Infinite Bloodcore

Chapter 237: Bloodline Ancestral River Map

The atmosphere in the cave was tense, no one spoke, and there was only the sound of the rising and falling tide.

Everyone's eyes were focused on Cang Xu and Qing Xin.

Crying Wind crossed his arms, his face expressionless.

The fin spirit holds the staff and has a dark look.

The little prince tilted his big skull head, looking at it with scrutiny.

Even the three-headed sea snake, an undead monster, rested its three heads on the rocks, locking Cang Xu and Qing Xin.

The heaviest pressure comes from Ship Ghost, a gold-level necromancer.

Qing Xin pursed his lips tightly, while Cang Xu had a calm expression.

Difficulties and interrogations are inevitable.

Before coming, Cang Xu and Qing Xin had already made full psychological preparations.

After a moment of silence, Cang Xu spoke with a slightly angry tone: "My companions and I came here to participate in a gathering in exchange for resources needed for practice. But we have been waiting here for a long time. It's just an interrogation."

"If you want me to prove myself, to be honest, I can't provide any strong evidence to convince you."

"Because everyone has their own secrets."

"And I don't have the habit of abusing myself without sufficient benefits."

"Then everyone...please forgive me for taking my leave."

Cang Xu's words can't help but shock people.

Qing Xin's complexion changed slightly and he stopped talking.

But Cang Xu acted very simply, he turned around and left.

Qingxin had no choice but to follow and leave.

Both of them were on full alert.

Suddenly, the ship ghost burst into laughter, and he took the initiative to persuade him to stay: "Two friends, please stay. I want to apologize to you and everyone present. I did not attend this meeting in time and was late. As for the specific reason, I will explain it to you in detail later.”

After looking around, he set his sights on Cang Xu and said in a sincere tone: "Please two friends understand our difficulties."

"The survival of the Necromancer is very difficult, and there are even shameful traitors among us who are willing to be the lackeys of the empire."

"We have to be prepared."

Cang Xu stopped and turned around, looking at the ship ghost from a distance: "I understand this, but in fact, I also took risks to participate in this gathering."

"Who can guarantee that this rally will be safe? That it won't put me in danger?"

Cang Xu didn’t really want to leave.

The strategy he adopted was to retreat before advancing.

The reason why he adopts such a strategy is that he can adapt to the situation.

Cangxu has been a noble housekeeper for many years. He has dealt with people from all walks of life for a long time and has great experience in interpersonal communication.

Although he only met the ship ghost and others for the first time, and the contact time was very short, Cang Xu felt that the ship ghost was full of humanity, unlike the rumored necromancer who was cold and terrifying, hated life, and had hidden murderous intentions.

Even in Cang Xu's understanding: it was actually a good thing for him to be inspected and interrogated.

This shows from the side that the other party has a desire for normal communication and transactions, so they continue to pry.

What Cang Xu is really afraid of is that there is no prying. The necromancer he encounters is taciturn and moody. He might suddenly take action and massacre the living beings at the next moment.

Seeing Cang Xu stop, the ship ghost chuckled and asked politely how Cang Xu embarked on the path of cultivation as a necromancer.

Qingxin also looked at Cang Xu, she was equally curious about it.

Cang Xu knew that this was another spying, so he couldn't help but show a look of reminiscence on his face. He pondered for a while before saying, "I was still studying in the academy at that time."

"My finances are not well-off. In order to be able to pay for tuition and maintain life at the college, I have to work-study."

"I often clean around the academy."

“It was because of this job that I came into contact with a painting by accident.”

"I believe everyone should have seen the content of the painting."

"It's the Bloodline Ancestral River Map."

"Of course it's not the original, it's just a replica, hanging in a corridor of the college as a decoration."

“When I touched the canvas of this painting, my spirit was touched and I was enlightened.”

"I did not follow the instructions. Instead, I restored the painting first, and then investigated a lot of information. Finally, I mustered up the courage to drip my blood on the canvas."

"The content of the painting has changed because of my blood. The river of blood has dried up, exposing the river bed. The river banks are made of bones. Countless ghosts are like jellyfish groups, hovering around the river bed."

"At the same time, I received another revelation, and a legacy about the Necromancer was instilled into the depths of my soul."

"Of course, I didn't practice immediately."

"I felt terrified and uneasy. The treasure I thought turned out to be an inheritance from the dead. I regretted it very much at the time, but I didn't dare to reveal the secret."

"Years later, after being repeatedly suppressed and excluded, I reluctantly chose this path and became a necromancer."

"This is how I became a necromancer."

After Cang Xu finished speaking, the cave fell into a brief silence.

The ship ghost said: "You didn't lie."

It turned out that when Cang Xu told the story, he secretly mobilized some means to test the authenticity of Cang Xu's statement.

