Infinite Bloodcore

Chapter 272: Convinced

"This is a monster!"

"How can such a strong dragon man have defense power?"

"Spring Boxer kept bombarding him, but in the end he was unscathed! If I hadn't seen it with my own eyes, I would never have believed such a thing."

"Looks like we have a great guy coming to Snowbird Harbor."

"No wonder he would challenge Lord Fujituro!"

"Based on his defensive capabilities, I think he is qualified enough."

The onlookers were talking a lot.

The tide of public opinion gradually changed.

At first, people were very skeptical about the dragon boy.

But when the dragon boy knocked out Banlangen with one punch, people began to take him seriously.

Now, the dragon boy allowed Spring Boxer to attack him, but he remained unscathed. Such a spectacle made people generally recognize his strength.

The dragon boy looked at the spring-loaded boxer in front of him with a strange look.

Last night, when he first saw the information about Spring Boxer, he found that this man's fighting style was very similar to his.

For example, the way they attack in battle is almost identical.

The difference is: the dragon boy's self-explosion generates a strong driving force through fighting spirit. The spring boxer uses spring components to generate extraordinary elasticity.

The fighting skills displayed by Spring Boxer are also similar to the Dragon Man boy's explosive fist.

"The last fighting skill, Luan Dan Fist, is actually quite suitable for me to practice."

"He punched so many times in a row, he should have gained a lot of relevant experience from the Grand Arena Medal."

If the dragon boy practices Luantanquan after this battle, he will definitely get twice the result with half the effort.

This is also the reason why the dragon boy has been provocative, constantly irritating Spring Boxer, and even proactively giving up counterattacks, inducing him to continue attacking and display his fighting skills to his heart's content.

For the dragon boy, Spring Boxer is not just an opponent, but more like a treasure.

"You can continue to dig into this treasure." The dragon boy did not intend to defeat Spring Boxer just like this.

But seeing the confused look on Spring Boxer's face, he was completely demoralized and found it difficult to fight any more.

The dragon boy continued to speak: "What's going on?"Bajie

"Why stop?"

"Are you out of strength?"

"Is this the extent of being one of the leaders of the Bayonet Gang?"

"It seems that Fujituro's vision is not very good. He actually let a waste like you be the leader."

Spring Boxer was originally indifferent, but when he heard the last sentence, he suddenly roared like a cat with a fried fur: "Shut up, I will not allow you to insult Mr. Fujituro!"

"Oh?" The dragon boy's eyes lit up, and he found a new exciting point for Spring Boxer.

"Then let's fight and keep pumping your fists."

"Prove that Fujituro was right in choosing you!"

"Ahhh!" Spring Boxer yelled, raised his right arm with all his strength, and punched the dragon boy in the chest.

The dragon boy's body did not sway at all, but the reaction force affected Spring Boxer, causing him to fall backwards.

The next moment, he literally sat down on the ground.

The dragon boy shook his head in disappointment: "You are too tired, you have exhausted your energy, and you have lost."

After saying that, the dragon boy turned and left.

Spring Boxer's cry came immediately: "Don't go, damn guy, I haven't lost yet, I can still... continue to fight."

The dragon boy stopped and turned around, only to see Spring Boxer trying to get up.

But he really exerted all his strength, and his limbs were sore and weak. Passers-by around him could see that his arms and thighs were constantly shaking.

After a while of effort, he stood up staggeringly.

Springfist always remembers Fujituro's orders.

"I want to fight with all my strength and find out more of the dragon boy's tricks!"

"This guy is by no means an ordinary Silver-level guy. He is a monster and has the strength to threaten the Gold-level ones."

"The more information I can find out, the better chance Mr. Fujituro will have of winning."

Looking at the swaying Spring Boxer, Lan Zao sneered: "What is this? Stalking? The leader of the Bayonet Gang, doesn't even have the courage to admit defeat?"

But the next moment, the dragon boy stretched out his hand to stop Lan Zao's scolding.

He looked at Spring Boxer with interest and said, "I have to say, Spring Boxer, you impressed me."

"Such fighting spirit is worthy of respect."

"I'm sorry. I take back my previous comment about you being a waste. As long as you retain such fighting spirit and resilience, you will definitely not be a waste!"

"You are very strong, but it's a pity that you met me."

"Yes, it's eyes like this, eyes like this. As a warrior, you should never give in or give up."

"Spring Boxer, you're fine."

"I promise you this battle today. As long as you don't give up on your own initiative, I will stay with you until the end!"

Spring Boxer was panting, and his eyes were half-closed due to fatigue, making it difficult to fully open them.

The dragon boy's words of appreciation for him gave him a new motivation.

