Infinite Bloodcore

Chapter 262: Flying Head Technique

The strong man who came across the river had short silver-grey hair and a pair of dark blue eyes.

He has an ordinary face, gray skin, and black surgical sutures scattered on his skin. Whether it is the cheek, neck, or the palm of the arm, there are long or short sutures.

He was wearing a gray-white mage robe. The robe had two long sleeves with wide cuffs. As he moved forward, his arms naturally swung and swayed.

The aura of the holy realm is everywhere, and it can no longer be concealed.

Cang Xu was shocked. He was soaked in some Styx water and was in danger of dying again. But the other party actually stepped on the river.

"Sacred level necromancer!"

"It is said that strong men at the sanctuary level can understand the laws and form a personal domain, which can resist bad external influences."

"Who is he?"

The next moment, the little prince's shout answered Cang Xu's doubts.

The little prince shouted in surprise: "It's the good doctor who dismembers corpses!"

The person who came was the apprentice taught by You Shen himself, and he was now a saint-level necromancer - the good corpse-shattering doctor.

The crying wind is the undead life awakened by his hands.

But the strange thing is that when Crying Wind saw the good doctor who dismembered the body, he was far less excited than the little prince. In addition to the surprise in his eyes, there were also some other emotions.

In the cabin, Suiying's expression changed drastically, and he was no longer as calm as before: "Have you been stalling for time?"

The ship ghost sneered: "You know that I am the orthodox of the undead and the direct descendant of You Shen. But it seems that you haven't really understood the meaning of the words orthodox and direct."

"Very good, you have escaped this time. Let's see what happens next!" After Weiying said this coldly, he immediately activated the Shadow Walker Holy Emblem.

The next moment, the space fluctuated violently, revealing a half-meter-long gap.

Rich shadows emerge from the gaps.

The whole body of the tail shadow sank into the shadow.

The shadow quickly flowed back into the space gap and disappeared without a trace.

The next second, the space gap was completely eliminated, and the space returned to normal.

The good doctor who shredded the corpse came under the ghost ship, jumped onto the deck with a slight jump.

"He ran pretty fast." The Corpse-Shattering Doctor sensed the fluctuations in space and the complete disappearance of the shadow's aura.

"The good doctor who shreds corpses!" the little prince shouted. Even though the skull's head couldn't show a vivid expression, his admiration and admiration were beyond words.

As one of the Twelve Saints, the good doctor who shredded corpses frightened away the powerful enemy who almost captured everyone as soon as he appeared. jújíá?y.??m

Such grace impressed the little prince.

From the corpse-dismembered good doctor, one can also catch a glimpse of the grace of the founder You Shen.

The good corpse-breaking doctor nodded to the little prince, then glanced at Crying Wind and Cang Xu, who was half-kneeling, and then fixed his gaze on the deck of the ghost ship.

Then he began to chant and cast necromancy.

The spell made waves and was powerful.

All the power of the spell is channeled into the ghost ship.

The ghost ship was originally badly damaged, but under the influence of the spell, it quickly returned to its original state.

All the holes in the boat have been patched and there is no more water leakage.

Even the water of the River Styx was pulled out by the Good Corpse Doctor and flowed back into the River Styx.

The good doctor who shredded corpses cast three spells in succession, but Cang Xu, as a bystander, could not see the details of any of the spells.

After the corpse-dismembering doctor stopped casting spells, the ship ghost revealed its true form and appeared on the deck.

Most of his injuries were recovered and he was completely out of the near-death state.

The ship ghost bowed deeply to the good doctor: "Mr. good doctor, thank you for your assistance. Please save us again. The ghost ship's mana pool reserve has bottomed out, and I can't replenish it on my own." Enough mana."

If the mana pool is insufficient, the ghost ship will not be able to cast the spell of walking in the underworld and escape from the underworld to the main plane.

Waiting for their final outcome, they are still lost in the underworld, completely losing their original owner's consciousness, and being transformed into confused underworld creatures.

The good corpse-dismembering doctor laughed: "This is easy to handle."

He stretched out his palm, revealing a black line slit in the center of his palm.

Then, he stretched out the index finger of his other hand and used his sharp fingertip to lightly scratch the black sewing thread.

The black line was untied, forming a wound, and the gray-white flesh on both sides quickly opened up, revealing not the bones of the palm, but a dark and deep space.

The good doctor who shredded the corpse pointed his palm at the deck and mobilized his own magic power.

The next moment, majestic mana surged out from the wound on the palm and sank directly into the ghost ship.

The torrent of mana even stirred up strong winds, which was astonishingly impressive.

"Full, full!" A few seconds later, the ship ghost shouted.

The personal mana reserve of a sanctuary-level mage is astonishing, and the corpse-shattering doctor can fill up a silver-level mana ship with just a little effort.

Ship Ghost thanks again.

The good corpse-breaking doctor nodded slightly: "You are lucky this time. I have been exploring the underworld for more than three months. I was about to leave when I received your distress signal."

"Although I have the spatial coordinates of your ghost ship, ultra-long-distance teleportation cannot be accurately teleported."

