Infinite Bloodcore

Chapter 41: Desperate persistence

Even though it’s just three arrows, it actually has a huge impact on the outcome of the battle.

Because one side had no damage and was shooting from a long range, the other side was losing strength.

One-on-one and two-on-one on the battlefield are two completely different treatments.

The common point of the so-called art of war is to use various methods to create a situation where more people attack fewer people, thereby forming an advantage in terms of strength and consumption.

Moreover, Momonga is not undead, as long as it is a natural life, it has morale. Just like before, Zhenjin directly eliminated the leader of the flying squirrels, causing the remaining flying squirrels to collapse and flee in all directions.

The number of times you shoot arrows cannot actually be too many.

Shooting too many arrows greatly depleted their physical strength. They are only temporary archers, and their physical strength should be allocated more to melee combat, otherwise the gain outweighs the loss.

Next, the work of adjusting the bow and needle gold was left to Bai Ya.

Yellow algae and blue algae have only a small part of the leadership ability. At most, they can lead a small team to charge on the deck of a sea ship.

As for Zhenjin, he doesn't know how to adjust the bow. Not to mention Cangxu and Zidi.

Bai Ya, the son of Orion, was average in strength. If this island had not been captured, he would have definitely been ignored by everyone. He was too mediocre. But in this situation, he was able to shine with his own talents.

For him, this island presents great dangers, but it also offers great opportunities.

"In the final analysis, there are still too few talents under my subordinates. Those with a little talent, like Bai Ya, can stand out." Zhen Jin sighed secretly.

Bai Ya led several people to adjust the bows, and the remaining people would certainly not be idle.

The yellow algae continues to hunt. The main goal is not to obtain food, but to target the wild birds and harvest their feathers.

Cyanobacteria continue to scout around the flying squirrel colony.

Wooden shields and hunter traps were all made one after another.

There are also hemp ropes woven from bark silk. The short ones are used for bow strings, and the long ones are used for binding, such as making shields. Stockpiles of hemp rope continued to rise. These items were inconspicuous, but very practical.

No one can estimate how long they will stay on this island, so they must try to stock up on things like hemp rope.

According to Cang Xu’s introduction, things like hemp rope actually have a wide range of applications.

In addition to its own function, hemp rope and hemp rope can be combined into a net. The net bag can be used to carry things, form a cloth cover, and be woven into straw sandals.

Cang Xu also participated, providing an extremely crude loom.

This kind of loom uses more than a dozen small wooden stakes inserted into the soil, arranged in two rows. One row of small wooden stakes is spaced one at a time, and is fixed with a horizontal wooden stick.

After the small wooden stakes are wound around the wire, they form dozens of parallel vertical lines. Lifting the stick once, half of the small wooden stakes will be lifted up, and half of the vertical wires will be raised.

At this time, insert the only horizontal line along the tilted angle. Then put down the vertical thread, and compact one horizontal thread and a dozen vertical threads to complete the basic movement of weaving.

Repeat this action dozens or hundreds of times, and a piece of cloth will be successfully born.

This kind of loom is extremely primitive, and its efficiency is completely incomparable with the looms in the empire. One is on the ground and the other is in the sky. A person who spends half a day working can only get a small piece as big as his butt.

But it does save huge manpower and material resources, and the work efficiency is much higher than pure labor.

The exploration team members who used these looms all marveled at Cang Xu's profound knowledge. But Cang Xu told them that this kind of loom was obtained when he was studying information about the orcs.

Compared with the human empire, although the orcs occupy the wilderness continent, they generally exist in the form of tribes, and their living standards and productivity are generally low. This kind of loom is common among the orcs.

As for Zidi, she is mainly responsible for making poison. Acupuncture clearly told her that a poison was needed that could dissipate naturally or by boiling, baking, etc. Or simply, even if this poison existed, it would only be effective on flying squirrels and would not cause any serious harm to the human body.

After all, Acupuncture needs to obtain food when hunting flying squirrels. If the poison is too strong, even if the poison kills these flying squirrels, the flesh of the flying squirrels cannot be eaten. For the entire exploration team, the losses will far outweigh the gains.

