Infinite Bloodcore

Chapter 36: Strange Flying Squirrel

Food is very important!

A shortage of food will put the entire exploration team into dire straits. Even the mere pressure of a shortage can trigger panic and unrest throughout the team.

After Zhenjin and Cangxu discussed it, they came to Zidi's tent alone.

The specifications of this tent are second only to Zhenjin.

There were no guards outside the tent.

Zhenjin originally wanted to arrange some manpower for Zidi, but Zidi made it clear that it was not needed.

She has her own defenses.

Zidi had already rested, preparing medicines for the entire team members. The workload was too heavy and the process was very troublesome, which made her exhausted.

Zhen Jin was pacing outside the tent. Although the problem was serious, Zhen Jin didn't want to disturb Zidi easily.

"Just let her rest well."

Just as Zhen Jin was thinking this, Zidi, who was sleeping soundly in the dim tent, gently twitched her nose, and then slowly opened her eyes.

"Are you an adult?" Zidi's voice came from the tent.

Zhen Jingang turned around to leave, but when he heard the voice, he immediately turned around and said, "It's me. There are some things I need to discuss with you."

A rustling sound soon came from the tent, and soon Zhen Jin saw Zidi dressed neatly, opened the door curtain, and greeted her personally.

"Sir, please come in." Zidi welcomed Zhenjin into the tent.

Zhenjin directly stated his intention.

Zidi shook her head: "I'm sorry, this time I have to let you down."

"Although your Lord's method is feasible, I need a key material to make the corresponding potion."

"And I have almost used up this material, leaving only a little to prepare for accidents."

"What kind of material is this? Can it be found here?" Zhen Jin was not reconciled.

Zidi shook her head, looking troubled: "Perhaps this material grows somewhere on this island. But I don't have any clues about it."

"Besides, even if we have such materials and we make enough potions to use them on the sheep, the gains outweigh the losses. Because if we do this, we will expose the secret of the grass."

The sheep use the medicine to clear away the chaotic magic in their bodies, and others will understand the truth that the sheep are also victims.

The true source of magic power, the grass, was also exposed.

The grass here is a magic plant, and after being picked, it is much easier to carry and transport than mutton.

Zhen Jin: "I have told Cang Xu this secret."

Zidi was stunned for a moment and then understood: "Sir, you are doing the right thing. Cang Xu is indeed a rare talent."

"He may have discovered the secret a long time ago, but he didn't reveal it, which proves his wisdom."

"Perhaps, he didn't realize this secret, but if you tell such a big secret, sir, he will definitely realize your sincerity in wanting to treat him as one of your own."

"Congratulations, sir, for recruiting such an excellent consultant."

Zhen Jin shook his head and told Zidi what happened next.

Zidi was quite surprised: "There is such a fighting spirit technique?"

She immediately frowned and said in a worried tone: "Sir, if such a fighting spirit technique is easily donated, the value may not be too high."

"Mr. Cangxu himself is a scholar, not an animal tamer. The most important thing is that he does not possess extraordinary power."

"If this Dou Qi Art is of high value, he can definitely exchange it with other nobles to get more benefits."

Zhenjin maintained a different view on this: "Cangxu is not like a person who does not know the importance of importance. He is very measured in what he does. He understands the value of these grasses, so the Dou Qi art he used is at least of equal value."

"This is the bargaining chip for him to retain his freedom and refuse my solicitation. But in this way, he becomes more important to me."

Having said this, Zhen Jin smiled slightly.

Regarding the issue of food shortage, Zhenjin asked Zidi again.

Zidi didn't have any good ideas, she just said: "This island is very large, full of dangers, and rich in resources. We can only look while walking. Maybe we can find better food than sheep." Source. Moreover, before looking for the adults, we set up several camps along the way and kept some supplies in the camps. If we can find the way we came and get these supplies, we can also alleviate the problem of food shortage. "

Zhenjin nodded and prepared to leave with a slight disappointment.

As soon as the door curtain was lifted, a look of hesitation flashed across Zhen Jin's face, but in the end he turned around and asked: "Zidi, do you still keep the blood of the monkey-tailed brown bear from before?"

Although he asked this question, Zhen Jin didn't have much hope.

The blood of the monkey-tailed brown bear contains magic power and is a magical material. But the magic in the blood dissipates quickly over time. It is not easy to save, and the cost of saving is high.

But Zidi's response surprised Zhenjin.

She actually still has some brown bear blood.

"Give it to me." Zhen Jin said.

Zi Di didn't ask anything, she opened the small leather bag on her waist and handed several glass bottles to Zhen Jin.

Zhen Jin held the reagent bottle containing brown bear blood and left Zidi's tent.

The strongest person in the entire team is yourself.

Now that food is in short supply, almost everyone else's strength will be greatly reduced due to taking potions.

Zhenjin has never been able to mobilize his fighting spirit. In this case, the ability of his hands to mutate into sharp claws has become Zhenjin's strongest means.

"According to my previous guess, if I drink the brown bear blood, I can replenish the corresponding magic power in my body. It is very likely that the original mutation will be reproduced!" Zhen Jin secretly said while holding the glass bottle in his hand.

His eyes were firm and he said to himself: "Of course, I will not drink this blood unless absolutely necessary."

Chaotic foreign magic will eat away at his body and diminish his potential.

But just like what the leader of the Baizhen clan said in my memory, sometimes you can't be afraid of risks, and you can't be afraid of sacrifices!

early morning.

White mist lingers between the towering trees.

Green moss and various bright mushrooms dot the woodland.

An orange-yellow deer is looking for food in the forest.

It took a fancy to a low bush and was about to approach when suddenly a series of rapid sounds came from the other side of the bush.


The frightened deer turned around and left quickly.

