Infinite Bloodcore

Chapter 29: Poison Hair

As a scholar, Cangxu has served the Shata family for thirty-eight years, and he is very clear about the division of strength among extraordinary people.

If a silver-level Dou Qi practitioner does not use Dou Qi, he can lift an object weighing about 350 kilograms and punch 800 kilograms. It is not a problem to face twenty or thirty ordinary adults head-on. The tolerance to the environment and pain is higher than that of ordinary people, but it is still dangerous to face strong crossbows and bows.

In other words, the physical quality of Silver Dou Qi practitioners is still in the human category, bound by the human body structure, and represents the limit of mortal physical development.

And becoming a gold-level Dou Qi practitioner, the quality of Dou Qi is greatly improved. Such Dou Qi nourishes and transforms the body, completely surpassing the limits of mortals.

Without the use of fighting spirit, the golden strongman can run at a speed of 120 kilometers per hour and lift about ten tons of weight. Facing thousands of troops wielding swords and horses, he can also kill generals and seize flags, and control them vertically and horizontally.

Ordinary bows, arrows and crossbows pose no threat at all. But facing the magic crossbow is still risky.

When the Tou Yang was fighting with the yellow algae, Cang Xu saw with his own eyes several times the Tou Yang hitting the tree trunks and knocking down all the towering trees.

This proves that although the Tou Sheep is only at the bronze level, when it crashes desperately, the impact force is very powerful. Far greater than the charge of an ordinary heavy cavalry!

Silver-level human fighting spirit practitioners, relying solely on physical strength, are basically unable to withstand such a charge from the leader.

Zhenjin, however, easily and naturally intercepted the charging leader who had run a long distance away.

The power displayed in this has exceeded the scope of silver.

Therefore, Cangxu couldn't help but guess that Zhenjin might have golden fighting spirit.

"As far as I know, the bloodline of the Baizhen family is not good at strength, but is unique in accuracy."

"If a knight has auxiliary spells such as constant bear power, he can also achieve this step. But here, the magic ban, constant low-level auxiliary spells should be ineffective."

"Or have you taken some strength potion?"

Finally, Cang Xu once again thought of the possibility of gold cultivation.

"If Zhen Jin is really a gold-level powerhouse, with such strength and talent, the Bai Zhen family will surely rise again!"

Under Cang Xu's gaze, Zhen Jin suddenly raised his arms, held the goat's horns, and suddenly raised the head goat high.

Then he threw hard.

The head sheep fell to the ground, struggled a few times, and then got up. His expression was dull, as if he had been knocked unconscious.

Immediately, its eyes turned red again, and it rushed towards Zhenjin.

Zhenjin pushed it down again, let it flapping for a while, and then threw it far away.

After doing this several times, the head sheep's unwillingness, anger, hatred and other emotions dissipated, and were replaced by fear and shrinkage of needle gold.

In the end, the leader stopped charging. It fell to the ground, got up, and stood there without moving.

When Zhenjin took the initiative to walk in front of it, it made a bleating sound, lowered its head, and avoided its eyes, while its bleeding body continued to tremble.

Zhenjin patted its head and then touched its horns.

The head sheep was so frightened that he swayed and even lay down on the ground.

Under the eyes of many adoring eyes, Zhenjin nodded with satisfaction and continued: "Take it away, treat it a little, and feed it carefully, but don't feed it to full."

"Sir, do you want to tame this sheep into a mount?" Seeing the end of the battle, Cang Xu came over.

Zhen Jin nodded, smiled and asked, "Do you think this is possible?"

"Of course there is." Cangxu affirmed with a smile, "As far as I know, the most common mount in the dwarf continent is the goat. Goats can trek through high mountains and ridges with extremely high skills. A one-year-old wild goat can Use your skillful climbing skills to climb up the snow-covered rocks, and cross many obstacles that are insurmountable for us humans along the way. But I don’t know the specific method of domestication.”

Zhen Jin nodded and asked again: "Are there any animal trainers among the people who survived the Pig Kiss?"

Cang Xu shook his head: "It seems not."

"It doesn't matter. There is no Pig Kiss. ​​Can't you find it in Baisha City?" Zhen Jin patted the old scholar on the shoulder.

In this battle, he got what he wanted.

Conquering the head sheep and taming it into a mount in the future are only minor parts of this harvest.

