Infinite Bloodcore

Chapter 238: Endless blood, all races will perish

Then, the ship ghost introduced the fin spirit to Cang Xu.

The fin spirit was summoned by the ship ghost. After careful cultivation, the fin spirit's sanity was restored to its original state.

"She helps me a lot and is my best experimental assistant." Jiangui admired Finling very much. "Unfortunately, she couldn't let go of her tribe and begged me many times, hoping that I would return her freedom and let her Continue to work hard for your tribe.”

"I warned her that her status at this time is too special and she will not be tolerated by the tribe."

"But she still insists on it, so I can only let it go." Ship Ghost sighed deeply.

The taciturn Fin Spirit bowed deeply to the Ship Ghost: "Sir, I will never forget your kindness in rebuilding. The days when I served as your assistant were the most fulfilling and peaceful days I lived."

"But as you said, any life has the right to pursue its own happiness and seek the meaning of life."

"So, I chose to return to the tribe and silently protect my people. Although I will be misunderstood, I feel very happy."

"Huh!" the little prince immediately retorted angrily, "You are just a ghost, you have no bones at all, how can you be 'unforgettable'?"

"You're an idiot!"

"After returning to the tribe, he was almost beaten to death by the tribesmen. He was obviously powerful, but he didn't fight back."

"In the end, it was Lord Shipgui who took action and saved you."

"Just like that, you secretly ran back and fought the powerful sea beast secretly to dedicate yourself to the tribe."

Fin Ling sneered: "How can you be better than me? At a certain time every year, don't you always watch a certain sea ship passing here?"

"Aren't you also secretly protecting your country's merchant ships? Even if you were bombarded by merchant ships, didn't you ever fight back?"

"You!" The little prince could not refute.

The ship ghost explained in time: "He turned into an undead, so it has nothing to do with me."

"Our little prince was indeed a prince, but although he was of noble birth, he died young."

"His parents were not reconciled and secretly hired a necromancer to resurrect him with necromancy."

"The little prince cannot continue to live with his parents in this form. This will bring huge trouble to both parties."

"So, after wandering around for a while, he stayed in this sea area."

"At a certain time every year, his parents will visit the Ice Sculpture Island by sea ship. This is a rare opportunity for him to reunite with his parents."

Finling rarely interjected: "It's not just that. When the little prince first came here, he was very restless."

"If it weren't for Mr. Ship Ghost taking care of him and taking care of him and dealing with all kinds of troubles he caused, he would have been broken into bones long ago."

With the help of their mutual discord, Cang Xu gained a deeper understanding of several of his undead comrades present.

I also figured out why Crying Wind and others respected Ship Ghost so much.

The ship ghost looked at Cang Xu and concluded: "So you see, we are not purely dangerous elements."

"We all have our own pursuits in life, and we also want to control our own happiness in life."

"It's just that our life form is a little special."

"There is even a compelling reason for us to transform into undead."

Cang Xu frowned: "But I am different from you. I took the initiative to become a necromancer."

"I came here to get more resources to facilitate better practice. What I want is to strengthen myself, the stronger the better."

"You look more innocent than I do. But that's not my concern, you guys."

"I just want to ask, when can this rally officially start?"

"Newcomer, pay attention to your tone. You must know that you are talking to Mr. Shipgui." The little prince immediately accused him angrily.

Fin flicked the long-handled staff in his hand and scolded lightly: "Be patient, newcomer."

The ship ghost waved his hand: "Oh ho ho ho."

He laughed: "Don't be nervous, you two. Please don't misunderstand me."

"You introduced how you became a necromancer. I will introduce you to the past of others. First of all, it is fair."

"Secondly, I want to prove that although we have fallen into undead life, it does not mean that we will sink here."

"I believe you have already felt the erosion of one's nature by negative energy."

"I think this is the biggest drawback of the undead genre."

Cang Xu was silent, his brows furrowed deeper.

He thought for a while and then said: "Combat erosion... This is one of the main purposes of my coming here."

Ship Ghost nodded: "I can see that you have the excellent qualities of a mage."

"You transformed your body and became a living dead, trying to maintain your humanity and resist the erosion of negative energy."

"Although your methods are immature and your techniques are rough, it shows your perseverance."

Cang Xu had a strange look on his face, and his heart was shaken.

Ship Ghost's sharp eyesight actually revealed part of Cang Xu's true identity.

Ship Ghost continued: "I have seen many colleagues who pursue power excessively and are eroded by negative energy without realizing it. They even actively indulge in it in exchange for stronger power."

"They were lost and corrupted as a result, and the necromancer gained a lot of notoriety because of it."

"This is very wrong and very bad."

"All power must be under control to be considered a qualified mage. On the other hand, if one is controlled by power, he is just a pathetic person."

"Because of this, I am happy to see Xiaofeng pursue the art of swordsmanship, Xiaoyu to protect the tribe, and children to be reunited with their parents."

