Infinite Bloodcore

Chapter 177: Success and Failure

In the night, the gargoyle puppet looked like a ghost, moving into dark corners between the houses, quickly approaching the caravan station of the Sahuang clan.

In the room, the magic circle was rotating, showing a floating image, which was exactly what the gargoyle puppet saw.

The caravan station is heavily defended and has many magic traps set up.

Only the main entrance was not decorated.

There are two gold-level guards guarding the door, very vigilant. Not only that, there are patrols around, and they will patrol to the door every ten minutes.

Whether they are guards or patrols, their height and body shape are different from those of humans, and they are standard giants.

Zidi commanded the gargoyles attentively.

There are two main ways to control Gargoyles.

One is simple commands, such as attacking, retreating, guarding the place, etc.

The other is the current situation, which is controlled by Zidi herself. This kind of control will make the gargoyle more soulful and its actions more in line with Zidi's thoughts. But it consumes energy and the control range is not large.

However, in order to expand the scope of control, the Justice Pirates had already arranged an alchemy circle in the room before taking action.

I have war peddlers to thank for this.

There are too many alchemical results collected in his database, and there are countless alchemical formations.

Zidi used her spirit to control the gargoyle, and after escaping from the cover of the house, she flew directly to the door in a swagger.

Both the two gold-level gate guards and the patrol patrolling around the corner turned a blind eye to this gargoyle.

Pearl foam!

In order to ensure the success of this operation, the Justice Pirates produced extremely rare and limited quantities of artifacts.

Gargoyles use pearl foam, which can provide an excellent disguise for intelligent life for a certain period of time.

The Shahuang caravan set up a large number of magic traps throughout the station. But in order to avoid trouble at the gate, guards were used instead.

This was taken advantage of by the Justice Pirates.

Cangxu's ghost has already investigated clearly and secretly sabotaged and interfered with some of them. Zidi was reminded and controlled the gargoyle to bypass many magic traps and successfully entered the tent.

There are many boxes for storing supplies, but Zidi is well-calculated and prepared in advance.

The gargoyle opened its mouth and spit out a bottle of potion.

It opened the cork of the medicine bottle, and the medicine inside immediately evaporated and floated into the air.

The potion has no taste and no color at first. But after more than ten seconds, wisps of purple smoke appeared in the space.

In the hotel room, Zidi explained to everyone with a smile: "At the beginning, I collected the various selling prices of materials in various stores, and also inspected the goods as much as possible. This was to prevent sellers from switching packages and passing off inferior goods as good ones. Red and Blue Crystal Cluster is one of them.”

"After I touched it, it was already stained with colorless and odorless medicine."

"This kind of potion is difficult to detect. Only when you encounter the corresponding potion can traces be revealed."

After hearing this explanation, everyone suddenly realized.

No wonder Zidi has such confidence.

The young man looked at Zidi with undisguised admiration in his eyes.

Zidi's strength is limited by her bloodline, only the black iron level. But she is very good. Even if she uses small means, she can skillfully solve big problems in reality.

The potion in the potion bottle evaporated quickly.

Thick purple smoke appeared in the tent.

Following the traces of purple smoke, everyone found the target.

There are two boxes, neither big, 40 cm long, 20 cm wide, and 30 cm high.

The two boxes were exactly the same. Even if the gargoyle reached out to lift them, he found that they weighed about the same and were difficult to lift.

In fact, not only these two boxes, but also more than a dozen boxes, all look very similar.

"These are all space boxes, alchemical creations, and the specifications should be the same. They are probably made by the same person."

In the room, Cang Xu began to command the ghost, cooperate with the gargoyle, and try to open the box on the spot.

did not succeed.

"This kind of box must be brought back and placed in an advanced alchemy array before it can be opened safely."

"Attempting to open it by force will not only trigger an alarm, but may also trigger the runes inside, causing the treasure inside to be destroyed."

At this point, Zidi looked troubled: "However, the gargoyle can only carry one box on its back, and we can only choose one of them."

Although these boxes are not big, each one is very heavy.

