Infinite Bloodcore

Chapter 294: Beat Zong Ge


Dragon Claw's clenched fist hit Zong Ge's raised forearm.

At this moment, in the training cabin of the Love Triangle, the dragon boy was fighting with Zong Ge.

Zonge is a master of weapons and can use almost all types of weapons, all of which are quite threatening. Compared with his weapons, his fists and feet are undoubtedly less powerful.

Even so, Zonge's fighting skills are very solid, steady, concise and effective, suitable for mutual cooperation, and very military-style.

The gold chain armor and the Grand Arena medal are all on Zonge's body.

Zong Ge is the main defender, and the dragon boy is the main attacker.

Every time the dragon boy attacks, he exerts his penetrating power!

After fighting for a while, the dragon boy took the initiative to stop attacking.

Zong Ge was stunned and asked, "What's wrong?"

The dragon boy pointed at his nose and said, "You have a nosebleed."

Zong Ge wiped it nonchalantly and said in a heroic tone: "It's just a minor injury, nothing to mention. Continue!"

The dragon boy shook his head: "It's hard to judge the severity of internal injuries from their appearance, so let's take a rest first."

Zong Ge didn’t insist anymore.

He stood on the spot, took out the potion and took it orally, then took out another potion and wiped his body.

The effect of the potion is quite good.

Zong Ge had felt chest tightness and shortness of breath before, but after taking the medicine, this feeling was quickly dissipating.

The superficial flesh wounds are also healing at a speed visible to the naked eye.

These potions were specially refined by Zidi this morning, specifically to prevent penetrating energy.

Before sparring with the dragon boy, Zong Ge had already taken some medicine to add protection to his internal organs.

After Zong Ge took the medicine, he said with emotion: "I have taken at least three doses of the medicine before. The penetration strength is really powerful, and the gold chain armor is almost useless. No wonder so many people are flocking to this fighting spirit skill, spending a lot of energy and time to pursue it. .”

In terms of fighting skills, Zong Ge mastered very little.

The biggest reason is his age.

He is still very young.

He has become a weapons master and an excellent general. His life level is close to the gold level, and his silver fighting spirit has taken on a golden luster, which is equivalent to half stepping into the gold level.

Such an achievement is already huge.

Of course, Zong Ge's bloodline played an important role in this.

The vast majority of people in this world, even if they put in much more effort and time than he does, will never reach his level.

Bloodline talent determines life.

There are many things you can't do just because you are born. Everything is determined by birth, and it cannot be achieved by hard work alone.

In this world background, once things like blood cores or blood purification arrays are exposed, the trouble they cause will be huge.

Zong Ge himself is also a very hardworking person.

Of course he knows the benefits of fighting skills. But to train successfully, it takes too much time and energy.

Zonge chose to invest his energy and time in more productive areas.

His choice was wise.

Generally speaking, people who pursue these fighting skills usually have reached the upper limit of their personal strength in life, fully tapped their potential, and have no possibility of progress.

Under such circumstances, they pursue fighting skills to further improve their strength.

Zong Ge is far from the time to pursue fighting skills.

Of course, when he learned that the Dragon Man boy had quickly mastered fighting skills such as Penetrating Strength through the Grand Arena Medal, he was also moved.

Because the learning cost that fighters pay in this process is too low!

If you can master permeability for such a small price, then why not?

After Zong Ge rested, the two started sparring again.

"You should have accumulated enough experience. You can use it now." Not long after, the dragon boy took the initiative to stop again.

Following his instructions, Zonge sat cross-legged on the floor and began to use the Grand Arena Medal.

After a moment, he opened his eyes.

A glimmer of light flashed in his eyes.

"Interesting, it turns out this is what it feels like to use the Grand Arena Medal..."

Zong Ge used the Grand Arena Medal for the first time, and it felt very novel.

"How is it?" the dragon boy asked.

Zong Ge frowned: "I have a lot of experience, the main part is penetration strength, but I have not mastered success."

The dragon boy smiled and didn't take it seriously: "If it doesn't work once, then try a few more times."

However, the next attempts ended in failure.

"It's a bit strange, why can I succeed in one try?" The dragon boy was confused.

"It doesn't matter. I have failed so many times, not even 10. As long as there are enough times, there will always be a success." Zong Ge is very jealous of penetration power.


"Try again!" Zong Ge wiped his nosebleed vigorously.

Zonge began to bleed from all his orifices.

"Come again... cough cough." Zong Ge vomited blood directly.

After trying many times, he still couldn't control the penetration.

He did absorb the experience of penetrating energy, but for some unknown reason, he never succeeded.

"We have tried so many times, this shouldn't be the result." The dragon boy frowned.

