Infinite Bloodcore

Chapter 37: I face a difficult choice

Cang Xu, an old scholar, is knowledgeable and has a broad vision, and can often see many things from the corpses of monsters. Before Zhenjin took over the leadership responsibilities of the exploration team, Cang Xu relied on this to bring huge help to the exploration team.

Cang Xu had already seen the corpses of ordinary flying squirrels before, but he specifically told him that if he dissected the leader of flying squirrels and found any abnormalities, he should report to him quickly.

"Sir." Soon, Bai Ya found Cang Xu with the body of the flying squirrel leader.

"It's Bai Ya." Cang Xu nodded, and his eyes immediately shifted to the body of the flying squirrel leader that Bai Ya was carrying.

"Sir, please take a look. Maybe I'm too nervous, but there is something different." Bai Ya showed the body of the flying squirrel leader to Cang Xu for a closer look.

Cang Xu observed for a moment, and his expression gradually became serious.

"Bai Ya, you did a good job." Cang Xu praised, reaching out to lift the body of the flying squirrel leader. Although it was brought up, the old scholar soon sighed and put it back where it was.

The old scholar himself was weak and had been eroded by magic power before. Although the poison was cured, his body was still severely damaged.

"Take it with you and report to Master Zhenjin with me." Cang Xu said to Bai Ya.

"Yes, sir." Bai Ya immediately accepted the order.

In the tent, Zhen Jin was discussing the crossbow issue with Zidi.

"Due to the erosion of magic power, the actual combat effectiveness of the entire exploration team has still dropped a lot." Without outsiders present, Zhenjin looked worried, "It was quite difficult to explore this island originally. Now we have to bear greater risks. "

Zidi muttered: "Master Zhenjin, we have reached our limit. In a short period of time, the exploration team can only be in this state. Unless middle and high-level magic potions, or corresponding magic, divine spells, etc. are used for treatment."

"However, under the current situation, we cannot produce mid-to-high-level magic potions. And I don't agree with this."

"Because it's not cost-effective."

"Whether it is mid-to-high-level magic potions or equivalent magic and divine arts, the cost is very high. Just to treat these ordinary people, even if there are two bronze-level elites among them, it is not worth the loss."

After a pause, Zidi added: "In fact, there are many sequelae of magic erosion. For example, various strange and even difficult-to-treat chronic diseases, as well as shortened life span, etc."

Zhenjin sighed: "Let's not consider these for now. I just want to supplement the actual combat power. Do you think we can make a crossbow?"

These days, Zhenjin has fully realized the benefits of long-range strikes.

For example, the leader of the flying squirrel not long ago was a bronze-level monster. However, he was fatally struck by the dagger thrown by Zhen Jin. As soon as the leader of the flying squirrel died, the attacking group of flying squirrels immediately fell into chaos. The exploration team seized the opportunity and won a great victory without any casualties.

Zidi considered her tone and said seriously: "Sir, your idea is correct. As long as we increase our long-range power, we can supplement our combat power to a great extent, and we can also conserve our physical strength and reduce possible casualties."

"However, I'm afraid we still can't manufacture it at the moment."

"First, we don't have a crossbow maker. The structure of the crossbow is very simple, but its manufacture requires mature skills. We are all laymen."

"Second, we don't have a blacksmith. A really powerful crossbow uses a steel plate as the crossbow arm, and the poundage it pulls will be very high. At the same time, the structure of the crossbow is very delicate and requires metal reeds. These need to be made by a blacksmith. Excellent crossbows also have a mechanical device to assist in pulling the string. Even the empire cannot manufacture this device on a large scale. Every year, they purchase it on a large scale from the goblins in the lava continent."

Not all scholars are magicians, but every magician is a scholar.

Zidi is the current president of the Wisteria Chamber of Commerce, and arms business is usually the most profitable business, so she knows crossbows very well.

But Zhenjin did not give up easily.

He still insisted: "I don't plan to use steel plates as crossbow arms, I just want wooden boards. We can dry the bark and tear it apart to form hemp rope. In this way, we will have bow strings. In fact, we still have a lot of Warcraft's Muscles.”

"Although the crossbow made in this way has a much lower poundage, it is easier to cock, and it can be done simply by using human power."

"The only thing that can be an obstacle is the crossbow machine. The crossbow machine is delicate and requires metal parts of a specific shape. The most difficult thing is the reed."

"Zidi, you are right, we don't have a blacksmith. But we have very few people and we don't need a blacksmith for large-scale manufacturing. I just need you to use potions to corrode specific metal fittings and reeds. "

Zhenjin is also familiar with crossbows.