Because what the dragon boy said was really touching, especially the sentence "As a warrior, you should never give in and never give up." It simply spoke to the Spring Boxer's heart.

Springfist couldn't help but identify strongly with the dragon boy.

And when he heard that the dragon boy would "stay with him to the end," he immediately put aside his worries and felt that there was still a chance to complete the order given by Fujituro.

However, with his strength exhausted, how can he force the dragon boy to use more trump cards in the next battle?

Just when Spring Boxer was in trouble, he heard the dragon boy speak again: "You are too tired."

"I'll give you some rest. There's no need to rush into war."

Spring Boxer's body trembled and he stared at the dragon boy again.

Not sure if it was a psychological effect, but he felt that the dragon boy in front of him was taller than before.


Even the passers-by watching the game felt a little unbelievable.

To be honest, heroic duels are relatively common in the Ice Sculpture Kingdom.

But it is very rare to allow your opponent to rest during a duel.

"In that case, I'm going to rest!" Spring Boxer sat down on the ground again and called to his men, "Give me some water!"

He was breathing so hard that he felt like his throat was smoking and his lungs were on fire.

The subordinate quickly brought a glass of water, but Spring Boxer drank it in one gulp.

Someone else delivered potions.

Spring Boxer hesitated and looked at the dragon boy, only to see the dragon boy's smile.

Spring Boxer snorted, his face turned a little red, poured the potion into his mouth, and swallowed it in large gulps.

The dragon boy waited patiently.

A quarter of an hour passed quickly.

The surrounding audience gradually became impatient, and some people began to complain: How long do we have to wait?

The dragon boy never urged him.

He was patient about the coming combat experience.

Spring Boxer couldn't bear the discussion and stood up again.

"I can do it, keep fighting."

The dragon boy smiled slightly: "Since you have had enough rest, let's come."

The battle between the two sides started again.

To be precise, it was Spring Boxer who once again started punching the dragon boy.

The dragon boy still didn't fight back and only defended as before.

After a few minutes, Spring Boxer was once again exhausted.

"You can stop for a while and continue to rest." The dragon boy suggested.

Spring Boxer lowered his head, not daring to look at the eyes of the people around him. He was determined to give up, but when he thought of the task assigned by Fujituro, he finally decided to quit and rest again.

His men brought him water, and others helped him massage his muscles to fully relax him so that he could recover his strength faster.

The dragon boy took the initiative to stand in front of Spring Boxer, and under the vigilant eyes of the Bayonet Gang members, he actually handed over a potion.

"The effect of my potion should be stronger than yours. Not only can it restore your physical strength, it can also help your fighting spirit grow faster."

Springfist froze.

Seeing his hesitation, the dragon boy said, "If you are brave enough, drink it!"

Intrigued by this, Spring Boxer directly took the potion.

"Am I not brave enough?" Spring Boxer snorted and glared at the dragon boy.

He uncorked the potion bottle and drank it in one gulp, regardless of the eyes of those under his command.

The next moment, his color changed slightly and he blurted out: "It is indeed a good medicine."

The potion works quickly.

Spring Boxer clearly felt that his physical strength was recovering rapidly. At the same time, the fighting spirit in his body was slowly recovering without the need for special training.

Of course what the dragon boy gave was good medicine, which Zidi specially refined for him.

The formula of the medicine comes from the database of war criminals and is very sophisticated.

Using it on Spring Boxer is equivalent to exchanging a bottle of potion for his combat experience.

If Zidi were present, she would definitely praise this deal as a good one!

When the people around saw this scene, they were speechless.

Today, this time, it can be said that they have learned a lot.

Not only did many people see for the first time that in a heroic duel, one side allowed the other to take a break. Moreover, while he was still resting, he took the initiative to deliver recovery potions.

After drinking the medicine, Spring Boxer recovered faster.

He came on stage again and started a duel with the dragon boy.

After a while.

He is tired and paralyzed again...

Seeing the dragon boy standing upright and still unscathed, Spring Boxer was also wondering: "Why does it feel like the dragon suit's chest is getting harder and harder?"

The Coliseum Medal is quietly working.

It not only absorbs the opponent's combat experience and provides it to the user.

Moreover, during the battle, the more attention the user receives and the longer the attention lasts, the medal can provide an increase to the user.

This increase includes various aspects, such as attack, defense, recovery ability, speed, etc.

"Damn can I break such a perverted defense?" Spring Boxer looked at the dragon boy and couldn't help but despair.

If it's the first time he fails, Spring Boxer may still be dissatisfied.

After failing for the second time, he might still be lucky in his heart.

