Infinite Bloodcore

Chapter 291: Formation Plan

The dawn light illuminates the docks of Snowbird Harbor.

The sky is getting brighter.

The vegetable market was the first to wake up, gradually filling up with the noisy sound of trading.

On the ship of the Dragon and Lion Mercenary Group, the mercenaries who had been patrolling all night tiredly beat Hachi and began to change their defenses.

In the training cabin of the flagship, the dragon boy was so excited that he stayed up all night.

He kept trying to use penetration power.

After absorbing Bear Saw's combat experience, the dragon boy gained the ability to use penetration power.

This was an unexpected gain, which made him feel extremely surprised.

However, in practice, there are still some problems.

If the dragon boy wants to ensure that every time he successfully displays his penetrating power, he must brew for a while first.

This obviously cannot be applied in actual combat.

Like his battle with Bear Saw, the battle between the two sides was very fast-paced, and it was impossible to give him such a chance to prepare.

Therefore, the dragon boy kept practicing.

Just like the experience he absorbed before, with the Dragon Man boy's practice, he made rapid progress in the use of penetrating energy, and the progress after each practice was visible to the naked eye.

Unknowingly, he practiced all night.

By daybreak, he had been able to ensure that when he simply used fighting energy, he could exert his penetrating power every time.

When using explosive fist fighting skills, the success rate of penetrating power can reach more than 70%.

Machine gun punches have a lower success rate.

But the dragon boy is confident, and as practice deepens, the success rate will be greatly improved.

Zidi secretly returned from the Deep Sea Monster Fish.

She first appeared in public and took care of some business.

Usually when she is not around, she is played by an alchemy puppet.

The same is true for Cangxu.

These two alchemy puppets have been used to deceive and disguise and counter-reconnaissance and prophecy, and there will be no flaws.

Therefore, in the eyes of other mercenaries: the magicians Lao Zhong and Hong Teng were always on the ship and did not leave the mercenary group to act alone.

Normally, many affairs are handled by Cang Xu. Now that Cang Xu is away, Zidi has to take on more work.

When it was time for breakfast, Zidi still didn't see the dragon boy.

She then came to the training cabin and met the dragon boy alone.

The dragon boy was immersed in the practice of penetrating energy. It was not until Zidi came over that he realized that it was already past breakfast time.

Only then did the Longmen boy stop practicing.

The alchemy puppet that he continuously ravaged was beyond recognition, damaged and miserable.

Zidi's eyes only paused for a moment on this alchemy puppet, and did not see the mystery of the penetration power.

She cares more about the dragon boy.

Seeing her sweetheart who was sweating profusely and hadn't slept all night, Zidi couldn't help but feel distressed.

She knew that as a leader, the dragon boy was facing a confrontation with a gold-level powerhouse, and he was under great psychological pressure.

"Tell you good news." Zidi smiled and comforted the dragon boy in a clever way.

She told the dragon boy what she had gained in this night.

"I finally detected my bloodline, which is the gold-level gunpowder flower bloodline!"

"However, the blue algae's bloodline is still undecided. But last night, I ruled out one of the bloodline map routes, which can be regarded as making some progress."

When the dragon boy heard the answer of Gunpowder Flower Bloodline, he was slightly startled, and immediately felt pity for Zidi.

Before that, he learned that there are four possibilities for Zidi's bloodline.

Among these four possibilities, two are saint-level bloodlines.

After discovering that the big man had at least a legendary bloodline, this inevitably made the dragon boy have higher expectations for Zidi's bloodline.

The result was not any holy domain level bloodline.

The dragon boy thought for a while and comforted Zidi: "The future is uncertain, and everything is possible."

"When our strength improves more in the future, and we have a deeper understanding and control of the blood core, we can directly use the blood core to change our bloodline. Just like me now, we can adjust the bloodline at will."

"At that time, let alone the Saint-level bloodline, even the Legend-level bloodline will not be taken seriously by us."

Zidi chuckled.

One night had allowed her to completely adjust her mentality.