Although he has not recovered the relevant memories, his common sense is rich in information.

In fact, the Templars were equipped with mounted crossbows. This crossbow is smaller in size and is specially designed for knights to use on horses.

Zidi sighed: "I'm sorry, sir, I currently don't have a potion that can corrode metal accessories of a specific shape. I don't have this special potion with me. But if I raise the corresponding materials, I can still configure it on the spot. It’s just that a monster with corrosive acid is not easy to deal with, and it is likely to cause huge casualties to the entire team.”

"One more thing, I want to remind you, sir, to pay more attention."

Speaking of this, Zi Di subconsciously lowered her voice slightly.

"If your plan goes smoothly and almost everyone in the team has a crossbow, then this team will be difficult to control and become very dangerous."

Acupuncture's pupils shrank slightly.

Zidi's reminder is right.

Zhen Jin immediately recalled the scene of Huang Zao's escape.

"Don't overestimate people, and don't underestimate people." Zhen Jin murmured in his heart.

People's hearts are unpredictable.

Facing his savior, Huang Zao ran away with a dagger, regardless of his intention or not. And on this island, there are dangers everywhere. What kind of extreme situations will happen in the future?

Now it seems that these people all support Zhen Jin as their leader. But what if something extreme happens?

For example, if everyone is running away together from being chased by Warcraft, in order to escape, will someone use a crossbow to shoot their companions, so that their companions can become bait and slow down the pursuit of Warcraft?

Especially in the current environment, middle and low-level magic and fighting spirit cannot be activated. Regardless of whether it is Zhenjin or Zidi, they are both weak. A sharp sword or a flying arrow could kill both of them.

People have fatal weaknesses.

These members of the exploration team are not soldiers of the Baizhen family. The cultivation of loyalty often takes time.

Zhen Jin is not a person who cannot listen to opinions.

"If the crossbow doesn't work, then you'll have to try a bow."

"A longbow will definitely not work. Such a bow would be very inconvenient in a dense forest, and it would also place high demands on the archer."

"A short bow can be used, and it is more convenient to make than a crossbow. But it also requires some training."

Long-range strikes must first be precise.

However, it is difficult to replicate the situation where Zhen Jin suddenly mastered the long-range strike ability due to the emergence of memories.

The members of the exploration team are not proficient in bows and arrows, except Bai Ya.

He is the son of Orion, and using bows and arrows is one of his means of survival.

If there are enough manpower, Zhenjin can select archery experts and form a specialized team of archers. But now he is seriously short of manpower. The main purpose of setting up bows and arrows is to protect these people and reduce casualties as much as possible.

"Wood can be found everywhere here, and it is not difficult to make a short bow. If one person's accuracy is not enough, the team can fire a salvo to form a barrage to make up for the shortcomings."

"We still need to conduct assault training, otherwise we won't even be able to form a barrage of arrows."

"But to train, you need enough food."

Zhen Jin started to feel a faint headache.

It takes a lot of energy to draw a bow and string it, especially the higher the weight of the bow, the more so. Many crossbows must have mechanical devices, otherwise the bowstring cannot be pulled by human power alone.

When shooting an arrow, you need to aim and maintain a strong bend in the bow arm for a period of time, which is also very physically demanding.

The greater the physical exertion, the greater the food requirements.

Without food supplements, training rashly is definitely asking for trouble.

So, the problem comes down to food.

However, food shortage is already the most serious problem at present!

When Zhenjin was in distress, Cangxu and Baiya asked to see him.

The two brought the body of the flying squirrel leader.

"We have made some surprising discoveries, sir." Cang Xu said in a serious tone.

Zhen Jin's eyes subconsciously turned to the body of the flying squirrel leader: "Did you discover the magic crystal?"

"Not really." Cang Xu gestured to Bai Ya.

After Bai Ya saw Zhen Jin nodding, he placed the body of the flying squirrel leader on the table.

Cang Xu then instructed Bai Ya to forcefully open the incision on the flying squirrel's head, revealing the vivid and vivid muscle texture.

"Master Zhenjin, Master Zidi, please look here." Cang Xu pointed at these muscle textures.

Zidi glanced at it and frowned slightly: "It is indeed a little different from ordinary monsters."

Zhen Jin also discovered that usually the muscles of Warcraft are in strands and bundles, forming a whole. But the muscles of the flying squirrel's head are divided into many fine muscle slices. The muscle slices are arranged closely, like fish scales, very neatly.

