Infinite Bloodcore

Section 5: Dragon Roar!

Latest website: Captain Goldchin is in mid-air, his life hanging by a thread!

At the critical moment, he roared wildly and unleashed his most powerful combat power under the stimulation of death.

Silver fighting spirit surged out of the body. Just as the gray information said, there was a hint of gold in the white and silver fighting spirit - Golden Chin was indeed at the peak of silver.

He reached behind his back with both hands and pulled out the two stacked shields behind his back.

Fighting energy was crazily poured into the shields, and the two shields suddenly burst out with dazzling brilliance!

Obviously, his two shields are still magic equipment.

Others might have fallen for this trick, giving up the attack and choosing to retreat.

But both the substitute boy and Zong Ge are warriors with very profound fighting qualities. They simply closed their eyes and continued to attack according to the direction in their memory, and even the attack became a bit more fierce.

The bright light erupting from the shield did not affect Golden Chin. When he saw the attack coming, he could only suck in a breath of air and violently merged the two shields in front of him, almost forming a giant shield.


Zong Ge's two-handed sword struck first, splitting the giant shield that was about to take shape into two halves.

Huge force surged, and the middle door of the golden chin opened.

He gritted his teeth, muscles in his arms burst out, veins popped out on his forehead, and he tried hard to merge the shield again.

Time seemed to become long at this moment, and there was only one breathless time, but Golden Chin felt extremely nervous, painful and tormented.

Whether he lives or dies depends on whether he can survive the difficulties at hand.

"Close it, close it!" Golden Chin roared in his heart.

He tried his best, his eyes almost popped out of his sockets, and he watched helplessly as the two shields "slowly" merged again.

Only the last gap remains.

But at this moment, his pupils suddenly shrank to the size of a needle tip. He saw the blade of a thin sword and inserted it accurately along the tiny gap.

It was the silver sword in the young knight's hand.

The silver lightning was inserted directly between Jin's chin's eyebrows.

"I'm going to be finished!" Golden Chin fell into despair.

But the next moment, a long rope condensed by the water suddenly extended over, wrapped around his thick waist, and pulled it away suddenly.

Jin Chin was originally down, but was pulled up by the water rope, drew an arc in the air, and landed safely on the deck.

"I'm still alive!" Jin Chin couldn't believe it and was in shock.

He almost paid the price with his life for underestimating the enemy. At the critical moment, it was the Sea Serpent's magic that saved him.

"Hahaha!" Golden Chin laughed, and the ecstasy of survival made his fighting spirit soar.

"I was almost killed by you, now I'm going to teach you a lesson!!" Golden Chin suddenly closed his double shields, forming an extremely thick shield.

The next moment, he consumed a lot of fighting energy and performed a fighting skill - shield collision.

Bang, bang, bang...

He raised his arms forward, holding up the giant shield, like a miniature city wall, and rushed directly towards the young man and Zong Ge, with extremely strong momentum.

The young man immediately jumped and nimbly dodged aside.

Zong Ge, on the other hand, had a firm gaze.

"Well done!" He shouted lowly, no longer holding the sword with one hand, but holding the hilt with both hands, retreating instead of advancing, and rushed towards the golden chin.


The two collided hard, making a huge noise, and the confrontation of fighting spirit stirred up a small air wave.

The huge backlash caused the two of them to take a few steps back.

Jin Chin had a surprised look on his face. There was no trickery in the confrontation just now. He saw the luster of Zong Ge's fighting spirit.

"This half-orc is actually also at the peak of silver!"

Zong Ge gritted his teeth and moved his shoulders slightly: "This guy is not easy to deal with!"

His arm was once broken, and even though it was put back, it didn't heal, but there were hidden dangers. The full-out confrontation immediately made him feel pain in the wound.

Boo hoo hoo.

Just when Jin Chin lost his footing, the young man's alchemy arrow hit him directly.

Jin Chin didn't have time to turn around, but he was also a veteran of the battlefield. He immediately returned to defense with his left arm and used a shield to defend his back.

The next moment, the alchemical arrow exploded.

But whether it was acid, fire or ice, they were all blocked by the shield and could not cause more damage to Golden Chin.

Golden Chin was bombarded and his body fell forward.

Zong Ge keenly caught the fighter opportunity and quickly came to kill him!

Fighting skills - turning around and slashing horizontally.

He once again changed to holding the sword with one hand, bowed slightly, used his heels as the axis, straightened his arms, and used the two-handed sword to rotate vigorously.

Zong Ge spun around quickly, and the speed and power of the two-handed sword increased to a certain limit. The blade shone with silver luster, and he slashed hard at Jin Chin's waist.

Jin Chin heard the whistling wind and hurriedly raised his right hand shield to protect his waist.


The two-handed sword stood fiercely on his shield, and swung away Jin Chin's right shield.

The two of them took a few steps back again.