Cang Xu was not surprised.

He has deception and camouflage spells and anti-detection prophecy spells on him, and it is almost impossible for spells to detect lies to actually work.

If it takes effect, what Cang Xu said will be true.

It’s just that language is artistic.

Although everything he said was true, it did not mean that he was completely open. Cang Xu's selective expression still allowed him to retain many of his secrets.

Ship Ghost continued: "It seems that the inheritance you are exposed to comes from the soul painter. Perhaps in the future, you can rely on this relationship to obtain more advanced inheritance."

Seeing Cang Xu's doubtful expression, the ship ghost explained: "The founder of the undead faction is Lord Youshen, which is already well known. He personally taught a total of 12 apprentices, and now some of them have become holy realm level The Necromancer. The Soul Painter is one of them.”

"Master You Shen has issued a long-term mission, requiring every apprentice to spread what they have learned as much as possible."

"The method of dissemination by soul painters is to copy various famous paintings and hide the inheritance of the undead in them."

"These special paintings can detect some of the qualifications of the contacts and give revelations."

Cang Xu suddenly realized: "So that's it."

Then, he asked probingly: "Lord Ship Ghost, I see that you are also a soul-blooded necromancer. Could it be said that you also came into contact with such paintings and started practicing in the necromantic sect?"

Just when the ship ghost was about to speak, the little prince of the skeleton mage replied: "Of course not, the teacher of the ship ghost is Captain Guhun!"

The little prince sounded proud.

As a result, seeing Cang Xu's confused look, he couldn't help shouting angrily: "I understand, you don't know who Captain Guhun is."

"Like the soul painter, he is an apprentice personally trained by Master You Shen. Now he is a great pirate at the sanctuary level!"

"So you understand, newcomer, our Lord Ship Ghost is an orthodox necromancer!"

Cang Xu and Qing Xin immediately looked at the ship ghost with admiration.

According to this relationship, Ship Gui can be regarded as You Shen's disciple and grandson.

The ship ghost waved his hand and said with a wry smile: "It's better not to talk about this kind of relationship, kid."

"Maybe one day, I will die because of this."

The little prince immediately lowered his head and bowed deeply: "I'm sorry, Lord Shipgui."

Perhaps because he bowed too hard, the skull's head suddenly fell off, hit the ground, and rolled all the way to Cang Xu's feet.

Cang Xu:......


"Ah!" The little prince opened and closed his skull jaw and let out an embarrassed exclamation.

And his body quickly waved, and the huge skull head on the stone ground immediately flew back and was placed on the slender spine.

"Oh ho ho ho!" The ship ghost laughed out loud.

The atmosphere in the cave changed dramatically.

"Stop laughing, Lord Shipgui, what's so funny about this!" The little prince covered his face with his short and slender palms, shaking his head and shouting.

The ship ghost stopped laughing and said, "My child, even though you have become Silver-level, you are still as cute as before."

He then pointed at Crying Wind and took the initiative to introduce Cang Xu: "This warrior should be the person you are most familiar with."

"He died in battle on Weeping Island. It was I who discovered his unwilling soul."

"When I wanted to summon the spirit, I was rejected by him."

"He didn't want to transform into a ghost, but he still longed for a body so that he could continue to pursue his sword skills."

"He was very lucky. One day, he met the good corpse-dismembering doctor. Oh, he is also a saint-level doctor and one of the twelve disciples taught by You Shen himself."

"After my request, the good corpse-shattering doctor personally took action and resurrected Crying Wind into his current undead form."

"Not only that, thanks to the good doctor's unique magic, Crying Wind can also hide his undead state and pretend to be a normal living person to carry out activities."

"So, there is another wandering warrior named Crying Wind in this world."

Cangxu looked at Caifeng, who nodded slightly to him.

The ship ghost's words confirmed some of Cang Xu's previous guesses.

Crying Wind died in battle on Crying Pine Island and was resurrected on this island. He regards this place as his home, so he told Cang Xu and Qing Xin before that they were the first guests to arrive here.

It is understandable that the names of Crying Wind and Crying Songdao are related.

Cangxu also thought of Crying Wind's solitary life.

"The good corpse-shattering doctor's camouflage skills should be at the holy level, so there are no flaws in front of the gold-level Hutong."

"But it must be different from our deception and disguise skills."

"There should be some kind of flaw in this disguise. In order to reduce the possibility of exposure, Crying Wind chose to walk alone, hence the name Wandering Warrior."

"I was exposed during the melee on Eye Island, so it is likely to trigger an investigation by the empire."

"Crying Feng returned to Crying Song Island this time. On the one hand, he wanted to participate in the rally. On the other hand, he might also want to avoid the limelight here."

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