Infinite Bloodcore

Chapter 293: Dragon Power Riding

The dragon boy said calmly: "There is no doubt that the Bayonet Gang is a giant in Snowbird Harbor."

"The heroic duel I initiated shook the status and prestige of the Bayonet Gang to a certain extent."

"Most people just watch the fun, and there are also many who have ulterior motives, hoping that the Bayonet Gang or our mercenary group will both suffer losses and expose their weaknesses and flaws, so they can take action!"

"We are already on the cusp of the storm, and we need to be more careful and cautious."

"As things have progressed to this day, we have demonstrated our strength and achieved our original purpose."

"Next, we must control the scale of this fight and not allow it to expand or intensify conflicts."

"In the subsequent duel between me and Fujituro, personal victory or defeat is actually not important anymore."

"Of course, I always have the desire to win."

When Zidi heard what the young dragon man said, she couldn't help but show admiration and admiration.

The dragon boy is not just a warrior. More than anything, he is an excellent leader.

He can start from the overall situation, recognize the reality, analyze the pros and cons, put himself in a secondary position, and make decisions that are best for the collective.

He is a very reliable and reassuring leader.

The dragon boy continued: "As for these invitations, I will politely decline them. Even this invitation from Buquan."

"I've already thought of a reason."

"During the battle with Xiong Saw, I suffered damage from the penetrating energy, and I need to recover for a while."

"What's the penetration power?" Zidi suddenly showed worry and concern.

"Of course it's fake. It's just an excuse." The dragon boy smiled and explained.

He also told Zidi about his speculation about the evil eye, without any reservation or concealment.

"Also, let me tell you another good news. After absorbing the experience provided by the Grand Arena Medal, I unexpectedly mastered the power of penetration."

This news immediately made Zidi's eyes widen.

The girl's eyes flashed, and she was sincerely happy for the dragon boy.

"This is really great! It's very difficult to understand the power of penetration."

"This is a huge bonus!"

"I didn't expect that using the Grand Arena Medal, I could also master the penetration power through this method."

"I'm looking forward to the look on the faces of the Bayonet Gang's top brass when they hear the news. Haha, Xiong Saw swallowed three Penetration Power pills in a row. The probability of him mastering Penetration Power is very low. They wanted to use Penetration Power to deal with you, but it turned out to be successful. Their opponents."

"Wait, can we use this method?"

"In the future, I will purchase Penetration Strength Pills and use the Grand Arena Medal to train some capable subordinates so that they can master Penetration Strength?"

Thinking of this, Zidi showed distress.

"Unfortunately, penetrating power pills are very rare in the pharmaceutical market. They basically appear at auctions and sell for very high prices."

"Alas, even the war dealer's database does not have a prescription for Penetrating Strength Cultivation Pills. The Eastern Monastery keeps the formula strictly and makes great efforts. If we want to purchase Penetrating Strength Pills, we need special channels and connections. Just having money is not enough. .”

The dragon boy laughed loudly, bent his fingers, and scratched the bridge of Zidi's nose: "What are you thinking about?"

"I have now mastered the power of penetration, and I have the Grand Arena Medal."

"I only need to give the Grand Arena Medal to others and let them fight with me. During the battle, I constantly use the penetration power."

"In this way, after others absorb the combat experience, won't they be able to master the penetration power?"

"Huh?!" Zidi showed a cute expression.

She is a pharmacist, and she always thinks about medicine, so she made a fool of herself.

After reacting, Zidi couldn't help but sigh: "The Grand Arena Medal is really useful. According to this method, can't we mass-produce penetrating fighters?"

But the dragon boy showed hesitation: "We can try, but things may not be that simple!"

"It stands to reason that although the Penetration Power Pill and the Grand Arena Medal are rare, it is possible for large forces to master both as long as they are willing to pay the price."

"If such a method could be successful, a large force must have done it long ago. But I have never heard of such a successful case."

Zidi also agreed with this analysis: "Maybe there are some barriers we don't know about, but they are worth a try."

The dragon boy nodded: "I plan to try it on Zong Ge first."

"If he masters the power of penetration, it will be a big improvement for us."

Zidi hesitated for a moment, then nodded without expressing any objection.

The young dragon man muttered: "The battle with Xiong Saw made me realize: with my current strength, I will probably lose more than I win against Fujituro."

"Although I lost to a gold-level person, everyone can understand."

"But if I can defeat Fujituro in a duel, the harvest will be huge! It will also be the most beneficial result for the mercenary group."

"So, I will use the excuse of recuperation to buy enough time, and during this time, I will try my best to enhance my combat power and increase my trump card."

