Infinite Bloodcore

Section Six: Six

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Jin Chin fell to the deck and was completely unconscious.

His defeat brought the battle to a complete end. The fighting spirit of the enemy pirates who were stubbornly resisting dropped to the bottom. They discarded their weapons, surrendered voluntarily, and knelt down to beg for mercy.

The young knight gasped.

After he captured the sea snake girl, he defeated the sea snake monster who came back to rescue him, and then returned to the Gray Rat with a great victory. After that, the boy and Zong Ge cooperated and used the dragon roar to put Jin Chin into a brief daze. Zong Ge seized the opportunity and knocked Jin Chin unconscious.

"How to deal with these people?" Zong Ge stuck his sword on the deck. This fierce battle made him exhausted, especially the injury to his broken arm, which was obviously aggravated.

A man covered in gray jumped over from the mast with a nervous look on his face.

The "these people" Zong Ge asked about not only included the sea snake girl and the golden chin, but also the ones dressed in gray.

The young knight thought for a moment and smiled at Yi Hui: "Captain Yi Hui, I hope you can command your men to control these three ships."

"In this battle, you have won my trust with your actions. I am a knight of the empire and keep my promise. I hope you cherish this hard-earned trust and don't let me down."

"I understand, sir." He was dressed in gray and his attitude was very respectful.

The strong appearance of the young knight greatly intimidated him.

At this moment, a cry came from the prisoners: "You are a knight of the empire? Did I hear you correctly? I am also a member of the empire. Help, help!"

The young man, Zong Ge, who was dressed in gray, turned around and saw a fair-looking young man kneeling on the deck trying to stand up.

"Be honest!" The pirate of the Squirrel immediately kicked him to the ground.

"Let me go, let me go! I'm from the empire, I'm a friendly force!" the young man shouted anxiously.

"He is not a prisoner of Golden Chin, he is an enemy and has killed many of us." His gray eyes were filled with cold light.

"Don't kill me, I have important information. I need to talk secretly! Lord Knight, aren't you curious? Why did Golden Chin and Sea Snake join forces to attack Yi Yiyi?"

A bright light suddenly flashed in the young man's eyes. Hearing these words, it seemed that there was something hidden.

A moment later, the captain's cabin.

Zong Ge personally guarded the door of the captain's cabin.

In order to save his life, the young man directly revealed the secret: "I am an intelligence agent of the empire. I have no name, only the code name Marshal Yan Tan."

"This is not my true appearance. I used a high-level transformation potion."

"My mission is to incite rebellion against famous pirates and interfere with the selection of the Pirate King!"

"Actually, the Empire has already detected the reappearance of the Pirate Throne a long time ago. Of course, the Empire will not sit idly by and ignore it. It has already begun to deal with the pirates, and I am one of the pioneers."

The knight boy couldn't help but raise his eyebrows: "What can prove your identity?"

The young man smiled bitterly: "I am acting in secret this time, and there will be no proof on my body. But Golden Chin and Sea Snake Girl have been successfully instigated by me to rebel, and they can prove my alignment."

The young knight nodded slightly.

Gold Chin and Sea Snake were both unconscious. The young man only jumped out after they both fell into unconsciousness and heard himself say his identity as a knight.

To prove what he said, all he had to do was wake up Golden Chin and Sea Snake and make some insinuations.

"Tell me more about it." The knight boy stretched out his hand and motioned for 006 to sit down.

The kindness released by the young man makes

After he sat down, he said in a very sincere tone: "Sir Knight, the empire is currently conquering the Orcs. Our vanguard army has established a firm foothold on the wilderness continent and built many castles. Not long ago, the Knights Templar Many Templar knights went to the castle to take up the position of city lord."

"And the orcs are actively mobilizing various ethnic groups, intending to form a coalition to wipe out our vanguard army and destroy all the castles. The clouds of war have gradually become thicker."

"We must transport a large number of troops into the wilderness continent before we can have the strength to launch a large-scale war with the orcs."

"And transportation will definitely take the sea route and use ships."

The young knight nodded again.

He knows that although there is teleportation technology, the act of teleportation is actually very limited.

The higher the life level or magic level of the teleported object, the greater the transmission cost.

The young man had fought a life-and-death struggle around the portal in the center of the alchemy factory, and was very familiar with the mysteries involved.

A pirate king is born, and all pirates will surrender to him. The free and unorganized pirates who originally fought independently will unite as a whole. If the Pirate King wants to do anything to our transportation lines, it will have a huge impact on the empire's strategy of conquering the wilderness continent. "

There are many difficulties in conquering across the ocean.

The empire must ensure the safety of its transportation lines. This maritime transportation line not only transports troops, but also transports materials. As long as the war lasts, transportation lines will be maintained.

Transportation lines are the lifeline and one of the important pillars of the empire's hegemony.

Once the king is born, according to his divinity and priesthood, it is very possible to plunder the empire's transportation lines. "

"At present, we have to admit that the empire does not have an orthodox Poseidon."

This does not mean that there are no priesthoods, divinities, and divine realms related to the ocean.

In fact, the god of commerce has a domain in navigation, and the empire's god of wind also controls the power of the sea breeze.

”, refers to the main priesthood.

Only if the main priest is the god of the ocean can he be considered an orthodox sea god.

Although the Shengming Empire unified the human continent, it was a landlocked country long ago. Poseidon has always been lacking in this aspect.

In fact, the historical roots go back even further. The great throne of Poseidon has always been controlled by foreigners. After all, the human race is a terrestrial race, and its competitiveness has always been insufficient in this regard.

, it’s already troublesome enough. Once the Pirate King is born, it will pose a huge threat to the empire's strategy. The empire would never let it go unchecked, so it sent spies, including me, to sneak in secretly and try to recruit pirates for our use. After that, we'll do our best to sabotage the birth of the Pirate King. Of course, it would be perfect if we could support one of our people to sit on the pirate throne. "

The young man understood: "That's why Golden Chin and Sea Snake Girl have such confidence to disobey the rules of the Brother Pirate Group and attack Yi Yi."

I was the one who encouraged them both in this attack. I just didn’t expect that you, my lord, would appear. "

"The Brothers Pirates are the largest pirate group in the world and are the primary target of our secret mission."

"In fact, despite its huge size, according to the analysis of our scholars, they are actually the weakest party."

"Because there have always been no contractual restrictions between the main members of the Brothers Pirates. The reason why they are united is entirely due to the personality charm of the leader Fire Beard."

"However, this kind of charm is very weak under the empire's military power and enough inducements."

The young knight nodded.

The golden chin and the sea snake girl are the best proof.

"In the final analysis, pirates are just a group of evil villains who seek only profit." The young knight sneered.

Although he is a knight of the empire, why did he take advantage of this rare opportunity to participate in the empire's secret mission? "

"Can I do it too?" The young knight showed surprise.

"Of course!" If we perform certain behaviors that are consistent with pirates, we can gain the divine favor of the Pirate King, and even our names will be on the holy monument. Just like he was covered in ashes, he must have snatched an extraordinary treasure, so his name suddenly ranked first on the holy monument! "


He took the initiative to tell the knight boy this secret. In addition to wanting to save his life, he also wanted to win over the knight boy and make it his own merit.

He seemed frank and sincere, but in fact his words contained probing and provocation.

But what disappointed him was that the knight boy was expressionless at the moment, without revealing a single clue.

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