“It is these factors that act as anchors to prevent us from being carried away by the waves of power in our practice.”

Qingxin was shocked by the sincere words of the ship ghost.

Cangxu bowed deeply and saluted: "I'm sorry, I'm so shallow. I'm very grateful for your advice!"

Ship Ghost saw through Cang Xu's method of modifying his body to maintain his humanity, and from Cang Xu's previous words and attitude, he deduced that this was probably his first time participating in the gathering of the undead.

To such newcomers, Ship Ghost actively imparts his own practice experience.

And Cang Xu's response also greatly satisfied the ship ghost's nature of being a teacher.

"Oh ho ho ho." The ship ghost laughed, "When people get old, they like to chatter. Okay, okay, let's start this gathering. Xiao Feng, you are the master of this place, please host it."

Crying Wind bowed and presided over the meeting: "First, it is the exchange of resources. Each member takes turns to speak out and put forward their own needs. After that, if others have transaction intentions, they can communicate on the spot."

Crying Wind glanced around, and finally his eyes fell on Cang Xu.

Cang Xu immediately understood and said first: "I came here to participate in the gathering to find ways to counteract the erosion of negative energy. At the same time, I want to take a step closer and purchase some spells and resources that can strengthen myself."

Fin Spirit, Little Prince and others did not answer, they all looked at Ship Ghost.

The ship ghost laughed out loud: "Oh ho ho ho, I do have a legacy of the undead here, which is very suitable for you."

He took out a painting from his storage equipment.

This is an oil painting.

The dark, straight square frame does not have conventional pattern decorations. It is obviously carefully selected and matches with the mainly vermilion content of the picture.

The content of the oil painting made Cang Xu feel very familiar.

This is the famous classic painting - Bloodline and Ancestral River.

At the top of the picture is a tall, blurry figure, cutting open his own heart.

From the heart flows a river of blood.

The river flows mightily, branching from the upper reaches to form titans, dragons, elemental beings, angels, devils, and demons.

The river narrows and continues to branch in the middle reaches, surrounded by images of elves, dwarves, orcs, humans, and barbarians.

The river turns into a stream, and branches again downstream, branching out into goblins, gnomes, fishmen, naga, tree people, etc.

The Bloodline Ancestral River Diagram depicts the creation myth.

According to legend, the world was originally barren.

God has come here.

The hollowness and barrenness of the world made Him roar. He cut open His body and let the blood flow into a river.

The river of blood flows to all parts of the world, and from the upper reaches Titans, dragons, elemental beings, angels, demons, and devils are born. From the middle reaches came elves, dwarves, orcs, humans, and barbarians. Goblins, gnomes, murlocs, naga, and treants were born downstream.

As a result, the world becomes prosperous and all things coexist.

God is dead.

This creation myth is spread among all ethnic groups.

The author of Bloodline Ancestor River Picture used the form of painting to describe this story.

There are many details worth mentioning.

Among them, the Titans, dragons and other images born in the upper reaches are all very large. The size of the races in the middle reaches has shrunk a lot, to less than half of that in the upper reaches. Downriver, the racial profile is even smaller.

The painter used this to show the differences and advantages and disadvantages between races.

The world divides these races into three levels: upper race, middle race and lower race.

There is a bloodline map accumulated by war dealers in the Deep Sea Monster Fish. This bloodline ancestral river map can be regarded as the earliest and original bloodline map.

Today, bloodlines are mixed with each other, and the racial theory of upper, middle and lower has been eliminated. But it is undeniable that the influence still exists. (The current mainstream in academic circles is the theory of human supremacy. Of course, other races do not agree, and there have been fierce arguments about this.)

The ship ghost handed the painting to Cang Xu in public: "The Bloodline Ancestral River Map is of great significance. Perhaps the Soul Painter values ​​this significance, so he copied many such paintings and invested their inheritance in it. "

"The inheritance you received is just a basic inheritance. What is inside is an advanced inheritance."

"You can inspect the goods now."

Cang Xu knew in his heart that he had to inspect the goods on the spot. Because this may be another test and review for the ship ghost.

After checking the painting again and finding no problems, Cang Xu decided to take the risk.

He cut his wrist and dripped the blood to the source of the blood river, the heart of the God of Creation.

The blood emits brilliance and gradually spreads, lighting up the entire blood river.

Immediately, the blood river dried up, revealing the river bed.

All racial images seem to be eroded by negative energy and transformed into undead forms of skeletons, zombies and ghosts. From the desolate and mysterious painting style in ancient times, it suddenly became eerie and terrifying.

At the same time, a stream of knowledge was poured into Cang Xu's heart.

"The bloodline is endless, and all races will perish!" the ship ghost chanted in a satisfied tone.

His poetic tone resonated.

The next moment, Fin Spirit, Little Prince, Crying Wind and Cangxu all echoed: "With endless blood, all races will perish."

At this moment, Qingxin, who was out of place, finally felt the terrifying atmosphere of the gathering of the dead.

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