Infinite Bloodcore

Chapter 750: Top 4

After this battle, the young dragon man asked Long Meng if he was sure of defeating Qici Lang.

Long Meng shook his head: "I got too little key information to make an accurate judgment."

This situation is just like the dragon boy who judged that he was fighting Long Meng before. Both sides of the battle have a lot of trump cards, and if they are not exposed, it is difficult to make deductions.

Nanjiro's regular combat power is enough to deal with the violent root possessing the magic construct [Cold Pudding]. Unless the dragon boy takes action himself, no one can force his resurrection card.

But the dragon boy wouldn't do that.

He is very concerned about his reputation.

And the public has never thought that the Dragon Man boy would be Seventh Lang's opponent. After all, although the combat power displayed by the dragon boy has been rising sharply, there is still a clear gap between him and the top level.

As the days passed, although the coast was still uneasy, the ice sculpture citizens were still caught up in the national carnival.

They were so happy.

These days of dueling every day made them immersed in it and relished it.

Every day's duels were exciting. In the past, gold-level duels only happened every few months, but now they happen every day, and there are at least several fights every day.

Silver-level duels can no longer attract the public's interest. In the later stages of the Grand National Duel, gold-level players are the protagonists.

The dragon boy finally chose Gudong as his next opponent.

A head-on battle made the dragon boy feel comfortable. The previous battle with Yi Moxibustion was almost a chase.

Gu Dong's movement speed is even worse than that of the dragon boy. After all, he comes from the army, and he values ​​cooperation rather than going deep alone.

At the beginning of the battle, the dragon boy gathered his strength, tested the attack, and observed Gu Dong's methods. During this period, the two sides were considered to have some contact.

In the mid-term, the dragon boy launched an all-out attack, and the offensive he launched directly overwhelmed his opponent.

In the later stage, Gudong was like a small boat in a violent storm.

In the end, he fell irrevocably into the abyss of defeat.

The whole audience cheered for the victory of the Dragon Man boy. In terms of popularity, Gudong has no topic, much worse than Dragon Boy.

"Next, it's about violence." The dragon boy's plan to integrate into the duelists was proceeding steadily.

He is no longer the most popular duelist.

Nanjiro stole his thunder.

On the duel field, Nanjiro once again beat his opponent hard, beating the opponent who was firmly suppressed by him.

Qicilang deliberately did not use the means to win, but instead hung up on the opponent and continued to abuse him.

"Hehehe..." The opponent's painful struggle made him make a sound of pleasure.

As recorded in the intelligence, Nanichiro does not have the demeanor of a strong man.

This also caused discomfort among many viewers, who changed their original attitude of supporting Nanjiro and criticized him for bullying the weak. After all, he is an outsider and does not understand the spirit of dueling in his country.

Qici Lang goes his own way.

Apart from him, Wenliang also goes his own way.

This former great warrior of the barbarians, after defeating Violent Root in the first duel, was also challenged by other duelists.

He didn't refuse, he accepted them all.

During the duel, he opened his mouth to pray and offered battle to the primitive god.

The people of the Ice Sculpture also have a bad impression of him. After all, when it comes to faith, nothing is trivial.

The barbarian gods are inconsistent with the mainstream beliefs of the Ice Sculpture people. The continuous victory of the docile kind also reminds the snow elves from another perspective. Their ancestors were driven out by the barbarians in the Ice Sculpture Continent and were forced to migrate and wander. Finally, they settled on the Ice Sculpture Island. history of humiliation.

Wenliang's combat power is very powerful. He has never used [Mammoth Form] since the battle with Violent Root, and he still wins every battle with an absolute advantage.

The dragon-man boy had seen a lot of his battle videos. The dragon-man boy felt as if he had seen the duel between Long Meng and Long Meng.

Both are at ease and calm. This shows that even gold-level extraordinary beings of the same level are not forced to fight with all their strength.

As the Grand National Duel gradually entered its later stages, a large number of duelists were eliminated.

Although many people are still able to fight after receiving treatment, they voluntarily withdraw from this stage because they know they will lose more and win less.

Those who have no idea or still have extravagant hopes will be constantly taught a lesson in the future and have to stop the duel.

On the day when the dragon boy and the violent root were fighting, Long Meng also began to show off, launching his first big duel in this national ceremony.

The crowds were crowded and the event was unprecedented.

The support rate of the ice sculpture citizens for him far exceeds that of other duelists.

Many supporters of the Dragon Man Boy directly gave up on the Dragon Man Boy and the Violent Roots battle, and turned to appreciate Long Meng's fighting prowess.

Long Meng's reputation in the Ice Sculpture Kingdom for many years finally shows its power.

"Dragon suit, do you know how long I have been waiting for this battle?!" Violent Root yelled.

He was very excited, this battle finally gave him what he wanted.

Before that, too many things happened, which made this military general feel physically and mentally exhausted.

