Infinite Bloodcore

Chapter 261: Coming across the river

"Hoo! Hoo!"

Cang Xu opened his mouth wide and breathed harder than ever before.

His eyes were full of confusion.

"I...amn't I already dead?"

The confusion immediately subsided, Cang Xu realized something, and quickly checked the space bag on his chest.

In the bag, he found the scapegoat.

This was obtained through forced purchase by the survivors at the Double Eye Island auction.

The scapegoat is shaped like a doll, made of pale green wood, with withered yellow grass on its head as hair. The doll's eyes and nose are extremely crooked, giving it a strange and eerie aesthetic.

Now, this scapegoat has collapsed, its limbs are separated from its body, and its torso is shattered. The largest fragment of the body was half a melon head.

Cang Xu and Zidi bought a surrogate puppet and gave it to the dragon boy to use.

For the survivors, the dragon boy is the most important and critical figure.

But before Cang Xu attended the gathering of the undead, the dragon boy considered the risks of this trip and handed over the scapegoat to him.

"It was the scapegoat that brought me back to life."

"No, it was the captain who saved my life!"

Amidst the strong fear, Cang Xu felt a warm current of emotion surge up.

"Is this the water of the Styx?!" After realizing his situation, he stood up suddenly as if he was electrocuted.

Before, he almost lost his life when he looked directly at the River Styx. Now that he touches the water of the River Styx, what kind of consequences will happen?

Cangxu had suffered a loss and was extremely afraid of the Styx. He jumped directly onto the bed and completely escaped from the water of the Styx.

"Huh?" The mysterious man in black subconsciously turned sideways and looked in the direction of Cang Xu.

The moment Cang Xu was resurrected, the breath of life was revealed, and the man in black immediately felt it.

"Actually resurrected?" The man in black was stunned for a moment, and then he guessed the answer.

"It seems to be the scapegoat." The information obtained by the man in black was very sufficient.

Cang Xu and Zidi bought many things at the auction, and the scapegoat was one of them.

Many people know this information.

The man in black and the sea snake girl can follow Cang Xu's clue to commit the crime, so they will naturally not miss this important information.

The man in black turned his head back and ignored Cang Xu.

It's just a silver level, nothing to worry about!

The man in black thought to himself: If he can easily kill Cang Xu once, he can naturally kill him a second time.

He is so powerful that he turns a deaf ear to the little prince and the crying wind who are close at hand. He has only one real goal.

That's the ship ghost!

"Ship Ghost, what are your thoughts?" The man in black asked.

A heavy sigh came from the ship ghost: "Crying Wind, put your weapons away."

Crying Wind's eyes narrowed.

Ship Ghost continued: "I know I am not afraid of death, but at this moment, there is really no need to make unnecessary sacrifices."

Cail Feng gritted his teeth and finally put away the knife.

The ship ghost said in a weak tone: "I still don't know where you are from, what force you belong to, and what your specific identity is. If I surrender, what treatment will I get?"

As soon as these words came out, the intention of the ship ghost to surrender was very obvious.

The little prince cheered up.

The corners of the man in black's mouth turned up slightly, showing a smile.

The atmosphere in the cabin relaxed greatly.

Cang Xu stood on the bed and looked at the water level of the River Styx on the wooden floor, which was rising rapidly.

"The ghost ship is leaking and sinking!"

"The ship ghost did not repair it."

"what happened?"

"What happened after I died?"

Cang Xu looked at the cabin where the man in black, the little prince, and Crying Wind were.

Although his sight was blocked by the wall, he could still clearly sense the life breath of the three of them.

"It's not fighting, it seems like it's a confrontation?" Cang Xu still didn't know the situation at this time.

But this does not prevent him from acting first.

He took out a flying spell scroll and tore it open on the spot.

His body levitated, keeping a careful distance from the water of the Styx, and then flew up.

Cang Xu got off the bed, pushed open the cabin door, and climbed up the ship's ladder to the deck.

He fell directly to the deck, his whole body was cold, his vision went black, and he felt very dizzy!

This was just a simple flying technique, which consumed Cang Xu to this point.

Although he was resurrected, his condition was extremely bad!

Cang Xu quickly checked himself.

