Infinite Bloodcore

Chapter 236: Gathering of the Dead

The zombie that appeared in front of Cang Xu was actually Crying Wind!

Silver-level lone ranger - the wandering warrior Crying Wind.

He once boarded the ship of the Dragon and Lion Mercenary Group and participated in hunting sea beasts, and also had outstanding combat performance in the melee on Eye Island.

Cang Xu's eyes narrowed slightly, feeling unbelievable: "I didn't expect you to be an undead warrior?"

Crying Wind also looked at Cang Xu.

He did not recognize Cang Xu as the magician Lao Zhong of the Dragon and Lion Mercenary Group, but he had personally witnessed Cang Xu using his current identity to fight against Long Fu and others in the melee on Double Eye Island.

Therefore, it is not surprising that Cang Xu is a necromancer.

At that time, Qingxin took the initiative to retreat with Cangxu, and Crying Wind also saw it.

Therefore, Qingxin and Cangxu landed on the island together, which was also within the understanding of Crying Feng.

Qingxin looked at Cifeng like a stranger. When she landed on Eye Island, she was a slave and had no freedom.

At this time, Qingxin spoke up and expressed his intention: "We are both veteran members of the Wisteria Chamber of Commerce, and we are here to participate in the gathering of the undead."

Crying Wind nodded: "Come with me."

It seemed that the review for participating in this undead gathering was not strict. Cang Xu and Qing Xin looked at each other and followed Crying Wind to the island.

After walking along the path for a while, the three came to a cliff.

Crying Wind jumped off the cliff and fell into the sea.

Qingxin used wind spells to help himself and Cang Xu land slowly.

It turns out there is a cave at the foot of the cliff.

The cave was pitch black.

Crying Wind entered first, Qingxin and Cangxu also entered slowly with vigilance.

The cave is not narrow, but quite open.

Half is sea water, half is wet stone ground.

The naturally formed reef at the junction of Haiti is extremely flat, and it is easy to dock one or two sea ships.

In the deepest part of the cave, close to the mountain wall, there is a gray-white tombstone.

The tombstone is made up of countless skeleton bodies, heads, and limbs spliced ​​together. It is three meters high and exudes a silver-level aura.

Cang Xu paused slightly: "Is this the tragic tombstone?"

Crying Wind nodded: "That's right."

The undead faction is divided into three veins, namely bone veins, soul veins, and corpse veins.

The Elegy tombstone is a mage prop in the bone veins, and its main function is to teleport between tombstones.

Seeing this tombstone, Cang Xu knew: among the necromancers attending the gathering this time, there must be some who practice bone veins.

"Wait a moment, you are the first to arrive." Crying Wind said.

Cang Xu's heart moved, and he pondered over what Cry Feng said.

Crying Wind said it was a bit strange that they were both the first to arrive.

Because apparently the Crying Wind itself had arrived here before they did.

"The tone of Crying Wind sounds like the master of this place."

"Crying Wind...Crying Songdao...there seems to be a secret connection between the two."

"How did he get here?"

"I took the Iron Pimple and sailed away from Eye Island just after the melee."

"Crying Wind was still on the island at that time."

"It is possible that there is a tragic tombstone hidden on Eye Island or a nearby desert island."

While Cang Xu was speculating, the tombstone suddenly emitted a gray light.

The space fluctuated violently.

After a few seconds, the space suddenly became calm again.

A ghost appears at the foot of the tombstone.

She is a fish-man ghost, 1.5 meters tall, holding a 2-meter-high bone staff.

Apparently, she was a necromancer who used tombstones to teleport here.

The fishman ghost first greeted Crying Wind, and then looked at Cang Xu and Qing Xin. Just as he was about to speak, the sea water suddenly started to stir.

The next moment, the water rolled back and formed a big wave.

A black iron-level three-headed sea snake was snatched out of the wave.

The sea snake is not a normal creature, but an undead spirit. Its whole body is covered with carrion, and its pale bones are exposed in some places.

There is a seat on the back of the three-headed sea snake.

Sitting on the large seat was a small skeleton.

The little skeleton took one look and knew that he was just a child during his lifetime.

He has a large head, covered with a dark blue brocade cloak and a diamond crown on his head.

"I'm coming."

"Hey, there's a newcomer!"

The little skeleton's eyes were burning with fire, and he screamed with excitement.

Crying Wind introduced Cang Xu and Qing Xin: "This is the ghost mage Fin Ling, and this is the skeleton mage little prince, and his mount Xiao San."

Finling and the little prince both performed a mage salute.

Even the ferocious and rotten three-headed sea snake lowered its head slightly and expressed greetings politely.

Cang Xu and Qing Xin looked at each other, and the former introduced his origin and identity.

Upon hearing that they were members of the Wisteria Chamber of Commerce, Fin Ling and the little prince's expressions softened a bit.

The little prince said: "When I made this tombstone, the Wisteria Chamber of Commerce also subsidized a lot of materials."

It turns out that he is the maker of the Elegiac tombstone.

"Wait for one more adult and we can start." Crying Wind said.

"Sir?" Upon hearing such an honorific, Cang Xu's eyes narrowed slightly.

