Infinite Bloodcore

Chapter 292: Invitation letter

Zidi shook her head: "I have also imagined such a plan. Of course, it is possible to succeed in this way, and it will also allow us to obtain the blood purification array faster."

"But the risks are too great!"

"The magic contract seems reliable, but in fact there are many ways to break it."

"Just like theft and anti-theft technology alternately rise, keeping promises and breaching contracts are similar games that never end."

"Magic contracts will always be cracked, and then more stringent magic contracts will be created. Then more advanced means will be used to crack the magic contract again. The cycle goes on and on."

"Cang Xu and I have discussed this plan many times."

"Compared to the magic contract, we have conceived a more secure method."

"That is to split the entire blood purification array and divide it into many parts. Every time we hire an external alchemist, we only let him build a part of the array."

"We hire different alchemists and keep accumulating to get different parts of the magic circle. After accumulating all the parts, we will assemble and merge them together."

"In this way, we can not only obtain the blood purification array, but also avoid the leakage of secrets to the greatest extent."

“But there are also a lot of risks in doing that.”

"First point, even if it is only a part of the formation diagram, it will reveal the secret of the blood purification formation."

"The second point is that to assemble the parts of the magic circle in a unified way, it also requires superb alchemy skills, at least one must be an alchemist. In this regard, neither I nor Cang Xu are qualified. Once the combination is unsuccessful, each part will be If it is destroyed, we have to refine it again.”

"The third point is that there are two steps involved in splitting the blood purification array. The first step is to split the array, which Cang Xu and I can't do. The second step is to refine the array plates. These boards are specifically divided into main boards, sub-boards, sub-boards, foot boards, bottom boards, etc. This involves advanced techniques such as array splitting, array carrying, and array plate alchemy."

"To dismantle a bloodline purification array, the tower spirit can do it, but it will take up a lot of calculation resources."

After the survivors obtained the tower spirit, the tower spirit has been quietly playing an important role.

It can assist the mage to control the magic circle and increase the efficiency of alchemy and medicine.

He can also make calculations, improve prescriptions and formations, and design some simple drawings.

"The first step can be carried out reluctantly, but we can't cross the second step. It is almost impossible to refine the formation tiles. Not to mention some precious and rare alchemy materials, we need at least one alchemist master to take action. can be produced.”

The dragon boy suddenly felt a headache.

After talking about it, the problem returned to its original point.

That is talent!

The survivors need a master alchemist or several alchemists.

Zidi looked at the dragon boy: "I think the safest plan is for us to recruit. We need our own people who are loyal and reliable."

"The relationship between the blood purification array is too great."

"Once exposed, every force in the world will want to claim it."

"Our enemy is not just the Shengming Empire, but the entire world!"

"Such a major secret must be strictly guarded. The best strategy is to cut it off at the source! The more conservative the strategy we adopt now, the smaller the risk will be in the future. Once this secret is leaked, the trouble will be too big for us to handle at all. , this will definitely lead to a desperate situation.”

The dragon boy nodded repeatedly, agreeing very much with Zidi's view.

"But having said that, there is a silver-level alchemist master in Snowbird Port. She does not belong to any force." Zi Di looked a little confused when she said this.

The dragon boy knew who she was talking about.

As early as the first day they came to Snowbird Port, they acquired a lot of information from the Thieves Branch.

Some of this information is related to various talents in Snowbird Port. The focus is on the field of alchemy.

The person Zidi mentioned was a female snow elf named Buquan.

She wears a pair of black-rimmed glasses all year round and owns several alchemy workshops in Snowbird Port.

There is no doubt that she is one of the leading figures in Snowbird Harbor.

The dragon boy sighed: "It's very difficult to recruit her, and I don't have much hope for it."

Zidi said: "It's not impossible. As long as there is a slight possibility, we have to try, right?"

"My lord, you may not know yet. After yesterday's heroic duel, your reputation is completely different from before."

Having said this, Zidi took out a pile of letters.

These letters are without exception letters of invitation.