He was horrified to find that his left chest was penetrated from front to back, his heart was gone, and he had been stabbed to pieces by the man in black.

His whole body was filled with violent negative energy.

Obviously, these negative energies come from the water of the Styx and are eroding Cang Xu's body and soul crazily.

There is also a miserable green force that is struggling to maintain Cang Xu's life.

Most of the miserable green power lingers in Cangxu's left chest, replacing the heart and supplying energy to Cangxu.

At the same time, there are wisps of green light extending from the heart, like tree roots and vines, extending into Cang Xu's internal organs, limbs and bones.

"This is the power of the scapegoat, the magical power of the Voodoo sect."

After Cang Xu checked it, he immediately discovered that the green power was fading at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Although he escaped from the water of the Styx, the previous immersion had filled Cangxu's broken body with a huge amount of negative energy.

"This negative energy is dragging me back into death!"

"what to do?"

Cold sweat broke out on Cang Xu's forehead, and he was thinking anxiously about how to save himself.

He first thought of karma-cutting and burden-reducing techniques.

The magician's supplement from Ship Ghost is still in his hands and has not been taken away by the man in black.

But the karma-reducing and burden-reducing techniques inside have been used up.

It is impossible for Cang Xu to cast spells by himself.

"By the way, there are also potions!" Cang Xu quickly entered the storage bag and took out some potions.

He drank these potions or poured them directly into the hole in his heart.

The effect of the potion was terrible.

"There are very few potions suitable for the life of the undead."

"Now my body is full of negative energy, which greatly reduces the effect of the medicine."

Most of the potions refined by Zidi are bronze and black iron grade, and the output of silver grade potions is smaller.

As for the gold-level potion, she currently has no ability to refine it.

After using the potion once, Cang Xu's bad condition was not much relieved.

He took out some black crystals.

These crystals may be long or short, large or small, but they are all in the shape of long strips. They are deep and dark, exuding an inexplicable chill, they are soul crystals.

The use of Soul Crystal is very simple.

Cangxu can get the nourishment of the soul crystal just by holding it and communicating with his spirit.

The soul crystals shrunk rapidly in his hands, like ice cubes encountering high temperatures, and finally disappeared.

Cang Xu used soul crystals continuously, and his soul received a lot of nourishment, forcibly boosting his spirit.

"I finally feel a little better." Cang Xu's original dizzy feeling weakened a lot.

But the problem of negative energy has not been solved.

Although the soul crystal can enhance his soul foundation, it cannot solve the immediate life crisis.

At this moment, a skeleton mage flew over and came to Cang Xu.

"Newcomer, let me help you!" The person who came was none other than the little prince.

After Cang Xu was resurrected, he could sense the life breath of other people. Of course, the little prince could also sense Cang Xu's breath.

Cang Xu's life breath was very weak, like a candle in the wind.

The little prince was under great psychological pressure and felt uncomfortable next to the shadow of the man in black. He simply made a bold attempt and flew out of the cabin to save Cang Xu.

When Cang Xu saw the little prince, he quickly asked about the situation of the battle.

The little prince spoke in a heavy tone: "The enemy is too strong, but he has not killed him. Currently, the enemy is negotiating with Master Shipgui to discuss the terms of surrender."

Cang Xu's eyes flashed.

This situation did not surprise him, it was within his guess.

"Once the ship ghost compromises and surrenders, I will also become a prisoner."

"Alas, my strength is still too weak."

The situation is not up to anyone.

Cang Xu quickly shook off his distracting thoughts. Now was not the time to worry about the future. If he didn't deal with his own problems, death would be right in front of him.

Necromantic magic - karma-cutting magic!

Necromantic Spell - Burden Reduction Spell!

The little prince aimed at Cang Xu and cast spells continuously.

Cang Xu's fall into the abyss of death has slowed down even more, but the trend has not changed.

The little prince's tone was very solemn: "It's not good, newcomer. You have been exposed to the water of the Styx, and there is too much negative energy."

"This energy not only penetrates into your body, but most of it is also poured into your soul."

"If you hadn't transformed your body, you would have been assimilated by the water of the Styx!"

"At this rate, I can't save you."

