Infinite Bloodcore

Chapter 273: I asked you to say it, but I didn’t ask you to praise it all the time.

Fujituro looked at the magical image in front of him and fell into a long silence.

The content in the magic image is exactly the entire battle between Spring Boxer and the dragon boy, as well as the reactions and comments of passers-by.

"The situation is a bit troublesome." Fujituro frowned slightly.

He realized that the situation was subtly changing, something bad was going on for him and the entire Bayonet Gang.

On the one hand, it is because the dragon boy shows strong fighting power, which is quite unfathomable. On the other hand, it is the reaction of the crowd watching the game.

People generally express positive emotions such as admiration and curiosity towards the dragon boy. .

People always admire and respect the strong.

But the situation of the dragon boy was a little different.

People generally have a favorable impression of the dragon boy.

"How many days has he been in Snowbird Harbor?"

Fujituro secretly analyzed that the main reason for this situation was the performance of the dragon boy in the battle.

The dragon boy not only took the beating without fighting back, but also allowed his opponent to rest midway, and even provided potions to speed up his opponent's recovery.

These behaviors are too rare. While making people curious and surprised, they also fully demonstrate the unique style of the dragon boy as a strong man.

Fujituro expected that stories about the dragon boy's deeds would be spread in every tavern tonight.

After that, as long as the dragon boy's challenge continues, his deeds will spread like the wind.

The dragon boy's soaring fame and influence was what troubled him, Dong Lang.

"I was a little careless. Whether it was intentional or not, I cannot treat the dragon suit or the dragon and lion mercenary group the same way I treat ordinary forces."

The more Fujituro thought about it, the more he couldn't sit still.

He simply ordered and summoned six leaders to discuss overnight.

Soon, Colorful Root, Spring Boxer, Bear Saw and others all arrived.

Fujituro: "Everyone should know about the Dragon and Lion Mercenary Group. You all should share your opinions on how to deal with them."

The six leaders stared at each other for a while, and gradually, everyone's eyes focused on Banlangen and Springfist.

Spring Boxer's face turned a little red.

Banlangen is a tree man with a dull expression.

After a moment of silence, Banlangen was the first to speak: "I was careless. I didn't expect that Longfu would do it as soon as he said it, without giving me a chance to use my defensive fighting skills. Don't look at his thick eyebrows and big eyes, he is actually very insidious!"

Spring Boxer suddenly frowned and retorted: "I don't think that's the case. The main reason is that you didn't give him the respect he deserved."

"The leader of the dragon uniform has the demeanor of a strong man. You were defeated miserably at his hands. This is a fact!"

"Even if you use defensive fighting skills, can you defeat him?"

"Haha, don't I know your strength?"

"He is now excusing himself by slandering him, which shows your despicability even more."

Spring Boxer was convinced of the dragon boy and defended him unconsciously.

Banlangen immediately shouted: "How much better are you than me? You didn't even rub off one of his dragon scales. It's so embarrassing!"

Spring Boxer snorted: "At least I fought with him for most of the day. What about you? How many seconds did you hold on?"

Banlangen was so angry that he stood up directly: "Are you fighting him? He gave you water, okay? I would rather fight to the end than take a break in the middle, let alone accept his medicine. Where is your face? ?Why do you have the nerve to do this?"

For a time, Banlangen and Spring Boxer refused to give in to each other, and the argument quickly developed into a quarrel and curse.

Fujituro secretly had a headache.

The meeting had just begun, and internal fighting among the people began.

The other four leaders did not participate.

They saw that Banlangen and Spring Boxer had very different attitudes towards Dragon Suit, which inevitably made them more curious - what kind of person is Long Sui?

Fujituro coughed twice: "Stop arguing."

He stopped the two quarreling people with a single word, showing his great authority.

"What we have to consider now is how to deal with the dragon suit." Fujituro glanced around, his eyes quickly passing through the colorful roots.

Banlan Gen failed so quickly that his opinions had no reference value.

Fujituro finally looked at Spring Boxer: "I want to hear your thoughts."

Spring Boxer is the person who has fought against the dragon server for the longest time. Currently, he does have the most say among those present.

Spring Boxer frowned, considered for a moment and then said: "Dragon suit is very strong, very strong! He is definitely not an ordinary Silver level."

"His strongest point is his defense. I have never seen a Silver-level person with such a terrifying defense. I tried my best to attack, but he was always unscathed!"

"To be honest, if someone had said this to me before the war, I would have thought it was a big joke. But now, after I have personally experienced this war, I can't laugh."

"Looking back now, I still feel strongly depressed, helpless, and even desperate!"

