Infinite Bloodcore

Chapter 175: Legendary Giant Aiyou

The morning sun rises high and sheds bright light.

The moist sea breeze dissipated invisible in the fire-breathing city.

This is a huge, welcoming town.

In the market, pedestrians of all kinds rub shoulders, and the sounds of hawking, bargaining, shouts of thieves, etc. all mix together.

The news that the Navy Headquarters was taken over by the Firebeard Pirates is on its way.

Everything is just as usual.

"What?" There was a trace of anxiety in Zidi's voice, "The red and blue crystal clusters in your store are also sold out?"

After a night's rest, she started taking action early in the morning and took advantage of the morning market to purchase a large amount of supplies.

Everything went very smoothly, after all, she had already found out yesterday.

But in the end, something unexpected happened and all the red and blue crystal clusters were sold out. And this resource is a must for the Justice Pirates.

"Excuse me, which party made the move to suddenly acquire so many red and blue crystal clusters?" Zidi's voice was low.

"Sorry, we will not betray the customer's information. This is the rule of our store."

Zidi handed over a few gold coins.

So, the person who received her immediately accepted the gold coins and changed his words: "Information trading is also a business of our store."

"A caravan of the Shahuang tribe from the Lava Continent?" Zidi was a little surprised when she got the answer.

She was still guessing before which big businessman launched a commercial operation against the red and blue crystal clusters. Unexpectedly, it was a foreign caravan that took action.

Generally speaking, the possibility of such foreign caravans manipulating markets in other regions is relatively low.

"What is the purpose? Why is the other party's demand for red and blue crystal clusters so great and so strong?"

Zidi must go to negotiate.

The red and blue crystal cluster is not a high-grade material, but it is indeed relatively rare. According to the scientific name in the field of alchemy, it should be called the associated crystallization of fire and water elements. This crystal cluster comes in two colors: red and blue, with water and fire balancing each other.

Spitfire Island is one of the important producing areas.

After several inquiries, Zidi came to the caravan station of the Shahuang tribe.

The scale of the caravan was beyond Zidi's expectations - there was actually a temporary residence specially arranged for the caravan by Spitfire City!

Generally speaking, when caravans enter the Spitfire City, they will not be treated like this.

Zidi expressed her intention to the guards at the caravan station, but the caravan refused her request for communication.

The Tsar's caravan behaved in a very arrogant manner.

This made Zidi even more curious.

She thought for a moment and showed the other party the Wisteria Chamber of Commerce's Elder Token.

When the guards saw the token, their expressions changed slightly. He took the token and his attitude towards Zidi became respectful: "Please allow me to report this matter to the adults."

"Go." Zidi agreed.

After a while, Shaji saw the token in the largest tent in the caravan station.

He was not the leader of the caravan, but his status was much higher than that.

As the son of the patriarch of the Shahuang clan, Shaji has strong blood and high talent, and has now reached the level of the holy realm.

"Wisteria Chamber of Commerce?"

"The former Seventh Chamber of Commerce has now been torn apart by the top leaders of the Shengming Empire, but its remaining energy cannot be underestimated."

"Interesting... then let me see it."

The guard brought the token back, handed it to Zidi, and then led her into the tent.

The outside of the tent is unremarkable, but the inside is spacious, well-equipped and gorgeously decorated.

A giant with dreadlocks was half lying on a pile of soft golden sand, as if lying on a giant sofa. He was surrounded by several maids, including humans, elves, etc., all of whom were beautiful and had outstanding figures. Some of them were holding huge dinner plates filled with fresh fruits, some were squeezing the giant's legs, and some were shaking their magic fans to give the giant three points.

"I am the young patriarch of the Shahuang clan, the only heir, Shaji, a fighter in the sanctuary. A magician from the Wisteria Chamber of Commerce, please tell me your purpose." The giant spoke first.

He just opened his eyes and looked at Zidi with a very arrogant attitude.

Zidi bowed to him and explained her intention to buy the red and blue crystal clusters.

Sha Ji was immediately disappointed: "Is it such a small thing?"

Behind the mask, Zidi's neither humble nor arrogant voice came out: "Compared to you, I am just a little black iron, a magician not worth mentioning. I can be responsible for the affairs of the Chamber of Commerce, so naturally I am not that important. "

"However, our Chamber of Commerce will collect as much as possible from any number of red and blue crystal clusters you have here."

"The price is negotiable."

Shaji closed his eyes and completely lost interest in Zidi: "You can retreat."

He didn't care about this kind of small business at all.

Zidi quickly added: "Although my strength is low, I still have many connections in the Chamber of Commerce. If I am lucky enough to reach this deal with the noble caravan this time, we can have more cooperation in other fields. "

Shaji snorted displeasedly.

Zidi's body suddenly swayed and she suffered some kind of mental blow.

She did not dare to stay any longer, bowed, and immediately withdrew from the tent, leaving the place where the Shahuang clan's caravan was stationed.