But now the dragon boy asked him to rest twice and three times and let him try as much as he wanted.

Spring Boxer was convinced that he had tried his best, and therefore fully understood the huge gap between him and the dragon boy.

He... was convinced.

"But I didn't fulfill Master Fujituro's order. What should I do?" Spring Boxer was deeply troubled.

Fujituro takes great care of Spring Boxer, and Spring Boxer has always been very grateful and always wants to repay Fujituro.

"What should we do?" Suddenly, Spring Boxer's plan came to his mind.

He raised his head and glared at the dragon boy: "Dragon suit, I found out, I fell into your trap!"

The dragon boy was slightly stunned: "Oh? What do you want to say?"

Spring Boxer's tone became deeper: "Are you not fast enough?"

"You keep hiding your weaknesses."

"You actually can't keep up with my speed at all. When I'm moving fast, you can't launch an effective attack on me."

"So, you deliberately stood still and proposed to only defend without counterattack, tempting me to sacrifice my strengths and weaknesses and confront you head-on!"

When this inference was said, everyone watching the battle was stunned.

If you think about it carefully, there is some truth in what Spring Boxer said.

The dragon boy has indeed never shown his speed.

For a time, a lot of suspicious and probing eyes were cast on the dragon boy.

A smile broke out on the dragon boy's face again: "In that case, I will convince you. Next, we will change the way of fighting. Let's compete in speed."

"Okay, let's do it like this!" Spring Boxer clenched his fist hard, very excited.

He kicked his legs first and ejected.

The dragon boy watched him move and did not rush to pursue him.

After the spring fist ejected several times in succession, the speed became very fast, and the body turned into black shadows, making it difficult to catch with the naked eye.

"How about it, can you catch up with me?" Spring Boxer challenged the dragon boy with a slightly proud tone.

The dragon boy said calmly: "Since you are ready, I will come."

Spring Boxer's heart skipped a beat, and he snorted coldly. He increased his speed again, and was about to exceed his limit record.

But the next moment, a huge shadow enveloped him.

Spring Boxer raised his head and was horrified to see: The dragon boy appeared above his head out of nowhere!

The dragon boy's burly body blocked the sunlight, casting a thick shadow, giving the snow elf young man an extremely powerful sense of oppression.

Just like an eagle hunting a rabbit, the dragon boy stretched out his dragon claws at the next moment and grabbed Spring Boxer's neck.


He took advantage of the situation and suppressed Spring Boxer to the ground, smashing the street tiles into pieces.

"Fast, too fast! He can be so fast!" There was still a strong look of shock on Spring Boxer's face, and he let his neck be grabbed by the dragon boy and lay motionless on the ground.

The Longmen boy gently released the dragon's claws, stood up slowly, looked down at Spring Fist, and said in a gentle tone: "Do you want to compete again?"

Spring Boxer came to his senses. He looked up at the dragon boy in awe and wanted to shake his head.

But considering Fujituro's order, he could only grit his teeth and deliberately pretended to be dissatisfied, shouting: "I don't accept it!"

"Then let's compete again." The dragon boy nodded, "I said, I will give you the greatest respect, and that is to stay with you until the end."

The young dragon man refused to admit defeat to the spring boxer and wanted to compete again, and he was happy to see the result. right

This catapult attack method is very similar to his riot fighting skills.

This kind of experience is very suitable for the dragon boy and is of great value to him.

So next, the same scene happened again and again.

In the vision of passers-by, a black shadow and a red shadow flew rapidly in the street, entangled with each other, one came and one came.

The floor tiles and walls on both sides of the street that were trampled by them all collapsed.

And the results of every competition are the same.

Spring Boxer suffered defeat after defeat.

When the sun set and gradually fell below the sea level, Spring Boxer's thick skin could no longer hold on.

The crowd watching the battle has become sparse.

Spring Boxer bowed his head to the dragon boy and said frankly: "Captain of the dragon suit, you are the strongest silver level I have ever seen. I think you are fully qualified to challenge our gang leader. I lost to you, and I am convinced that I lost." oral!"

The dragon boy encouraged him: Your potential is more than this. If possible, we can discuss it again in the future.

In the end, Spring Boxer looked at the departing figure of the Dragon Man boy and Lan Zao with complicated emotions.

He was extremely tired and weak, and his fighting spirit had dried up many times.

"Master Fujituro, I really tried my best this time."

"It's a pity that even if I try my best, I can't force him to show his trump card."

"I only proved that the dragon suit is very strong, ridiculously strong!"

"Another point……"

"Long Fu is not only a strong man, but also a respectable warrior. He has very noble qualities."

For such a strong man, Spring Boxer is really convinced.

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