Infernal Artist

Chapter 679 Resurrection!

"Purgatory and the Pillar of Eternal Night have been turned into nothingness."

"It doesn't exist in dreams!"

All the small words disappeared in a flash.

Liu Ping stood in the void, watching the burning divine pillar that exuded the aura of sin and punishment gradually become illusory until it completely disappeared.

——The divine pillar no longer exists!

despite this.

Liu Ping sensed carefully and could still sense some residual power.

This kind of breath is like a chapter or some kind of tail. Only he can sense its existence.

At the same time, a flash of realization flashed in his mind.

The dramatist's ability is "to turn anything real into falsehood, and to cancel this effect at any time."

The only breath left is to "cancel" the current false effect.

——You can cancel this effect at any time.

Liu Ping said:

"Is it okay now? I think this is enough to prevent the pillar from being noticed by more evil demons."

no respond.

He looked back, but didn't see the Dream Guardian.

It's not here anymore.

Liu Ping was surprised when he suddenly saw a figure flashing from the very far distance.

That is a very beautiful woman.

Rain of blood!

She stared at Liu Ping and said with a cold expression: "You deceived me... and took away my knowledge and skills."

Liu Ping shrugged and said, "Understand it, you used that flag to change our race, and now you are saying I was wrong. This seems a bit too shameless."

Xueyu made a move at random.

The flag of white bones and black blood suddenly appeared in the void.

However, before she could make any move, Liu Ping shouted loudly: "Are you going to change the race again? Come on!"

Xueyu stared at him and said, "You——"

Liu Ping interrupted it and said: "What are you doing? Now I have a better understanding of the knowledge and skills of evil spirits, right? When we fight again, I will definitely be able to deal with you better, believe it or not?"

This is of course true.

He has gained the ability to control the power of evil spirits from Xue Yu, and can even control huge armors.

The balance of victory and defeat has quietly tilted slightly.

Xue Yu suddenly hesitated.

Just at this moment, one after another ferocious demonic faces appeared on the black flag.

They stared around through the black blood banner.

Countless demonic auras spread out in all directions through the banner, penetrating the endless void.

A moment.

A strange voice sounded from the banner:

"It turns out to be the dream of all living beings..."

"What a sad place. There is nothing but the last dream of the soul. Without our intervention, it will collapse sooner or later, because after losing all living beings, the dream will wake up sooner or later."

"It's just such a piece of trash. It's really not worth taking action, let alone going to the dreamland. It would be too ridiculous."

"The flag bearer——"

"I'll leave it to you here. Anyway, your performance is just like that piece of trash. It's insignificant."

The words fell.

The group of faces on the black blood banner quietly disappeared.

Dead silence.

Neither Xueyu nor Liu Ping spoke.

Although time does not exist, everything is still moving forward.

Several breaths passed.

Liu Ping said tentatively: "Look, you can't beat me now, why don't we live in harmony?"

Xue Yu bit Yin Ya again and again, and said sternly: "Don't be complacent, when my strength increases again, I will definitely kill you!"

She flashed, flew into the distance, and soon disappeared.

Liu Ping stood there with his arms folded, thinking secretly in his heart——

Do you want to give her another drink of Forget River water?

It's a pity that she is only in the golden elixir realm now. Wouldn't she die immediately if she took a sip?

Rather than creating an unstable situation, it would be better to...

Let her be.

When her cultivation reaches a certain height, it will not be too late to reincarnate her.

Thinking of this, Liu Ping let go of his thoughts.


Lines of burning small characters quietly appeared:

"When you released the 'Dramatist', the Dream Guardian completed a cooperation with you."

"The demons attracted by it specially investigated the dream and came to a conclusion."

"From now on, Dreamland will be in a safe situation for a long time."


"You worked together to pull off a deception."

"This is also a way that the dream guardian never thought of, but it made the evil spirit retreat."

"You've added a little more drama."

"Current scene: 1/10."

"Please continue to improve your performance to unlock new performance abilities."

Collect all the fine print.

In the dark void, the endless light of stars once again appeared before Liu Ping's eyes.

Dream Guardian.

It appeared in the void again, with a slight smile on its face:

"Evil demons hate all worthless actions. When they find that dreams are not worth mentioning, they completely lose interest."

"Except for the flag bearer."

"It must kill you to regain its dignity and status."

Liu Ping answered: "What should we do now? Although the evil spirits have temporarily retreated, we can't just wait here and do nothing."

The guardian of the dream looked down at him and whispered: "It took too much power from the 'mystery' to turn the entire Purgatory and the Pillar of Eternal Night into nothingness. Now you can only activate that ability once more, so you must let it go." 'Arcanum' goes to rest."

"You mean, I need to activate that ability again now?" Liu Ping asked.

"If you want to save your friends like you said, you must activate that ability again... If you make the right choice, I will let you answer the last question." The dream guardian said.

"What will happen if you answer that question?" Liu Ping asked.

"The world of Purgatory and Eternal Night is the most magical world among all worlds. On the surface, it is just a world where heroic spirits and corpses gather. In fact, it has its own door, which can lead to some unknown world."

The guardian of the dream said: "If you answer the last question correctly, the door to the dream world will be opened for you, and you will witness the truth about purgatory and eternal night."

