Infinite Bloodcore

Chapter 304: Thieves visit

A mysterious man has been hiding at the window.

He watched as the men from the City Lord's Mansion brought seven large boxes to the dock, boarded the ship of the Dragon and Lion Mercenary Group, and then returned with the empty boxes.

Then, he watched quietly as the carriage carrying the dragon boy left the dock.

After looking at the sky, he took action.

He reached into his arms and took out a tomato.

This is of course not a real tomato, but an alchemical treasure.

The treasure level is as high as gold level!

The mysterious man pressed his thumb on the top of the tomato.

The next moment, the tomato looked like a pocket watch, half opened to reveal the flat cut surface inside.

The mysterious man instills fighting spirit.

After filling with a lot of fighting spirit, the cut surface of the tomato changed and turned into a clock dial with clear scales.

There are also three hands on the dial, representing hours, minutes and seconds.

The mysterious man pressed his thumb on the top of the tomato again, and the hands of the clock immediately began to move.

After a few seconds, the figure of the mysterious man quickly faded into a vague outline. ???

Soon, the outline disappeared, and the mysterious man became completely invisible.

The mysterious man closed the tomato clock and put it in his arms.

He gently opened the window and jumped out.

He stepped on the roof and quickly approached the ship of the Dragon and Lion Mercenary Group.

After reaching a certain distance, he landed lightly on the open space of the dock.

There are not many pedestrians at the pier.

The mysterious man quickly walked under the flagship of the Dragon and Lion Mercenary Group.

Without any hesitation, he jumped lightly. He jumped onto the side of the Love Triangle's hull.

He held out his hands, fingers spread apart.

He gently touched the surface of the Love Triangle's hull with the pads of his ten fingers.

At the moment of contact, his golden fighting spirit produced waves of fighting spirit ripples on the hull, giving him a solid focus.

The mysterious man's feet were dangling in the air, and he climbed up easily with only the support of his fingers and alternating hands.

The whole process was like a dragonfly tapping water.

In about 10 seconds, he climbed over the side of the ship and actually stepped onto the deck of the Love Triangle.

A large number of explorer-type alchemy golems are located around the dock.

They monitor all the ships of the Dragon and Lion Mercenary Group, and their focus is the Love Triangle.

But the entire process of the mysterious man's actions did not cause any alchemy puppet to notice.

At the same time, magical images are also projected in the Deep Sea Monster Fish.

Similarly, there is no trace of the mysterious person in the video.

The mysterious man walks on the deck.

The way he walks is different from that of a normal pedestrian.

He only touched the ground on his toes and walked on his heels.

Whenever his toes came into contact with the deck, a small golden ripple of fighting spirit would instantly appear.

The originally visible ripples of fighting spirit became invisible, colorless, and breathless under the influence of the tomato clock.

A group of patrolling mercenaries came from around the corner.

The mysterious man turned sideways, pressed against the wall, and easily got out of the way.

This group of mercenaries crossed paths with him.

Recently, the mysterious man's shoulder was only one punch away from one of the mercenaries.

Before the mercenaries could get away, the mysterious man followed them and continued their actions.

When walking past the forecastle, the mysterious man's ears twitched.

He heard strange noises coming from the forecastle.

He came to the forecastle door.

First, open your left hand and gently place the five fingertips on the door.

The golden ripples of fighting spirit appeared again, spreading rapidly across the entire facade, and then penetrated into the forecastle.

The door to the forecastle was originally locked.

Under the influence of golden fighting spirit, the lock opened silently.

There were two patrol teams on the deck at this time, and the mercenaries were walking and exploring around.

The door to the forecastle was right under their noses, and their eyes often glanced at it.

The mysterious man was brave and decisively pushed the door open a small crack.

The next moment, he displayed his fighting skills.

His whole body was like water, sliding in quickly along the thin slit.

The space inside the forecastle is huge and the layout is very simple.

There was only one person inside, and it was the big man.

"So the sound I heard before was just this guy's snoring while sleeping?"

The mysterious man's eyes were immediately attracted to the big man.

He saw through the trick at a glance.

Although the big man is sleeping, he is also practicing Dou Qi at the same time.

"Practice fighting spirit through sleep. What kind of fighting spirit technique is it? It's a bit interesting."

"No wonder the snoring has become strange, and there is a faint supernatural aura leaking out."

"I thought it was those treasures."

The Unintentional Sleeping Technique practiced by the big man was carefully selected for him by the dragon boy from the war dealer's database.

The mysterious man did not recognize the origin of this Dou Qi Jue. In fact, it was very difficult to judge from the surface.

"This little giant is already on the verge of a breakthrough."

The mysterious man's expression was a little subtle.

He sensed that the big man's life breath was approaching the boundary of the extraordinary.

The next step is to transcend the world, get rid of the identity of ordinary people, and cross the life level to the bronze level!

The mysterious man narrowed his eyes and had the idea of ​​​​killing him with a knife.

But the next moment, he gave up the idea.

He has more important things to do.

Killing the big man here would probably be discovered, which would impair his entire operation.

"Even if he is killed, the Dragon and Lion Mercenary Group will only lose one bronze level."

"They may not even know that this little giant is about to leap to the extraordinary level."

"The action has just begun, there is no need to increase risks."

The mysterious man spared the big man.

If he knew the big man's bloodline level, he would definitely change his mind.

But he didn't know what he was missing.

The mysterious man followed the small crack in the door, displayed his fighting spirit again, and left the forecastle.

After leaving, he gently closed the door completely and locked it again.

At this time, there was an additional patrol team on the deck.

The mercenaries of the three patrol teams did not realize that the forecastle had been visited by the enemy.

Because the opening and closing of the forecastle door is too small.

The big man was still fast asleep, and he didn't even realize that he had a brush with death.

The mysterious man left the forecastle and went straight to the poop, which he knew was the captain's cabin.

The captain's cabin was empty.

The dragon boy has already gone to the Baojin branch.

The mysterious man stood in the center of the captain's cabin, looked around, then stretched out his hands, spreading his fingers as wide as possible.

With him as the center, waves of golden fighting energy ripples emitted.

The golden ripples of fighting spirit quickly spread across the surface of every object in the captain's room.

Some magic traps and small mechanisms were cracked in an instant, without any alarm sound.

Then, some drawers and cabinets opened automatically, revealing the items inside.

The mysterious man discovered the nautical charts, paper, pens, rulers and other calculation tools used daily by the dragon boy.

He discovered the activity map.

He immediately opened it to watch.

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