Infinite Bloodcore

Section 42: Small victory

Day six.

After breakfast, Zhen Jin faced everyone and said, "We just finished the remaining rations."

Everyone was silent and stood upright, fully mentally prepared for this outcome.

Zhen Jin was in front of everyone, his eyes were sharp, and he scanned everyone.

"Now, whoever doesn't understand our situation, please take a step forward!"

No one moved, standing still.

Everyone has a stern look on their face, and there seems to be hot lava hidden in their high chests - that is the long-simmering fighting spirit and the strong desire to survive!

"Very good. We are all smart people and understand what we will face if we lose."

"These days, Cyanobacteria has carried out comprehensive reconnaissance, and apart from the flying squirrel group, there is no more suitable target nearby."

"Today, if we defeat them, they are our food. If we fail, we are their food."

"I, Zhen Jin, as a Templar and the sole heir of the Hundred Needles family, will be with you. I will lead you to overcome difficulties and obstacles and reap victory. Follow me and let us gain glory!"

The morale is strong and the people are united.

The team sets off.

Soon, they arrived at the scheduled battlefield.

The battlefield was carefully laid out, with the most conspicuous features being short obstacles made of vines and bamboo branches.

These obstacles are connected one after another, forming a long line of defense.

If the flying squirrel wants to cross the defense line, it must fly. This gives the team members a good opportunity to shoot.

There are three lines of defense.

Under normal circumstances, rivers are natural obstacles and do not require labor to arrange them, which is best.

But for once, there was no river nearby. Secondly, the rivers on this island are also relatively dangerous, and the wild python Ivy is often lurking there. This kind of gold-level magic plant has not only been encountered by Zhenjin, but also by Cangxu's exploration team several times, and they have paid a bloody price.

Under Zhen Jin's command, Lan Zao walked forward alone, and his back quickly disappeared from everyone's sight.

Most people formed a fighting formation. The battle formation is very simple, just arranged in a horizontal row. This formation facilitates the use of long-range firepower.

Cang Xu and Zidi stood behind the horizontal row, beside Zhen Jin.

Zhenjin began to pray silently.

"Shengming Emperor, my God, you are wise and powerful, and you can always seize the opportunity to win on the battlefield. You are the God of Knights, the God of War, and the God of Victory. Please bless me to win. I will use my faith and glory to win. The blood of your sworn enemies adds a touch of glory to your throne. God, please hear my call..."

The god didn't respond.

Zhenjin sighed secretly.

Usually when facing battle, the Templars prayed. The Holy Emperor would basically respond and grant divine magic to protect the Templars.

But since Zhenjin woke up, he prayed many times, but Emperor Shengming didn't respond.

It was precisely because of this that Zhenjin did not pray in public. Because once there is no divine magic coming, it will inevitably create a bad impression on others, and they will feel that Zhenjin, the Templar, will not be favored and protected by the gods. As a result, the morale of our side will be hit and shaken before the war begins.

The current results are not beyond Zhen Jin's expectations. He was also grateful for his wise choice.

The morning sun shines through the morning glow.

The forest is gradually bathed in sunlight, and the deep dark green slowly becomes brighter.

The air is still cold, and when everyone breathes, they can spit out white mist visible to the naked eye.

As time went on, the chirping of birds became more frequent.

Suddenly, a flock of birds fluttered from the front, broke away from the tree crown, and flew into the air.

The figure of Cyanobacteria appeared in front of everyone again.

He was running at full speed, and behind him were a large group of flying squirrels, squeaking and screaming, many of which exuded the aura of bronze-level magical beasts.

The front line stirred slightly, and then fell silent again.

A flash of light quickly flashed across Zhenjin's eyes, and her spirits were slightly lifted - Lan Zhao's provocation turned out to be very successful.

The next moment, Zhen Jin shouted: "Get ready!"

The exploration team members were already prepared. When they heard the sound, they immediately drew out their arrows and placed them on the bow strings, all in unison.

They drew their bows one after another, but did not draw the bow.

"Shoot." Zhen Jin shouted again.

The team members immediately let go, the bow strings vibrated in an instant, and all the arrows flew out.

Lan Zao's steps did not stop. When he saw the arrow flying towards him, he immediately fell to the ground and rolled along.

A flying squirrel leader jumped into the air and hit the ground. Turf and small pieces of soil flew everywhere, immediately creating a small pit in the dirt.

Blue Algae quickly stood up following the rolling inertia. This time, he had raised the shield in his hand.

This shield has been prepared with many sides and placed on the ground.

No arrows hit the blue algae's shield, and the arrow screen gathered into one layer, sifting out many flying squirrels.

There was a flying squirrel leader who pounced on Cyanobacteria's back.

When Lan Zao heard the movement, he turned around suddenly and raised his shield to sweep away. With a bang, he swept the flying squirrel away.

"Prepare - shoot!" Zhenjin ordered again as he spotted the flying squirrel's opportunity to cross the vine barrier.

More than a dozen arrows once again formed a thin curtain of arrows. Among them were several short iron arrows shot by crossbows.