"Fortunately, none of you were seriously injured."

Thanks to the timely support of the corpse-dismembering doctor, although the necromancer side was defeated, the losses were not significant. On the other hand, the pirate side suffered huge losses, including the loss of a gold-level Warcraft Sea Serpent.

The little prince raised his arms and cheered: "Sir, the good doctor who broke up the corpses, if you had come a little later, we would have been really miserable."

Crying Wind saluted: "Sir."

The good corpse-breaking doctor looked at Crying Wind: "It seems that you have lived a good life these years."

Crying the wind expressed his thanks: "Thanks to the Lord's intervention, I was given a second life to continue pursuing my swordsmanship."

The good corpse-breaking doctor shook his head: "You are a work that I conceived out of an idea, so you can only be regarded as a good one. It's a pity... I lacked some materials at the time, which caused your qualifications to be insufficient. Otherwise, you may also become the undead orthodox .”

Crying Wind smiled bitterly: "I am satisfied to be able to regain my life. Chasing the path of the sword is the meaning of my life. No matter what the final result is, as long as I walk on this path, my life will be worth living."

Cang Xu finally got the chance and interjected: "I want you all to help me? I'm going to die again!"

The little prince exclaimed and asked for help from the ship ghost: "Master ship ghost, please save the newcomer quickly. I can't do it even if I try my best."

Compared to the good doctor who dismembers corpses, the little prince is closer to ship ghosts, and he doesn't dare to ask for help from undead saints.

The ship ghost nodded and did not refuse the request.

Although he used Cang Xu and the little prince as bait during the battle, the situation was extremely critical.

It is human nature to take care of oneself and abandon others.

The situation is calm now, and the ship ghost is not stingy about helping.

However, when he was about to cast the spell, the good corpse-breaking doctor stopped him: "Wait a minute."

The ship ghost paused.

The good corpse-breaking doctor looked at Cang Xu with great interest, focusing his eyes on the latter's chest: "Your state is a bit rare, and it triggered my inspiration."

"Let me transform you."

The ship ghost was slightly stunned.

After the little prince came to his senses, he cheered and congratulated Cang Xu: "Newcomer, I didn't expect you to be a blessing in disguise! You will become stronger after being transformed by the good doctor who shreds the corpse!"

Cang Xu was also pleasantly surprised, but soon he discovered that the expressions on the faces of Ship Ghost and Crying Wind were wrong.

Cang Xu asked quickly: "Excuse me, what is the success rate of the transformation?"

The good corpse-breaking doctor shrugged and said irresponsibly: "I haven't tried it before. This is my first time. How can I be sure?"

The little prince was stunned.

The bitterness on the faces of Ship Ghost and Crying Feng became even stronger.

Cang Xu quickly refused: "Compared to getting stronger, I still want to be safer."

Cang Xu had a cautious personality and was naturally unwilling to take risks. He avoided the eyes of the corpse-dismembering doctor and looked at the ship ghost.

But the ship ghost's eyes dodged away.

The good corpse-breaking doctor shook his head and said with a smile: "No one will come to save you, little mage."

"Only by yourself, you're dead."

"You have only one way, which is to cooperate with me obediently and become my experimental subject."

Cang Xu's heart sank to the bottom of his heart, and resentment surged up, but it was quickly overtaken by calmness.

Cang Xu knew that he had no choice.

He nodded and said weakly: "Then please ask the good doctor to take action!"

The good doctor who shredded the corpse gently raised his hand, and Cang Xu was imprisoned by the mental power and suspended in mid-air.

The good corpse-breaking doctor stretched out his other hand and moved his fingers.

The spell is cast almost in the next second, there is no hiding, it is a silent spell casting technique.

The five fingers brought out a sharp aura, gently stroking various parts of Cang Xu's body from a distance.

The next moment, Cang Xu's limbs were cut and fell to the floor.

Cang Xu was stunned for a moment, then opened his mouth and burst out into an astonishing scream.

It hurts, it hurts too much!

He had never experienced such pain, a pain that was even more terrifying than heartbreaking. He couldn't suppress it and could only vent it by howling miserably.

The little prince was stunned and felt cold in his heart.

He could see that not only Cang Xu's limbs were cut off, but also the limbs in his soul were cut off and sealed in the severed limbs.

It is precisely because the soul is cut that unimaginable horrific pain breaks out.

"It's a bit noisy." The good corpse-dismembering doctor looked indifferent and lightly swiped his finger.

Cang Xu's head left his neck and fell to the deck, rolling down several times.

The good corpse-breaking doctor didn't care about Cang Xu's head and cast a spell casually.

Although Cang Xu was still howling miserably, the sound had been banned and could not be transmitted.

"Removing impurities is the main ingredient." The good corpse-breaking doctor clicked his tongue, carefully looking at Cang Xu's body with interest.

Then, he spat out a treasure from the gap in the wound on his palm.

This treasure is like a toad-shaped sculpture, the size of a basin, and exudes a gold-level aura.

This is a Voodoo sacred object!

The next moment, the corpse-crushing doctor cast a spell and crushed it into slag.