The point is, Zhenjin showed his strength in front of everyone. Let everyone in the exploration team see how powerful he is.

His influence on this group of people has been greatly improved.

The lesson of Huang Zao's betrayal was once enough.

Zhen Jin has kept the family motto of the Bai Zhen family in mind, and has put Huang Zao under his nose. On the one hand, he squeezes his value, and on the other hand, he uses him to remind himself how to become a qualified leader.

Looking around, Zhen Jin sighed sincerely: "This is a treasure land!"

To be honest, this was the first time he had discovered such a paradise on this island.

When they actually got started, the exploration team was pleasantly surprised to find that the size of the sheep here far exceeded the results of previous surveys.

I don’t know why, but the sheep here are simply overrun.

There are several large-scale flocks of more than a thousand sheep. There were even more goats in the hundreds, and Zhen Jin was hunting such a goat herd this time.

The expedition team began disposing of the dead goats.

First, blood was bled, skinned, and internal organs removed. Then some people began to cut the mutton, while others cleaned the sheep skin and stomach.

After the mutton is cut, it is placed on the campfire and smoked. This allows the moisture in the lamb to dissipate, allowing it to be stored longer.

After the sheepskin is cleaned, it also goes through processes such as smoking, sun-drying, etc.

Sheep skin can be made into leather clothing, and sheep stomach can be made into water bags.

For the next three days, the exploration team was busy here.

Under Zhen Jin's command, the crowd hunted three more sheep flocks.

Under Zhen Jin's personal action, all the bronze-level leaders surrendered.

Most of the adult goats were killed, but some of the lambs were temporarily left alive under Zhen Jin's special instructions.

These goats are easy to feed, so raising dozens of lambs and the four bronze-headed sheep is not a big burden.

This is the benefit of having more people. If it were just Zhen Jin and Zidi, they wouldn't have such free energy.

On the fourth day, the exploration team officially returned.

At this moment, the appearance of the entire team has undergone tremendous changes.

Almost everyone was covered with a layer of leather clothing. The leather jacket was very crudely made, with just a hole cut out for the head. On both sides of the body under the armpits, there are threads woven with rattan, and the two pieces of sheepskin at the front and back are tied together through holes.

The green and black wool side is left on the inside, against the body, and the yellow sheepskin side is turned outside.

Behind everyone, there is a huge animal skin package, which mainly contains smoked dried mutton.

Other than that, it’s the water bag. Many water bags made from sheep stomachs were tied around the waists of personnel.

The reserves of food and fresh water are very abundant, almost reaching the limit of the entire team's burden.

After all, everyone has a limit to how much he can carry.

Yellow Algae was scouting at the front of the team.

Zhenjin, Zidi and Cangxu were walking in the middle of the team.

Behind are the sheep, mainly pulled by cyanobacteria.

In addition to dozens of lambs, the highlight is the four bronze-headed sheep. These sheep are now wearing simple reins made of rattan, and there is a lot of baggage hanging on their bodies. Mainly dried meat and fresh water, followed by tents, spare weapons, etc.

Throughout the morning, the team was trekking through mountains and rivers, moving forward in the mountains and forests.

There were only a few short breaks, each lasting less than a quarter of an hour.

At noon, we had half an hour's rest.

The entire team was divided into two parts. One part was on guard, checking supplies, etc., and the other part was sitting cross-legged on the ground, eating lunch.

Cang Xu led his people to check carefully before and after the team. No one was missing. Food, water and other supplies had been counted. The most worrying sheep were also calm.

Behind the cracked glasses are the carefully observing eyes of an old scholar.

He found that the people eating were very relaxed. Some made fun of each other, and some pinched their calves while eating food, trying to relax as much as possible. As for those on guard duty, their eyes were alert and their chests were raised.

The morale of the entire team is quite high.

This exploration team set out from the very beginning, and Cang Xu was among them.

He has never seen these people exude such spirit.

He understood the key reason for all this.

Not the fragrant mutton jerky, nor the relatively stable road, but the young knight.

Needle gold!

All these changes were brought about by him.

His powerful strength gave everyone a strong sense of security and greatly increased their hopes.

Yellow algae and blue algae have become his slaves, and they have been working hard these days. Although Zhen Jin had not shown any fighting spirit, his profound background and suspected gold-level cultivation made the brothers feel how bright their future was.

