Infinite Bloodcore

Section 35: Explosive Cavalry

Zhen Jin was not in a hurry to find Zidi. He was followed by Cang Xu, and they came to the camp together.

There are many people lying here.

They were all wounded who had recently taken medicine and were weak and weak.

These people need comfort.

"grown ups."

"Greetings, my lord."

Seeing the arrival of the Templar Needle Gold, the wounded struggled to stand up and salute.

"Let's all lie down." Zhen Jin stretched out his palms and made a downward motion.

"Don't worry, everyone. The imperial flag is still flying, and the gods of the temple are also watching you and me."

"This setback is nothing. As long as you don't lose your life, everything is possible."

"Follow me and I will lead you out of the island and to glory!"

After Zhenjin encouraged him, he and Cangxu walked out of the tent.

"As long as adults are here, the morale here will not collapse. You are the pillar of our hearts!" Cang Xu sighed.

Zhenjin smiled.

Cang Xu felt this, and it was not pure flattery.

Acupuncture does have such an effect.

This is a leader, this is one of the influences of the strong.

"Of course, what's more important is my identity as a Templar." Zhen Jin knew it well.

In the hearts of the people of the empire, the status of the Templars has always been quite high.

After walking out of the camp, Zhen Jin took Cang Xu to a nearby hillside.

Here, an extremely simple thatched house was temporarily built.

There is also a fence surrounding the thatched house. In the fence, there are several bone-horned goats.

These goats were once the leaders of the flock, possessing a bronze-level breath of life.

These goats will be kept in isolation here during the weak period when the exploration team members are taking medicine.

The person responsible for taking care of the goats is none other than Bai Ya.

Because this young man did not eat mutton, he was not corrupted by the chaotic magic and avoided a disaster. He got a nickname - Lucky Boy.

Lucky boy Bai Ya has been very busy these days. Not only did he have to take care of these sheep, he also had to rush for the wounded. Many people came under his care and endured his kindness, which made him very popular. Among them, Huang Zao had misunderstood Bai Ya before. After receiving Bai Ya's care, Huang Zao took the initiative to teach Bai Ya the fighting spirit technique.

Sensing the arrival of Zhenjin and Cangxu, he quickly opened the gate and respectfully welcomed the two in.

"Sir, I'm sorry, I failed to live up to your expectations of me. I, I didn't do it..." Bai Ya looked ashamed.

Zhenjin patted the young man on the shoulder and said comfortingly: "It doesn't matter, I know you have worked very hard."

Although Zhen Jin was younger than Bai Ya in terms of age, after hearing these words, Bai Ya's nervousness and worry immediately dissipated a lot, and his shameful mood turned into gratitude to Zhen Jin.

"Thank you, sir, for being so generous!" Bai Ya said.

Zhen Jin waved his hand, signaling Bai Ya to step back.

He originally gave an order to Bai Ya, ordering the latter to train these sheep with the intention of domesticating them into mounts.

Once this plan is successful, it will be of great help to Zhenjin now and even in the future.

Zhen Jin has always been thinking about the sheep cavalry.

The reason why this task was given to Bai Ya was, firstly, because he was alive and kicking and had not been corroded by magic power, and secondly, because he was the son of Orion and had had many dealings with wild beasts.

But judging from the results now, Bai Ya cannot tame these goats.

Zhenjin can't be said to be disappointed. His original hope was very small. Usually, this is done by animal trainers, or druids. Zhen Jin also knew that his idea was unrealistic as he expected a son of Orion to be an ordinary young man.

"Sir, I'm leaving." Bai Ya retreated.

Soon, only Zhenjin and Cangxu were left in the fence.

Zhen Jin then spoke: "As for the problem of food shortage, I already have a solution. That is to make a large number of potions and let the goats take them to induce vomiting of the magic power in their bodies and purify all the mutton."

Hearing this, Cang Xu hesitated for a moment, then carefully considered his words and said, "Sir, I'm afraid this method won't work. We can remove the magic power from our bodies because we are only subject to erosion. However, these goats are the source of the magic power itself. These magic powers It’s just a part of their lives, like their hands, feet or internal organs.”

"If we inject potion into the sheep, although a large amount of the magic power will be eliminated from their bodies, there will always be some residue, which cannot be completely eliminated. At the same time, these sheep will also suffer severe damage, which is far more serious than ours. Death on the spot is the most likely thing to happen."

Zhen Jin laughed and looked deeply at Cang Xu: "These goats are actually victims just like us. The real source of magic is not them, but the seemingly ordinary grass growing nearby."