Without the sacred objects to reside there, the huge divine power hidden in the sacred objects is revealed.

A large group of dark green divine energy was guided by the spirit of the corpse-shattering doctor and poured into Cang Xu's body.

The green energy in Cangxu's body was replenished in huge amounts, and the negative energy in Cangxu's body was repelled in an instant, causing Cangxu's torso to bulge.

Cang Xu's torso swelled bigger and bigger, like a balloon, threatening to explode.

The good corpse-breaking doctor frowned slightly: "Little mage, your qualifications are too low."

The good doctor who dismembered the body had to invest more and took out a palm from the wound.

This severed palm is claw-shaped, with protruding veins. It is very ferocious, and it also exudes a gold-level aura.

The good corpse-dismembering doctor poured his own magic into it, and the severed palm reacted immediately, blurring the surface, melting quickly, and forming asphalt.

The good doctor who shredded the corpse used mental control to drop drops of asphalt on Cang Xu's torso.

Then another drop was placed on Cang Xu’s limbs.

The asphalt quickly spreads on the surface of the limbs, forming a sticky asphalt coating, preventing the torso from expanding and exploding.

The good doctor who shredded corpses cast another spell.

After the transformation lasted for a few minutes, he used his spirit to mobilize Cang Xu's limbs and reassemble them.

Once connected, the four limbs began to expand rapidly, filled with voodoo divine energy.

Soon, floating in mid-air was a large balloon with four smaller balloons attached.

"The next step is the most critical step." The good corpse-breaking doctor showed a serious look for the first time.

He once again took out an object from the wound on his palm.

This is a zombie head.

"Unsolved." The good corpse-dismembering doctor unlocked the head seal, revealing that the original zombie head was very huge, as big as a carriage.

"This is one of my collections, a gold-level voodoo giant zombie."

"It's easy to kill something like this, but it's not easy to cut off the head and keep the soul and voodoo power inside."

The good corpse-breaking doctor sighed and placed the head of the Voodoo Giant Zombie on Cang Xu's body.

The giant eyes were originally closed, but at the moment of connection, they suddenly opened with murderous intent!

But the good corpse-dismembering doctor suppressed him at the same time, and Juzhuang's eyes had to be closed.

The dark green voodoo god can quickly circulate between the giant zombie head and the gray-bearded body.

Cang Xu's body continued to expand, but this time under the influence of the giant zombie's head, it was no longer balloon-shaped, but turned into a giant body and limbs.

"It's done!" The good corpse-breaking doctor laughed.

Ship Ghost and others congratulated him.

The good corpse-breaking doctor looked at the green-bearded head on the deck and flicked his fingers.

After the spell was cast, Cang Xu's soul was calmed and no longer felt pain. At the same time, the damage caused by the water of the Styx was completely stopped.

Also, a piece of knowledge was instilled into Cang Xu through mental power.

"This is a small result of my research."

"This is my reward for taking your body."

Cangxu was dizzy. At the moment of unconsciousness, he glanced at the knowledge instilled by the good corpse-shattering doctor.

"Flying Head Technique..."

"Brother Shen!"


When Shen Changqing walks on the road, whenever he meets someone he knows, he will say hello or nod to each other.

But no matter who it is.

There was no unnecessary expression on everyone's face, as if they were indifferent to everything.

To this.

Shen Changqing has become accustomed to it.

Because this is the Demon Suppression Division, an organization that maintains the stability of the Qin Dynasty. Its main responsibility is to kill monsters and monsters. Of course, there are also some other side jobs.

It can be said.

Everyone in the Demon Suppression Division has a lot of blood on their hands.

When a person is used to seeing life and death, he will become indifferent to many things.

When he first came to this world, Shen Changqing was a little uncomfortable, but he got used to it over time.

The Demon-Suppressing Division is huge.

Those who can stay in the Demon Suppressing Division are all powerful masters, or those who have the potential to become masters.

Shen Changqing belongs to the latter.

Among them, the Demon Suppressor Division is divided into two professions, one is the Guardian Envoy and the other is the Demon Slayer.

Anyone who enters the Demon Suppression Department starts from the lowest level as a demon slayer.

Then he will be promoted step by step, and he is expected to eventually become a guardian envoy.

Shen Changqing's predecessor was a trainee demon slayer in the Demon Suppression Division, and he was also the lowest level among the demon slayers.

Possessing the memory of a previous life.

He is also very familiar with the environment of the Demon Suppression Division.

It didn't take long for Shen Changqing to stop in front of a loft.

Unlike other places in the Demon Suppressing Division that were full of chills, the attic here seemed to stand out from the crowd, showing a different kind of tranquility in the bloody Demon Suppressing Division.

At this time, the attic door was open, and occasionally people came in and out.

Shen Changqing only hesitated for a moment before stepping in.

Enter the attic.

The environment changes in vain.

The fragrance of ink mixed with the faint smell of blood hit his face, making him frown instinctively, but then relaxed it quickly.

There is almost no way to cleanse away the smell of blood on everyone in the Demon-Suppressing Division.


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