He then wondered: "Could it be that I didn't use all my strength?"

He compared this sparring with the previous heroic duel. The most obvious difference between the two was that Xiong Saw really tried his best in the battle with the dragon boy.

During this sparring process, the dragon boy always held back his strength, fearing that he would break Zong Ge.

"Perhaps, the effect of using the Grand Arena Medal depends on the intensity of the battle?" The dragon boy thought of this possibility.

"It makes sense." Zong Ge pondered, "The god who created the Grand Arena Medal is the Demon God Wrathtan of the Demon Clan. He has the priesthood of battle, and the sect's teachings also highly recommend all-out fighting. The intensity of our sparring is not high."

In essence, the Grand Arena Medal is not an alchemical treasure in the usual sense, but a sacred instrument.

Sacred weapons are similar to artifacts. They are both made by gods (or priests) using divine power.

Of course it also includes some alchemical techniques, but the core is divine power and magic.

In most cases, only clergy members of the sect who possess the corresponding divine power can use sacred weapons.

The use of artifacts is even more strict. Usually the gods need to actively grant qualifications, otherwise even high-level clergy such as the Pope and the Cardinal cannot use it at will.

The situation of survivors is unique.

The two artifacts they master are the Mermaid's Fairy Tale and the Sapphire Gold Coffin. (Blood core grade unknown)

The gods behind the two artifacts have either fallen or are on the verge of falling. Their control over the artifact has been reduced to its lowest point.

The survivors took advantage of this loophole to take advantage of these two artifacts.

They were able to take advantage because they relied on war traffickers.

Without the foundation left by this legendary master of alchemy, it would be extremely difficult for the survivors to use the artifact.

Even so, they never truly displayed the true power of the artifact.

Back to the Colosseum Medal.

It is a very special sacred instrument. The maker, Demon God Angtan, voluntarily handed over such holy weapons to outsiders for use.

What Zong Ge means is: Since the Grand Arena Medal comes from Nutan, the character, doctrine, sanity, etc. of this demon god must be considered.

Nutan encourages all-out combat and certainly detests cheating in combat.

Nu Tan would not appreciate the dragon boy and Zong Ge sparring like this.

Perhaps this is the reason why the Grand Arena Medal is used inefficiently.

His guess is very logical.

"We can have a real battle to verify it." Zong Ge said.

These words attracted the attention of the dragon boy.

The two looked at each other and saw each other's eagerness to give it a try.

The two had competed with each other when they were on the Mysterious Island, but they had never really fought against each other. Because survival is the theme, rashly fighting each other is a serious internal conflict and very stupid.

After leaving the Mysterious Island, despite constant large and small battles, the dragon boy and Zong Ge have never fought against each other.

Their relationship is complicated.

The two sides are both comrades-in-arms and competitors.

They all hold high positions and are thinking about the group (although Zonge has never been optimistic about the group of survivors). They don't want to fight with each other easily. No matter who wins or loses, it will have a negative impact on the collective.

The dragon boy took a deep breath and endured the fighting spirit: "Speaking of which, we did not really use our full strength to compete."

The dragon boy has made rapid progress, but Zonge has already healed his arm, and his fighting spirit is obviously higher than the former. The latter's fighting spirit already has a golden sheen.

The dragon boy's fighting skills are definitely not as good as those of Zong Ge.

The dragon boy has outstanding defense, and his current final form has caused a qualitative change in his speed. The pair of mysterious short spears behind Zong Ge are absolutely extraordinary.

Everyone, including the dragon boy, guessed that these short spears were Zong Ge's trump card, and the cost of using them should be very high. Short guns are full of mystery. Even at the most critical moment on the Mysterious Island, no one saw Zong Ge taking them out to fight.

"Yes." Zonge stared into the eyes of the dragon boy, without concealing his fighting intention.

"Unfortunately, there is currently no suitable environment for us to have a real confrontation." Zong Ge glanced at the training cabin with a helpless expression.

Is it the training cabin of the Love Triangle? Although the materials are exquisite and the environment is secretive, if the dragon boy and Zong Ge start a war here, the place will definitely be destroyed beyond recognition.

In fact, the entire love triangle will gradually become unbearable.

After all, it is just a black iron-level magic ship.

"There are many dueling grounds in Snowbird Port. We can book one for a private duel." After Zong Ge said this, he shook his head.

Their current situation is not suitable for this.

As the local gangsters here, the Bayonet Gang must have been paying the closest attention to the Dragon and Lion Mercenary Group, and they are always aware of the movements of important members of the Dragon and Lion Mercenary Group.

If the two really fight against each other in the duel field, then the Bayonet Gang will almost certainly learn the important information that the dragon boy has the power to penetrate.

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