Infinite Bloodcore

Chapter 756: The Duel Godhead is mine!

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The mysterious fourth competitor walked forward slowly, his whole body covered with a layer of colorful light balls, and his appearance and figure could not be seen clearly.


"Who are you?!" The king and others shouted in unison.

But the Necromancer made no sound.

He stared at the Duel Godhead for a long time, walked slowly, and finally had to stop.

There is a mountain of pressure ahead.

He is nearly 80 steps away from the Duel Godhead, closer than the king.

"This distance..." The Ice Sculpture King shrank his pupils and firmly grasped this clue, "Are you also at the Holy Domain level?!"

The Necromancer remained silent.

The Ice Sculpture King ignored him and continued to speculate: "You are closer than me, which means you are not as strong as me... Haha, who are you? Do you know that you are a mortal enemy of the Ice Sculpture Kingdom?"

Little did he know that the Necromancer was much stronger than him and understood many more laws.

The reason why the Necromancer is closer than the Ice Sculpture King is because the Law of Death is more suitable for duel gods than the Law of Frost!

Qicilang also laughed at the Necromancer: "Give up, you are at the Holy Domain level and there is no hope at all."

The Necromancer still didn't answer, but silently took out the artifact [Slate of Truth].

The [Slate of Truth] carries four parts of the divinity of death.

The Necromancer went all out, activating part of the power of the artifact and releasing a masterless god of death.

"Ownerless" is the key!

The divinity condensed like a drop of ink and hovered in mid-air.

The duel gods are moving!

It was attracted by the god of death and floated in the direction of the Necromancer.

The god of death is also pulled by invisible forces.

After running in both directions, the Death Godhead came into contact with the Duel Godhead and was absorbed by the latter.

This scene shocked the other three people.

"What, what's going on?!" Qicilang shouted, "Use divine power to gain the favor of the godhead?!"

"Damn it, he came prepared!!" The Ice Sculpture King's pupils shrank to the size of needle tips, and for a moment, he was extremely worried.

However, as the Necromancer released the remaining three copies of the Death Divinity, although the distance between the Duel Godhead and him was greatly shortened, there was still a distance of 40 steps.

"Huh?" The Necromancer was lost in thought, "What's going on?"

"According to my mentor's arrangement, I can attract the Duel Godhead with just the Death Divinity collected from the White Hair Trench."

"Why is there still a gap of nearly 40 steps?"

For a moment, the Necromancer was also stuck.

Seeing that he didn't show any more Death Divinity, the other three people relaxed.

"It turns out that by contributing to divinity, you can gain the favor of the godhead." The Ice Sculpture King murmured, resenting his ancestors again in his heart. Why was such important knowledge not left behind? Or are they, even at the legendary level, unable to access the top secrets related to the godhead?

Qicilang mocked, "Oh my, it's so miserable."

"You're a saint-level person, so it's not easy to achieve divinity."

"It's such a pity that you can't get the Duel Godhead for four full divinities. All your investment has been wasted, hahaha."

While he was smiling, Qijiro suddenly felt the aura of a god.

This is not the breath of the Duel Godhead, but other gods.

Under Qicilang's extremely surprised gaze, a drop of green divine water separated from his body.

"Divinity? How can I have divinity in me?!" Shichijiro touched his chest, extremely confused.

Divinity and Godhead attract each other.

As a result, the Duel Godhead floated towards Nanjiro, shortening the distance by 10 steps.

Immediately afterwards, another divine element was released, once again bringing the Duel Godhead closer to Seven Ciro 10 steps.

When the third ray of divinity came out, Qicilang suddenly realized: "It's the seven immortal blessings in me!"

Qicilang has the blood of pampering. This kind of blood can naturally fit in and carry a lot of divine power, so it can often be favored and favored by the gods.

Shichijiro himself has participated in many large-scale festivals of gods and received blessings from different gods many times. The seven strongest blessings among them are all immortal blessings. Seven different conditions must be met in order to break the blessing and inflict fatal damage to him.

Because of this, he has a nickname, called Seven Lives, and another nickname, called the beloved son of the Seven Gods.