Only this time, Zong Ge retreated less, and Jin Chin retreated more steps.

Before Golden Chin could regain his composure, the young knight rushed towards his back with a sword.

"Damn it!" Jin Chin's face no longer looked happy as before, but became solemn.

He blocked the boy's attack with difficulty, but was already at a disadvantage.

The young man and Zong Ge cooperated tacitly and attacked in turns, like a sudden storm. There was only one Golden Chin, and despite his superior defense, he had just repelled Zonge's attack when the Knight Boy's attack arrived. The knight boy's attack was blocked by him, and Zonge attacked again.

Every time he attacked, Golden Chin had to use all his strength to defend. Since the first shield attack, there has been no chance to counterattack.

After several defenses, his fighting spirit was consumed very quickly and most of his momentum was lost. How can you have momentum when you are always being beaten passively?

At the critical moment, Sea Snake's support came again.

Faces of light blue water shields floated around Jin Chin, constantly rotating around him.

Each water shield is the size of a washbasin.

Zong Ge's two-handed sword slashed at the water shield, often breaking it into pieces, but most of the sword's power was consumed, and Golden Chin easily defended it.

The knight boy's alchemy arrows and rapier were also offset by the water shield to offset most of their power.

Only then did Golden Chin stabilize his position.

But still can't beat it!

"These two people have such a tacit understanding together. Facing these two people, I feel too much pressure. If I only join the battle in ashes, I will have to run away."

Jin Chin had no choice but to understand the situation clearly.

Fortunately, Hui Yi didn't have time to deal with Golden Chin. He had to tangle with the sea snake monster to contain its attack.

If the sea snakes are allowed to deal with the Gray Rat, once the pirate ship is completely destroyed, the consequences will be very disastrous.

Unless he has specific equipment or fighting skills, Baiyin's fighting spirit extraordinary person cannot set foot on the sea. You must be able to swim after falling into the water, otherwise you are very likely to drown.

Golden Chin's ship was known to be defensive and difficult to capture. If Yi Hui and the others don't have the pirate ship, defeat is almost certain.

Fighting Skill - Gray Mist Strike.

Yi Yi once again used his signature fighting skills, and the gray mist surged, covering the huge snake head.

The sea snake was attacked, roared in pain, and spewed out a huge amount of green acid.

The acid first sprayed onto the sail, immediately corroding a large hole in the sail, and then fell to the deck. The deck sizzled and emitted a pungent stench. Some unlucky ones were splashed with acid, and their muscles immediately melted away, exposing their bones.

The bones seemed not to be corroded by the acid.

Seeing this scene, the Sea Snake who was far away on the Snake Girl laughed and began to brew magic.

After a dozen breaths, the magic was brewing.

Spell - Acid Water Elemental.

The large pool of green acid remaining on the deck suddenly surged, and three water elements condensed from it. 591 network

These water elements are about two meters tall, have snake heads, human hands, and no legs. The body and lower limbs are like a pillar, and the bottom of the pillar is in contact with the deck and is filled with liquid that is constantly flowing.

Acid water elementals attack the Gray Rat's pirates.

The pirates screamed and retreated steadily.

Pirates are not regular soldiers, and their equipment is mainly light. They usually have cotton armor, preferably leather armor, and very few metal armors.

Acid can easily corrode flesh and blood, making it difficult for pirates to resist the attack of acid and water elements.

Realizing that the battle situation had changed, the young knight immediately abandoned Golden Chin and rushed to support the pirates of the Squirrel.

He also didn't want to engage in close combat with these acid water elements, so he used the alchemical bow and crossbow to destroy them.

The knight boy pulled away, and Zonge immediately fell into a disadvantage when facing Golden Chin alone.

The key is that Sea Snake turns around to assist Golden Chin.

She cast a spell and countless raindrops fell from the sky.

These raindrops are as fast as bullets, and they can't tell the difference between friend and foe, covering a deck.

Both Zonge and Jinchin were bathed in bullet raindrops. The former's defense was not as strong as the latter's, and he was soon covered in blood.

"This orc is very clever, but I have a spellcaster here. If this continues, I will win!" Golden Chin became more and more calm.

Zong Ge and Jin Chin clashed, and the fighting spirit of both sides was being consumed violently.

Therefore, Zong Ge would rather choose to be injured than use his precious fighting spirit to defend unnecessary places.

Jin Chin couldn't help but admire this courageous choice.

"This can't go on like this!" The young knight's heart sank.

If he chooses to help Zong Ge, it will be of little help to the entire battle. Because Golden Chin is obviously a shield warrior, and his defense power is much higher than his attack power.

"The most threatening one is the Sea Snake. This spellcaster must be killed first!"

Since the confrontation, the battle situation has been vaguely under the control of this silver-level magician.

If it hadn't been for her rescue, Golden Chin would have died when he jumped into the air.

After that, the sea snake girl gave many supports, allowing Golden Chin to stabilize his position.