In fact, not only Spring Boxer, but also the other five bosses who had seen the magic image couldn't laugh.

The defense displayed by the dragon boy shocked them all.

Spring Boxer continued: "The most eye-catching thing about Captain Dragon Suit is his defense, but please don't underestimate his other aspects. I think Dragon Suit is an all-round powerful warrior. He has no obvious shortcomings."

"At least, his mobility is very powerful, completely superior to mine."

The five leaders fell into silence.

They had all seen the magical images, some even seen them several times.

They saw with their own eyes: the dragon boy completely crushed Spring Boxer in terms of speed.

But they don't know that this is actually the dragon boy's strength after receiving the Grand Arena Medal.

This medal has the same treatment as the gold chain armor. Both are blessed with the art of deception and camouflage, making them in an "invisible" state.

Spring Boxer said again: "I think the leader of the dragon suit definitely has other methods. It's just that I'm not strong enough to force him to use them. Think about it carefully, everyone, he is a dragon man, and his recovery ability is definitely not good enough. It will be bad.”

"I have a strong feeling that he never really used his offensive capabilities when fighting me."

"Because his defense alone has left me with nothing to do."

No one spoke.

There is tension in the air.

Banlangen is probably the one with the least pressure.

Because he has been defeated.

The remaining four bosses, as well as the leader Fujituro, will all accept the challenge of the young dragon man.

Spring Boxer stopped at Banlangen and sneered: "There is no shame in admitting your own failure, and there is no shame in admitting the strength of your opponent."

"The leader of the dragon suit is very strong."

"His strength makes people respect him."

"As he said to me, as long as others give him respect, he will give equal respect!"

"He could obviously defeat me quickly, but he recognized my will to fight and fought with me until dark. He strictly abided by the promises he made during the battle and never violated them from beginning to end."

"He is a respectable opponent. I look forward to the fight between him and the gang leader!"

Spring Boxer's meaning is obvious. He believes that the dragon boy is qualified enough to challenge Fujituro.

Fujituro couldn't help coughing twice again, and sighed in his heart: "This little bomb... I asked you to talk about your feelings, and I didn't ask you to keep praising him and increasing the enemy's prestige."

"Okay. Just stop praising your opponent and tell me about his shortcomings." Fujituro ordered.

But Spring Boxer was stunned for a moment, and then spread his hands: "Sir, Gang Leader, I don't think there are any shortcomings or flaws in Dragon Suit."

These words immediately aroused the displeasure of the leader of the human race.

"That's enough, Spring Boxer."

"Just because you lost the battle and couldn't find out Dragon Suit's trump card doesn't mean he has no flaws."

"Just by observing the magical image of you fighting him, I discovered at least two flaws in him."

"The first flaw is his thrust. Haven't you noticed? His thrust method is very similar to yours. Your movement method will pause just before the speed explodes. This is your biggest flaw. .”

"The second possible flaw is that the dragon suit lacks long-range combat capabilities. Facing you jumping around, he first tricks you into attacking him, and then moves quickly to start a melee combat with you."

Only when one reaches the gold level can a fighter's fighting spirit be able to exist alone. This is common sense.

"Hahaha, you're right." The dwarf leader laughed, "There is another flaw in the dragon suit."

"He doesn't use weapons."

"In the intelligence, even in the naval battle on Eye Island, he only used his fists and feet."

"It is likely that he did not specifically practice using weapons, but spent most of his time practicing unarmed attacks."

The hybrid leader with demon blood nodded and agreed with the dwarf leader's words.

He said: "Long Fu is very young. He is also the leader of the Dragon and Lion Mercenary Group. Managing the mercenary group will greatly involve his energy."

"How much time does he have?"

"It's pretty good to be able to practice your boxing and kicking skills."

"However, since he boldly came to challenge our gang leader, it means that he should have hidden a trump card against the gold-level! As for what this trump card is specifically, we don't know. There is no clue in the intelligence."

This last sentence struck a chord deep in Fujituro's heart.

Fujituro tapped the table with his knuckles: "Tell me, how do you plan to deal with the dragon suit next?"

The human leader said without thinking: "It's very simple. Let's contact the Sheriff and ask him to create a trap to frame the Dragon and Lion Mercenary Group. Put all their people in cells."

"The Dragon and Lion Mercenary Group has restrained its members and has been staying on the ship without free movement."

"But what's the use?"

"Their ship is docked at the dock and is under the management of Snowbird Port officials."

"As long as the Sheriff takes action, it will be too easy to frame them."

"I send so much benefit to them every year, and now is a good opportunity to let the money we send play its due role."