But now, his exhaustion was gone, replaced by an urgency for revenge.

Violence and fighting spirit are quite strong.

The dragon boy started fighting expressionlessly.

The two sides fought each other for a while and were evenly matched.

The audience was surprised.

The dragon boy continued to grow and absorbed a large number of dragon corpses, causing a qualitative change in bloodline concentration and giving him an overall increase.

So much so, that even without using his newly acquired [Warrior Form], he was able to fight on a par with the violent root who used the magic construct [Cold Pudding].

Violent Gen's face was solemn, and he gritted his teeth secretly: "Damn it, he actually hides so much strength!"

"But I have an external energy core, and I can use it up."

Violent Gen decisively changed his tactics and wanted to defeat the Dragon Man boy through a war of attrition.

The dragon boy still focuses on basic fighting or dragon martial arts and rarely uses fighting skills, which inevitably puts him at a disadvantage.

Everyone could see that the dragon boy deliberately suppressed his combat power.

Opponents are hard to come by.

The dragon boy relied on the external pressure of violence to continuously hone his martial arts.

Long Meng was not a famous teacher, but he did teach him without reservation. The dragon boy's talent is amazing, and he has learned Long Meng's martial arts skills and experience. With the help of this battle, he put his previous diligent training to the test one by one in actual combat. Through personal experience and increasing your own experience, the original solid foundation becomes even more solid.

When Violent Gen clashed with the Dragon Man boy, he felt that the Dragon Man boy was like a reef on the sea. No matter how fiercely he launched an offensive, the reef remained motionless and unyielding, and with the help of the waves, it became more and more stable and tenacious. .

The more the root of violence hits, the more upset and angry I become.

"Obviously I have used all the power of the magic construct [Cold Pudding], obviously I have used all the means, why can't I defeat the dragon suit?!"

"Damn, damn it!!"

Violent Gen has quite a lot of duel experience. After he realized the result of his failure, he gritted his teeth and pounced on the dragon boy.

At a very close distance, he brazenly detonated the energy component, triggering a horrific explosion.

The explosion's light and fire once hit the protective mask, scaring countless spectators to flee.

After the power of the explosion subsided, the ground of the entire duel field disappeared for more than one meter, leaving the field in a mess.

The violent root was self-destructed, leaving only one head. Half of the palm fell on the edge of the field.

But the dragon boy still stood tall and tall.

As soon as the violent root rushed over, he felt something was wrong.

At the critical moment, the dragon boy cast a new spell-like [Dragon Armor], and many of his protective props also played a role at the critical moment.

"Your heart is confused." The dragon boy exhaled a breath and held Violent Gen's head in his hands. "The self-destruction of the energy core is very powerful, but it is not targeted and cannot effectively kill me."

When the root of violence was dying, he roared feebly, but because he had no vocal cords, he couldn't roar out.

According to the unspoken rules, the violence was so murderous that the dragon boy could crush his head with one claw.

But not only did the dragon man boy not do this, he tore open the healing scroll and kept the violent root alive.

Eventually, he returned Violent Root's head to the military chief.

According to the strength of the Ice Sculpture Kingdom, it is not a problem for the root of violence to return to its original state. It's just that his injury is too serious and he will definitely withdraw in a short time and will no longer be able to participate in the Grand Duel.

This move of the dragon boy made his popularity soar again.

And his achievements in defeating the root of violence once again refreshed the public's perception of him.

At the end of the day, people discussed among themselves.

"It's been a long time since I saw Lord Long Meng fight. Today, he looks as strong as ever."

"The dragon suit actually won!"

"I watched it through the magic image, and the dragon suit won beautifully. It turns out that his combat power has grown so much."

"He didn't kill the violent root. He received the guidance of Long Meng and has the demeanor of a strong man!"

"Yes, I couldn't stand him before. He is an outsider after all. But now it seems that there are many outsiders, and the dragon suit is the one I hate the least."

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In the end, only four of the truly active duelists were left.

They are the most powerful and unshakable Long Meng, the Seventh Lang who defeated the Great Cold and had an astonishing record, the dark horse posture and the tameness of the Barbarian God believers, and the red-scaled dragon suit who stole the show and made rapid progress.

Both the public and the extraordinary have recognized that these four people are the most worthy of champions!

Of course, the public's possibility and expectations for each of the four to win are also announced through various large and small betting markets.

Longmeng and Qicilang are almost the same, and the dragon and the tiger are competing for each other. Tameliang follows closely behind and should not be underestimated. Finally, the dragon server comes from the emotional support of the die-hards.

The public didn't know the truth. In their opinion, the newly promoted gold level player in Longfu was able to reach this level mainly because of his bloodline with Saint Domain qualifications and Long Meng's guidance from famous experts. Being able to reach the top four in Dragon Server is beyond expectations and is extremely difficult.

Please remember the first domain name of this book: . :

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