Infinite Bloodcore

Chapter 20: Don’t underestimate it either

The fire burned brightly.

In the hot air, a giant tree slowly fell over and hit the ground with a thud. The flying sparks caused more chaos.

The eight-legged spider leader made a sharp whistle, which was almost enough to pierce a person's eardrums.

This was its territory, its home, and now it was burned to the ground. Everything in front of him made him very angry.

Unlike ordinary eight-legged spiders, it is not afraid of flames. At the same time, the quality of the spider silk has also improved, and it is not afraid of burning at all.

The culprit is right in front of you, and he wants to pour all his anger on these two people!

Zidi has been trapped in the spider web, and she only has the aura of black iron, so there is nothing to worry about.

The only thing to worry about is needle gold.

This young man's aura—the eight-legged spider leader was also a little unsure.

The leader of the eight-legged spider focused all his murderous intent on Zhen Jin.

It shoots more and more spider silk towards Needle Gold.

At first, only the spear and the boy's hands were bound by the spider silk. Soon, layers of spider silk wrapped around Zhen Jin's body, and even began to cover his ears and nose.

If there is a dagger to cut the spider silk at this time, Zhenjin can get out of this predicament.

but none!

Huang Zao had a chance to throw the dagger over, but he didn't!

Therefore, Zhenjin was in a desperate situation.

Sharp weapons are the key to getting out of trouble at this moment.

Or if that long sword had been in Zhen Jin's hands, it would have been easy to solve this situation.

Even if you don't have a long sword, a scimitar will do.

It's not a war spear anyway.

Zhen Jin suddenly exerted force in the spider web, and he hasn't given up yet!

Although his strength increased, it was far from reaching the limit of the spider web, and he was unable to break free.

The result of the attempt made Zhen Jin feel a little desperate.

If you can't break free with all your strength, there is basically no hope. Struggling randomly will only make the spider threads get tighter and tighter, like being trapped in quicksand. A worthless attempt will only make death come faster.

Zhen Jin stood still, his thoughts racing, trying to find a way out of the predicament.

Wrapped up in layers of spider silk, looking at the young man who seemed resigned to his fate, the eight-legged spider leader deliberately got close to the young man's face. On the top of the ferocious mouthparts, there are a dozen eyeballs, densely packed together.

The spider's eyes were all fixed on Zhen Jin, its mouthparts opened and closed slightly, and it made a squeaking sound, as if the spider leader was smiling at Zhen Jin!

It wants to ravage this boy, it wants to pierce him and let the blood drain. At the same time, it wants to inject spider venom into Zhenjin's body, watching the venom erode, watching the boy from the inside out, It began to rot little by little, and finally it sucked up all the young men who had rotted into a puddle, not retaining even a drop, and stuffed them all into its belly.

This is what happens if you offend it!

Zhen Jin didn't struggle, gritted his teeth, and was forced to look at the spider leader.

The two sides faced each other, only a few steps away.

The spider leader raised the two frontmost tentacles. The slender front ends of the tentacles were as sharp as spears and swords, easily piercing the spider web.

Immediately, Zhenjin groaned, and he felt two tentacles, like daggers, trying to pierce his back.

The chainmail worked, resisting the two tentacles.

Such obstruction angered the spider leader even more.

It pulled the spider silk hard, and the distance between Zhenjin and it instantly shortened, and there was almost only a hand's width between the eyes.


The spider leader's mouthparts opened wide, and a strong sour stench sprayed on Zhen Jin's face.

At the same time, a large amount of green viscous liquid, like saliva, flowed out of the mouthparts.

Zhen Jin's eyes widened, almost thinking that the spider leader was going to swallow his brain in one bite!

But the next moment, the spider leader relaxed his strength slightly, restrained his mouthparts, and shook his head at Zhenjin.

Zhen Jin actually saw a joking and cruel smile on Spider's face.

There was a chill in his heart, and he immediately understood: the spider in front of him simply wanted to frighten him, torture him, slowly process him, and let him fully enjoy the pain. Listen to his screams and cries, watch him struggle, and step by step into death!