"You want to frame the leader of the dragon suit? That's not okay!" Spring Boxer immediately objected.

He was not ashamed of the actions of the human race leader and mocked: "You are playing tricks off the court like this. It is not the behavior of a strong person at all. It also reveals your timidity and fear of fighting."

The leader of the human race raised his brows and said displeasedly: "I said, Spring Boxer, could it be that the dragon suit made you lose your temper during the battle, let you rest and gave you medicine, and you completely fell over to him? Don't you? I forgot your current identity, but you are one of the leaders of the Bayonet Gang, what’s going on with your attitude?”

Spring Boxer snorted coldly: "Just because I am the leader of the gang, I have to consider the reputation of the entire Bayonet Gang! Once such a thing is done, what will others think? The people know it, even if there is no evidence, a discerning person You can tell at a glance that we are conspiracy!"

"Are we still shameless? If we can't defeat others, we will resort to dirty tricks to assassinate and frame them. What will others think of us, the Bayonet Gang?"

The leader of the human race was shocked when he heard this.

He stared at Spring Boxer with a strange look: "Hey, are you out of your mind? Our bayonet squad is a gang, not the army you were in before! Even if the army fights, victory is the first priority, and soldiers are not tired of deceit. Don’t go to extremes!”

"It's ridiculous that you actually care about the reputation of our Bayonet Gang! Do we, the Bayonet Gang, need a good reputation?" The leader of the human race rebuked Spring Boxer unabashedly.

Springfist was furious. He couldn't defeat the human leader, but he still expressed serious objections.

Banlangen took the opportunity to add insult to injury, and said in a strange way: "Some people may have lost to Longfu themselves, so they hope that others will also taste the taste of defeat. In this way, his defeat will not be so conspicuous."

Spring Boxer was furious and was about to start an argument, but Fujituro stopped him in time: "Okay, do you still want to argue?"

Spring Boxer and the others quickly fell silent.

Fujituro pondered: "We are a gang, not an army. This sentence is correct."

"But it's a bit early to use this method now."

"We are a medium-sized force, while the other party is only a small-sized force."

"Using this kind of off-site means shows that you are not sure about fighting the dragon server in your heart, and you even think you will lose."

"Dragon Server has been trying to make this matter bigger."

"After today, many people know about this matter, and more and more eyes will be cast on us."

"For the Bayonet Gang, the best way to deal with it is to defeat the Dragon Suit head-on."

"You don't need me to take action, you alone can make him retreat!"???

After Fujituro said this, he paused, glanced around, and continued: "We must take the initiative."

"We can't let the dragon suit challenge us to duels again and again."

"If he is allowed to defeat the six of you, the reputation of the Bayonet Gang will be greatly damaged."

"So tomorrow, I need one of you to take the initiative to challenge the dragon suit and defeat him!"

Fujituro's words silenced the six leaders again.

They communicated with each other with their eyes, and then everyone's eyes were focused on the orc leader Xiong Saw.

Among the six major bosses, Xiong Saw's personal combat power has always ranked first.

The leader of the human race spoke first and broke the silence: "Xiong Saw is the strongest among us. If he loses to Dragon Suit, we have no hope of winning."

“I’m all for Bear Saw!”

With that said, the human leader took off the epaulette he was wearing.

"This is my strongest equipment. I will lend it to Bear Saw for use in tomorrow's battle."

Everyone's expressions changed slightly.

The human leader's epaulette is gold-level equipment!

It's called Wandering Full Body Armor. The leader of the human race once relied on it to withstand many assassinations, and it was his trump card to save his life.

But now, he directly lent it to Xiong Saw, which was very straightforward.

The human leader said frankly to Xiong Saw: "This is the best thing I can get, and the rest will not be better than what you have."

Fujituro cast an appreciative look at him.

The dwarf leader pondered for a moment and took out a short-handled war hammer from his arms.

"This is a piece of equipment that I carefully built, but as you can see, it's not completely finished yet."

The aura emitted by the war hammer is very mixed and not uniform.

The body and handle of the hammer both have a silver-level aura, while the gem inlaid at the front of the war hammer exudes a gold-level aura, and shines with a trace of electric light.

"This is the imitation of the legendary weapon Great Thunder God's Flying Hammer that I forged - the Little Thunder God's Flying Hammer."

"Bear Saw, I know that you have your own main weapon, which is very powerful. But you can use this little thunder hammer as a secondary weapon."

Xiong Saw shook his head: "I rarely use a war hammer. My hacksaw requires both hands to hold. This weapon is not suitable for me."

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