Infinite Bloodcore

Chapter 235: Medal, awesome!

In the night sky tonight, the moon is like a disk.

The water-like moonlight shines through the window into the captain's cabin.

There were no lights on in the captain's cabin, and the dragon boy was not sleeping.

He sat in front of his desk, listening to the sound of the waves lapping against the hull of the ship, and occasionally the sounds of mercenaries patrolling the deck, giving orders.

Under the leadership of Zong Ge, the discipline of the Dragon and Lion Mercenary Group far exceeds that of a normal mercenary group.

Orcs train them completely as an army.

There is a teapot on the desk, making tea.

The dragon boy's eyes focused on the medal in his hand.

This is the Grand Arena Medal.

It seemed to be made of silver, and the material was very rich. Even if it was held by a dragon boy, it felt heavy.

It is a silver-level instrument with a great origin and is related to the abyss.

It has two main functions.

The first one is to give the wearer all-round increases, including strength, speed, defense, attack, recovery, etc. And there is another characteristic: when the battle of the medal owner is watched by more people, the increase will be stronger.

The second function is to absorb the combat experience, skills, etc. of his defeated generals and instill them in the recipient.

The dragon boy had already personally experienced the benefits of this equipment during the day.

He took the initiative and had a discussion with Chi Lai and Kong Shi.

In full view of the public, he truly felt the increase brought to him by the Grand Arena Medal.

So much so that he could defeat the two silver-level team-ups more easily.

As for the second function, he only used it after the sparring session was over.

At that time, there was a huge wave of insights, which was directly instilled into his mind from the medal.

He gained a lot of experience in the use of two-handed long-handled warhammers, several training and practical experience in dwarf fighting skills, and experience in the use of military fighting skills.

This experience mainly comes from the dwarf Kongshi, and a small part comes from the human heavy gunner Chi Lai.

The dragon boy looked calmly and analyzed in his mind: "The medal can absorb the experience of the defeated generals under his command and instill it in the wearer."

"So, the source of these experiences is Kuan Shi and Chi Lai."

"And the relevant experience content is related to the tricks used by Kuan Shi and Chi Lai during the battle."

"The fighting skills I have gained are all the fighting skills frequently used by Kuan Shi and Chi Lai in battle."

"If we want to gain Chi Lai's artillery experience in the future, we have to let him use artillery in the competition."

After the spar, the dragon boy secretly used a long-handled weapon with both hands when he was alone.

The feeling after using it is like: a warrior who was once good at using a long-handled war hammer, took a break from martial arts for many years without training, and suddenly one day used the war hammer again.

Completely transcending the blankest starting stage for beginners.

However, after a little training, the young dragon man keenly felt another point: although the experience is real, when it comes to practice, there is still a slight gap between personal performance and experience.

The dragon boy's analysis of this is: "The experience in my mind comes from the stone. He is a dwarf, and I am a dragon body. Using his experience does not match me well, so there is a gap. "

"To solve this problem, either absorb more people's Warhammer experience, or transform into a dwarf."

No matter which of these two ways, the dragon boy has a way to achieve it.

"Captain, the three-ringed turtle has been lured nearby." At this moment, Zi Di's voice came from the dragon boy's communication device.

"Okay, I'll come right away." The dragon boy's eyes brightened slightly and he stood up.

He picked up the tea on the table and drank it in one gulp.

This tea is not ordinary. There are seaweed-like tea leaves floating in the clear tea water, exuding a silver-level aroma.

This is a silver-level fragrant cheek tea!

The dragon boy then mobilized his blood core.

There was a flash of red light, and he transformed into a four-meter-long snake, snaking along the window and quietly falling into the sea.

He transformed into a silver-level tide snake.

Regarding the bloodline of Chao She, he had already collected a lot when he was on Snake Island.

The silver-level tide snake bloodline is already 100% in the blood core.

If he were in dragon form, it would not be easy for him to enter the water quietly. But the tide snake form is very relaxed and natural.

None of the patrolling mercenaries on the ship noticed it.

The tide snake boy entered the sea water, and the fragrant cheek tea had an immediate effect.

Bronze-level fragrant cheek tea gives people the ability to breathe underwater.

Black iron-level fragrant cheek tea not only has the ability to breathe underwater, but also adds low-light vision, which is very suitable for underwater combat.

The silver-level fragrant cheek tea not only gives the user the ability to breathe underwater, dark vision, but also water flow perception!

As soon as the tide snake boy entered the water, he had a different feeling than before.

He can feel and control every movement of the water around him.

Not only that, every time he moved his snake body, he could predict the changes in the surrounding seawater flow.

In this way, although it was the first time for him to enter the water in the form of a tide snake, he would soon be able to swim quickly in the sea water.

It's just that the way he moves his body is weird, uncoordinated and unnatural.

After all, he still lacks experience in using the snake body.

Following Zidi's instructions, the Chao Snake boy swam in the sea for a while and successfully found his target - the silver-armored three-ring turtle.

This turtle is as big as a carriage, and its shell looks like dark silver.