Along the way, Zidi followed Zhenjin closely, almost never leaving. This person is the president of the Wisteria Chamber of Commerce, and her skillful skills in making potions in recent days also appeared in Cang Xu's mind.

Cang Xu's eyes finally stayed on Zhen Jin.

In most of his life, he had seen too many nobles.

And he can be sure at this time that among all the young people of the nobility, Zhen Jin definitely belongs to the top few.

He is extremely talented and powerful, and more importantly, he is a qualified leader.

Under his influence, the entire team united and their morale was high.

Cang Xu can predict that the Baizhen family, which is now in decline, will rise again because of Zhenjin!

"If possible, follow such a nobleman, witness him step by step to achieve his great achievements, and let yourself participate in the rise of the Baizhen family. Perhaps hundreds of years later, as a scholar, my name will accompany him It has become one of the symbols of wisdom recognized by future generations. What a wonderful thing."

"What a pity. If I could have met such a person when I was young..."

The regret in his heart did not show even a trace on the old scholar's face.

He walked up to Zhen Jin and reported the results of the investigation in the same respectful tone.

"Very good, Mr. Cangxu. Thanks to your suggestion, we have hunted enough meat and have such abundant reserves. Now sit down and let's have some lunch together." Zhenjin invited.

Cang Xu said: "My suggestion is only secondary. Without your guidance, sir, how could we be in such a situation."

Zhenjin smiled.

After getting along with each other these days, he became more and more satisfied with Cang Xu.

Although this old scholar is an ordinary person, his head is not ordinary.

The direction of the team's advance is decided by him.

And all he used was a wooden stick stuck in the ground and sunlight.

Cangxu's attitude and behavior always protect Zhenjin's status as a noble, which makes Zhenjin feel comfortable.

He is also very capable of doing things, quite stable and reliable, and his acupuncture becomes more and more comfortable the more he uses it.

If Cang Xu had some strength, even at the black iron level, then he would be the best candidate for the noble steward. It's a pity that he doesn't have extraordinary qualifications.

Even so, Zhenjin wanted to keep Cangxu by his side as much as possible.

What a talent!

His knowledge even surpassed Zidi.

Zidi is a mage.

Of course, this is also because Zidi is too young. And when she was studying, she devoted most of her energy to pharmacy.

Needless to say, anyone can guess that Zidi did this because good medicines often have huge market prospects and can bring huge profits.

The further away from the snow peaks, the higher the temperature becomes.

The sun is strongest at noon, and the newly made leather jacket begins to play its role in keeping warm. Perhaps because they had eaten and drank enough, everyone began to look a little wilted.

Someone had already stepped in on the outside of the team to keep up the investigation.

No one warned, and the fatal crisis quietly struck in such a peaceful atmosphere.

First came the cry of a young man in the ranks.

"S-Sir, it's not good! Those little lambs are lying on the ground, motionless, they are all dead!"

"What?" Zhen Jin couldn't help but change his expression.

This is really bad news.

These lambs are very useful. On the one hand, as a last resort, the exploration team can kill them as an emergency. On the other hand, if they arrive at Baisha City successfully and these lambs are still alive, they can be raised and tamed. In this way, Zhenjin can cultivate some cavalry.

Zhen Jin's plan was thwarted, and he immediately stood up and wanted to inspect it in person.

"Do you know the reason?" he asked the young man who called the police.

He had long recognized the young man.

His name is Bai Ya, he was born as an Orion, and he took the Pig Kiss to Baisha City to join the army.

Bai Ya looked panicked and shook her head quickly: "I, I don't know, everything happened suddenly, sir."

Zhen Jin hummed and was about to take a step when suddenly a strong wave of dizziness hit him. He was caught off guard, his body shook violently, and he almost fell to the ground on the spot.

He barely stood still, but found that the exploration team members, who had been so energetic just now, all staggered to the ground.

Almost instantly, most of the members passed out on the spot.

Zidi, Yellow Algae, Blue Algae and others are still barely supporting themselves.

"what happened?!"

"Everyone seems to be poisoned!"

"What kind of poison is this?!"

Huang Zao suddenly took out a dagger from his arms and shouted angrily at the young man Bai Ya: "Everyone has been poisoned, why are you the only one who is fine? Was it you who poisoned me?!"

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