Infinite Bloodcore

Section 7: Looking for redemption

The latest website: I didn't try anything, but the young man gained a lot.

Finally, the young man tentatively asked what would be the benefits of carrying out the empire's secret mission?

The benefits are there and they are substantial. Moreover, the support received is judged based on the cultivation, strength, and merit of the seeker. There is a complete set of rules in it, which is neither complicated nor comprehensive.

This reminded the young knight of his experience on the Mysterious Island. During that time, he accepted Zong Ge and others, discovered the threat of the blue dog and fox wolf, and conquered the surrounding beasts in the camp. In order to check and balance Zong Ge, Zidi and Cang Xu came up with a set of exchange lists for supplies.

Then, it should be a scholar from the empire. Compared with it, the exchange lists of Zidi, Cangxu and others seemed very crude.

The knight boy asked a few more questions, and when he found Rong, he asked Zong Ge to lead 006 down.

But instead of being held in a prison in the bilge, he chose an independent cabin to be placed under house arrest.

Sitting alone in the captain's cabin, the young knight fell into deep thought.

To be honest, he was a little confused now.

In the mysterious island, he absorbed the second blood core.

The absorption process is very smooth.

After opening the third layer of protective arrangements, the young knight held the blood core in his hand. At that moment, the desire to devour the blood core was so strong that he naturally activated the blood core in his heart without any guidance from others, and the red light of magic energy gushed out.

After the red light covers the blood core in the hand, the blood core quickly dissolves and flows back in along the red light.

The blood core in the heart absorbed the red light magic energy and immediately expanded in a circle. The texture on the surface is more three-dimensional and deep, and the red light emitted also has a crystal clear feel.

The young knight realized at that time: the blood core of the war dealer was obviously many times stronger than the blood core in his heart.

His blood core is powerless against gold-level python vines, but after absorbing the war dealer's blood core, the blood core can already attack legendary-level beings.

The Flame Dragon King is proof of this in practice.

With the legendary bloodline of the Flame Dragon, the young knight can transform into a dragon form. Currently, he can mutate into dragon heads, claws, scales, and dragon flesh.

Many of the bloodlines of Warcraft previously absorbed had major drawbacks because they were all transformed. Once it mutates under normal circumstances, it will cause the young knight unbearable pain and the magic power cannot be balanced, so it can only be discarded.

Without the monkey tail brown bear form, acid green lizard form, gun scorpion form, etc., the knight boy's methods immediately became barren and no longer as rich as before.

But the newly added dragon form comes from the legendary bloodline and is really very powerful.

Coupled with the fact that the young knight is not suppressed and can detect and use the silver fighting energy in his body, the young man's combat power has greatly increased, far exceeding the peak state on the mysterious island.

"However, this level of strength is still not enough." The young knight smiled bitterly to himself.

He is now under a lot of pressure and is facing wanted status from the Shengming Empire.

The Shengming Empire is the number one power in the world, ruling an entire continent and dominating the world. Now they are invading the wilderness continent again. The arrogant orcs are retreating steadily, and they can only watch the empire build castles one after another on the wilderness continent.

The knight boy knew deep down in his heart that with the help of pearls to soak rice, he was just hanging on for a while. It's like a bomb that has lit the fuse. Once the fuse burns out, it will explode sooner or later.

"Although I escaped from the Mysterious Island, in fact, isn't this world a huge Mysterious Island?"

"It is broader, vaster, more terrifying, deeper, more mysterious, and ultimately more complex."

"Now, we are involved in the vortex of the battle for the Pirate God's Throne. One wrong step and we will be shattered to pieces."

The knight boy is a leader, he is not shallow and can see the crisis.

Of course, he also saw opportunities.

Therefore, the essence of his confusion is actually hesitation.

"Where should we go from here?"

Fortunately, he is no longer alone and has companions.

This issue should also be left to them to think about.

Soon after.

The knight boy and Zong Ge secretly returned to the Strange Fish together.

"This is the specific situation." The young knight informed everyone of the detailed information.

The boy trusted these people.

Because these people all escaped, experienced life and death, and had a deep friendship. At the same time, they are all burdened with serious crimes. They are all grasshoppers on the same rope and must watch and rely on each other.

After hearing this information, everyone fell into thinking, and the conference room fell silent for a while.

"What should we do next? If you have any ideas, please tell us." The young knight waited for a moment and then said.

Bai Ya didn't even think about it and answered first: "No matter what we want to do, whether we want to continue to the wilderness continent or return to the Shengming Empire, we should first get rid of the crime! We should contact the higher-ups of the empire as soon as possible and stay in retreat all day. It’s not a problem in the Monster Fish.”

Being stuck in the strange fish all day, as a young man, Bai Ya was already a little irritable.

His sentiment is actually very common.

The reason why Bai Ya went to the Wilderness Continent was because he wanted to become a knight, return home in fine clothes and marry his beloved Miss Xihagi. But as fate would have it, he had to kill Chasha and was charged with murder.

This is certainly not what he wants.

Fat Tongue sighed: "Oh, the situation here is very complicated, young man."

"I, we can't contact the empire's high-level leaders rashly. This is very, very stupid."

"We have two artifacts in our hands, as well as towers and tower spirits, as well as most of the warlord's alchemy skills and techniques. These things are too valuable. And our power is too weak. Once exposed, It's very easy for the empire's top officials to directly rob us instead of negotiating with us to exonerate us."

