Infinite Bloodcore

Chapter 691: Attack and Defense of Snowbird Port - Youth Change

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The dragon boy had prepared for the worst possible battle for this teleportation, but it turned out to be smooth sailing without any twists and turns.

No one noticed their transmission.

The dragon boy was also familiar with the place where the big man was imprisoned.

Back then, he had also gone deep into the dungeon beneath the City Lord's Mansion.

After going out, he and Hutong immediately came to the dock to observe the entire battlefield.

Instead of taking action directly, he chose to do something else.

The sudden and inexplicable alarm was caused by him.

However, due to the use of deceptive magic, no one present found the source of the alarm.

It can be seen that, facing opponents of the level of Snowbird Harbor City Lord and Tan Mo, Charming Blue Magic is still highly practical. As for the Utopia family's discovery of Zidi's trick, it was not because they saw through the deception and disguise technique, but because they relied on their own monitoring capabilities to discover the flaw of the "two dragon suits".

In terms of military talents, the dragon boy is naturally not as good as Zong Ge, but he has experienced several large-scale battles and has practical experience.

The dragon boy stood aside and watched, and was pleased to find that the military quality of his mercenaries had improved significantly compared to before he left.

Of course, the regular navy has higher military quality, which led to the dragon boy's early warning, which did not achieve good results.

But on the other hand, he got results.

He continued to observe through magic and magic, and saw many hidden traitors and spies exposed.

He also arranged alchemy props to record this scene and wait for the end of the battle to sort them out one by one.

"Our ship has been repaired and has been parked at the Snowbird Port Pier. Since the Lord of Snowbird Port is an imperial spy, he will definitely infiltrate and instigate rebellion secretly."

"Every new person we recruit is suspected. Our former people may also be incited to rebel."

"Just like the two leaders of the Bayonet Gang, weren't they arranged by the Lord of Snowbird Harbor? The Imperial Secret Intelligence Organization itself is the largest espionage organization in the main plane."

The dragon boy knew: This is an excellent opportunity, and it will not be so easy to come across in the future.

He decided to take advantage of this rare opportunity to see who would jump out.

"No matter who it is, I will deal with it seriously!" The dragon boy has made the corresponding decision.

Of course, for other survivors, the dragon boy has always given him the greatest degree of trust.

But he could not deny the possibility that some of the survivors were bribed and instigated to rebel.

The dragon boy is always changing.

On the mysterious island, he used his blood core to transform into different life forms. After leaving the mysterious island, he transformed into a dragon-man and then into a fish-man.

His changes are not limited to these superficial aspects.

Various experiences continue to shape his mind, evolve his worldview, values, and outlook on life, touch his soul, and broaden his horizons.

Deep under the sea, he and Cang Xu supported each other and kept discussing, and he was absorbing Cang Xu's advantages.

He deceived the Charming Blue God and used the Charming Blue magic to deceive the Lord God of the Earth Element and the Necromancer, save the big man and steal the divinity of death. All kinds of personal experiences allowed him to fully appreciate the power of deception!

After that, he discovered the secret spy identity of the city lord of Snowbird Harbor, and discovered that the lords of Tanmo and Snowbird Harbor wanted to scheme against the Dragon and Lion Mercenary Group, which deeply touched the fish-man boy's heart - I deceived others, and others also deceived them. You're deceiving me! I must always be careful, because the world outside the Mysterious Island is also full of cruel competition for survival.

In fact, the competition in the world outside the island is more complicated, mixed with countless conspiracies and plots. They are friends on the surface, but actually enemies (the Lord of Snowbird Port). Or the relationship between enemies and friends is constantly changing (Hun Tong).

"A powerful party will also be plotted against. Just like the Earth Element Lord and the Necromancer."

"What's more, the Lord of Snowbird Harbor is not a weakling, he has considerable strength!"

The dragon boy himself is quite cautious.

With all these touches, he went to the royal capital and observed for a while before taking action. The results were very good, and he also defrauded the Satoma family. Although the effect has not yet been achieved, the main purpose has been achieved.

This time the operation to reinforce the Dragon and Lion Mercenary Regiment branch was the same.


The young dragon man standing on the edge of the battlefield watching the battle is no longer just a warrior on the Mysterious Island, more than a morale booster on the Snake and Rat Island, and more than just a charging general on the Eye-Eye Island, but a A tactician who gradually learned to plan before taking action.

The dragon boy is back!

What he brought back was not only his new combat power, but also his improved mind.

Returning to Snowbird Harbor with him were Crying Wind, Finling, the little prince and the sea snake girl.

Yes, the so-called "wolf howl" is the crying wind.

The three swordsmen couldn't identify them because these people were blessed with many deception spells.

As for Langxiao's fighting style of being reckless and unafraid of death, the root cause is that he is an undead being. Many fatal injuries are only minor injuries to the undead life forms.

People like Crying Wind, Little Prince, Sea Snake Girl, and Fin Spirit performed teleportation blood sacrifices in the ocean brood, and were easily captured by the fish-man boy.

In the subsequent blasphemous prayer, the fishman boy gained a lot of experience in memory modification.

After a careful and rigorous discussion with Cang Xu, the fish-man boy began to transform the memories of these prisoners.

The survivors originally had memory crystal manufacturing devices in their hands, which was one of the important legacies of the war mongers.

The fish-man boy has mastered a lot of deception skills. When used together, not to mention complementing each other, it is a perfect match!

The memory hiding technique allows their original memories to be compressed and hidden into a single point.

The secret of the memory switch technique lies in the hands of the fish-man boy, so that these memories are always closed.

Although the new memories are not detailed enough, they are enough to make these transformed prisoners extremely loyal to the dragon boy!

Add a lot of equipment to them, and they will have instant combat power.


Where does this equipment come from?

Silver-level equipment is widely circulated in the market. The ban on armor in the Ice Sculpture Kingdom only limits gold level and above.

Money can buy it.

And the survivors are now...


Zidi's hard-fought business plan has been extremely fruitful so far. Her contribution was huge, and the survivors not only had very strong cash flow, but also had a very healthy overall financial situation.

However, the equipment worn by Crying Wind and others was not urgently purchased from the market after the dragon boy came back.

Instead, the Dragon and Lion Mercenary Group have been executing plans to acquire equipment since they landed on the island.

At one time, due to a shortage of funds, Sandao, who was secretly in charge of the Dragon and Lion Mercenary Group branch, wanted to cut off this acquisition.

Now, the results are showing.

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