Although Long Meng had killed Qicilang many times, far more than seven times. But if the conditions for cracking are not met, killing him will be in vain. The blessings of the Seven Gods must be solved from the root before Seventh Lang's life can be harvested.

"It turns out that my immortal blessings are all woven with divinity." At this moment, Qicilang finally understood the empire's exquisite plan.

He was overjoyed: "Okay, the Duel Godhead is mine!"

At the beginning, he was only 50 steps away from the duel godhood. He has seven levels of divinity, enough for him to get in touch with the dueling godhead.

But the Necromancer just used 4 copies of the Death Divinity to pull the Duel God away from his place, further away from Nanjiro.

The distance between the two is about 60 steps.

This is because the Necromancer, the Duel Godhead, and the Seventh Hero are not on the same straight line. Although the Necromancer and Seventh Lang are opposite each other, there is an oblique angle between the straight line formed by the two sides and the godhead.

Even so, according to Qinjilang's estimation, he has 7 immortal blessings, which translate into 7 divinities, which can attract 70 steps of godhood. 70 steps is greater than 60 steps, so he can definitely reach the godhood.

"I won. The biggest winner in this game is me and only me!!" Qicilang laughed, extremely proud.

The Necromancer was silent.

The Ice Sculpture King roared loudly: "No--!"

Long Meng gritted his teeth and was extremely unwilling.

At this moment, the fifth colorful light group stepped in.


"Who are you?"

"Hahaha, you came too late."

Seeing that the Duel Godhead was about to fall into the hands of Seventh Lang, the dragon boy took out the [Mermaid's Fairy Tale] and directly threw a Death Godhead.

The godhead was attracted and distanced himself from Qijilang.


other people:? ! !

Long Meng glared: "This mysterious person also has divine power?"

The king grabbed his crown, threw it to the ground, and stamped his feet fiercely. There was no aristocratic demeanor at all: "Why does it seem like every competitor is preparing for divinity?!"

Qicilang gritted his teeth, and the distance between him and the duel god was shortened, but he still had hope.

Because the dragon boy and him are not in a straight line, and their positions are only relative to a certain extent.

Qici Lang has seven levels of divinity.

Qicilang once again cast a divine power.

The dragon boy followed.

Shichijiro was shocked, roared angrily, and threw the last shot.

The dragon boy cast the third death divinity.

The seventh man is like falling into an ice cave.

After that, he stretched out his hand as hard as he could and looked for Shuyuan He was still one step away from the godhood.

The dragon boy cast the last shot of divinity.

In this way, Duel Shenge and Shichijiro almost passed each other.

"No—!" This time it was Qicilang who looked up to the sky and roared, the roar filled with sadness, anger, hatred and powerlessness.

The godhead and the dragon boy shortened 10 steps again, leaving only two steps.

The boy's divine power was used up.

Long Meng was keenly aware of this and blurted out: "His divinity has been used up!"

Nanjiro's screams suddenly stopped, and then he coughed violently.

"Hahaha! You're useless!" The Ice Sculpture King laughed loudly, it was so exciting.

The Necromancer stared at the dragon boy and said: "What's going on? He also took out the god of death, and he got four copies like me?!"

Under everyone's gaze, a silent smile appeared on the dragon boy's lips.

He said in his heart: "I am in the dragon suit. I have participated in many duels and I am famous all over the country."

He kept walking.

"I am still a Saint of the God of Duels."

The boy moved on.

"I am the top four in this national duel. In the end, I defeated Wenliang!"

The young man stretched out his hand.

Under the shocked gazes of the other four, his fingers gently and slowly touched the Duel Godhead.

The next moment, the godhead was as bright as the sun, and the flashing seven-color divine radiance pushed aside all darkness and filled all the space inside Anqiu.

"No, no, no!!!" Qicilang screamed again.

"This is a thing of my ice sculpture kingdom, a thing of my country!!" The ice sculpture king also howled miserably.

And in the endless divine radiance, the dragon boy watched the duel godhead slowly float into his body.

He smiled slightly: "The Duel Godhead is mine."

(End of Volume 2)

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