Infinite Bloodcore

Chapter 207: Deceiving the Priest

Although the survivors grabbed all the devil's gold coins, they used most of them at the auction.

The few remaining devil's gold coins were divided equally between Zi Di and Cang Xu.

Among them, Zidi has even fewer.

Therefore, Zidi was the first to return to normal.

She also figured out the details of the operation of the power of the contract: It turned out that during the influence of the contract, its power continued to decrease, but the degree of attenuation remained at an average value. Until the last time limit, it suddenly collapsed and quickly fell to zero.

This also caused Zidi's misjudgment.

If she had known this was the case, her strategy would have been different.

Zidi returns to normal.

At this moment, she froze on the spot.

Her will returned to its original state, and strong and complex emotions swept through her soul like a huge tide.


"I actually did this, unimaginable means, how did I fall for it?"


"Oh my god, luckily the power of the contract dissipated and I didn't transfer the Deep Sea Monster Fish."

Blame yourself.

"What I did put everyone in danger. It's just one step away from our secret being exposed."

Alert and nervous.

"The Naga priest is so close, what should I do?"

She is a gold level spell caster.

The Deep Sea Monster Fish is just a gold-level magic ship.

If there is a certain distance between the two sides, there is still room for maneuver. But now, they were almost face to face, too close.

The Naga Priest was able to break through the defense, use the Arrancar to kill into the cabin of the Deep Sea Monster Fish.

But there is not a single gold-level guard in the ship, not even a silver-level one.

No, to be precise, there is still a silver level one.

That is the ghost Lan Lu.

He was a silver-level two-headed ogre magician during his lifetime.

After death, there is the ghost of a silver-level mage.

But Lan Lu was injured in an ambush attack on the thin belt. His condition has been very bad, and it is difficult to recover without the soul crystal.

Even the complete ghost Lan Lu is no match for the Naga priest.

Zidi has no confidence at all if he is asked to deal with a gold-level person.

"We can't let her see the flaw! Otherwise, the Deep Sea Monster Fish is likely to change hands."

"Fortunately, she misidentified me."

"No, probably not!"

"She didn't see through the camouflage trick. She always mistakenly thought that the deep-sea monster fish was a living being and a giant fish-man. But the number of giant fish-men is rare."

"At the same time, its features are so distinct that it is almost impossible for Naga priests to mistake it."

"In other words, does there really exist such a fish-man divine envoy?"

Zidi used her brain and guessed part of the truth.

Her eyes shone brightly: "It is very likely that when the war dealer built the Deep Sea Monster Fish, he deliberately designed it with this image."

"The war dealer is a goblin, not a human race, and he is even more hostile to the empire. He is a big businessman in arms manufacturing and smuggling. Why is he designed to look like this?"

"Could it be said that he has contact with the fish-men and sells arms to them?"

"Or does he have some conspiracy to impersonate the fish-man god to achieve some ulterior purpose?"

Zidi's thoughts were divergent, and the more she thought about it, the more she thought about it.

Seeing the fish-man divine envoy falling silent, the Naga priest asked: "Master divine envoy, has Haiping's holy corpse been obtained?"

Zidi was startled and was interrupted from her thoughts.

However, this question brought some hints to Zidi.

She had already made assumptions about the sudden appearance of the purple-scaled murloc and Haiping's body.

Now being asked by the Naga Priest like this, Zidi felt more and more: This should be one of the main purposes of the fishmen.

Just as Zi Di was about to admit, Hai Ping's body was in her hands.

But after thinking about it, she felt it was inappropriate.

If the other party asked for it, she was not willing to hand over the holy corpse.

This stuff is extremely valuable.

It is not something that can be easily purchased in the market.

For example, the most recent auction on Double Eye Island was of unprecedented scale, but there was no trace of sanctuary-level materials.

The sanctuary level is higher than the gold level. Even if it falls, it is not something that survivors can get.

"Besides, if you spit it out like this, it might become a flaw."

Zidi took a deep breath and deliberately said in a calm tone: "You don't have to be nervous, priest, everything is under my Lord's arrangement."

She didn't say that Haiping's body fell into her hands, but she didn't deny it either, and her tone was ambiguous.

However, the priest quickly thought about it and a joyful expression appeared on his face: "Praise my Lord!"

She knew that she had a heavy responsibility this time, but after taking full action, the purple-scaled fishman died. The shot she received made the Naga Priest's heart go cold!

She couldn't figure out why the purple-scaled murlocs were discovered and hit by main artillery fire, and she was extremely worried that the operation would fall short.

Taking a chance, she rushed to the scene of the incident and found the giant fish man.

From her perspective, she immediately thought: God predicted this and saw this result. So not only did they dispatch me, but they also dispatched the fishman envoy. The angel lurked under the sea, and when the beam cannon destroyed the holy corpse, he took action in time and saved the plan!

"If it weren't for the God Envoy, relying on me alone, the operation would have completely failed!" The Naga Priest was very happy.

