Infinite Bloodcore

Chapter 176: Night Thief

In the room, Cang Xu fell to his knees on the ground, breathing heavily, and his eyes were dizzy.

The ghost used for investigation maintains a close spiritual connection with him. When the ghost is destroyed, it will also affect Cangxu, causing his spirit to suffer backlash.

After checking the alchemy circle in the house, there was no problem. Cang Xu immediately drank the potion and meditated on the spot.

After a moment, he opened his eyes. The dizziness was slightly better, but a dull pain filled his whole body.

"My body has been transformed by necromancy, and I am already a half-dead, half-alive person."

"This pain is not physical, but spiritual."

"It seems that this time, the ghost lost too much all at once, and my soul was also damaged."

Cang Xu sighed and found the reason.

"We can't stay here for too long." Cang Xu decided to return to the Deep Sea Monster Fish first and then deal with the injuries to his soul.

He began to clean up the alchemy array in the house. The array diagram of this array came from the tower spirit's database. After setting it up, the mage casts spells in the array, which can effectively suppress the fluctuations in mana.

Without this magic circle, Cang Xu would definitely be discovered by the city guards when he cast his necromancy spells.

Large cities like Spitfire City all have mage towers, facilities for detecting magic or constant spells, and even individual regional magic nets.

Under the shroud of the magic net, if a mage wants to cast a spell, he must seek the corresponding permissions from the magic net.

The Spitfire City is not a magical city, and it has not built a regional magic network.

After packing up the magic circle and destroying all traces of its arrangement, Cang Xu carefully checked it several times before leaving to make sure that no obvious clues were left behind before he pushed the door open with a normal expression.

It was already evening, and he blended into the crowd of people on the street, making him inconspicuous.

Soon after, he successfully reunited with the other members of the Justice Pirates.

After a simple exchange, Zidi said to Cang Xu with a hint of impatience, "I need your help."

"All the supplies have been successfully purchased, except for the last item - the red and blue crystal cluster."

"The giant caravan of the Sahuang clan has snapped up all the red and blue crystal clusters in the city."

"I came to the door and the negotiation failed."

"Later, I got some information. It turned out that the caravan of the Shahuang clan came from afar. The trader was just a cover. The real plan was to escort their young clan Chang Shaji to the Spitfire City to marry the giant clan here."

This information is not difficult to find out.

Although the Sahuang Caravan tried its best to conceal it, when they arrived at the Spitfire City, they began to actively publicize the news.

In fact, even if they don't publicize it, the citizens of Spitfire City have speculations about these giants coming from afar.

The proposal of marriage was initiated by Ai You, the Lord of Spitfire City.

The targets are not just the Sahuang clan.

Zidi continued: "The object of Shaji's marriage is Zhuya from the Spitfire City. The latter is an alchemist master taught by Ai You himself. Like Shaji, he is at the level of the Holy Realm."

"In order for the marriage to be successful, the Sahuang clan brought a large amount of rare resources and treasures to serve as bargaining chips for the marriage."

"I need to get information about the caravan station and try to steal the red and blue crystal cluster tonight."

Zidi's proposal is bold.

Cang Xu endured the pain deep in his soul, thought about it carefully, and found that Zidi's idea was very wise.

The main purpose of the Sahuang clan's caravan is to form a marriage alliance. If you want to trade red and blue water clusters, you won't rush to buy them. Instead, you will negotiate with the Fire City.

Spitfire City is one of the major producers of red and blue crystal clusters. A long-term trade would be more beneficial to both parties.

Since the Shahuang Caravan did not do this, but spent more than 30% higher than the market price to snap up all the red and blue crystal clusters, it shows that they are in urgent need of this resource.

It may be related to this marriage.

If there is an urgent need, these crystal clusters may be consumed on the spot.

Therefore, if the Justice Pirates want to get these things, they must race against time.

Currently, in the entire Justice Pirates, except for the young captain with the blood core, no one is better at investigating than Aoi.

Cang Xu looked solemn and nodded to Zidi: "My ghost was destroyed in the volcano."

"I paid such a price, but I also discovered a hidden space."

"That's the foundry of moxa oil."

"I saw this legendary giant, and I also saw the sacred giant Ji Ya."

"Forget about these things for now, I have to rush back to the Deep Sea Monster Fish first."

Zidi nodded: "Let's go back together, I also need to bring out a group of people to help me."

The materials purchased by Zidi are currently placed in several temporarily rented warehouses. Because there are a lot of supplies, in order to avoid attracting attention, Zidi has planned to have the members of the Justice Pirates take some away one after another and return to the Deep Sea Monster Fish.

In this way, it is broken down into parts, which makes it very low-key and not so eye-catching.

After exchanging a few words with the others, Zidi and Cang Xu left the Spitfire City, sneaked all the way to the beach, and swam back to the Deep Sea Monster Fish.