"Hee hee, why are the merchants of the Wisteria Chamber of Commerce so blind? When I told her to leave, she insisted on talking too much. After learning the lesson, didn't she run away in despair in the end?" A maid smiled coquettishly and peeled open a grape as big as an apple. , brought to Shaji's mouth.

Shaji took one, but shook his head slightly: "This black iron magician is not simple, and has a strong and broad mental space. I originally planned to hurt her for a month, but now it seems that she can recover in a week at most. "

"Although the Wisteria Chamber of Commerce is not as good as before, but looking at such a person in charge, you know that even if the ship is rotten, it still has a few pounds of nails."

The Fire-Erupting City is built around a volcano, and the real core area is not the town, but the depths of the volcano.

There is no secret about this.

Multiple giant magic arrays are laid deep in the volcano, which have multiple effects such as sealing, defense, and detection.

As the lord of the Spitfire City, the legendary giant Ai You sits in it all year round.

Cang Xu’s mission this time is to investigate the details here!

"Are we about to reach our limit..." Cang Xu's face turned pale, his body was shaky, and his spirit began to drift.

He had been scouting most of the morning.

Although his body is still in the town, he relies on spellcasting to control ghosts, and the detection results are much better than those of sanctuary-level thieves.

This is mainly due to the fact that most detection and defense methods have no effect on the new necromancy spells and are almost all flaws.

"The location of the passage leading to the abyss has been investigated clearly."

"It's time to withdraw."

Cang Xu mobilized several ghosts and undead and began to gradually withdraw.


At this moment, the earth shook, and there was a sudden loud noise in the depths of the volcano. The bright red magma rolled up, and a thick black smoke shot up from the crater into the sky.

"What's going on?" Cang Xu was surprised. In an instant, through the ghost's vision, he discovered that there seemed to be figures moving deep in the volcano.

"If we withdraw now, I can still recover these ghosts."

"If we continue to investigate, I'm afraid all these ghosts will be exhausted."

"Or after recovery, let me rest again, treat these ghosts, and let them sneak into reconnaissance again in a complete state?"

Cang Xu was hesitant when faced with a choice.

But soon, he made a decision.

He resolutely chose to sacrifice these ghosts and let them rush deeper into the volcano.

The reasons for making this choice were that Cang Xu knew his situation and was pressed for time. The second reason was that the deeper parts of the volcano were very secretive. This time, he took the initiative to expose them and discovered them. If you miss this opportunity, you may not be able to detect anything even if you sneak into the correct address just by relying on ghost detection.

As soon as a few ghosts rushed into the important place, they heard another loud bang, and the air waves mixed with the aftermath of mana swept around like a huge wind and huge waves.

The ghost floating at the forefront was torn to pieces on the spot in the aftermath.

Cang Xu quickly directed the ghosts to hide behind the protruding rocks, thus saving the last three.

The ghost scouts the volcano, constantly weakened and damaged by its surroundings. The support up to now is at the end of its strength.

The three ghosts continued to go deeper. Through the ghost's vision, Cang Xu's pupils suddenly shrank.

He saw a giant.

A legendary giant!

She was holding a giant hammer high and striking a giant dragon.

Every time it was struck, there was a thunderous sound, and terrifying air waves were set off around it, and the aftermath of the strike hit the surrounding areas.

"She should be Ai You, the Lord of Spitfire City."

"Then what's going on with this giant dragon?"

Cang Xu suppressed his headache and continued to observe.

He soon discovered that this giant dragon was ferocious and ferocious, with its head covered with curved horns. It was not a dragon from the main world, but came from the abyss and was an abyss dragon!

And the aura of the demonic dragon is surprisingly legendary.

"This is not a living dragon..."

"Moxa Oil should have used the corpse of the demon dragon to make it into a dragon war puppet."

"She is very good at making puppets."

Observing here, there are only two ghosts of Cang Xu left.

Ai You gasped and suddenly stopped: "Come out."

The demon dragon's belly suddenly opened, and a female giant emerged from it.

"Patriarch." The female giant shouted to Ai You, "I can still hold on, let me continue to help you."

She is smaller than Aiyou and the Demon Dragon, so she can get into the Demon Dragon's body.

Ai You's skin is brown-red, while the giantess's skin is light red. She wears a gold hoop, her hair is disheveled, and she looks gray-headed. His hands were not empty, he held an anvil in one hand and a huge brick in the other.

"Zi Ya." Ai You shook his head, "You forgot more important things."

"The young patriarch from the Shahuang clan has been waiting for you for five or six days."

"Go see him."

"Don't forget the responsibility you shoulder."

The Sanctuary-level giantess Ji Ya curled her lips, put down the anvil and bricks in her hands unwillingly, and let out a cry.

At this time, Cang Xu's last ghost couldn't hold on anymore and quietly dissipated in place.

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