Infinite Bloodcore

Section 30: My leadership style

Almost the entire exploration team was poisoned, with the exception of Bai Ya.

Faced with Huang Zao's angry rebuke, Bai Ya's face was full of panic. He kept shaking his head and retreated step by step. Finally, he staggered and fell to the ground.

"It's not me, it's really not me." Bai Ya yelled, trying to deny it.

Huang Zao approached him step by step, and suddenly fell to the ground midway.

His face was completely gray and his expression was ferocious, like a patient who fell into an ice cave and was immersed in the bitingly cold ice water for a long time before being fished out at the last moment of death.

"Why aren't you poisoned?" Huang Zao fell to the ground, still staring at Bai Ya unwillingly, squeezing out words through his teeth.

The blue algae on the other side suddenly whispered: "Ah! Could it be that the owner of this island has taken action? In addition to poisoning all of us, he also wants to save one person's life and let him go out to report the news. It's like a big boss. The pirates, after looting the ship, deliberately let some people go to spread their bad name."

Huang Zao still had some consciousness left, and was very confused after hearing this: "Who is it? Is there an owner of this island?"

Previously, Zhenjin and others did not tell other people about the results of their discussion in the tent, and even Huang Zao was kept in the dark.

Because the results of these discussions are mostly speculations without direct evidence.

Speaking of it will also cause a huge blow to the morale of the entire team, making people worried and anxious, and may even lead to emotional breakdown.

Both yellow algae and blue algae fell to the ground. Among the entire team, only Zhenjin could barely hold on and stand up straight. Even so, the young man felt that his body was getting colder and colder, as if he had fallen into an ice cave.

Blue Algae, who fell to the ground, struggled to stand up, but failed after several attempts. His eyes on Bai Ya suddenly stopped and he shouted: "I remembered, he didn't eat mutton, not even a bite. This mutton is poisonous!"

"Mutton is poisonous?" Zidi was stunned for a moment after hearing this.

Before eating mutton, she clearly verified that it was non-toxic.

"Is it related to the amount? Is it because we eat too much that we are poisoned?" Zhen Jin asked with a frown.

Zidi shook her head and smiled bitterly: "I have already verified such a simple possibility. But there is also a possibility that there is some kind of toxin, which I have not detected... Bai Ya, have you really not eaten a bite of mutton?"

Bai Ya nodded and stammered: "Yes, yes, sir. I don't like to eat mutton. I only eat dry food these days."

Bai Ya's performance constantly lowered the suspicion on him, and Zhen Jin turned his attention to Zi Di again.

If Bai Ya is up to no good, now is the best time for him to take action.

Zhen Jin had almost no power to resist at this moment.

Thinking about it from another angle, even if Bai Ya wanted to do something evil, it would be too stupid for him to choose poisoning at this time. Surviving in this wilderness, teammates around you can increase your probability of survival. The risk of escaping alone is too high.

Zidi had already fallen to the ground, her eyes flashing with thought: "Master Zhenjin, please come over and use the dagger on my body to cut a wound on my arm, okay?"

Zhenjin nodded, reluctantly moved forward, came to Zidi, and pulled out the hilt of the dagger from her calf.

The sharp edge of the dagger lightly scratched Zi Di's delicate and tight arm, creating a long and slender wound.

Judging from the wound, the flesh and blood in Zi Di's body was already gray.

The blood should have been flowing out, but at this moment it was only flowing out a little, and the blood temperature was low, and the red blood was mixed with some weird blue-gray color.

Zhen Jin immediately thought of zombies. He felt a cold air gushing out from the wound, and couldn't help but murmured: "Is it really cold poison?"

Zidi frowned.

The scene in front of me seemed like cold poison, but it was paradoxical.

Vaguely, Zidi thought of something, but she couldn't really grasp the light that flashed in her mind.

"I don't have much time!"

Zidi obviously felt that her body was getting stiffer and colder.

Soon, her heart would freeze and stop beating completely.

Zidi knew she had to make a decision as soon as possible!

"Sir, red...white mushroom bottle cap..." Zi Di pointed to the small leather bag on her waist with stiff fingers.

Zhen Jin immediately took action and opened the small leather bag, revealing the densely packed and neatly arranged vials of medicine inside.

There are three bottles of potions that match Zidi's description.

After Zhen Jin quickly identified them, he found that all three were the same.

He also knew that Zidi had a good habit - Zidi would try to combine each potion with different specifications of bottles, stoppers, labels and other elements to make unified distinctions.

Pulling open the white mushroom-like bottle cap, Zhen Jin brought the pinky-shaped glass bottle to Zidi's lips.

Zidi reluctantly opened her mouth, and Zhenjin began to pour the thick red potion in the bottle.

After just taking a small sip, Zi Di suddenly rolled her eyes and fainted completely.


Such a change made everyone present who was still conscious look stunned.

Zhen Jin's heart instantly sank to the bottom.

The only pharmacist is in a coma, what should we do?

"Take off...the sheepskin...go back, go back..." At this moment, Cang Xu's hoarse and weak voice came.

After he tried his best to say these words, he passed out again.