The key is that she also supports the sea snake monster, using acid to form water elements to kill pirates. Her methods are diverse, her tactical choices are very flexible, and she has the initiative.


Another head-to-head confrontation.

"Trouble." Zong Ge sighed secretly, looking at the unmoving golden chin holding up the double shields, he couldn't help but feel a headache.

The injuries caused by the raindrops of bullets may seem horrific, but they are actually minor.

The key is that his once broken arm is numb.

This is not a good sign!

"The most important thing is the magician!" Zonge glanced at the Sea Serpent and gritted his teeth.

The Sea Serpent is very cunning and always hides in her pirate ship and never comes close to the battlefield. Let Zong Ge have no chance to attack her.

"The captain disappeared, probably to deal with the sea snake girl. Do you want to use the Deep Sea Monster Fish?"

As soon as he thought of this, Zong Ge saw Jin Chin rushing towards him.

Zong Ge snorted coldly and attacked with his sword, showing no intention of escaping.

"The silver swordsman disappeared!" On the pirate ship, the sea snake girl frowned, and she also keenly noticed this change.

She had experienced many battles and immediately realized that the knight boy was likely to attack her.

Spell - Water Mirror.

She cast this spell four times in succession.

Three water mirrors immediately appeared in front of the sea snake girl.

One of the spells failed, leaving her mentally shaken.

She quickly took out another bottle of potion and drank it.

The mental trauma was immediately suppressed.

"Where? Where?" The water mirror showed the surrounding sea surface and the bottom of the sea, but the sea snake girl searched for it and found no one.

She was about to breathe a sigh of relief when suddenly a man fell from the sky, like a meteor, and fell hard to the deck.

With a bang, a big hole was directly knocked out of the first deck.

The sea snake girl was shocked physically and mentally: "This, this is too random! She actually used herself as a cannonball to hit her!!"

As soon as the confrontation started, the Sea Snake's side had stopped shelling, but the other side of the Squirrel had been firing at the Snake.

Because of this, Sea Snake subconsciously did not think about these shells.

To be precise, no normal person would have thought that there would be people willing to be shot out by artillery!

From the large hole below the deck came the sounds of weapons clashing and the screams of pirates.

Immediately, the knight boy rushed out of the big hole and jumped onto the first deck, only a dozen steps away from the sea snake girl.

Seeing the blond boy in front of her covered in blood and black ash, the sea snake girl's heart sank: "This is a madman!"

The knight boy rushed over directly.

"Protect me!" Sea Snake shouted, and the surrounding pirates howled and tried to stop the knight boy.


The young man mobilized the fighting spirit in his body with all his strength, regardless of consumption. The silver lightning soldier's sharp edge was unparalleled, and he directly cut a bloody path.

The sea snake girl hesitated for a moment. She had the magic scroll of Windwalker, but considering the boy's archery skills, she chose the more reliable water protection magic.

When the knight boy finally rushed in front of the sea snake girl, he saw the magician covered by a huge water ball.

The thin sword's silver electricity stabbed into the water ball, and its power was immediately greatly reduced.

The young knight's expression suddenly changed.

The light blue water ball is so deep that the rapier and silver lightning cannot pierce the sea serpent inside. Moreover, the current in the water polo is turbulent, and his sword power will be seriously affected, so he has to work very hard not to be carried away.

"Give up. Whether it's your rapier or alchemy arrows, they are all restrained by my magic." The sea snake girl showed a victorious smile.

"Really?" The knight boy had no expression on his face and took a step back.

The next moment, his head suddenly deformed and turned into a dragon head.

A strong wave of magic surged out of the young knight's body.

The sea snake girl's face changed drastically: "No!".

next moment.


The knight boy let out a deafening dragon roar, and the huge sound waves impacted the water ball,

The water ball fluctuated violently, and then collapsed suddenly after two breaths.

The magic was broken, and the sea snake woman's body was shaking, blood spilled from her mouth and nose, and she was dizzy.

Spell fluctuations appeared on the knight boy again.

An invisible, terrifying power emanated from him, covering the entire Snake Lady in an instant.


The pirates who still wanted to besiege froze in place.

Then, there was an endless stream of thumping sounds.

Most of the men collapsed on the deck, foaming at the mouth and fainting. A few black iron men were half-kneeling on the ground, holding on for dear life.

As for the sea snake girl, she was already at the end of her strength. After suffering the power of the dragon, she could no longer hold on and fell into a coma.

The young knight immediately stepped forward, took out the magic-forbidden shackles from his arms, and actually captured the water magician!

Seeing this scene, Jin Chin was completely shocked: "It turns out that he is the strongest among the enemies!"

Zong Ge was surprised and dumbfounded even though he was covered in gray.

The Silver Sea Serpent neighed, immediately abandoned the Gray Rat, and pounced on the knight boy.

But everyone knows that the overall situation has been decided.

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