They generally come from the major forces in Snowbird Port.

These forces invited the dragon boy, hoping to develop closer ties with the dragon boy.

After the battle between the dragon boy and Bear Saw, he had completely established his reputation.

People have become aware of the strength of the Dragon and Lion Mercenary Group.

From this pile of invitation letters, it can be seen that the dragon boy's original goal of initiating a heroic duel has been achieved at least half.

This is the world of the strong. Only one's own strength is recognized. Only in this way can you gain respect and gain the qualifications to communicate.

The dragon boy took the pile of invitation letters and browsed them quickly.

The six major chambers of commerce in the Shengming Empire all sent him invitation letters, some of which also came with small gifts.

In the letter, they were enthusiastic and expressed their willingness to establish business contacts with the Dragon and Lion Mercenary Group.

The Chamber of Commerce itself cooperates closely with the mercenary group.

Although the Dragon and Lion Mercenary Group's star rating in the Mercenary Union is only one star. But the dragon boy really showed his strong personal strength and style in yesterday's duel.

Therefore, the six major chambers of commerce extended their olive branches.

Individual mercenary groups in Snowbird Port also sent letters.

In these letters, they either explicitly stated or hinted that they wanted to purchase some alchemical arrows.

The boy in the Year of the Dragon once used an alchemy crossbow in his battle with Xiong Saw. The actual combat effect of alchemy arrows was very good, which made many people excited at the time.

Obviously, the gossip about the arms dealer behind the Dragon and Lion Mercenary Group has spread like wildfire in Snowbird Port along with the popularity of the Dragon Man boy.

The invitation also included a letter from the Seabird Sect.

The bishop of the Seabird Sect wrote personally, inviting Long Fu to attend the latest prayer meeting.

The missionary intent is very obvious.

The most luxuriously framed invitation letter came from the city lord of Snowbird Port.

The invitation letter has a black background, with a large amount of gold and silver drawn into lines on the surface, depicting the name of the city lord's family.

After unfolding the letter, multiple still magical images will appear inside the letter.

The contents of these images are all iconic landscapes in Snowbird Harbor.

The last magical image was that of the city lord himself.

He is a middle-aged snow elf with slender eyes and exquisite and gorgeous clothes. He was sitting upright, holding a short-handled brown scepter in his hand, showing his nobility.

This invitation letter is already a low-level alchemy item.

After the magic image dissipated, a few lines of text appeared.

The Lord of Snow Bird Harbor invited the dragon boy and wanted to have dinner with him alone to discuss important matters.

Since defeating Bear Saw, the dragon boy has become the most popular person in Snowbird Port.

The people recognized that the dragon boy had the strength to threaten the gold level.

Bear Saw is the leader of the six bosses, and he has been defeated by the dragon boy. The remaining three bosses will not be the opponents of the dragon server.

What surprised the young dragon man was that the last invitation letter came from the alchemist master Buquan!

In the letter, Buquan stated that he wanted to negotiate a mercenary mission with the Dragon and Lion Mercenary Group.

There is no doubt that this is a good opportunity to get close to Buquan, get to know her, and recruit her.

"How does it feel to be famous?" Zidi waited until the dragon boy had read all the invitation letters, then tilted her head slightly and teased the dragon boy.

"There is no doubt that this is an honor." The young dragon man smiled and confessed his good mood.

But immediately, he frowned slightly.

Because he noticed that those who submitted invitation letters were basically large forces.

There is no small force.

Large forces don't think much of the Bayonet Gang's attitude.

Small forces are generally wary of the Bayonet Gang. So during this period, they all chose to keep a distance from the dragon boy.

Buquan is the only one among them.

From her invitation letter, the dragon boy could tell that she was not afraid of the Bayonet Gang.

You must know that she is only a silver-level spellcaster and has her own industry in Snowbird Port.

From this we can see the transcendent and independent status and identity of a master alchemist.

It is too difficult for the Dragon and Lion Mercenary Group to recruit such a character.

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