Infinite Bloodcore

Chapter 19: Not to be overestimated

With Zidi, Zhenjin returns to the eight-legged spider's hunting ground again.

"Sir, you're here! You really didn't give up on me, thank God!" Huang Zao's tone was full of surprise and emotion.

But soon, his mood fell again, and he couldn't hide his disappointment and asked: "Sir, are it just the two of you? Where are the others?"

"It's just the two of us." Zhen Jin said.

"S-Sir, are you sure?" Huang Zao stammered. It was about his life and death. He was very nervous. "Maybe we should call more people."

Zidi snorted coldly: "There are too many people, are they here to save you, or are they here to die? You can only believe in us now."

Huang Zao choked for a moment, and finally said: "Sir, you must be careful!"

Zidi took out bottles of medicine from her small purse and handed them to Zhen Jin.

Acupuncture was thrown continuously, and these potions drew arcs in mid-air, hit tree trunks or rocks, and shattered, and the liquid inside quickly spread around.

There was a strange and unpleasant smell in the air, as if chicken feathers, dog feces and dried squid were mixed together and burned.

If magic can be used, the light body technique and flying technique can be used to easily rescue the yellow algae hanging in the sky.

In the current environment, Zhenjin and Zidi adopt tactics based on pharmaceuticals.

These are all combustion-supporting agents, which were accurately thrown to key locations by Zhen Jin.

After the injury healed, Zhen Jin found that his strength had increased significantly.

After discussing with Zidi, the latter felt that this might be the effect of a temporary mixed medicine that was made using the blood of a monkey-tailed brown bear.

Potions of this type are not rare.

The most well-known one is the strength potion.

After taking this potion, the user's power can be permanently increased.

Of course, if you drink it many times, the effect of the potion will decrease sharply.

There is another possibility that the bloodline in Zhenjin's body has been awakened to some extent because of the life-and-death battle.

The nobles are one of the groups with the best bloodline in the world.

Because of this, they are gifted and talented.

The Baizhen family was once a great noble in the south, with excellent natural bloodlines. The source of her bloodline is said to be traceable to the legendary magical beast Golden Needle Queen Bee.

People with this bloodline move quickly and stably, and their strikes are very accurate.

This bloodline is not good at strength, but there are other bloodlines hidden in Bao Buqi Zhenjin's body.

The most common bloodlines include dragon blood, giant blood, ogre blood, and even demon blood.

Because of the frequent marriages between nobles, their extravagant and promiscuous private lives, and their bloodlines flowing through each other. Sometimes bloodlines can be hidden for a lifetime. In addition, there is a lack of effective judgment methods, so it is difficult to determine how many bloodlines a person carries.

Examples of people like Acupuncture, who have gone through life and death hardships, exploded their life potential in desperate situations, and awakened their hidden bloodline, are actually not uncommon in the history of all races.

There is another possibility, which is what Zidi guessed before.

The true cultivation level of needle gold is not just silver, but gold.

The silver level can reach the limit of the human body's capabilities. Gold cultivation, on the other hand, transcends the limits of the human body and has extraordinary qualitative changes in speed, strength, recovery, etc.

If Zhenjin has gold cultivation, then it is unlikely that he is that kind of senior gold expert. According to his age, he must be on the rise.

Therefore, the increase in his strength is the result of the gold-level fighting spirit constantly secretly warming up his body.

Regardless of the outcome, the rising power of needle gold is a good thing.

After Zidi almost consumed all the combustion-supporting medicine she had reserved, Zhenjin took out the Spark Stone and shot out blue sparks.

Sparks landed on the potion, and there was a roar, and a flame burst out violently.

The flames spread quickly, and the combustion-supporting agents along the way ignited instantly, forming a blazing wall of fire in the blink of an eye!

The wall of fire burned violently and began to cling to the surrounding trees, burning higher and higher.

There was a creaking sound in the towering tree canopy, and the eight-legged spiders became restless.

Huang Zao felt that the air below was rapidly heating up, and his heart could not help but beat wildly. He did not expect that the boy and girl would suddenly create such a large formation.

"It turns out this girl is a pharmacist. But how are they going to save me?"

Just when Huang Zao was guessing, Zhen Jin made another move.

He took out a short spear from his back and applied some combustion accelerant to the tip of the spear. Zhen Jin held the short spear and let the spear head flicker on the flames at his feet, and the front end of the short spear burned easily.

The next moment, Zhenjin raised his arm slightly, and then threw it violently.

The short spear drew a bright arc in mid-air, and then accurately pierced a prey.

This was a leopard-like prey that had already been suffocated in the spider web.

After the short spear pierced it, the ensuing flames spread immediately, burning the spider web away.

The leopard-shaped prey fell to the ground almost instantly.

As expected by Zhen Jin, this was a black panther with scaly horns. Because of the fish scale-like armor on its body, the slight flame attached to the black panther was quickly extinguished.

Short spears were thrown out by Zhenjin, and prey fell to the ground one after another.

Some of them continued to burn, while other flames went out.

"Here we come." Zidi's heart trembled slightly as she saw a spider with eight legs and one head quickly falling to the ground with spider silk, and began to re-weave the web for the fallen prey.

For some prey that is burning with flames, the eight-legged spider will spit out a stream of thick green liquid from its mouthparts, extinguish the flames, and then weave its web.

Obviously, they are not helpless against flames.

Soon, no more new eight-legged spiders landed.

A total of twenty-six bronze ferocious beasts were displayed in front of the young girls.

Most of the eight-legged spiders were working hard to recover their dry food, and only three of them pounced on Needle Gold and Zidi.

Zi Di secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

After all, these eight-legged spiders were wild beasts, not as cunning and cunning as the blue-haired evil wolf. This made the girl regain her superiority and confidence as a human being.