She guessed that Huntong was affected by the devil's gold coin, but she did not suspect the fish-man envoy in front of her.

Zidi continued in a calm tone: "Next, priest, you will command the fishmen to retreat. If they don't obey your order, you can just leave without worrying about their life or death."

"This?" Naga Priest was confused.

She guessed that Hutong had "rebellion", and now the situation is very good.

But the angel asked her to retreat?

After only a moment of hesitation, the Naga priest immediately bowed and said, "I understand, Lord God Envoy!"

Despite her doubts, she chose to obey her fate.

She is a priest.

Although he didn't understand the order of the divine envoy, the incident of Hai Ping's body had proved that the divine envoy was right.

"My Lord foretold this place."

"The current situation is great, it's just an illusion."

"That's right."

"The power of the Devil's Gold Coin may affect it for a while, but there are many things that can offset its power."

"Which series of gods is the most powerful? There is no doubt that it is the Shengming Empire!"

"I can't rely too much on the Devil's Gold Coin. After all, it is the sacred weapon of the Outer God."

The Naga priest said: "I will take action now. Where are you, the envoy of God?"

Zidi then replied: "You don't have to interfere with my actions. Your mission has been completed, priest. Go, this is all arranged by my Lord."

Zi Di threw everything on the gods.

The Naga Priest is not a fighter or a mage, but a clergyman.

It works really well!

When it comes to the gods he believes in, the Naga priest subconsciously stops thinking and just wants to obey.

Even if she has doubts, she will persuade herself deep in her heart.

The Naga Priest left his place and began to contact other fishmen.

Zidi controlled the Deep Sea Monster Fish and swam in another direction.

The distance between the two sides gradually widened, and Zidi was sure that she had successfully deceived a powerful gold-level enemy.

She was really relieved, and a feeling of exhaustion filled her heart.

But the next moment, she immediately used the alchemy device to communicate and told the dragon boy and others what happened to her.

Zidi made another suggestion: "I hope you will join me as soon as possible to guard the Deep Sea Monster Fish."

"I don't know how exactly I got caught."

"But if this happens again, the members we recruited can be stopped by their peers."

"The Deep Sea Monster Fish must not be lost!"

"The secret of the Mysterious Island cannot be exposed now!!"

Zidi is unaware of the existence of the Devil's Gold Coin.

In fact, the power of the contract only takes effect once.

But she was genuinely intimidated and gave very wise advice.

"Such a thing could happen!" The dragon boy, Zong Ge, was shaken physically and mentally.

The exchange with Zidi also confirmed their previous guesses - something was indeed wrong with Cang Xu's state!

"But how did you get tricked?"

"No matter what, we must meet up with Zidi as soon as possible."

"What to do with Cang Xu?"

"He knows too much. What if he is pushed to the limit and he directly shouts out our secrets?"

The dragon boy and Zong Ge both felt in trouble.

But at this moment, Cang Xu's eyes suddenly became clear.

He also returned to normal.

"I'm...damn it!"

Strong emotions hit his soul, leaving him frozen in place.

Chi Lai's eyes suddenly brightened, he caught the enemy's flaw, and threw the stone pillar in his hand as a weapon towards Cang Xu in the air.

But the next moment, the dragon boy jumped towards Cang Xu. He arrived first and was hit by the stone pillar "coincidentally".

Chi Lai was shocked and immediately apologized: "I'm sorry, leader, I didn't mean to do it."

The dragon boy fell to the ground with a disgraced face. He nodded to Chi Lai: "It doesn't matter, but after this time, we really need to train our combat coordination."

Chi Lai couldn't help but feel touched when he saw that the dragon boy didn't blame him.

He found that Longfu had the tolerant qualities of a leader.

This had happened many times, but he'd never blamed himself.

On the other side, Cang Xu got "cover", reacted, and immediately retreated.

Countless ghosts roared, setting off a biting cold wind, covering him from all sides, with a terrifying and astonishing momentum.

"The identity of the Necromancer has been exposed. This time we are in big trouble." Cang Xu sighed in his heart.

He knew it was not advisable to stay here for a long time, so he immediately decided to leave the island and evacuate the battlefield.

"But what about Qingxin?"

Cang Xu's flying speed slowed down, and he looked at Qing Xin not far away, not knowing what to say to win his trust.

However, Qingxin's attitude was unexpected. She took the initiative to fly to Cangxu: "Let's go quickly, why are you lingering?!"

Cang Xu was stunned.

Qingxin’s reaction is quite strange!

You must know that he is a necromancer.

But then, Qingxin said: "I will explain to you later, let's go first, and leave the Eye Island directly while it is still chaotic."

"Yeah!" Cang Xu and Qing Xin flew towards the Iron Pimple together.

Yama stared at the backs of the two men and did not pursue them.

Her summons suffered great losses after Cang Xu cast necromancy spells.

Facing a necromancer of the same level, Yama didn't have much confidence.

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