Zidi contacted other members, while Cangxu stepped into a special alchemy circle to consume soul crystals to heal his own soul.

He had originally arranged this alchemy circle, and many members had benefited from it.

Cang Xu's soul injuries have been treated to a great extent.

"But it's not thorough enough."

After a while, the door of a dark cabin was opened by Cang Xu.

Cang Xu walked in silently.

This is a cabin dedicated to holding prisoners.

The prisoners were asleep one by one, and they were placed on the shelves like sticks next to each other. On the lower shelves of the shelves, there is a person on each person.

The prisoners slept soundly. Not only were they under spells, but they were also given potions, which was double insurance.

Quickly scanning these people, a cold look flashed in Cang Xu's eyes.

He closed the cabin door and the cabin immediately became dark.

Along with his chanting, a gray-white light lit up in the darkness.

The chanting ended quickly, and the necromancy spell was successfully cast.

Cang Xu stretched out his hand to grab hold of it, and a sleeping prisoner's body suddenly trembled slightly, and a humanoid soul flew out of his body.

The humanoid soul was held in Cang Xu's hand. As the undead spell took effect, the humanoid soul let out a shrill scream and its entire body began to twist rapidly.

Ten seconds later, the humanoid soul was twisted into a pile of waste, turned into a pile of light spots, and quickly dissipated.

The essence part turned into a warm current, poured in from Cang Xu's palm, and was transported to the depths of his soul, where it quickly blended.

"Ah..." Cang Xu couldn't help but raise his head, narrowed his eyes slightly, and let out a satisfied sigh.

The soul's injuries must naturally be treated with the soul.

Not all souls have such an outstanding effect on Cang Xu's injuries.

Souls also need to match each other.

A matching soul, coupled with suitable necromancy spells, is equivalent to a special medicine for Cang Xu's condition. On the other hand, soul crystals have a wide range of applications and are not specific. If the soul is truly injured, it can only be used as an auxiliary treatment method.

Without this kind of undead magic, Cang Xu could only wait for his soul to heal itself after using the soul crystal.

Now using this spell saves time greatly.

After consuming three fresh souls in a row, Cang Xu restored his soul state to its peak state.

He then drank another potion, allowing his mana to be fully restored quickly.

But because during the day, he cast spells and drank a lot of potions while controlling ghosts. The potion that is being poured now has very little effect and is extremely cost-effective.

The situation was tense, and Cang Xu couldn't care less.

With the help of the newly generated mana, Cang Xu continuously cast necromancy spells and created ghosts.

This spell has a high probability of failure.

Cangxu sacrificed more than a dozen prisoners, and then three new ghosts were born.

After briefly disposing of the dead bodies, Cang Xu left the cabin and found that Zidi had left the Deep Sea Monster Fish with a group of members.

Zidi's time is even tighter.

She needs these people to disperse into the Spitfire City.

If the gates of Spitfire City are closed at night, it will be more difficult to get in and out.

Fortunately, every evening, the flow of people at each city gate is very large. Many citizens of Spitfire City need to go to other ports on Spitfire Island for work and livelihood, but they still live in Spitfire City.

When Cang Xu rushed to the city gate, the flow of people was already extremely sparse and the city gate was about to close.

After he came in smoothly, he reunited with Zidi and others.

Late at night, the boy, Zidi, Cang Xu, Sandao and others hid in a hotel room closest to the caravan station.

Under the cover of the alchemy circle, Cang Xu controlled the ghost to enter the caravan station.

Even the tight defenses inside the volcano cannot prevent the ghosts from spying, and it is even easier for these ghosts to detect the caravan station.

They dispersed first, and then quickly found the location of the cache.

Various rare resources are stored in metal boxes, large or small.

The tent where the boxes are stored is guarded inside and outside, and is very guarded and vigilant. It shows the excellent military qualities of the Sand Yellow Giant clan.

But it's no use.

The three ghosts were weak, but they were arrogant, coming and going at will under the eyes of these guards.

The guards were unaware.

It's not that these people don't have the means to detect natural ghosts. But they lacked measures to deal with the ghosts created by necromancy.

Of course, as time goes by, more and more people are exposed to necromancy and understand that there will definitely be ways to deal with it in the future.

Ghosts can penetrate most boxes directly and examine the contents inside.

In the end, only individual storage boxes remained, all of which were at least silver-grade in quality, and many shone with the brilliance of magical operation, making it difficult for ghosts to penetrate.

Forcible penetration will have a great impact on the ghost and cause irreparable damage.

Especially since these three ghosts are new students and quite fragile.

"There are more than a dozen boxes, and we can't tell which one it is." Cang Xu frowned, "Even if I abandon these three ghosts and conduct a sacrificial investigation, I'm afraid I won't be able to find two."

"I have a way." Zidi smiled at this moment and patted the gargoyle puppet next to her. "Next, it's time for my little baby to appear."

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