Spiders with three heads and eight legs were approaching, and Zhenjin stood motionless.

When the distance reached the ideal state, Zhen Jin calmly lit the combustion-supporting potion next to his left foot.

The second wall of fire suddenly rose, trapping the incoming three-headed spider in the wall of fire.

The spider made a terrifying cry and began to try to spray silk into the canopy of the tree to hoist itself away.

But as soon as these spider silks hit the sky above the flames, they were roasted.

The wall of fire gradually spread, and the three-headed spider was easily cornered by Zhen Jin.

As a last resort, these three spiders had no choice but to break out.

They successfully broke out of the fire wall, with a little flame attached to their bodies.

Squeak, squeak, squeak...

They let out a series of rapid cries, frightened and panicked.

The spiders who were trying to recover their prey were immediately thrown into chaos when they saw the three flaming companions running towards them.

"It's now!"

The sparkle in Zhenjin's eyes flashed.

He threw three short spears in succession. The short spears burst into flames and accurately hit the spider silk on the top of the yellow algae.

There were four strands of spider silk hanging him, like four thick white hemp ropes. When the spider silk encountered flames, it was burned almost instantly.

There was only a thread of yellow algae hanging on it. It lost its stability in an instant, swayed in an arc in mid-air, and hit the tree trunk with a bang.

Then, Zhenjin's fourth short spear flew out, burning off the remaining spider silk.

Huang Zao let out a low cry and fell to the ground.

Although it hurt, he was not injured.

Because the extremely sticky spider silk itself has excellent ductility, when he hit the tree trunk, the spider silk was stretched, and he was only two meters above the ground.

Unfortunately, an eight-legged spider that had just successfully hoisted its prey noticed the movement here, and it immediately pounced on the yellow algae.

Huang Zao's eyes widened in shock when he saw this scene, and then he suddenly let out a low roar and rolled into the wall of fire.

The flames burned out the spider silk all over his body in an instant, and then began to burn his skin, flesh and hair.

But at this moment, Huang Zao showed the perseverance and ruthlessness of a man on the sea. He didn't say a word and continued running in the wall of fire until he emerged from another wall of fire.

He successfully got rid of the eight-legged spider, but he was faced with flames all over his body, and he would probably end up being burned to death on the spot.

"Okay!" Zidi praised, "Come here quickly!"

Without her calling, Huang Zao had already subconsciously run towards Zhen Jin and Zidi.

The distance between the two parties quickly closed, Zidi raised her arm and swayed out a bottle of potion.

Little bits of blue powder were sprinkled on the yellow algae.

Huang Zao suddenly let out a shrill scream.

The flames on his body converged strangely, and then were suppressed to nothing by the blue powder.

Huang Zao trembled all over.

In a short time, he was completely unrecognizable, and only a small pile of fever-prone hair was left, emitting thick smoke. The entire person's face, exposed hands, and arms were all charred black.

He gasped, and in front of Zhen Jin and Zidi, he quickly passed over them: "Quick, quick, there's a big one!"

As soon as he finished speaking, a surging beast's aura fell from the sky.

The gold needles and purple stems all change color.

This is a silver-level eight-legged spider leader.

It is larger, its blue hair is thicker, and its eight spider tentacles are slender.

It cuts through the air, makes a sharp whistle, and kills acupuncture, purple stems, and yellow algae at an alarming speed.

"You go first!" At the critical moment, Zhen Jin was the first to react. He glared angrily like a yellow algae, and then stepped forward with a face as deep as water.

Whoosh whoosh.

He threw short spears rapidly.

However, the eight-legged spider was as fast as the wind and easily dodged these short spears.

Soon, Zhenjin's short spear was all used up. He gritted his teeth, raised the spear high, and fought back towards the eight-legged spider leader.

"Sir!" Zidi screamed from behind.

"Go quickly, don't let us be a drag." Huang Zao was also shouting.

However, in hesitating, a good opportunity has been missed.

The spider leader suddenly sprayed out three strands of spider silk, hitting three people accurately.

Zhenjin's spear and hands were bound by spider silk, and he could only wrestle with the spider leader for a while.

Zidi's cloak was stuck to the spider silk. At this moment, the girl fully demonstrated the agility and flexibility of her young body. She quickly took off the cloak and bent down to pull out the dagger tied in her calf.

"Sir, go on!" Just as Zi Di was about to throw the dagger to Zhen Jin, a ball of spider silk came towards her.

The spider silk expands rapidly in the air, forming an exquisite hunting web. The spider web hit Zidi, covering the girl's chest and waist, knocking her to the ground, and sticking to the ground firmly.

Zidi was hit, and the dagger flying into the air was greatly disturbed. Instead of being thrown to Zhenjin's side, it happened to fall near Huangzao.

Huang Zao's right foot was entangled in spider silk. He lay on the ground and struggled wildly, but was unable to withstand the strength of the spider leader and was dragged over.

Huang Zao fished subconsciously and found the dagger.

He pulled out the dagger and swung it with all his strength. In panic, he swung it empty twice before cutting off the spider silk accurately.

Huang Zao got out of trouble by luck and quickly retreated.

"Hurry and throw the dagger to the adults!" Zidi screamed.

"No, no, I don't want to die! I don't want to die!!" Huang Zao didn't seem to hear it, screamed wildly, and ran away like crazy.

The spider leader didn't bother him anymore and let him disappear into the forest.

"Damn it!" Zidi was shocked and angry. At the critical moment, this yellow algae actually escaped with the only cutting weapon!

Zhenjin and Zidi tried every means to rescue him, but he turned his back on them and chose to escape alone.

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