Gargoyles are already at Silver level, which is difficult to maintain. Moving just one box is still a difficult challenge for it.

As for Cang Xu's three ghosts, don't count on them.

"Which one is better to choose?" Zidi hesitated and looked at everyone.

Lan Zao said: "Take any one. I think the longer the delay, the more likely an accident will happen. Anyway, both boxes have traces of purple smoke. It means that both boxes contain red and blue crystal clusters. Which one to choose?" One, it doesn’t matter.”

"No." Cang Xu shook his head, "The purple smoke only shows the whereabouts of the red and blue crystal clusters. It does not mean that the red and blue crystal clusters are actually stored in the box."

"The simplest situation is that after these people bought the red and blue crystal clusters, they put them in a box. Then they found that the box could not fit, so they moved them to a second, empty box."

"That's right." Zidi added, "Also, the red and blue crystal clusters I inspected are only a small part. It's possible that these two boxes have stored crystals, or it's possible that they have just been stored, and these crystals have been Take it out and consume it.”

"If there is no better way to identify, we can only take a gamble." Sandao gritted his teeth, "Lord Zong Ge's situation is very bad, he can't hold on anymore."

When Zong Ge was mentioned, everyone's faces showed a trace of heaviness.

From the Mysterious Island to Tianzhu Haiyan, Zong Ge has become one of everyone's closest partners.

Everyone struggled to survive together, fought against powerful enemies together, drank and talked and laughed together, and thought hard about a way out for a common tomorrow.

Saving Zonge is everyone's wish.

No one is willing to give up Zonge easily.

What San Dao said is true, Zong Ge has no time. Along the way, everyone spared no expense and relied on various precious medicines and rare scrolls to barely keep him alive.

When he arrived at Spitfire Island, his condition deteriorated to the extreme.

"His time is indeed running out. In fact, the same is true for us. Let's make a choice." Zidi said.

Who can make a choice for Zong Ge?

San Dao did his part and pointed at the magic image in mid-air: "I choose this box."

"Then..." Zidi was about to speak, but was interrupted by the young captain.

At the moment Sandao made his choice, some intuition emerged in his mind - it would be better to choose another box!

"My feeling tells me that another box would be better." The young man expressed his true thoughts.

Everyone was slightly stunned.

Sandao stared at the young man and thought for a while: "I have nothing to insist on, so I will just listen to you, sir!"

After making their choice, Zidi and Cangxu immediately took action.

Cang Xu controls the ghost and scouts ahead to clear the way. The silver gargoyle was carrying a box and sneaking with difficulty.

It was carried very hard, and its back was bent into an exaggerated arc. The two broad wings became useless. fly? Don’t even think about it!

The journey back was uneventful.

They still walked out of the gate of the station with great swagger.

Pearl foam really works!

Soon after, the gargoyle returned to the inn and everyone came into contact with the box themselves.

The box was very heavy, and even the young man at this time did not have the strength to move it. He is not in dragon-man form, nor is he in fish-man form.

"Leave it to the big man. Put it among other supplies, and let the big man take it out at dawn."

It is already late at night, and it is very troublesome to leave the city. Not only do you need to go through formalities, but you will also be subject to stricter inspections than during the day.

"First clean up all the traces here. Let's move to the No. 2 temporary stronghold and have a good rest." The young captain ordered.

This time, stealing from the strong man in the sanctuary was like pulling a tooth from a tiger's mouth.

But everyone has experienced too many thrills, and this kind of risk is like drizzle.

The highly skilled Justice Pirates quickly moved to their second temporary base. Also a hotel.

According to the plan, San Dao and Lan Zao stayed vigil while the others seized all the time and closed their eyes to sleep.

When I woke up, it was already dark.

The Shahuang Clan's station has always been calm, and they probably haven't noticed that they have lost a box.

According to Zidi's arrangement, the big man followed the flow of people in the early morning and left the Spitfire City smoothly.

Soon after, on the Deep Sea Monster Fish, the box was safely opened due to the continuous operation of the alchemy array.

No red and blue crystal clusters!

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