After a few breaths, the squeaking sounds became closer and closer, mixed with the sounds of people shouting.


"Don't let these flying squirrels get away."

"Use the crossbow, use the crossbow quickly."

The sound became louder and louder, and then the three flying squirrels squeaked and flew directly over the bushes, running away.

The pursuers behind them were hindered by the bushes and had to slow down as they watched the flying squirrel disappear into the forest.

"What a shame!"

"Alas, I still haven't caught up."

The leaders of the pursuers were the two brothers Blue Algae and Yellow Algae.

Huang Zao looked unwilling and wanted to chase, but was stopped by Lan Zao: "Have you forgotten Master Zhenjin's order? Don't break away from the main force. We are already far away from Master Zhenjin now."

"I just want to get more food. This flying squirrel is very big, the meat is safe and very plump." Huang Zao sighed.

The exploration team is running out of food, and this invisible huge pressure has been weighing on everyone's hearts.

But thinking of Zhenjin's order, Huang Zao could only grit his teeth and give up.

When the pursuers returned to the team, they saw that Bai Ya and others had begun to process the flying squirrel carcasses on the spot, skinning, cutting, cleaning, and then smoking them.

More than ten days have passed, and Zidi has prepared enough potions to solve the magic erosion in the bodies of the exploration team members. After resting in place for a few days, Zhen Jin led everyone to set off.

This team has experienced the crisis caused by the poisonous disease, and almost everyone's quality and combat effectiveness have declined. However, they have become closer and have a tacit understanding after sharing the same hardships.

During the next trip, they encountered several more crises one after another, but with Zhenjin stepping forward, they united to repel the invading monsters.

"I'm sorry, Lord Zhenjin, we only killed two flying squirrels." Huang Zao walked up to Zhenjin and reported the report with shame.

Zhen Jin nodded and continued: "Leave these to Bai Ya and the others."

Not everyone is proficient in handling animal carcasses.

Bai Ya is the son of Orion. He has received this kind of training since he was a child and is very familiar with it.

The incident of mutton poisoning made this young man stand out. He has the nickname "Lucky Boy", and almost the entire exploration team has been under his care. Because of his hard work, enthusiasm and simplicity, he has gained good popularity.

Huang Zao carried two flying squirrels and walked to Bai Ya.

Bai Ya was dealing with the flying squirrel. The skin of the flying squirrel under his knife had been peeled off and its internal organs had been cleaned. Bai Ya was using a knife to try to cut off Momonga's neck.

After cutting with the knife several times, the bones in the neck were still not completely broken.

"Hey, lucky boy, use this." Huang Zao smiled and handed Bai Ya a knife.

This knife is obviously shoddily made. The handle of the knife is just slightly polished wood, and the blade is inserted into the handle and fixed as much as possible with hemp rope and other materials. However, the blade is ferocious, shining with a sharp cold light, like steel but not steel, like iron but not iron. It is one of the limbs of the Blade Spider.

This weapon is of course needle gold, but after the poisoning incident, the entire exploration team's combat effectiveness declined. In order to increase his combat power as much as possible, Zhenjin selectively lent some blade weapons to his subordinates for use.

Bai Ya took the knife, it was his first time touching it.

The first impression is that it is light and not as heavy as expected.

Bai Ya aimed at Flying Squirrel's neck and slashed it down. Suddenly a cold light flashed across his eyes, and the previously stubborn Flying Squirrel's bones were directly broken into two pieces.

Bai Ya immediately showed a look of shock. He had cut the bones as if he were cutting pieces of iron. He had cut his hands several times and his hands were numb, but he had not yet succeeded. Now that I'm using this knife, it feels like cutting on a piece of bread, it's so easy.

"It's really awesome!" Bai Ya looked at the knife and exclaimed sincerely.

"Of course, this is a silver-level monster after all." Huang Zao said with a smile.

Bai Ya shook his head: "No, I mean Master Zhenjin. That silver-level blade spider must be very terrifying. But you defeated it, and you are worthy of being a Templar!"

Bai Ya said, the admiration and admiration in her heart were revealed on her face.

Huang Zao chuckled and said in agreement: "Yes, we are really lucky to meet Master Zhenjin. Not to mention other things, we just encountered a group of flying squirrels. Master Zhenjin threw his dagger, and he hit the target with every shot! Most of the flying squirrels, It was the adults who killed him!"

"Wait, with this knife, I can dispose of the body of the flying squirrel leader." Bai Ya thought of something, and ran to another place with excitement on his face.

The body of the flying squirrel leader exudes a bronze-level breath of life, but this breath is rapidly weakening and will completely dissipate in less than half a day.

There was a dagger stuck in the eye socket of the leader of Momonga. This is the fatal injury, precisely the handiwork of Zhen Jin.

Bai Ya held the spider blade tightly, slowly aimed it at the right position, then cut hard and quickly peeled off the flying squirrel's fur.

The skin of the flying squirrel leader is very tough, and it cannot be cut with an ordinary iron sword.

But under the spider's blade, everything is solved.

"Huh?" Bai Ya was cutting open the abdominal cavity of the flying squirrel leader, and suddenly made a movement with his hand.

"What's wrong?" Huang Zao asked.

Bai Ya said uncertainly: "The meat of this flying squirrel leader seems to be different from other flying squirrels."

Huang Zao took a look and said, "There's no difference."

"No." Bai Ya had a serious look on his face. He first returned the knife to Huang Zao, then squatted on the ground and pressed it, and then groped around the flying squirrel's internal organs and bones.

After that, Bai Ya's tone became more affirmative than before: "There are indeed many subtle differences. I'd better show this to Master Cangxu first."

"Yeah. That's a good idea." Huang Zao agreed.

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