The current environment was extremely crude, and Zidi could only try reluctantly, and she made another request - she needed a living flying squirrel to be tested.

Zhenjin then set out secretly to spy on the flying squirrel community together with Cyanobacteria.

Cang Xu stayed in the camp to direct and dispatch.

After adjusting the bow, Bai Ya led everyone to start shooting again.

In the evening, the leaders met again to share their findings.

Acupuncture and Blue Algae caught three live flying squirrels and gave them to Zidi.

However, there was no prey on Huang Zao's side. Hunting did not rely on combat power. He also lost some iron arrows. These iron arrowheads are very precious and should be used less than once.

But they didn't gain anything - Huang Zao and his team failed in hunting, so they had to go further to try their luck, and accidentally discovered a small bamboo forest.

Bamboo is an excellent resource, and bamboo with knots is a natural water storage container. Bamboo can be used to make bamboo rafts, and bamboo can be sharpened to make traps.

The third day

"Shoot!" Huang Zao gave the order, and many flying arrows flew out.

A dozen simple archery targets were erected a hundred and twenty paces away.

Concentric circles were drawn on the target with charcoal fire, but not to mention a few rings, few of the arrows shot hit the target.

The ring on the target is a bit small, almost the same as a flying squirrel. But in the real battle, everyone wants to shoot flying squirrels, and these flying squirrels can also move.

So the result of this kind of archery is really unacceptable.

"Your posture is wrong."

"Stand straight and straighten your arms."

"Stable, stable. Why are you shaking?!"

Huang Zao serves as an instructor.

He frowned, feeling tremendous pressure in his heart.

In comparison, the one with the best shooting skills in the entire team is of course Zhen Jin.

Next is Bai Ya. This young man's shooting skills are still superior to those of Huang Zao and others. After all, for him, this is a craft that he relies on to eat and make a living.

Hunters do not hunt hard, it is just a way for them to make a living. Besides hounds, traps are most commonly used by hunters. Bows are also used a lot. A good hunter will give in or stop when encountering a large beast that he cannot hunt.

Yellow algae and blue algae are good at melee combat. When shooting from a distance, they use crossbows more than bows. They survived on the boat, so they specially practiced their shooting skills.

Huang Zao's hunting result yesterday was a mess, and today he was arranged by Zhen Jin to become a temporary instructor.

In order to save his face, Huang Zao worked very hard.

When it comes to training other people, Yellow Algae is more reliable. Although his shooting skills are a little worse than Bai Ya.

Bai Ya's archery relies more on feeling, a purely wild way.

Huang Zao had at least been trained and knew the key to archery.

"First we need to practice hard on individual assaults, and then form an arrow screen for shooting. With this kind of archery now, the most basic arrow screen cannot be set up." Zhen Jin inspected the training, and when he saw this situation, he was quite anxious, but He doesn't show any signs of it on the surface.

Today, white buds replace yellow algae and are responsible for hunting. The main target is still wild birds, and the exploration team needs more feathers to make arrow tails.

No one expected him to hunt enough food.

Individual hunting is very risky, and the efficiency is actually very low. Most of them depend on the weather and test their luck.

Throughout the empire, the life of a hunter was actually very difficult.

So the saying goes: Those who hunt are not as good as those who herd, and those who herd are not as good as those who farm.

Normally, hunters don’t have enough to eat. Compared with hunters and herdsmen, farmers who cultivate the land have the most stable life and the most guaranteed quality of life.

Hunters seem to have a source of meat, but in fact most of the mountains and forests are the territory of nobles. Hunters who poach without permission will be severely punished once caught.

In this situation, the exploration team can only rely on large-scale hunting to meet its own food consumption.

This day's training lasted from morning to night. After eating, the exploration team members were not in the mood to talk or laugh. They fell into their tents and fell asleep.

In Zhenjin's tent, Cang Xu reported the current severe situation with a solemn expression.

"Master Zhenjin, we don't have much food. It can be said that we have consumed a lot. If we continue like this, we won't be able to last for a few days."

Zhen Jin's face was dull and his mood was calm.

He himself was very surprised about this. In the past two days, his originally anxious mood gradually calmed down.