At this time, what she felt from the comfort of the dragon boy was the happiness of full love.

The ghost girl shook her head and said: "It's too far away until we completely master the secret of the blood core. Now I only look forward to the blood purification array."

"I am actually very satisfied with the results of the bloodline test. At least my bloodline is not a bitter bloodline. The Gunpowder Flower bloodline is as high as gold level and has great potential. For me now, there is too much room for improvement. Wait until I am completely It’s not too late to tap into all the potential and look forward to the blood core.”

"The problem now is - we need to build the blood purification array as soon as possible!"

"But we still have a long way to go before we can accomplish this."

To be honest, Zidi couldn't wait, especially after she confirmed her bloodline.

Speaking of the blood purification array, Zi Di couldn't help but look worried: "Cang Xu and I have been studying the alchemy diagram of the blood purification array."

"To ensure the completion of this alchemy circle, we need the help of an alchemist master."

"Given the current specifications of the Dragon and Lion Mercenary Group, it is extremely difficult to recruit an alchemist master."

The dragon boy nodded. He already understood this and was very aware of the difficulty involved.

Master Alchemist is a professional title, and there are six levels of related professional titles.

From low to high they are: Alchemist Apprentice, Alchemist, Alchemist, Master Alchemist, Master Alchemist and Grand Master Alchemist.

The rating standard for alchemy professional titles is the individual's alchemy ability. But in fact, there is a strong correlation between professional title level and mage level.

Because the refining of many alchemical items requires a high-level mage level.

Only with sufficient strength can a certain success rate be ensured.

Under normal circumstances, the mage level of an alchemist apprentice is bronze level.

The alchemist is at the black iron level.

The alchemist is probably Silver level.

Once you reach the master level of alchemy, you will be at the gold level.

The alchemy master above this corresponds to the holy realm level.

The Grand Master of Alchemy corresponds to the legendary level. Warmonger is the Grand Master of Alchemy, and he is also a legendary mage.

The Dragon and Lion Mercenary Group wants to recruit an alchemist master, which means recruiting a gold-level powerhouse, and this gold-level man is also a spell caster.

As for the Dragon and Lion Mercenary Group, it is only a small force. Both the dragon uniform and the lion flag are silver level.

It is almost impossible to recruit a gold-level spellcaster with such a size.

Zidi said distressedly: "It is obviously unrealistic for us to recruit a gold-level spellcaster. I personally prefer the alternative - to make up for quality through quantity."

"We can recruit several silver-level alchemists."

"By combining the efforts of everyone to jointly build a blood purification array, this plan has a high chance of success."

Of course, the specific success rate is lower than that of an alchemist master.

The alchemist master can ensure the success of building the blood purification array. In other words, the success rate is 100%.

Speaking of which, the construction requirements for the blood purification array are not top-notch. Its core and most critical part is the magic energy of the blood core. And this part is provided by the dragon boy.

Recruit several silver-level alchemists to work together.

The success rate is probably acceptable. If this plan is adopted, the Dragon and Lion Mercenary Group must prepare multiple alchemical materials for constructing the magic circle. The more times you try, the more likely you will succeed.

But relying only on the combined efforts of Zidi or Cangxu, the success rate is too low, not even 3%.

Such a success rate cannot be compensated by simply preparing multiple copies of alchemy materials. The cost of rural mercenary groups is too high and the costs are too high. There is no need to be so stubborn.

At this moment, the dragon boy suddenly thought: "Can't we recruit a silver-level alchemist master?"

At this point, the dragon boy laughed dumbly, knowing that he had asked a stupid question.

If a mage is at the Silver level, he has reached the title of Master Alchemist, which shows his extraordinary talent in the field of alchemy.

Such talents must be the favorite of any force and will definitely be trained intensively. How could they be poached by the Dragon and Lion Mercenary Group?

The dragon boy thought for a while and asked: "If we don't recruit these alchemists, but simply hire them, and keep them secret through a magic contract, is it feasible to do this?"

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