The pressure on the chain mail increased and increased, and finally reached the limit. The chain mail could no longer support it and was pierced by the spider's sharp tentacles.

The latter smoothly penetrated into Zhenjin's flesh.

The young man felt cold first, and then pain hit him.

In addition to the intense pain, there was also overwhelming fear.

Acupuncture can clearly feel the subsequent path of these two tentacles. After they pierced the outermost layer of flesh, one tentacle continued to penetrate deeply, very slowly, and began to endanger the boy's internal organs. The other one encountered an obstacle and hit a rib.

The spider leader continued to exert force, and Zhen Jin's ribs were only slightly blocked before they broke.

"Ah!" The pain came, and Zhenjin couldn't help but let out a low roar, his handsome face distorted in an instant.

The flames continued to burn, and the firelight reflected on Zhen Jin's face. At this moment, the young man looked as ferocious as a devil.

The spider leader admired it quietly, his dozen or so eyeballs perfectly reflecting the young man's expression at this moment. But what makes the spider leader more disappointed is that it does not detect any cowardice or pleading emotions in Zhenjin - only anger and hatred!

The flame in Zhenjin's heart burned even more vigorously than the surrounding forest fires.

"Ahhh!" Under the torture of the spider leader, he roared continuously.

His head felt like it was going to explode, and a whole new memory suddenly emerged.

The outside of the competition ground was full of people.

The showdown in the arena also came to an end.

"You are indeed worthy of being a great nobleman in the south!" A young man was forced into a corner.

He had injuries on his body, some of which were so deep that his bones were visible, and he was extremely miserable.

It is Qing Kui, the Templar Knight.

His opponent was a middle-aged man with two slender beards who was unscathed. He raised his head slightly, walked leisurely and calmly, almost walking, in front of Qing Kui.

Zhen Jin found himself among the crowd of onlookers, looking nervously at the two people present.

His eyes were mainly focused on the middle-aged man.

Because this man is his father, the patriarch of the Baizhen family!

Around Zhenjin, there were also many fellow Templars, all of whom were familiar faces.

"Qingkui, if you can't do it, just admit defeat!"

"The opponent is too strong and you are still too young. It is not shameful to lose."

"Think you still have a sister, Qingkui, don't be stubborn."

the young Templars were shouting.

Qing Kui's sister was also outside the scene. At this moment, her face was pale, without a trace of blood, and her delicate body was trembling, like a poor little flower in a violent storm.

Qingkui took a deep breath, stood up unsteadily, and tried his best to lift the sword in his hand and face the Baizhen clan leader again.

"Alas!" The crowd sighed heavily.

"This duel was initiated by Qing Kui. It is simply harder for a guy like him to admit defeat than to pull a giant dragon back."

"This is how to do?"

"Even if Qingkui takes the initiative to admit defeat, it still depends on whether the leader of the Baizhen clan is willing to let him go."

"Yes, Qing Kui's father and grandfather both died in that battle, at the hands of the Bai Zhen family. The two families have too much hatred."

Qingkui shouted and launched another useless charge.

Chief Bai Zhen dodged easily, and with a slight stir of the stabbing sword in his hand, the long sword in Qing Kui's hand flew away.


The long sword flew into the air and immediately fell to the ground. Qing Feng cut into the marble and stuck behind Qing Kui.

The contrast between strength and weakness is very obvious.

Qingkui's sister couldn't bear it anymore, and she begged the old knight who was presiding over the duel: "Uncle leader, please take action to save me because of the friendship between our two families for many years. Brother."

This old knight is the leader of the fifth regiment of Templar Knights.

He snorted coldly, with an unhappy look on his face: "This is a sacred duel between knights, fair and impartial, never partial!"

