Infinite Bloodcore

Chapter 692: Attack and Defense of Snowbird Port—Performance of Blood and Tears

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"Although Fin Spirit and the little prince did not cast necromancy spells, they still have powerful attack power by using magic props and spell scrolls."

"The influence of Crying Wind is not very great. He has a certain ability to disguise himself, and no one discovered his true identity when he was on Eye Island. The fighting skills he used to disguise himself have nothing to do with the fighting spirit of the undead."

The dragon boy used the magic image to evaluate the performance of the prisoners on the battlefield.

Frankly speaking, using undead supernatural beings is still very risky. Once exposed, the reputation of the Dragon and Lion Mercenary Group will be ruined. As the leader of the Dragon and Lion Mercenary Group, the Dragon Man boy would naturally suffer a great loss of reputation and be widely questioned.

Therefore, each of them is blessed with multiple deception spells.

When casting the spell, the dragon boy also deliberately transformed into a fish-man form, and at the same time used the magical weapon [Mermaid's Fairy Tale].

"False memories make these captives 100 percent loyal to me."

"However, this also affected their performance."

The dragon boy observed carefully and came to some conclusions.

This first actual battle for the prisoners is very valuable for observation and research.

Memory modification will offset many personal talents and affect the performance of talents.

Because things like talent and ability are often accumulated from past experiences, learning, etc. As long as memory modification is used, these experiences will be destroyed to a certain extent.

"At this stage, the destruction caused by modified memory will make a talented person disappear from everyone."

"This is also the beginning of this work for me. Maybe in the future, as I gain experience and improve my skills, there will be qualitative improvements?"

"The current fabrication and transformation of memories is still rough. I can't even let these prisoners wake up for too long, in case they think too much and discover the contradictions and flaws in the false memories."

"Making false memories more logical, reducing flaws, and making them more refined is the main direction in the future."

The dragon boy was watching the battle and thinking.

“But this technological advancement in memory refinement comes at a huge cost.”

"Perhaps there will be a breakthrough on Cang Xu's side? The undead orthodoxy has been immersed for a long time, and they are likely to have more mature alchemy technology. If they have it and can get it, it will greatly save our research costs."

"What if the undead orthodox side doesn't have it, or Cang Xu can't get it?"

The dragon boy took advantage of the situation and thought: "Is there a simpler and lower-cost way of technological advancement?"

Suddenly, a flash of lightning flashed in his mind, and he thought of an answer: "Wait a minute, isn't this the way gods cultivate believers?"

Compared with the dragon boy who directly fabricates his memories, the gods cultivate believers by casting a wide net and subtle influences. The talents they eventually cultivate are dedicated and not only extremely loyal, but also often fully experienced in churches and other institutions, and possess extraordinary talents.

In an instant, the dragon boy had a new understanding of the existence of gods and sects.

"Die!" Tan Mo rushed left and right, suddenly jumped up and jumped in front of the little prince.

With a single swing of his sword, he used his fighting skills and split the little prince's neck into two pieces.

The little prince's head was moved, and together with his body, he fell into the sea from mid-air and died on the spot.

Soon after, Kuifeng, who reached the deck, was also beheaded by Tan Mo.

The dragon boy still didn't take action.

Both of them appeared to be killed, but in fact neither of them were fatally wounded.

The reason why his death was so "real" was partly because of the deceptive magic, and partly because both Crying Wind and the little prince thought he was dead! It was just like when they were captured, the fish-man boy deliberately deceived them that they were dead.

"It's a pity that the Eight Qi didn't fall into my hands..." The dragon boy looked indifferent, with a little regret in his eyes.

This gold-level pirate has a far-reaching reputation and is very powerful.

The Necromancer convinced him during a break from stealing the god of death and successfully transformed him into an undead life form.

The biggest hidden danger of the Eight Qi is being seriously ill and dying soon.

Because of this, he was favored by Qianxing - even if he conquered Baqi and the latter died in the near future, then Baqi's pirate group could be directly taken over by Qianxing and successfully taken over.

Baqi also knew that he was not going to die soon, and his bottom line was also flexible. When he saw the Necromancer coming to persuade him, he agreed without thinking for a long time.

Baqi's life goal is to spread the Qi Pressure Fighting Technique. To a certain extent, becoming an undead life will be more conducive to him achieving this life goal.

After the Necromancer transformed the eight qi, he let him go.

Zong Zhang did not continue to embarrass Ba Qi, mainly because of the face of the Necromancer.

The development of this matter is quite consistent with the future divination using the magic of time before the Great Cold.

"Do you want me to take action?" Huntong saw Tanmo kill two silver-level people in a row, and once again couldn't help but ask for a fight.

The fishman boy's unfocused gaze narrowed slightly.