"Look here, you two." Cang Xu then showed the internal organs of the flying squirrel leader.

Zhen Jin and Zi Di also discovered that the surface of these internal organs had a white, fascia-like covering that was relatively thick.

Zidi was confused: "This is indeed different from the normal Warcraft. But what does this different structure mean?"

Although Zidi is a magician, she is not as knowledgeable as Cang Xu in this aspect.

Zhenjin's common sense didn't allow him to understand the old scholar's intention.

Seeing the confused looks on the two men's faces, Cang Xu explained: "I strongly suspect that this flying squirrel leader can release strong electric current!"

"Oh? How do you say that?" Zhen Jin was confused.

"Are there any rats that can discharge electricity?" Bai Ya opened his mouth wide.

Cang Xu continued to explain: "There is a special kind of fish that thrives on the seabed or in large rivers. People call it electric eel. The body structure of this fish is very similar to the flying squirrel leader. When they want to discharge electricity, The muscles all over the body will start to rhythm and erupt with a terrifying electric shock, which can kill the elephant instantly. But they also have insulating fascia in their bodies to protect themselves from electric shock."

"Then why didn't the flying squirrel leader release an electric shock before?" Bai Ya asked.

Cang Xu shook his head slightly: "This kind of electric shock is not magic, but comes from the unique structure of life. Magic is when a magician uses his own spirit, with the help of elements, to create something out of nothing according to the rules. The electric eel is because of its unique organs and tissues. That's it. It’s like having a throat allows you to make sounds, and having wings allows you to fly.”

"At most, electric eels generate electric current and cannot control the flow of electric current. However, electric eels live in water. Once a strong electric current is generated, all underwater life near it will suffer horrific electric shocks."

"For the flying squirrel leader, even if an electric current is generated, it depends on the surrounding environment. Trees, ground, and air are often powerful obstacles to electric current."

"So, only when the flying squirrel leader comes into contact with the enemy, its electric shock ability will be exposed. But because before, the dagger thrown by Master Zhenjin directly killed it in mid-air, so this ability is also limited to It has been temporarily concealed.”

"So that's it." Bai Ya suddenly realized.

Zidi narrowed her eyes slightly: "So, if we have to face this kind of flying squirrel leader in the future, iron armor will be a weakness. It is best to wear thick leather armor."

Cang Xu shook his head: "Leather armor does not provide enough safety protection, and the human face is usually exposed. At the same time, the flying squirrel's claws are very sharp and can discharge electricity after tearing the leather armor."

Zhenjin nodded: "So, the best way to deal with this kind of flying squirrel boss is to strike from a long range! But we have too few archers."

Although the needle gold can be thrown accurately, it cannot kill with one hit so smoothly every time.

He is not someone else's nanny, nor is his subordinate there to protect.

"Sir, Lan Zhao is here to report to you." At this moment, a voice came from outside the tent.

Lan Zhao is a bronze-level elite, so Zhen Jin sent him to explore the surroundings before.

Zhenjin summoned Lan Zhao into the tent and found that the latter's face was full of joy.

"Sir, good news! I found a gathering place of flying squirrels not far ahead. These flying squirrels dig holes and build nests in the trunks of big trees. I roughly counted them and found that there are a lot of tree holes! This group of flying squirrels is very large. , there are nearly a thousand of them, if we hunt them down, it can greatly supplement our food supply."

Cang Xu pondered: "It seems that this kind of flying squirrel's gregarious temperament has not changed."

"Oh?" Zhen Jin raised his eyebrows slightly and looked at Zidi subconsciously.

Zidi knew what the needle gold meant and immediately said: "I have tested it and there is nothing wrong with the meat of ordinary flying squirrels. Of course, the monster meat of the flying squirrel leader must not be eaten randomly."

Bai Ya shouted: "Hunting such a large group of rats is very dangerous."

Lan Zao glared at Bai Ya, then looked at Zhen Jin, and took the initiative to ask for orders to be the first to charge and attack the flying squirrel colony.

Cang Xu shook his head: "Lanzao, you underestimate these flying squirrels. A bronze-level flying squirrel leader can burst out with electric shock. Such a large group is likely to have a black iron-level flying squirrel leader."

"What?" Lan Zao was stunned.

Zhenjin fell into thinking.

He found himself facing a difficult choice.

But for a moment, Zhen Jin was unable to make a decision: "I want to consider this matter carefully. You all should step back and do your own things."

"Yes, sir."

"No matter what decision you make, I will support you." Zidi left these words when she was the last to leave the tent.

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