He looked at Qingkui's sister with sharp eyes: "I have already tried to save your brother, but as a member of my fifth regiment, he did not even listen to me, the leader, and insisted on challenging the Baizhen clan leader. "

"Hmph, how old is he? How much strength does he have? How much actual combat experience does he have? He hasn't even fully mastered the Qingkui family's signature fighting skill, Bronze Arms, yet he dares to challenge the leader of the Baizhen clan."

"Is this the bravery and fearlessness of a knight? This is because he is carried away by the thought of revenge. This is stupid!"

"So, you saw it too. The leader of the Hundred Needles clan used his fighting skill Qian Needle Lie to completely destroy your brother's bronze weapon."

"Thousand Needle Lie is an advanced version of the Hundred Needle Family's signature fighting skill, Hundred Needle Style. It is a move that can only be used by those with a golden level of cultivation. There have been hundreds, if not thousands, of Imperial knights who have died under this move. Even I, back then, He also fell to this move and was pierced through the heart by the Baizhen family's stabbing sword!"

"Your brother Qingkui, he did not abide by the Creed of the Templars. He gave up his courage and violated his patience. This is his own death!"

"As the contemporary patriarch of the Qingkui family, he must bear the consequences for his recklessness. This is the price he should pay - even if the price is his life."

The old captain's merciless words made Qingkui's sister completely powerless. She immediately collapsed on the ground, covered her face and started crying.

The angry young knights around them fell silent because of the old captain's scolding.

It's just that their teeth clenched tighter and their fists clenched harder.

The leader of the Baizhen clan took a deep look at the old leader and approached Qingkui again. He said in an arrogant tone: "Chief Qingkui, what ability do you have to resist? Do you still have fighting spirit?"

"Then, I will take your life with the next move." The leader of the Baizhen clan slowly raised the stabbing sword, with the tip of the sword pointing straight up, almost touching the tip of his nose.

"This will be the last act of your life. So just watch it with your eyes wide open."

"Don't worry, using Thousand Needles to kill you would be too much praise for you. You are far worse than your father and grandfather. Hundred Needles is the most suitable to bury you."

"You were lucky enough to survive this attack, so what does it matter if I spare your life?"

After saying that, the stabbing sword in Baizhen Clan Leader's hand suddenly turned into a bright sword shadow.

Qingkui roared angrily, he had been waiting for this moment for a long time.

The only fighting spirit left in his body was forced out by him, and in the flash of green light, a spear for a knight's charge was vaguely formed.


The two sides collided and then passed each other.

An arm was thrown in the air, dripping with blood, and then fell outside the field.

This arm also holds a stabbing sword in its hand.

That is the sword-holding hand of the Baizhen clan leader!

The whole audience was shocked.

There was dead silence.

With a plop, Qing Kui fainted and fell to the ground, motionless.

The leader of the Baizhen clan used his left hand to cover the wound that was almost up to his shoulder, his expression extremely ugly.

"Father, father!" Zhen Jin exclaimed, his voice trembling violently.

The old leader walked into the venue at this time and stood between the Baizhen clan leader and Qingkui, separating the two.

He frowned deeply and stared at the middle-aged nobleman who had lost his arm with a very serious expression: "Chief Baizhen, everything you said during the duel is a sacred oath. The duel between you is over."

The middle-aged man's pupils shrank and he stared at the unconscious Qing Kui. He gritted his teeth and allowed the wound to bleed. His face was full of shock, anger and hatred.

After a while, he slowly nodded, and staggered down the competition stage with a strong sense of evil and unwillingness.

"Father!" Zhen Jin flew over and supported the Bai Zhen clan leader.

There were cheers all around, Qing Kui's sister cried with joy, the young Templars raised their arms and shouted, and many passers-by shouted incredulously.

The middle-aged man looked around, taking in the surrounding scenes, but his expression had returned to calm: "My son, raise your head and look at me. Tell me what the family motto of my family is."

"Don't overestimate people, and don't underestimate people." Zhen Jin reluctantly raised his head, with a choked tone.

"Very good, remember it, remember it firmly!" Chief Baizhen gritted his teeth and said fiercely.

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