He glanced at Hun Tong and saw Hun Tong's confused expression.

Obviously, Huantong couldn't figure out why Longfu sat back and watched his men die in battle and never took action!

At the same time, the fish-man boy also felt the anger in Huantong's heart.

Huantong hates Tan Mo deeply!

He witnessed the entire process of Tan Mo framing him on the boat.

Isn't the situation in front of me a good time for revenge?

The dragon boy shook his head slightly: "I have made arrangements for this battlefield. You go to the Mage Tower. That is the real key to this battle!"

Huntong's heart trembled, and she suddenly realized that the dragon boy was not just attacking Tan Mo, who was playing the role of a pirate.

"But is this really a good thing?"

"At least on the surface, the Lord of Snowbird Harbor is an ally of the Dragon and Lion Mercenary Group."

"Is it necessary to deal with two gold-level and important members of the empire's secret agents at the same time?"

Hutong hates Tan Mo deeply, but she doesn't hate the Lord of Snow Bird Harbor.

After all, the Lord of Snow Bird Harbor did not plot his fate, he just wanted to attack the Dragon and Lion Mercenary Group. Moreover, the Lord of Snowbird Harbor did not take action directly, but asked Tan Mo to take action, and even asked Tan Mo to act as a pirate, going around in a circle.

In this state, the Snowbird Harbor City Lord can still take advantage.

As a noble of the empire, Huntong also knows how to compromise.

In his opinion, it would be a bit reckless for the dragon boy to do this.

But he had no idea of ​​persuasion.

Although he was controlled by the dragon boy, his loyalty is still to the Shengming Empire. Regarding his current situation, Huantong is more inclined to think that it is a trick of fate.

What he wants to do, besides taking revenge, is to find a channel to tell the truth to the empire's senior officials and return to his Eye Island.

There is the foundation he has worked so hard for all his life!

But the dragon boy did not do as he wished, and instead sent him to the mage tower.

"Tan Mo has left the Mage Tower. The Lord of Snowbird Harbor has not shown up. The Mage Tower is temporarily closed. It is the most empty state."

"Destroy this tower with all your strength."

"If the operation fails, don't come back."

The dragon boy turned his dragon eyes and stared at Huntong with a cold tone.

Huntong's heart skipped a beat and she quickly lowered her head: "Yes!"

He is under the control of others and can only do as he is told.

Relying on the magic of deception and the fact that the mage tower itself was in a state of being "controlled by pirates", Huntong sneaked into the tower very smoothly.

"what happened?"

"Someone died!"

"Enemy attack, there is an enemy! Find him quickly!!"

It wasn't until Hutong killed someone at the main control level that anyone noticed anything strange.

As the dragon boy expected, the mage tower was in its most empty state. The navy that controls this place did not expect there to be enemies.

They were unable to see through the deceptive magic and could only defend passively.

But it is extremely difficult for silver-level defense to withstand the full attack of a gold-level assassin.

After a while, except for Hutong, no one was alive in the mage tower.

"Hurry up! Quick, quick, quick!!" Huntong was racing against time from the moment he took action, moving like the wind.

After slaughtering everyone, he began to place alchemical bombs everywhere.

Because he knows that if there is a problem with the Mage Tower, the Lord of Snowbird Harbor will definitely be unable to sit still, unable to continue the show, and will intervene directly!

The mage tower is the core of a place’s defense, it’s really important!

"What is going on? Is there really an enemy fishing in troubled waters?!" As Hutong expected, the face of the Snowbird Harbor City Lord changed drastically as soon as he learned about the anomaly in the Mage Tower.

It can quickly slaughter a bunch of silver-level navy, at least gold-level enemies!

With this understanding, the Snowbird Port City Lord's butt seemed to be burned by fire. He stood up in a flash and ran out of the City Lord's Mansion.

Tan Mo attacked the Dragon Lion Mercenary Group, and he had been watching.

He cannot appear, and Tanmo needs to be left with enough time to plunder.

But now, he had to show up.

"The Mage Tower is too crucial, there must be no mistakes!"

The Lord of Snowbird Harbor not only acted alone, he also immediately mobilized the city guards, most importantly the three magic teams.

The magic team was still gathering, but the Lord of Snowbird Harbor couldn't wait any longer and rushed to the mage tower alone.

The city lord of Snowbird Harbor kept jumping on the top floor of the building while shouting loudly, issuing a warning as the city lord.

His main purpose is to remind Tan Mo and others that the situation has changed, stop acting, and retreat immediately!

Tan Mo didn't understand. He hadn't received the battle report from the Mage Tower yet. He couldn't help but glared angrily and roared in his heart: "What's going on with this [turning over]? I was about to win, but he showed up to destroy it in the last few blows? !”

