Infinite Bloodcore

Chapter 208: Working for the dragon suit

Hongzhu wants to cry but has no tears.

She had previously appeared to help Cang Xu against Ya Ma and Yue Ban, with the intention of hooking up with a big customer.

Unexpectedly, the other party turned out to be a necromancer!

The moment Cang Xu revealed his identity, Hong Zhu's whole body went numb.

"I'm in trouble."

"big trouble!"

"Whether they are dead or alive, I will be investigated."

"Collaborating with the Necromancer?"

"By God, I was wronged!!"

"No, I have to hide!"

Hongzhu was filled with regret.

If he had known this outcome, he would not have helped Cang Xu even if he had beaten her to death.

After this auction, she has obviously been able to raise enough funds for her next adventure.

But now that the adventure is on hold, she must first avoid the limelight.

"Don't go!"


Menshi roared loudly.

He spread out his short legs and ran quickly on the ground, trying to catch up with Cang Xu and Qing Xin.

This silver-level dwarf originally disembarked from the ship because he wanted to find an opportunity to help the dragon boy group and repay his kindness.

As a result, not only did he not find an opportunity to repay his kindness, but he saw Cang Xu reveal his identity.

He was confused.

Seeing Cang Xu flying towards the Iron Pidgeot, he felt as if he had been electrocuted.

Because his people are still on that magic ship!

Kuanshi was extremely anxious and wanted to save his people from the hands of the necromancer.

But his speed was not very good. After chasing them all the way to the beach, he could only watch Cang Xu and Qing Xin fall onto the Iron Pimple.

There is an alchemy puppet on the Iron Pimple, and it has always been under Cang Xu's control.

Everyone on the ship knew Cang Xu’s true identity.

But Qingxin immediately comforted the blond mother and son, telling them: Although Cangxu is a necromancer, he is still worthy of trust.

The dwarves were restless.

Cang Xu quickly said: He will not harm them.

The effect of this expression is very limited.

Some dwarves are ready to take action.

Cang Xu immediately changed his face and threatened in a cold voice: "Dwarves, look at your relatives around you, your elderly parents, and your young children."

"I hope you won't be impulsive."

"It would be very easy for me to kill you all!"

The silver-level aura on Cangxu's body was "genuine", and the many ghosts emerging from the ship's deck only added to his power.

The dwarves were threatened, and they were all indignant, glaring at their beards, and their necks were red with anger.

But in the end, they didn't do anything drastic.

Cang Xu breathed a sigh of relief and controlled the alchemy puppet to escort these dwarves into the cabin.

After doing this, he immediately controlled the magic ship to sail away from the Eye Island.

"What? Let us retreat?" Xiaodaizi and others received the order from the Naga priest.

In the case of the devil's gold coin, the thin belt is a party.

The repetition of the Golden Shining number made Xiaodai also guess that Hutong was affected by the gold coins.

In such a great situation, we actually have to retreat?

Thin Belt is extremely puzzled.

"Boss, come up with an idea!" Thin belt communicated with Ershuzi.

Ershazi is fighting with Songshou.

Even he had "taken care" of the previous bombardment of the Golden Shining.

Song Shou took several shots, but was unscathed.

Compared with the main gun building, the threat of optical network bombardment to the gold level is very low.

However, one's own trump card became the enemy's thug, and his fighting spirit plummeted, and he now focused on defense and avoidance.

Ershazi raised his head and glanced at the Golden Shining.

High in the sky, Ding Yan was stirring up the black mist, besieging the Golden Shining with one man's strength.

On the Golden Shining, the old murloc leader and Hutong's alchemy clone are actively defending.

The two sides reached a stalemate.

Suddenly, Yan Ding was hit by the fighting skills of the old fish-man clan leader, and his whole body collapsed like smoke.

"is fake!"

"Where is your real body?"

Yan Ding feinted a shot, and in the next moment, the smoke on the dock battlefield condensed into a human shape.

This is Yan Ding's true form.

"Song Shou!" Yan Ding shouted, "We have to join forces."

"The Golden Shining cannot fall into enemy hands."

"Otherwise, even I will never be able to escape on the vast sea."

"If Hutong dies in battle, the Golden Shining will share with me equally!"

Song Shou sighed and immediately responded: "Send me up!"

The black mist shrouded, lifting the loose skin into the sky.

Ershazi took action quickly, but was blocked by Yan Ding.

He has no flying skills.

After the two sides fought each other for several rounds, Songshou lifted into the air to a certain height, and Ershazi could only watch helplessly.

"Send me up, Thin Belt!" Ershuzi shouted, "Take the others and retreat!"

At the critical moment, Ershazi decided to support the old murloc leader alone and let others evacuate the island.

Because of the Naga priest's order, he misjudged the situation.

In such an advantageous situation, the Naga priest actually issued an order to retreat.

She must have learned that the enemy has a bigger trump card!

Er Fuzi did not want his tribe and subordinates to sacrifice in vain.

In this battle, the fishmen have sacrificed too much.

On the dock battlefield, the corpses of fishmen could pile up into mountains.