Bai Ya was stunned: "Then we can just find a reputable senior executive, isn't that enough?"

Fat Tongue sneered: "Reputation? What we have in our hands is enough for the most reputable nobles in the empire to abandon their credibility."

"The Wisteria Chamber of Commerce was divided up by several major forces in the empire, those high-ranking aristocrats who usually have full credibility because of their excessive value."

"I, I know very well the true faces of these people."

These words resonated deeply with San Dao.

Before he completely surrendered to Zong Ge, he was a mercenary and suffered enough in the process of dealing with nobles.

Sandao deeply agreed: "Boy, think about it carefully. If you are a big man with power and influence, and you see a child holding gold in his arms, do you want to negotiate with him and ask for the gold, or do you want to grab it directly? What about something simpler?”

Bai Ya was speechless.

Fat Tongue continued: "So, so, we must rescue the president of the Zidi Society. Only by rescuing her can we have channels to contact the leader of the Baizhen Clan."

"Only President Zidi has had personal contact with the Baizhen clan leader, and President Zidi has an engagement with Zhen Jin."

"The Baizhen family is a great noble in the south. Although they are now in decline, in fact, as the defeated ones, they have already found their new position in the empire. They have joined the Great Emperor's family and established a firm foothold."

"Zhen Zhenjin is the only heir to the Baizhen family. This is an extraordinary bargaining chip. The Baizhen family was defeated and surrendered, and was purged and punished by the emperor. The emperor clearly issued a decree. The Baizhen family has and only There can be one heir, and the heir cannot be changed or replaced. This means that if Zhen Jin dies, the Bai Zhen family will not have a new heir. Once the leader of the Bai Zhen family dies, the Bai Zhen family will succeed No one, banned by other nobles.”

"Clan Chief Bai Zhen will definitely do his best to rescue Zhen Jin. Only by relying on him and his channels can we possibly escape guilt."

"So, I, I think, the most important thing now is to save my family's president."

Of course his words are selfish.

He was very afraid that everyone would give up on treating Zidi, so he blindly highlighted the importance of Zidi.

But everyone also admits: Fatton’s words make sense. With the help of the Baizhen family, it is more reliable. Because the prisoner Zhen Jin could force the Bai Zhen clan leader to submit.

Cang Xu shook his head and sighed: "I tried my best. In fact, we all tried our best. We searched the small islands near the Mysterious Island non-stop these days, and finally found the sapphire gold coffin. We consumed most of the magic materials to build He created the alchemy circle and completely healed President Zidi’s body.”

"But she didn't wake up. The problem was not about the body, it was about the soul."

"Her soul is in a comatose state."

"Perhaps, divine magic can revive President Zidi."

Fat Tongue became anxious: "Then, then go find a priest or a god or a priest. Don't, don't forget, without President Zidi, none of us would have escaped from the Mysterious Island."

Sandao's face was expressionless: "This kindness is indeed true, and we will never forget it. But the shipwreck was also caused by President Zidi. Without her, we would not have ended up on the mysterious island, right?"

Fat Tongue gritted his teeth: "The president of my family must have some difficulties."

Muban interjected: "It is too risky to find help from priests. We are likely to attract the attention of the gods. After the shipwreck, a Templar and a priest from the Holy Ming Sect disappeared, and the empire will definitely send someone Come search and investigate. The Baizhen family will mobilize all their strength."

"I believe that the search and rescue notices and rewards for these two adults must be posted all over the coastal cities, and the captains and crew members who come and go must have heard about them. We can't show our faces now."

Bai Ya was confused: "Don't we have pearl foam? It's so powerful that even the holy monument was deceived."

Cang Xu shook his head: "The Mermaid's Fairy Tale is an artifact, but we cannot fully utilize its power. The real users of the artifact are gods, not extraordinary beings like us. We have no faith and no corresponding divine power. The use of this artifact is very simple and crude. At present, we can only crush the pearl foam to resist divination and prophecy, and we cannot even change our own appearance. This is completely inconsistent with the description of this look."

"There's also bad news on that note."

"I don't know if you have noticed that there is less and less pearl foam in this big shell."

Cyanobacteria asked: "No, it is still a shell full of pearls."

In the early stages of use, everyone discovered that Mermaid's Fairy Tale could produce its own pearl foam.

Cang Xu sighed: "It is indeed becoming less and less. The production rate of new pearl bubbles is getting slower and slower. If this trend continues, one day in the future, our consumption rate of pearls will be greater than our production rate. I don't need to worry about the consequences. Say, everyone should understand.”

"On the second floor of the Alchemy Center, there is an alchemy array specifically designed to make use of this artifact. Unfortunately, the tower spirit does not remember this alchemy array."

Although everyone brought the pagoda spirit back, the pagoda spirit was very incomplete and was closest to Zidi.

In fact, no one can take away the complete tower spirit.

The young knight frowned slightly and looked at Cang Xu: "Then how long can we hold on?"

"I don't know." Cang Xu shook his head, "It's hard to estimate. Maybe it will take a long time, maybe it will be short. It depends on the consumption. For example, now, we have to deceive the holy monument and continue to disguise ourselves. This consumption is obviously more expensive than before. Many."

At this moment, everyone looked sad.

Their current situation was like running in an underground tunnel, being chased by a ferocious beast that was often unmatched.

There will be less and less pearl bubbles, which means this underground tunnel is a dead end.

Everyone must find their own salvation during the time when they are being chased by beasts.

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