Both Yellow Algae and Blue Algae were very convinced by Cang Xu's words. Yellow Algae could no longer move, but Blue Algae still retained a certain ability to move, so she immediately took off her woolen coat.

After taking it off for a few breaths, the blue algae felt obvious.

"It's working! I feel like my whole body is getting warm again." Blue Algae whispered.

Very strange.

The biggest function of woolen coats is to keep warm. When we were near the snowy peaks, these newly made woolen coats made people feel happy.

But now, after taking off the warm leather clothes, the frozen body has regained some vitality.

What's going on?

Zhen Jin didn't have time to think too much.

Although he didn't understand, he immediately ordered Bai Ya and took action himself, helping the exploration team members who had fallen to the ground to take off their woolen coats.

After these leather clothes were taken off, most of the members who fell on the ground and were still unconscious found the strength to stand up!

Zi Di, Cang Xu and others were still in coma, with their eyes closed tightly.

"Carry them, we will return immediately!" Zhen Jin's attitude was firm and without hesitation.

Everyone who was awake knew that the matter was urgent and tried their best to drag the unconscious members back along the original route.

Cangxu, Zidi, Huangzao and others were carrying white-bone sheep.

Most of the sheep that Zhen Jin specially ordered to be arrested were dead or injured, leaving only the four strongest bronze-level sheep, and the remaining lambs were completely dead.

The further they walked back, the better everyone felt, and their strength gradually returned to them.

Although the temperature in the air is getting lower and lower, everyone's torsos, hands and feet are no longer stiff and cold, but have become warmer.

Finally, when everyone returned to the place where they had hunted the sheep, many people were back to their original state.

Zi Di and Cang Xu also woke up.

Zidi untied the bandage on her arm and looked at the wound that was cut not long ago. She found that the originally blue-gray wound had returned to its normal color of flesh and blood, and blood was flowing out naturally. It was no longer as terrifying as the zombies it had been before.

It seems that everything that happened before was just a nightmare.

However, the two dead bodies still coldly reminded everyone that all of this had happened.


The expedition lost two men.

The two fell into a coma and never woke up during the return process. Finally, when they returned to the original location, the breath of life completely disappeared.

"I understand, I understand why there are so many goats here. Because these are highly poisonous things. Whoever eats them will pay with their lives!" Huang Zao's face showed panic.

"This is a curse, the devil's curse!"

"We can only stay here. As long as we are further away from here, we will be poisoned again and die!"

Everyone was talking in a panic, looking at the goats grazing leisurely in the distance with fear.

The morale of the entire exploration team dropped severely.

"Shut up! Calm down." At this time, Zhenjin stood up, looked around, and shouted in a low voice.

Over the past few days, he has established enough prestige in the team. At this time, when he gave the order, everyone shut up obediently, and there was no more conversation.

Zhen Jin knew very well that strong pressure alone was not enough, he had to ease and release the panic in everyone's hearts.

So, he continued to speak: "I'm here, why are you panicking?"

"Things are far from getting out of hand. Don't forget, we also have Miss Zidi. She is not only a magician, but also a pharmacist with extraordinary abilities."

The fact that Zidi had just drunk the potion and knocked herself unconscious on the spot seemed to have been forgotten by Acupuncture.

However, many people saw this scene at the beginning, and when they returned, people who knew about it spread the news.

Can she really do it?

Zhen Jin naturally understood the hesitation in everyone's hearts, and he smiled confidently: "We didn't know the cause of poisoning before, and it is normal to make mistakes in diagnosis and treatment. When using medicine, we always pay attention to prescribing the right medicine. Now that we know the root cause, it is a completely different matter! How can the sheep trap our hands and feet? Everyone, I still have to lead you away from this island. It's too early to give up now."

The confused and frightened expressions of everyone began to change.

Zhen Jin has blond hair, fair skin, a high nose, and eyes like morning stars. Just in appearance, he is outstandingly handsome.

He is also the sole heir of the Baizhen family, a Templar Knight of the most powerful legion in the human race, and one of the contenders for the Lord of Baisha City.

Although he was only wearing damaged chainmail at this time, the spear on his back, and the long knife on his waist were all crudely made, but all kinds of embarrassments only enhanced the young man's perseverance and never-give-up spirit.

He is like the rising sun at dawn. The sunshine is not dazzling, but it brings people hope.

He is also like the flag fluttering in the wind on top of the white castle under the blue sky. As long as you see such a flag, you will inevitably be attracted to it and guided by it.

Zi Di and Cang Xu looked at Zhen Jin at this moment, speechless, and both made some noises.

"Sir, with you here, there is nothing to be afraid of! You are a knight, a Templar! You are the one who saved us this time." Bai Ya shouted excitedly, breaking the silence.

"Master, my two brothers will follow you to the death, no matter when and where, no matter whether the sky falls or the earth falls." Lan Zao also expressed his loyalty.

The crowd gradually became noisy.

"Master Zhenjin is absolutely right."

"Follow Master Zhenjin, we will definitely be able to escape from here."

"That's right. I will entrust my life to you, sir!"

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