"What I need most is time!"

“The more time I have and the more preparation I have, the stronger I will be.”

"For the outside world, we must try our best to acquire equipment, gold-level equipment."

"We also need to collect biological materials for absorption by the blood core."

"Any kind of bloodline mutation may bring me unexpected help."

"For example, this time I faced penetration, and the protection provided by Haiyoulong's fat helped me a lot."

Zidi nodded repeatedly and said obediently: "Sir, I will listen to you."

"It's really a good excuse to use penetration power."

"I believe that even the Bayonet Gang will be deceived. Because Xiong Saw did take Penetration Pills at that time, and they didn't know the existence of the blood core at all."

"They will think that you endured the pain and defeated Bear Saw. In fact, the internal organs were seriously injured."

"These internal injuries to the internal organs cannot be seen just from the outside."

"The outside world is looking forward to the confrontation between you and Fujituro, Captain, but if you use this excuse, everyone will recognize and accept it."

"You are the one who provoked the heroic duel, and you have the initiative."

"Although the Bayonet Gang is a behemoth, they can only passively wait for your challenge. In this regard, they are completely in a passive position. Now, their remaining three leaders and their gang leader must feel very uncomfortable."

Zidi chuckled with a playful expression.

The dragon boy said with a solemn expression: "Don't underestimate the enemy."

"The other party is a gang and is likely to use insidious means."

"Just like in the dueling arena, didn't they just interfere? The Snowbird Dueling Arena is the largest dueling arena in Snowbird Port, and they didn't even notice it."

Zidi put away her smile and said seriously: "I have already planned it."

"Next, we need to collect alchemical materials on a large scale."

"The focus is on dragon corpses, gunpowder flowers, and materials that help potions test blood."

"As an arms dealer, it makes sense for us to collect alchemical materials on a large scale for a long time. We don't need to explain, others have already figured out the reasons for us."

"In order to deal with Fujituro, we must go all out to acquire gold-level equipment. However, this matter is likely to be obstructed by the Bayonet Gang."

"Finally, we have to sell the medicine to the outside world and initially establish a stable source of income."

"I have already chosen a potion. The potion's name is Dragon Power Riding."

"This potion is specially used for mounts. It can give the mount dragon-like strength and physical fitness in a short period of time."

"We have investigated the market here and there are many potions used for mounts, but none of them will compete with the Dragon Power Riding Potion."

The dragon boy quickly recalled what he had seen and heard, as well as the large amount of information he had acquired previously.

He couldn't help but applaud Zidi's choice.

The alchemy technology of the Ice Sculpture Kingdom is quite advanced and it has many alchemists and alchemists.

After all, the main race here is the snow elves.

The magic talent of the elves is much higher than that of the humans. Bajie Zhongwen website

Usually, when medicines used on humans are put into the market of the Ice Sculpture Kingdom, the competition pressure will be very high.

Zidi's choice can be described as a new approach, targeting mounts.

The key is that there are quite a lot of mounts in the Ice Sculpture Kingdom.

The most common ones are sled dogs.

There are giant sled dogs that can pull heavy loads with just one dog, and there are also groups of regular sled dogs that are good at cooperating.

In addition to sled dogs, there are also horses, deer, and chocobos.

In the seaside port city, there are also water mounts such as dolphins, walruses, seals, seahorses, and surfing starfish.

"Even if I'm not a professional, I still think that the Longliqi potion must be very popular here." The dragon boy praised Zidi, "You have always been great in this regard!"

Zidi enjoyed the compliment from her sweetheart and said with a smile: "The one who should be most grateful is the War Dealer. His database contains too many potion formulas. I just picked out the right one from them. "

Zidi says it's easy, but in fact most people can't do it.

Her business talents are outstanding.

Only with such business talent and ability can she choose the most suitable one from the vast number of potions.

"When we become stronger, we will be able to come up with more good potions."

"These potions are definitely very competitive in the market!"

"We stand on the shoulders of a great master of alchemy."

"Also, it would be even better if we could find a place to produce alchemical munitions safely and secretly in the future."

"Many of the forces that witnessed yesterday's heroic duel are our potential customers."

When she thinks of the wonderful scene of making a lot of money in the future and making money every day, the ghost girl's eyes sparkle with gold.

The survivors narrowly escaped death on the mysterious island.

A huge danger, but also a huge opportunity.

But most of the things obtained from the Mysterious Island cannot be cashed in yet.

Only with enough strength can you have matching wealth!

As the president of the Ziteng Chamber of Commerce, Zidi understands this very deeply.

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