Whether it is Crying Wind, Fin Spirit, or the Skeleton Mage Little Prince, they are all silver level.

The existence of "adult" that Cry Fengkou calls is at least gold level.

On the other hand, Cang Xu is just silver in disguise. Although Qing Xin is genuine, his equipment is seriously insufficient and his combat power is very limited.

But everyone waited for a while, but did not hear any movement.

Cang Xu asked tentatively: "How long do we have to wait?"

"Counting the time, the adults are almost here." Fin Ling said.

"Please forgive me for being rude. This is my first time to attend a gathering here. What I want to ask is, if that adult doesn't come, do we have to wait forever?" Cang Xu continued to ask.

"No." Crying Wind answered Cang Xu's question this time, "If the time exceeds a lot, it proves that the adult will not come. We will not wait any longer, but will convene a meeting immediately, and the next The time and place of gatherings must be changed.”

Cang Xu couldn't help but fell into silence, and he heard the implication.

The situation of the necromancer is very bad.

If someone doesn't show up as promised, there's probably an accident.

And this kind of accident is likely to affect the gathering and put the lives of other necromancers in danger.

Therefore, we must hold a rally immediately and strive to end it in the shortest possible time. And the arrangements for the next round of rallies will be greatly changed.

"Hey, new guy, be patient!" The Skeleton Mage shouted, "Wait a little longer, it's nothing. That adult is very strong."

Fin Ling echoed: "If that adult doesn't come, our income from participating in this rally will be reduced by more than half. I would rather take some risks and wait."

Cang Xu nodded and said no more words.

Although his personal strength is not good, he has companions outside the island to support him.

If danger really happened, he only needed to hold on for a while and help would come.

Silence fell in the cave, and the group continued to wait. No one made a sound.

After another ten minutes, the tombstone suddenly lit up.

After the space calmed down, a tall black-robed mage appeared in front of everyone out of thin air.

"Lord Ship Ghost!" Crying Wind, Little Prince, and Fin Spirit saluted and greeted each other.

Cang Xu and Qing Xin also quickly saluted.

The black-robed mage was wearing a hood, and his human face could be vaguely seen. He exuded the aura of a gold-level mage, and the strength he showed was in line with Cang Xu's previous guesses.

"Oh ho ho ho." The evil black-robed mage laughed generously.

He looked around and nodded to Crying Feng and others: "It's been a long time since I saw you. Xiaofeng, Xiaoyu, the child, oh, and you, Xiaosan."

He stretched out his pale palm and waved at the three-headed sea snake.

The three-headed sea snake was originally lying on the rocks on the shore, but now it raised its head and howled in response.

"This time, there are two new faces." The black-robed mage Shipgui turned his attention to Cang Xu and Qing Xin again. ???

Facing the gold level, Cang Xu felt stressed, but his expression remained calm: "Although it is the first time to participate in the gathering here, we are all old friends."

The little prince intervened and actively introduced the black-robed necromancer Ship Ghost: "They are both from the Wisteria Chamber of Commerce, and they are both at the senior level."

"Oh? Is that so? Have you tested the secret order?" Ship Ghost asked.

Crying Wind replied: "Not yet. I think it would be better to wait for you to witness."

The ship ghost nodded.

Crying Wind walked to the mountain wall and poured fighting energy into it. A hidden stone door slowly opened, revealing a warehouse.

He moved a large alchemical device from the warehouse.

Qingxin immediately recognized it: this was an old version of the verification device, and the Ziteng Chamber of Commerce has now fully popularized the new version. The latter is smaller and more precise than the former.

Crying Wind moved the alchemy device in front of Cang Xu.

Cang Xu had already taken out a copy of the Wisteria Secret Order.

He put it into the alchemy device and verified that it was correct.

The ship ghost looked at Qingxin.

Qingxin explained: "My situation is a bit special and I cannot carry the Wisteria Secret Order with me. My companions can testify, and perhaps the Weeping Wind Warrior can also help me with this."

Crying Wind nodded: "She was a slave at the auction and was rescued by her companions."

He also participated in the auction and saw with his own eyes that a group of slaves including the blond mother and her son were bought at a high price in the private room No. 21, Qingxin among them.

From his perspective, it is natural to understand that this is a secret rescue operation.

"Welcome, you two." Ship Ghost raised his hand, signaling Cang Xu to put away his secret order.

He raised his head slightly, looked at the mountain wall, and said with emotion: "I think back then, when I first came into contact with the Wisteria Chamber of Commerce, I was only a Silver-level member."

"The practice of our necromancers is really too difficult."

"The difficulty of obtaining alchemy materials alone is a hundred times that of other mages."

"I have to say that the Wisteria Chamber of Commerce has given me a lot of help in exchanging resources."

"Unfortunately, the Wisteria Chamber of Commerce today is no longer the Chamber of Commerce of the past."

"It has been divided up by the major forces of the Shengming Empire, and only the remaining part is less than one percent of its original size."

"Not only that, the Empire's Blood Light Sanctioning Institute also used the channels of the Wisteria Chamber of Commerce to ambush and arrest many necromancers."

Having said this, the ship ghost looked deeply at Cang Xu and Qing Xin.

The atmosphere in the cave couldn't help but become tense.

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