Infernal Artist

Chapter 680 Above the eternal night!

"Are the arrangements made?" Andrea asked.

The guardian of the dream said: "It has been arranged that the flag holder will always be in the fragmented world of six reincarnations, unless she reaches an extremely high level of cultivation and starts to break through the void and ascend -"

"She won't have that chance," Andrea said.

"Let's start, Liu Ping, return Purgatory and the Eternal Night Pillar. Now we have to face the real secret." The Dream Guardian said.

Liu Ping followed his words and pressed lightly into the void.

In an instant, two lines of small burning characters appeared in front of his eyes:

"You undo the 'false' effect."

"Purgatory and the Pillar of Eternal Night are about to appear in the dream again!"

The outline of the divine pillar slowly emerged in the dark void.

The heroic spirits sleeping on the sacred pillars once again appeared like statues.

——They are still sleeping.

"Finally the moment has come."

Andrea sighed.

The dream guardian exuded a magnificent starlight, and his tone became deep and grand:

"Liuping, you can start telling the trio about the death of the world. This is your qualification."

Liu Ping fell into thinking.

The Trio of the Death of the World——

It is three questions:

1. How is a place like a ‘temporary prison for the useless’ structured?

Second, if there is a world similar to a ‘temporary prison for the useless’, how to conquer this world;

Third, if a world similar to a 'temporary prison for the useless' has a will, then how can it be resurrected after its death?

Liu Ping said:

"Now we know the answer to the first question is:"

“The ‘temporary prison of the useless’ is made of the world;”

"The answer to the second question is:"

"This world is dead. As long as you find a way to resurrect it, you can gain its allegiance;"

As for the answer to the third question——

"Can I continue talking now?" Liu Ping asked.

To his surprise, the Dream Guardian didn't answer immediately, but looked at Andrea.

"You made the right choice and was the first to resurrect her. So if you can continue talking, you have to ask her opinion."

The dream guardian said.

Liu Ping looked at Andrea.

Andrea took a sip of wine, but instead of drinking it, she sprayed a stream of wine mist towards the dream guardian in mid-air.

"You courageous guy, I have just been resurrected, and you immediately put the blame on me?" She said with a pair of beautiful eyes.

"I only care about the dream, and you have been resurrected. You should face the real thing." The dream guardian said helplessly.

Andrea stared at the Dream Guardian for a while, then slowly turned her gaze to Liu Ping.

Liu Ping shrugged, saying that he was not clear about the situation.

Andrea lowered her head in frustration, waved her hands and said:

"Your name is Liu Ping, right? Oh, there's really nothing we can do."

"What's the problem?" Liu Ping asked.

"It feels very bad to have to sacrifice your life just after you have survived." Andrea said dejectedly.

Liu Ping said softly:

"We have to save many people and kill the evil spirits - this is what we have been working hard to do, and we have never given up from dreams to reality, right?"

Andrea showed a look of reminiscence and murmured:

"Yes, you have always done a good job and saved me from the endless darkness. From that time on, my dreams are no longer painful and scary..."

Liu Ping handed over a cigarette.

Andrea didn't answer, but flew forward and hugged Liu Ping gently.

"Well, it feels the same as in the dream."

She seemed to cheer up and scratched the back of her head, showing her cute side.

"Okay, that's it anyway, feel free to tell the secret, I support you!"

She looked at Liu Ping boldly, with firmness in her eyes.

The corners of Liu Ping's mouth gradually curved.

Who says her personality is completely different in reality?

Although there are some deviations——

But when she wasn't cursing, she made so many little moves, which was actually just because of her inner uneasiness.

Liu Ping's heart turned.

In reality, people often put on a shell or put on a mask due to different circumstances.

In fact, it is in dreams that people show their truest side.

in other words--

I know what the real Andrea is like.

"Then I'll say it." Liu Ping said.

The Dream Guardian and Andrea held their breath together and waited quietly.

Liu Ping continued:

"The third question is, if a world similar to a 'temporary prison for the useless' has a will, then how can it be resurrected after its death."

"Actually, the answer is hidden in the first question."

"If you want to resurrect a world with a will, after it dies, the way to resurrect it is-"

"Reframe it."

The words fell.

The Prison Suppressing Knife erupted into a long and high-pitched cry.

"Silence" is automatically activated!