The arrow screen drew a gentle arc in mid-air and landed accurately among the flying squirrels.

A few wooden arrows hit Blue Algae's shield and leather armor, but did not cause any damage to the latter.

Bows and crossbows are in the hands of people with good shooting skills, and they will not shoot towards the blue algae.

The remaining arrowheads are all made of wood. There are no iron arrowheads yet. Only the front end of the wooden arrow shaft is burned black, carbonized and sharpened.

Of course, these arrows can't cause much harm to the cyanobacteria, and they won't pose much of a threat to the flying squirrel leader. But it can kill ordinary flying squirrels.

When this level of arrow screen went down, many more flying squirrels fell to the ground, some died on the spot, and some were injured and screamed.

After two shots, more than a dozen flying squirrels had lost their combat effectiveness and fell on the way to the charge.

The flying squirrels began to scatter.

Most of them are still chasing the blue algae, while a few are directly attacking the position.

"Get ready." Zhen Jin said again: "Shoot!"

After the third salvo, everyone's movements began to be uneven. Although the arrow screen was formed in mid-air, it was obviously not as neat and dense as before.

But at this time, because the distance between the two sides was close, the damage caused by the arrows to the rats was still considerable.

Bai Ya and Huang Zao aimed their crossbows at the flying squirrel leader at the same time.

Although the head rat was hit by an arrow, it was only frustrated in its action and not injured. Instead, it became more ferocious and became a little faster.

There are two head rats in total.

One identified the cyanobacteria, and the other pounced on the line.

"Fight freely." After Zhenjin ordered, he immediately took out the dagger, exerted force on both arms, and threw it with both hands!

The two leaders of flying squirrels were stabbed by daggers almost at the same time. After falling to the ground, they rolled several times due to inertia and then became motionless. Bright red blood quickly flowed from the fatal wound in the eye socket and spread on the surrounding grass.

This distance has reached the range of the needle gold flying dagger.

Zhenjin's physical fitness is astonishing, and the force of throwing with his arms is much stronger than that of a crossbow.

Without the head rat, the rat group immediately fell into panic. The team members fired freely, and only a few flying squirrels rushed in front of the team members, and were then stabbed to death by several wooden guns.

After a slight struggle, the few remaining flying squirrels collapsed in all directions.

"Phew... we won."

"Both the two flying squirrel leaders died in the hands of Master Zhenjin."

"My lord Kamui!"

Cyanobacteria returns with a shield.

The shield and his pauldron were armed with wooden arrows.

Zhen Jin only glanced briefly and knew that Lan Zhao was not injured at all. He patted Lan Zhao on the shoulder: "You did a good job."

"Everything depends on the command of the adults." Lan Zao bowed his head and said respectfully.

Everyone knows that the key to victory in this battle is still Zhenjin. His flying dagger skills were astonishing, and he simultaneously eliminated the two most threatening flying squirrel leaders, completely destroying the morale of the squirrel group.

"Take a short rest and let's continue hunting." Zhen Jin ordered.

"Yes, sir!" The team members responded loudly, their morale rising even further than before the war started.

The way everyone looked at Zhenjin was different from before.

Before, everyone still had doubts and worries in their hearts. After all, everyone knew that Zhenjin was hunting the rats with all his might.

No one knows what the outcome will be. Even if Zhenjin has the status of a noble and a Templar, there is no guarantee that the hunt will be successful.

Once it fails, the entire exploration team will collapse and be destroyed. As the leader, Zhen Jin will bear the first responsibility that cannot be shied away from.

But now that the first official hunting was successful, everyone's worries were swept away. I had doubts about Zhenjin’s decision before, but now I think it is wise and decisive no matter how I look at it.

"Lord Zhenjin is a Templar after all!" Bai Ya's eyes flashed.

"Yes, I am really lucky to be under Lord Zhenjin's command." Huang Zao sighed.

"Follow Master Zhenjin, we will definitely be able to set sail again."

Everyone was talking quietly, looking at Zhenjin with reverence.

A small victory allowed them to truly recognize Zhen Jin's leadership.

Because Zhenjin has initially fulfilled his promise and can really lead them to victory and gain glory, it is not just a word.

"Sir, I know that all this is not a problem to you at all." Zidi beside her also smiled, with a hint of admiration in her amethyst eyes.

Cangxu exhaled a breath of turbid air and said secretly: "In this way, the entire exploration team will be able to turn the corner."

The previous situation was like being on the edge of a cliff with one foot dangling in the air.

Now a complete victory, although there was not much food replenishment, the result cleared everyone's worries, and the entire team became closer, tightly surrounding the only core of Zhenjin.

However, just when morale was boosted and celebrations were underway, there was suddenly a strange noise coming from the forest in the distance.

The sounds of squeaking are dense and endless.

The fleeing flying squirrel actually attracted a large army!

"Ah, so many flying squirrels, they are rushing over."

"Why did you alert so many flying squirrels?"

"We are only on the periphery!"

For a time, the exploration team fell into panic.

"Hahaha!" Zhenjin suddenly laughed.

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