Infinite Bloodcore

Final remarks

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Huh, let out a breath of turbid air.

Just pause here!

In fact, I also stopped wildly in November last year, but I still managed to persevere until now, at this moment.

Having finished writing this scene about the duel between gods, it can be considered as an explanation.

The explanation for everyone, the explanation for myself, and the explanation for the dragon server group.

Looking back at the book "Infinite Blood Core", the first volume experimented with the writing method of movie scripts, and the second volume experimented with the writing method of group portrait branch lines. They are both experiments and contain a lot of valuable data and insights.

Ask yourself, will you regret those years of overhaul?

The answer is always no regrets.

Because that's what I'm trying to do, what I want to do.

The amount of effort put into this book "Infinite Blood Core" is actually no less than that of "Gu Zhenren". It's just that the two pour in different directions.

I know it's a bit abrupt, so I'd like to bow and apologize to everyone!


Really tired.

Sick too.

Therefore, as the Chinese New Year is approaching, buy yourself some time to rest and recuperate.

Try to have a good year!

There will be new books coming out after the new year.

Currently in preparation.

From the time I started writing books to now, I have been immersed in the world of writing. I like to try new writing methods and feel excited about my technical progress. This has always been my main motivation for writing.

When I arrived at "Infinite Blood Core", I touched the boundaries of web writing techniques. Many writing methods consume too much energy and time. Although there will be different reading experiences, the input-output ratio is indeed very low. This kind of realistic feedback has caused the online writing industry to be limited to a single writing technique, which restricts the extension of the literary value of online writing.

It's a pity and helplessness. I really hope to see unusual online works!

One of the initial motivations for me to start writing from reality was that I felt that it was not enough to watch, so I started to try this thing.

Suddenly looking back, this attempt has already taken place nearly twenty years ago.

At first he was just a young college student, but now he is a father and his son is almost 10 years old.

For the past twenty years, I have been nestled in my own mountain, immersed in my own world. Even when creating online articles, I never consider the market factor, so I am often out of tune with my peers around me.

I am a person who likes to be alone, but I know that I have to leave my mountain and change my mental state.

Therefore, the challenge of the next book is not actually the book itself, but my own mentality.

I'm going to start trying commercial writing.

Whether it can be done or not, I don't know yet.

Hahaha, this is what’s interesting about this world.

Established success will make attempts and challenges boring.

By then, it may appear with a new look.

Huh, let's go and see.

I'm going down the mountain.

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