Liu Ping fell into deep thought.

"Dramatist" could be used again.

——For what purpose should it be used?

First exclude "time".

The thing that Ms. Mystery looks forward to most is the "time" of resurrection.

However, she did not appear at this moment, nor did she make any request.


What should I do?

Liu Ping closed his eyes and carefully recalled everything he had experienced.

The Dream Guardian was entrenched in the void, patiently waiting for him to make a decision.

Tens of breaths later.

Liu Ping opened his eyes, opened his card book, and pulled out a card.

"Is this your choice?" the dream guardian asked.

Liu Ping looked at the girl on the card and said softly: "Yes, from the beginning of the dream to the end, she was by my side, and people kept reminding me -"

"She's the only hope."

He displayed the card in front of the Dream Guardian.

I saw a girl in a red dress painted on the card, her eyes closed and she fell into a deep sleep.

When all the truth was revealed, all the cards appeared to be sleeping.

She is no exception.

——She is the spirit of the Holy World, Andrea!

The guardian of the dream stopped asking and just looked at Liu Ping quietly.

Liu Ping continued: "Since she is the only hope, it proves that she can definitely do anything that no one else can do. However, in the long dream, she did not show any corresponding ability. I guess this There is only one reason—"

"She's dead."

"Now, I want to resurrect her."

Liu Ping held the card, and an inexplicable power surged through his body, all of which was absorbed into the card.

Lines of burning small characters appeared quickly:

"You unleash the power of the Dramatist."

"Your choice is: turn a real death into a false one."

"The current card has already withstood your power."

"Her death has become a false thing. In other words-"

"You resurrected the Holy Spirit in this dream: Andrea."

Collect all the fine print.

The girl on the card moved.

The guardian of the dream suddenly spoke:

"I want to remind you that people often deal with everything intuitively in dreams. This is actually quite different from their true personalities in reality."

The words just fell.

The girl slowly opened her eyes, showing confusion.

Soon, she figured out the current situation, jumped up, and flew out of the card.

Liu Ping looked intently and saw that Andrea looked a little different.

Her eyes flashed from time to time, turning into vertical pupils for a while, then returning to their original shape. They paused for a moment on Liu Ping's face, and then quickly swept around.


Andrea uttered one word.

"Are you an adult?" Liu Ping asked.

"Stop talking nonsense, I have been alive for who knows how many years - damn it, when I saved sentient beings, I told the summoners to give me some treatment and follow them, but they all died -"

"A bunch of losers!"

There was a cruel look in Andrea's eyes.

Liu Ping silently lit a cigarette for her.

Andrea took a deep breath and moved her neck with a tired expression.

Liu Ping noticed large tattoos on her arms.


Not a tattoo.

It's a real dragon scale.

Wisps of blood emerged from the dragon's scales and dripped down his arms.

——She was originally a dragon!

Liu Ping thought for a moment, waved his hand and released a healing spell.

The bleeding slowly stopped.

Andrea glanced at him, nodded and said:

"I roughly remember what happened in the dream. You did a good job. You were able to find a ray of life for all sentient beings at the end of this world. It's not a condescension for me to be your soul."

"You in the dream - it seems different from reality." Liu Ping said truthfully.

Andrea took a deep breath from the cigarette, exhaled the lingering cloud of smoke, folded her arms and said, "Dreams are just fragments. Now, you are welcome to get to know the real me."

She pinched out the cigarette with two fingers, grabbed Liu Ping's neck and said, "Young handsome boy, get me some food. Once I'm full and full, I'll take you to sneak across the border."

"Smuggling? Where to go?" Liu Ping asked.

Andrea touched him and immediately pulled out a bottle of wine.

She bit open the bottle cap, took a sip, then put down the bottle and said:

"Isn't this Purgatory and the Pillar of Eternal Night?"

"Yes." Liu Ping said.

"Let's go call someone - even this young lady is dead. If we don't get this place back, how will we be able to survive in the future?" Andrea said.

Liu Ping silently looked up at the Dream Guardian.

——This is the Holy Spirit?

Dragon clan?

Andrea's true form?

The guardian of the dream couldn't avoid his eyes, and suddenly nodded and said: "Well, Liu Ping, you did a good job. Congratulations on passing my last test. The door to the other world of the dream will be opened for you, and you will witness the transformation of purgatory and eternal night." the truth."

Liu Ping looked down at his arms.

Andrea hooked his neck with one hand and held the wine bottle with the other, revealing the dragon scales all over her body, and poured strong wine into her mouth.

While she was drinking, she was cursing a certain battle in a low voice:

"Trash, these damn guys are not good at all. I am rushing in front alone... They are all afraid of death... a bunch of scum, bastards!"

——This is Andrea!

She was not like this when she was in the dream!

Is this a kind of death in the light?

Is it the disillusionment of life?


What about Yana?

And who else?

Liu Ping was silent for a few breaths, and his eyes met the dream guardian again.

"Well... can I still go back to the dream?" he asked.

"No! You already know the secret of the dream, how can you continue to dream?" the dream guardian said seriously.

Liu Ping whispered: "I suddenly feel that... I am no longer so eager to know the real world."

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