Zhen Jin was so frank that Cang Xu Leng was on the spot.

The old scholar looked at Zhen Jin, and their eyes met in mid-air. The old scholar blinked and suddenly understood what Zhen Jin meant by saying this.

Zhen Jin continued: "Didn't Mr. Cang Xu realize this secret?"

Cang Xu's heart trembled slightly, the needle gold kept pressing, giving him the illusion that he was facing a sharp swordsman who was attacking continuously.

A look of hesitation flashed across the old scholar's face, and he replied with a twinkling look in his eyes: "I'm just stupid and didn't notice this secret."

Zhen Jin stared at Cang Xu for a while, and when he saw that the latter had no follow-up reaction, a feeling of disappointment arose in his heart.

Zhen Jin hummed lightly, turned around slowly, took steps, and walked towards the gate.

Cang Xu followed closely behind.

When Zhenjin was about to open the gate, Cangxu behind him suddenly said: "Master Zhenjin, your frankness and foresight make people admire you. You possess the foresight of an outstanding superior. Although you are currently in a difficult situation, you still try. Form cavalry. Indeed, cavalry plays a very important role in both offense and defense. With an excellent cavalry in hand, you can often take the initiative. However, in my opinion, these goats are not your best choice. You still have A better choice.”

"Oh?" Zhen Jin put one hand on the gate, turned around slowly, and looked back at Cang Xu, "Then let me listen to Mr. Cang Xu's opinion."

"Sir, although these goats have a very high level of life, they are not natural products and contain huge hidden dangers."

"They can't coordinate their magic power. Even if they form cavalry, the upper limit is very low."

"In addition, your Excellency will be in charge of Baisha City in the future. The terrain around Baisha City is flat, and there are vast forests in the direction of the wilderness continent. There are no hilly terrain, which is not suitable for the performance of the sheep cavalry."

Cang Xu talks eloquently.

Zhen Jin's face was expressionless, but in his heart he fully recognized Cang Xu's words.

These problems are all clear to Zhen Jin.

But the key is, besides forming sheep cavalry, what else can he form?

Zhen Jin is now broke. Although he is a dignified Templar, even his subordinates have only recently been recruited under his command.

And once these people leave this island in the future, whether they are willing to continue to follow Zhen Jin or not is a matter of speculation.

Cang Xu suddenly asked: "I wonder how much your lord knows about the Explosive Horse?"

"It sounds a bit familiar." Zhen Jin frowned slightly, thought for a moment, and suddenly said, "Duke Henle?"

When Duke Henle was young, he was a notorious playboy. His parents died in his early years, and he was deeply loved by his ancestors. He indulged in sensuality and lacked strength. However, the Eastern nobles rebelled, and their ancestors were ambushed and killed on the battlefield.

As a result, Henle ascended to the throne and became the leader of the clan. Before he could react, the noble's allies attacked in mighty force.

Henle didn't even have time to grieve. With the support of the family knights, he served as commander-in-chief and led the army to resist the Allies.

The two armies were fighting, and the knights of the Henle family fought bravely to defend their homeland. However, they were powerless and were put at a disadvantage and found themselves in trouble.

Seeing that the overall situation was about to collapse, the timid Hengle decided to escape secretly in order to save his life.

But in his panic, he failed to identify the horse clearly and mistakenly boarded a horse with explosive hooves.

The explosive-hoofed horse is impulsive and even crazy. Once provoked, they will fight back with all their might, even if they lose their lives.

As Henle galloped away, a stray shot hit his mount's butt.

The explosive-hoofed horse was immediately furious. He ignored Henle's shouts and tugging on the reins, and turned around to charge towards the fierce battlefield where the army was entangled and fighting.

The family army, which was originally low in morale, suddenly saw the "one-man charge" of the contemporary Duke Henle, and was immediately infected by his spirit. They roared angrily, their morale skyrocketed, and they launched a violent counterattack regardless of their lives.

The Union army was caught off guard, their line was overwhelmed, and they became the defeated side.

Henle won a key victory and kept the family's territory due to a strange combination of circumstances. This story about him was told by him six years later when he was drunk, and it became widely known throughout the world.

Cang Xu nodded: "It's exactly the kind of horse that Duke Henle rode back then. I know how to train explosive cavalry."

Hearing this, Zhen Jin couldn't help but show a hint of shock: "Are you sure?"

The Explosive Horse has a wild temperament and can easily fall into anger. If provoked at the slightest moment, it will attack crazily and will not stop.

