hidden in this parallel world that we don't know about. By the way, who chose this parallel world in the first place?" Andrea asked.

"It's God." Liu Ping said.

"God, he may have other deep meanings that we don't know about - look, the dragon is coming!" Andrea said.

Liu Ping looked into the distance.

I saw a giant dragon with three heads soaring in the sky, flying slowly towards this side.

Even halfway, it made a roar that shook the heaven and the earth:

"I feel it. The last person I want to kill has appeared——"

"I want you to die!"

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