"Lord Ship Ghost, help me, help the newcomers." The little prince raised his head and shouted, his gesture of calling for help as crisp and skillful as ever.

In the cabin.

The tail shadow heard the little prince's cry for help and laughed: "Jianggui, do you want to save him? Then sign a magic contract with me first."

If the ship ghost really takes action, casts a spell, and rescues Cang Xu, he will have to reveal his true form.

At that time, Wei Ying can take action at will.

Weiying used Cang Xu as a bargaining chip to blackmail the ship ghost: "I heard that you usually have a very good style and take good care of the undead around you."

"However, you are the orthodox of the undead, a direct descendant of You Shen. Taking care of other undead is also what you orthodox should do."

The ship ghost interrupted the tail shadow: "Who are you? How do you know my identity?"

Weiying sneered: "You have held gatherings of the dead on Songfeng Island no less than ten times."

"A lot of information can be obtained easily."

"You can take out soul crystals and sell them to stabilize external supply, which proves that you master the method of making soul crystals."

"This is the most obvious feature of undead orthodoxy."

"Don't ask me about my origin and identity again. It's impossible for me to tell you. I'll just reveal that my power is far more powerful than yours!"

Ship Ghost immediately responded: "My ancestor, Lord You Shen, is a legendary mage. Although Fire Beard is also a legend, he is just a fighter. The power of the Necromancer is not as obvious as that of the Fire Beard Pirates, but it is hidden The strength far exceeds the imagination of the outside world!"

Wei Ying snorted: "There is no need to conduct unnecessary spying."

"Ship Ghost, my patience is exhausted."

"Come out."

"Sign a contract with me and I will spare your life."

"Otherwise, I will smash your ghost ship directly, and you will destroy the ship and kill everyone!"

The ship ghost sighed: "After all, I am a gold-level spell caster and a necromancer. If surrendering and becoming your slave is worse than death, then I might as well die in battle directly."

The tail shadow exuded strong murderous intent: "You still want to negotiate terms with me?"

"I will destroy your ghost ship first and make you realize the reality!"

"Reality?" Suddenly, a strange voice came from far away, "You should recognize it clearly."

Along with the sound, Cang Xu, the little prince and others on the deck were shocked to see a figure walking across the Styx.

"Brother Shen!"


When Shen Changqing walks on the road, whenever he meets someone he knows, he will say hello or nod to each other.

But no matter who it is.

There was no unnecessary expression on everyone's face, as if they were indifferent to everything.

To this.

Shen Changqing has become accustomed to it.

Because this is the Demon Suppression Division, an organization that maintains the stability of the Qin Dynasty. Its main responsibility is to kill monsters and monsters. Of course, there are also some other side jobs.

It can be said.

Everyone in the Demon Suppression Division has a lot of blood on their hands.

When a person is used to seeing life and death, he will become indifferent to many things.

When he first came to this world, Shen Changqing was a little uncomfortable, but he got used to it over time.

The Demon-Suppressing Division is huge.

Those who can stay in the Demon Suppressing Division are all powerful masters, or those who have the potential to become masters.

Shen Changqing belongs to the latter.

Among them, the Demon Suppressor Division is divided into two professions, one is the Guardian Envoy and the other is the Demon Slayer.

Anyone who enters the Demon Suppression Department starts from the lowest level as a demon slayer.

Then he will be promoted step by step, and he is expected to eventually become a guardian envoy.

Shen Changqing's predecessor was a trainee demon slayer in the Demon Suppression Division, and he was also the lowest level among the demon slayers.

Possessing the memory of a previous life.

He is also very familiar with the environment of the Demon Suppression Division.

It didn't take long for Shen Changqing to stop in front of a loft.

Unlike other places in the Demon Suppressing Division that were full of chills, the attic here seemed to stand out from the crowd, showing a different kind of tranquility in the bloody Demon Suppressing Division.

At this time, the attic door was open, and occasionally people came in and out.

Shen Changqing only hesitated for a moment before stepping in.

Enter the attic.

The environment changes in vain.

The fragrance of ink mixed with the faint smell of blood hit his face, making him frown instinctively, but then relaxed it quickly.

There is almost no way to cleanse away the smell of blood on everyone in the Demon-Suppressing Division.


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