But other than that, the Explosive Hooves Horse itself is very strong. It is very tall, and its head is about one meter higher than most war horses. The horse's hooves are thicker and harder than most war horses, as if they are made of steel.

It is very explosive, and once it starts running, it only takes a few breaths to reach the top speed.

Not only for short distances, but also for long distances, it also has considerable endurance.

Zhenjin himself is a Templar. Although his memory is incomplete, he has common sense and deeply understands how important a good mount is to a knight and how much it will increase his combat power.

The height of the explosive hoof horse allows the knight to fight condescendingly. On the battlefield, a slight advantage can mean the difference between life and death. Is there more than just a hint of the height advantage brought by the fierce horse with explosive hoofs?

The hooves of the Explosive Horse are also very powerful weapons. Excellent cavalry can make the horsemen stand up and kick the enemy with their front hooves. The explosive hoof horse can kick through a normal iron shield with one hoof!

Not to mention the terrifying collision force brought by the fierce muscles of the fierce horse with explosive hoofs.

Such excellent qualities have led many nobles or leaders of forces to try to form explosive cavalry.

However, the performance of this cavalry on the battlefield has always been poor.

Because the cavalry had no way to control these fierce horses with explosive hooves. Especially when this kind of fierce horse is provoked, it will rush towards the enemy regardless of the restraint of the cavalry.

The Explosive Cavalry is so easy to mobilize.

With a little provocation, the cavalry can rush forward and enter the mage's range.

Under the bombardment of magic, the Explosive Horse and its cavalry took the initiative to die without any fear.

When encountering a slightly more cunning enemy leader, the cavalry will be mobilized to attack their own front and become a pawn in the enemy's hands.

The Explosive Horse has many advantages, but there is one huge flaw that has caused the Explosive Horse to gradually become a laughing stock.

But now, Cang Xu proposed to Zhen Jin to form the explosive cavalry.

Zhen Jin stared at Cang Xu with sharp eyes. Although the time they got together was short, he didn't believe that Cang Xu was a person who didn't know his limits.

Sure enough, Cang Xu added the next moment: "I have a way to let the cavalry basically control the violent horses with explosive hoofs."

"The reason why the explosive-hoofed horses cannot form cavalry is because they are too explosive. But using this method, we can make up for this shortcoming."

"It's just that the Dou Qi Jue is still a rough creation at present and is not yet mature, let alone perfect."

"If you don't mind it, I'm willing to offer it to you with both hands."

Zhen Jin narrowed his eyes and nodded: "Mr. Cang Xu, I will keep your contribution in mind."

The relationship between cavalry and mounts is not just a simple riding relationship.

In addition to getting along with their mounts day and night, training together and cultivating a tacit understanding, the cavalry will also use fighting spirit to instill it in their mounts.

Fighting energy shuttles and circulates in the body of the mount, making the mount move faster, have stronger defense, recover faster, have greater strength, etc.

When the cavalry charges, the fighting spirit stimulated will make the cavalry and the mount more closely connected, thus forming a whole.

According to Cang Xu, he mastered a newly created fighting spirit technique. Using this fighting spirit, the cavalry could effectively control the explosive-hoofed horse and prevent the latter from going crazy easily.

The value of this fighting spirit technique is of course very high.

Cangxu continued: "Master Zhenjin, although these goats have a strong sense of life, they are still monsters after all. They cannot coordinate their magic power independently to make the magic power in their bodies balanced and stable. This also means that the cavalry cannot use fighting spirit. Instilled into the goat's body. Even if they form a cavalry, they don't have much potential, and there are great hidden dangers."

"It would be better to use potions to remove the chaotic magic power from their bodies, and then slaughter them directly to obtain a large amount of food and solve the problem at hand."

Although the processed mutton may still have residual magic power, it is risky.

But under the current situation, what else can the entire exploration team expect?

ps: I recommend a good book - "The Super Mechanic". The mechanical settings are novel and the atmosphere is relaxed and happy.

Han Xiao, a hardcore power leveler of "Xinghai", was thrown into the traveling army by the mysterious power from the east (zuo) side (zhe), and turned into an NPC with the player panel. He returned to "Xinghai" before the open beta, and resolutely chose the most difficult machine. Tie.

Battleships line up across the sea of ​​​​stars, star mechas are as powerful as dragons, nether energy cannons destroy the world, and the endless mechanical army is quietly waiting in the portable warehouse

One person is an army!

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