The entire head of the Dream Guardian suddenly spread out and turned into countless rapidly rotating stars, surrounding Liu Ping in the center like a hurricane.

Countless cracks flashed in the surrounding void, as if there were countless beings wanting to pry into what was happening here.

But under the illumination of billions of stars, all the cracks closed one by one, making it impossible to open a little, let alone the secrets here.

"Holy Spirit, it's your turn." The Dream Guardian whispered.

Andrea snorted coldly and whispered into Liu Ping's ear:

"The door is open."

She hooked Liu Ping's neck and dragged him downwards.

The two of them were getting faster and faster.

The divine pillar gradually turned into a blurry afterimage not far from them.

They penetrated the roar of the wind and flew down along the divine pillar. Starlight appeared in the void along the way, following them closely, as if they were protecting them.

"Where are you going?" Liu Ping couldn't help but ask.

"Go to the top of the Divine Pillar - the dream is upside down. In fact, the Purgatory Divine Pillar is at the bottom, with eternal night in the middle. We are now going to the real place above the eternal night." Andrea said.

"Isn't there a Void Divine Pillar under the Purgatory Divine Pillar?" Liu Ping asked doubtfully.

"That one is fake - it was made by the Dream Guardian to deceive people. It didn't even trust you at first, so it placed a fake divine pillar to prevent you from being controlled by the armor." Andrea said.

Liu Ping nodded silently.

In fact, he completely understood the Dream Guardian's style of doing things.

From giving the armor a replica of the Soul Moon Secret Jade to setting up a fake soul birthplace, it was all to prevent the dream from being breached by evil spirits.

If it hadn't been so cautious -

The dream has long since ended.

A thought suddenly flashed through Liu Ping's mind and he quickly said:

"Wait a minute—supposedly the place where the soul originates should be at the top of the divine pillar. Since the dream is upside down, it should be at—"

"Above the eternal night." Andrea said solemnly.

The next moment.

Lines of burning small characters quietly emerged:

"You are a real person."

“Your Holy Spirit is risen and is the Spirit of truth.”

"The Keeper of the Dream has allowed you to enter the secret door hidden in the dream."

"You have the door key: Soul Moon Secret Jade."

"The door at the top of Evernight has been opened."

"You have reached the eternal night!"


A huge impact came from all directions, and disappeared into nothingness amidst the light of the stars and a burst of dragon roar.

Liu Ping felt as if he had entered an abyss.

It’s just that there’s something special about this ocean abyss——

It is dark red.


Liu Ping didn't have time to think about it, he just felt himself being hugged by Andrea from behind, and the two of them floated up quickly.


Reflected on the top of the waves, a colorful floating red dome appears.

The light is getting stronger and stronger!


Two heads floating on the sea.

"Here we are."

Andrea jumped lightly and sat on Liu Ping's shoulders. She gathered her wet long hair with her hands and braided them quickly.

Liu Ping took a few breaths and glanced around.

The sky is dark gray.

The high and distant clouds flow slowly, and sometimes a few stars appear.

And he and Andrea were in a sea of ​​water.

The sea is endless as far as the eye can see.

The sea water was undulating, revealing a deep red color like blood, as if it had never changed since an extremely long time.

Andrea's voice sounded quietly:

"You have completed the 'Triple of Death of the World', so you are qualified to come here."

"From now on, we will start from this real place hidden in dreams, all the way down, return to the eternal night, pass through its inner world, and reach the deepest part of purgatory."

Liu Ping asked in confusion: "What are we going to do?"

While braiding her own hair, Andrea said: "Deep in the inner world of Purgatory, there are many powerful beings from past eras imprisoned. Their bodies have died in eternal night, and their souls are suffering in Purgatory."

"We are going to Eternal Night to reconstruct their bodies in order to make them surrender - just like what you got from the Trio of Death of the World."

"Can they defeat evil spirits?" Liu Ping asked.

"No, we must rely on them to reach the deepest part of purgatory." Andrea said.

"What are we going to do?"

"Go to the deepest part of purgatory and wake up the most terrifying guy."

As if she remembered something, Andrea slowly stopped moving her hands, her body trembled, and she couldn't help but shudder.

Liu Ping felt the fear in her heart.

He looked into space.

There were several lines of burning small words quietly emerging:


"You have arrived at the place where all high-level heroic spirits live, and where the Hall of Heroes is located."

"——Welcome to the world of blood sea."

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