What is even more ironic is the reaction of the Dragon and Lion Mercenary Group.

"The Lord of Snowbird Harbor is here to support us! He finally appeared."

"Hold on, we're going to win."

"Leave these damn pirates here and make them pay with blood!"

The Lord of Snowbird Harbor was quite distressed to see that because of his appearance, the morale of the enemy he was going to deal with this time - the Dragon and Lion Mercenary Group soared.

Tanmo was also gritting his teeth.

Stimulated by the Lord of Snow Bird Harbor, the morale of the members of the Dragon and Lion Mercenary Group bottomed out, and many members became fearless of death.

This made Tan Mo couldn't help but wonder: "Is [Fan Shen] my friendly army?"

He wanted to keep fighting.

But at this time, he received the battle report from the Mage Tower.

Tan Mo was so angry that he wanted to roar, but his reason told him that he could only retreat!

If he didn't retreat, he would have no choice but to have a battle with the Lord of Snowbird Port.

It would be so funny if it really got to this level!

Tanmo was so aggrieved that he had no choice but to withdraw.

He raised his arms and shouted to retreat. The navy's quality was sufficient. They gritted their teeth and carried out the retreat in an orderly manner.

"It failed this time!"

"But I won't let you go, Dragon and Lion Mercenary Group!!" Tan Mo roared in his heart.

The Lord of Snowbird Harbor is extremely worried!

He rushed to the mage tower with all his strength.

But just before he wanted to attack the mage tower...

boom! ! !

The mage tower exploded.

The violent explosion directly broke the mage tower and destroyed the top floor.

The powerful air wave almost blew the Lord of Snowbird Harbor away. The latter kicked his feet into the ground with all his strength, using his fighting skills to defend himself, but was pushed back more than ten meters by the air wave.

When the explosion was over, the Lord of Snowbird Harbor looked up and was so angry that he almost vomited blood!

Mage Tower - gone.

There is only one layer left, or half a layer.

The mage tower was reduced to ruins.

The heavy losses directly made the Snowbird Harbor City Lord's eyes darken.

"I...he...I..." He wanted to curse in pain, but he stuttered.

The dim pupil has long since left, hiding in the corner.

Seeing the twisted pained expression of the Snow Bird Harbor City Lord, Huntong couldn't help but sympathize with him. He and Dao Hen personally discovered the conspiracy between the two people of Snow Bird Harbor City Lord and Tan Mo and found out the truth.

These two people wanted to play tricks, but the dragon and lion mercenary group took advantage of them, causing the mage tower to be blown up.

This loss is too heavy.

If the Mage Tower hadn't been "controlled" by the pirates and had its main defense function turned off, how could Hutong have the chance to enter the tower? Not to mention blowing up the mage tower.

The mage tower was the strongest defense in Snowbird Port and the core of the defense. However, it was destroyed so easily because of the flowers.

"I didn't expect these alchemy bombs to be so powerful!"

"But why didn't the Dragon Server wait until the Lord of Snowbird Harbor entered the Mage Tower before detonating the bomb?"

"Didn't he want to deal with the Lord of Snowbird Port?"

More doubts arose in Huantong's heart.

He couldn't understand the actions of the dragon boy.

For a few seconds, the Lord of Snowbird Harbor stood still, staring at the ruins of the mage tower, his face full of pain and anger, motionless, like a statue.

After a few seconds, he figured it out, turned around suddenly, and looked at Tan Mo and others.

"You, it's you!"

"You dirty pirates, how dare you destroy my mage tower!!!"

"Die to me, die to me!!"

The Lord of Snowbird Harbor lost his former grace and attacked the navy brazenly.

Tan Mo took a deep breath and quickly ordered: "You retreat quickly, I will resist him."

Boom boom boom.

The two began to fight, and the fight was extremely fierce and vicious.

Huntong's heart suddenly moved: "Could it be that the reason why Longfu didn't kill the Snow Bird Harbor City Lord was because he wanted him to fight Tanmo?"

"Wait a minute, it's probably impossible to kill the Lord of Snowbird Harbor directly. The reason why the Mage Tower is fragile is because it has been damaged internally and has no defense mechanism."

"This guy in the dragon suit, despite his thick eyebrows and big eyes, is really a bit... sinister."

At this moment, Huantong felt even more sympathy for the Lord of Snowbird Harbor.

The latter knew clearly that it was definitely not Tan Mochu's hand. But he must continue to perform. Based on the fighting situation at the scene, these "pirates" must be the murderers.

Therefore, the Lord of Snowbird Harbor must take action, take action with all his strength, and take revenge violently with anger and hatred.

This is his important responsibility as the city lord to defend the land, and it is also a must-have performance.

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