It is a silver-level sea monster. After seeing the tide snake boy, it immediately became vigilant. The dark silver turtle shell on its body glowed slightly, which was a warning signal.

But the tide snake boy is looking for trouble for it.

The young man opened his mouth and spit out an ice ray.

This is a Tide Snake-like spell.

Although the boy did not have magic crystals, the blood-core magic energy became a perfect substitute.

By consuming the blood core magic energy, the boy's ice ray hit the target.

The silver-armored three-ringed turtle was so enraged that its shell decomposed and eight thin long silver bricks flew out.

The silver brick was shot at the tide snake boy, who quickly dodged and then attacked with ice rays.

Ten seconds later, the Chao Snake boy's situation turned bad.

He is besieged by more silver bricks.

As a last resort, he had no choice but to transform into a dragon form.

"The humanoid form is the most comfortable!" The dragon boy sighed, waved his fist, and knocked away the silver bricks entangled around him.

He uses riot fighting skills like cannonballs flying through the sea.

Then use the explosive punch to hit the silver brick or turtle, immediately putting the opponent at a disadvantage.

The silver-armored three-ring turtle used all his strength, and the silver bricks were connected around him, forming three rings.

The rings rotated and danced, forming three tight lines of defense to resist the attack of the dragon boy.

The dragon boy's deputy added the smoke-breathing dragon transformation, using the ring hill to accelerate, and the offensive increased several points.

The silver-armored three-ringed turtle couldn't resist it, whined, put away the silver bricks, turned around and ran away.

The dragon boy didn't kill him, but hung back and mobilized the Grand Arena Medal.

A wave of experience was instilled from the medal and entered his mind.

This experience is the experience of how to swim, how to detach a turtle's shell, and use it against enemies.

After being completely absorbed, the dragon boy caught up with the silver-armored three-ring turtle again and beat him up.

The three-ringed turtle was beaten but did not fight back and kept running away.

The dragon boy fought for a while, stopped, and tried to absorb the experience in the medal.

The experience this time was just about the turtle swimming hard and trying to escape.

The dragon boy repeated the above process.

The poor turtle was soon wrinkled and his head was red and swollen.

Realizing the desperate situation, the turtles began to fight back angrily in the desperate situation.

The dragon boy yelled "Hello" and fought with the turtle until the sea water churned and roared continuously.

After a few minutes, the turtle's body slowly sank to the bottom of the sea.

The dragon boy used his blood core to completely absorb it.

As a result, there is a multi-ringed turtle's bloodline in the blood core, silver level, low completeness, only 15%.

The polycyclic turtle is a typical World of Warcraft bloodline, containing water and magnetism. If tested with potions, it will react with water and earth potions.

The multi-ringed turtle's life level can reach up to the sanctuary level.

Starting from the bronze-level turtle with one ring in bronze armor, to the turtle with two rings in iron armor, the three-ring turtle in silver armor, the four-ring turtle in gold armor, and finally the five-ring turtle in holy armor.

After this battle, the young dragon man gained a lot of insights into the Grand Arena Medal.

"The lower the intensity of the battle, the longer it takes, and the less experience you gain."

"If you fight against the same enemies frequently, the experience gained every time you defeat them will also tend to decrease."

"This may be the true use of the Colosseum Medal."

The dragon boy's field of vision seemed to suddenly open up.

Before, after leaving the Mysterious Island, he analyzed the most suitable use of the blood core and decided to focus on the humanoid form.

But now, with the combination of the Grand Arena medals, he can completely absorb many magic beasts and magic plants, and use the absorbed experience to quickly form a new combat power in a short period of time!

"This medal is really great!" The dragon boy exclaimed sincerely.

at the same time.

The Iron Pimple slowly docked at the shore.

Cang Xu stood on the bow of the boat and looked at Songfeng Island in the dark night.

I saw pine trees all over the mountains and plains, their branches swaying in the wind, gathering into dark waves, which was spectacular.

What Cang Xu enjoys the most is the strong wind that is everywhere on Songdao.

The strong wind is filled with negative energy, which makes the necromancer extremely comfortable.

On the other hand, Qing Xin beside him had already put up a light blue defensive shield.

"Where exactly is the gathering place of the undead?" Cang Xu frowned slightly, feeling a little embarrassed.

Qingxin knew that there was a gathering of the undead here, but he didn’t know the specific location.

Cang Xu had to find it himself.

"Do you really want to act with me?" Cang Xu looked at Qingxin, "I think it's better for you to stay on the ship."

Qingxin shook his head: "If something happens to you, can I avoid such a big target and retreat in time?"

"I'm also from the Wisteria Chamber of Commerce. With this status, I shouldn't have any trouble."

"We need to concentrate our efforts to increase the success rate of this operation... Wait, someone!"

Qingxin suddenly warned.

Cang Xu quickly alerted.

A zombie walks out of the pine forest.

The zombie was expressionless: "You two, I will lead you to the meeting place."

"Who are you?" Cang Xu had a strange look on his face, and he could clearly see the appearance of the person coming. The other party turned out to be an acquaintance on Double Eye Island!

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