But Ershazi was unwilling to give up the great opportunity.

He would rather take risks himself and see what the enemy's trump card is!

The thin belt means that he is very embarrassed: "Boss, I don't have the magic to send you up."

"Then use water cannon!" Ershuzi's attitude was very firm.

Songshou had already left, and Ershazi had no opponent, so he quickly joined Xizaizi and the others.


The Vinegar Tank fired again.

The water flowed like a column, hitting Er Guizi's body and forcefully pushing him high into the sky.

After Cang Xu took the initiative to evacuate, the dragon boy and others immediately rushed to the dock.

When they heard the sound of the cannon, they all raised their heads and looked up at the sky. They saw their ears being blown away by the water cannon, vomiting blood all the way, and working desperately.

He is just a fishman, not a dragonman. The defensive performance of fish scales is far inferior to that of dragon scales.

However, regardless of the enemy's position, there are many decisive people among the murlocs.

"Flying mana ships have become the final battlefield of the gold level!" The dragon boy sighed.

"That's not a place where we can get involved." Zong Ge said coldly.

Chi Lai said: "As long as we find our golden cannon, I can fire another cannon to cause damage to the flagship."

Gold-level alchemical artillery consumes a huge amount of energy.

Before, a lot of energy was stored through the magic circle.

But if Chi Lai alone controls the cannon, he needs to pour all his fighting spirit into it, and the consumption will be very terrifying.

After all, Chi Lai is just a silver-level fighter.

Previously, the ship of the Dragon and Lion Mercenary Group was bombarded by the Jingangzi. The ship sank and the golden cannon also fell to the bottom of the sea.

As a party involved, Chi Lai knew it very well.

The golden cannon didn't suffer much damage.

You can only pick it up and the shells to fire again!

This is no ordinary artillery, and the power to fire the gun is not gunpowder, so the moisture after falling into the water is not a limitation.

The reason why the dragon boy and Zong Ge returned to the dock was to salvage the artillery.

Of course, this is only a superficial reason for action.

Their real purpose is to enter the Deep Sea Monster Fish after diving, fight with Zidi, and guard the rear!

The young dragon man ordered: "Chi Lai, you should rest as much as you can, don't go into the water, and try to regain your fighting spirit. The two of us will fish out the cannon for you."

"Sandao, please check the ships at the dock quickly. We need ships that can sail."

"We have to prepare on two fronts. On the one hand, we will continue to fight against the enemy, and on the other hand, we will find a way out."

The members of the Dragon and Lion Mercenary Group responded with a bang.

"Wait for me." Just when the dragon boy and Zong Ge were about to dive, Menshi ran over.

"Captain of the dragon uniform!" Menshi panted, pleading, "Help me!"

"My people were all captured by that damn necromancer."

"Help me, I...I really have no other choice!"

Kuanshi is very self-aware.

He knew that he could not catch up with the Iron Pimple by swimming. It is very likely that in the sea, you will be attacked by spells.

The opponent is not only a silver-level necromancer, but also Qingxin.

He wandered on the beach, anxious and angry, helpless and powerless.

He could only watch the Iron Pimple getting further and further away from him.

But he soon discovered that the dragon man boy led the dragon and lion mercenary group back to the dock.

Songshou and Ershazi all rushed to the Golden Shining, and the dock was deserted.

As Kong Shi said - he really had no choice.

Therefore, he could only ask the Dragon and Lion Mercenary Group for help.

The latter helped him and gave him some confidence.

The dragon boy and Zong Ge looked at each other.

The dragon boy raised his head and sighed sincerely: "This is all such a mess."

Then, he patted Menshi on the shoulder: "Menshi, don't worry too much. Since the necromancer didn't massacre your people, maybe he wanted to take them as hostages. At least for now, they are safe."

"We will help you, let's fight together again!"

Menshi was greatly moved and wanted to say something grateful, but couldn't.

He is an honest man who keeps his emotions introverted and never expresses them.

His voice was choked and his mood was agitated.

A friend in need is a friend indeed!

The young dragon man agreed to help, and for him, it was a timely help.

"The kindness has become even greater. How can we repay such kindness?" Anguish arose in Menshi's heart.

"Who cares about this now? The most important thing is to save the people."

"In the worst case, from now on, I will directly join the Dragon and Lion Mercenary Group, work for the dragon suit, and repay my kindness!" Menshi thought to himself.

The dragon boy adjusted his arrangements.

He asked Meng Shi to stay by Chi Lai's side.

And he and Zong Ge gave priority to recovering the golden cannon.

After bringing it back, they will set off together by boat, chasing the Iron Pimple while waiting for an opportunity to attack the mana ship in the air.

Vinegar jar number.

"You want us to retreat?" Xiaodaizi fell into silence for a time after receiving the order from the Naga priest.

If he still had the strength to fight, Thin Belt would probably stay on the battlefield, waiting for an opportunity to assist his clan leader and regimental leader.

But his condition was so bad.

Thin Belt's ears were ringing and he was dizzy. He kept trying to control the vinegar tank.

In this state, Xiaodaizi could only obey the order and led the fish people to retreat.

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