He adapted to this pressure and instead comforted Cang Xu: "We must train archery. This matter cannot be rushed. We can only grit our teeth and persevere! Without basic archery, it will be useless to start a war rashly. Such hard training will indeed consume physical strength. , thereby increasing food consumption. But consuming food now and improving archery skills will result in a reduction in the number of casualties in future fights. This is very cost-effective."

"I understand, sir." Cang Xu nodded, "It's just that as a result, our food is consumed violently. Everyone knows this, and the team members are very worried."

Zhenjin smiled: "Then tell them clearly how much rations we have left. Even if necessary, let each of them see our food reserves with their own eyes."

Cang Xu's face changed slightly, and he said solemnly: "I understand, sir."

The fourth day


Although their arms were sore and even obviously swollen, the exploration team members looked serious, gritted their teeth, and practiced hard.

They are all aware of the food reserves in the team and have a very clear understanding of their own situation - now they have to make a desperate move. If the hunt fails, destruction awaits them!

Under this pressure, everyone worked hard and tried their best to practice shooting.

Although the initial training results were unsatisfactory, after everyone got used to it, the situation of the arrows hitting the target improved greatly.

Arrows that hit the bullseye are rare, but most arrows hit the target.

After seeing that his archery results had stabilized, Huang Zao immediately moved away the fixed archery target and replaced it with a moving target.

These moving targets are short wooden stakes with hemp ropes tied to them, and the other ends of the ropes are hung on high branches. After pulling up the stake, let go and the stake would swing under the tree.

Huang Zao asked the team members to shoot arrows at the wooden stakes.

His grades immediately declined and became even worse than before!

No one complained, everyone knew that in actual combat, Momonga's movements were faster than wooden stakes, and their directions were more changeable.

Practice, keep practicing.

Every breath you take is cherished.

During lunch, the team members were silent and the atmosphere was solemn.

Many people frown subconsciously, constantly pondering and reflecting on what they should do to improve their shooting skills.

When resting in the tent, they also tried to make bow movements, even without a bow in their hands.

After practice, players rub each other's arms.

Many people cannot lift their arms. Arm swelling affects everyone.

Fortunately, there is a potion provided by Zidi.

These potions were temporarily prepared. Originally they were suitable for extraordinary people, but now they are diluted and used on these ordinary team members, and they still have a strong recovery effect.

These medicines can be used externally and internally in conjunction with each other. After a night's rest, the arm can basically recover.

At dinner, everyone was greeted with clear soup and water.

Scattered wild vegetables seem to be embellished with seasonings.

The team members' expressions changed, but none of them said anything.

Everyone can understand the seriousness of the situation.

"Cang Xu, come out for a moment." Zhen Jin's voice came from afar.

"Why is there only this for dinner?" Zhen Jin seemed to be asking Cang Xu.

"Sir, there's not enough food. We can only do this!" Cang Xu replied to Zhen Jin.

Zhen Jin retorted: "But I remember that I still have some reserves. It won't be to this extent!"

"Sir, those are the only dry food left, left for you and Master Zidi."

"Take them all out."

"grown ups?"

"Take them all out! If you don't have enough food, how can you have the strength to train and fight?"

This conversation made everyone who heard it feel emotional, and many people expressed emotion.

"Sir, please let us attack." That night, some team members took the initiative to approach Zhen Jin and asked for an attack.

But Zhenjin rejected this request: "Train. You still need more training!"

fifth day

Training, training, training!

In the evening, Zhenjin checked the results and was pleased to find that five out of ten arrows could hit the target.

The moving target is relatively large, much larger than a real flying squirrel. But this kind of achievement has reached the standard of pin gold.

He has never trained each team member to be a marksman, and it is simply impossible in a short time. Each person's qualifications actually determine the upper limit of shooting skills.

But the arrow screen can make up for the lack of accuracy.

Such archery skills can form a qualified arrow screen.

In the afternoon, Cang Xu also came to persuade Zhen Jin: "It's time to attack, sir."

"Wait a moment." Zhen Jin became more determined.

This kind of determination made him feel a little surprised.

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