Infinite Bloodcore

Chapter 305: The Holy Artifact Golden Finger

This kind of daily activity map often records the recent travel route of the Dragon and Lion Mercenary Group, and may also contain future route planning, which contains precious information.

After the mysterious man opened it, he took a look and found that it was not as good as the description of the Dragon and Lion Mercenary Group in the intelligence.

Because this activity map was purchased by the Dragon and Lion Mercenary Group on Eye-Eye Island, the previous route was not recorded.

The Dragon and Lion Mercenary Group are not real arms smugglers. Their destination is the capital of the Ice Sculpture Kingdom.

What happens next depends on the development of the specific situation.

The mysterious man did not give up and carefully investigated the activity map.

Expect there to be more secret records in this map, just hidden from view.

In fact, there are many such charts.

This is especially true for some pirate activity charts. There is a layer of information on the surface, but there is more real and secret information hidden inside.

As a result, after the mysterious man studied it, he only gained disappointment. He was extremely sure that this was just an ordinary chart.

And in the drawer of the Dragon Man boy's desk, the mysterious man found a bunch of invitation letters.

He glanced at these invitation letters and kept in mind all the forces that sent them.

"There are no hidden compartments and no treasure chests here." Disappointed, the mysterious man subconsciously cast his gaze at his feet. "It seems that all the goods that arrived today are hidden in the cabin below."

One of the main purposes of the mysterious man's trip was to steal the gold-level equipment just purchased by the Dragon and Lion Mercenary Group.

Nothing was found in the captain's cabin, and the mysterious man left directly.

He came to a boat ladder and was about to go down.

At this time, a pair of patrolling mercenaries happened to walk up the ship's ladder.

The mysterious man quickly stepped aside.

Although he is invisible, he has a collision volume. It's not like a ghost or a virtual body, which can ignore some physical rules and directly penetrate objects.

"There are quite a few patrol teams here."

"Moreover, the patrol route is also very strict." The mysterious man sighed with emotion.

Taking advantage of the moment of avoidance, the mysterious man once again took out the tomato clock from his arms.

Open it and take a look, secretly remembering how much time is left.

The patrol just walked away.

They were unaware of the mysterious man so close to them.

The mysterious man went down the ship's ladder and arrived at the second deck smoothly.

Following his previous actions and procedures, he quickly checked the cabins on both sides of the road.

His movements made no sound.

Tomato Clock perfectly restrained his breath.

Time passed, and the mysterious man never found his target, which made him feel anxious.

A patrol passed by him.

The leading blue algae suddenly stopped and cast doubtful eyes on the location of the mysterious man.

The mercenary behind him stopped and asked: "Master Lanzao, what's wrong?"

Lan Zao shook his head and said with a smile: "It's nothing."

He felt something was wrong just now, but he looked carefully and confirmed that there was nothing.

"It should just be an illusion." Lan Zao thought.

The mysterious man remained motionless.

He stared at Lan Zhao's back until he disappeared around the corner of the passage, and then he looked back.

The mysterious man's eyes flashed with cold murderous intent.

Recalling the scene just now.

For the first time since he boarded the Love Triangle, he was in danger of being discovered.

"I haven't found the cabin where the treasure is hidden. I feel a little anxious, and the range of my movements has also increased."

"Did that mercenary just detect me through the fluctuations in the air?"

The mysterious man has a collision volume, so if the movement is slightly larger, the air flow will be different.

At that moment, he almost took action!

Blue Algae is only a bronze level, and the mercenaries behind him are ordinary people.

With the mysterious man's gold-level strength, he could kill them all in just two seconds.

During the whole process, there is no sound.

Moreover, within the next 10 seconds, the mysterious man can quickly dispose of their bodies without leaving any traces at the scene.

But the mysterious man suppressed the murderous intention in his heart and did not take action in the end.

"Such a tight patrol route and numerous patrol teams are like a military camp."

"There must be an incision between them, a coded signal for an urgent message."

"As long as any patrol team delays for a while, they will be discovered by the entire patrol system. It would be easy for me to kill them, but if this team is missing, it will definitely trigger the alarm of the entire system!"

Precisely because of this consideration, the mysterious man did not take action.

"Half of the time has been consumed." The mysterious man opened the tomato clock again and frowned.

There isn't much time left for him.

The mysterious man decided to use fighting skills to search for golden equipment.

After the fighting skills are displayed, they have no effect.

This fighting spirit is specially used for investigation. Centered on the mysterious person, the extraordinary aura within a certain range can be captured by fighting skills and fed back to the mysterious person's mind.

Gold-level equipment naturally has a gold-level aura.

However, people who collect these pieces of equipment generally keep them in treasure chests.

In this way, the breath is blocked and completely restrained.

The mysterious man's search failed, but it did not surprise him.

"In this case, the only option is to take medicine." The mysterious man sighed deeply.

Then, with a constipated look on his face, he took out a potion from his arms.

He uncorked the bottle, tilted his head and poured all the medicine in the bottle into his mouth, then his Adam's apple rolled and he swallowed it suddenly.

The next moment, a look of pain appeared on his face.

He opened his mouth wide, stuck out his tongue, held his hands on the wall, and kept retching.

His tongue was instantly dyed a strange purple color by the potion.

In the process of retching, the mysterious man shed a lot of snot and tears.

But no matter how loud he made, it was all covered up by the tomatoes.

And the snot and tears he shed were carefully collected by himself to prevent them from becoming a flaw in the infiltration.

After about half a minute, the mysterious man finally regained his composure.

He twitched his nose and immediately smelled a special smell.

Following this smell, he went down one deck and came to the bottom of the Love Triangle.

"It should be here." He accurately found the cabin where the golden equipment was stored.

The mysterious man stretched out his hands, spread out his ten fingers, and all the fingertips gently touched the surface of the hatch.

Golden fighting energy ripples on the contact surface and continues to spread outward.

Soon, the mysterious man noticed many arrangements behind the door.

The mysterious man's face became serious and serious.

Because he felt that there were many magic traps and many exquisite mechanisms inside.

These mechanisms and spell traps combine with each other to form tight lines of warning and protection.

As long as the mysterious person is a little careless and makes a mistake, the trap will be detonated and he will be hit.

More importantly, it will trigger an alarm, alerting the people of the Dragon and Lion Mercenary Group.

It is not difficult for the mysterious person to unravel these traps and mechanisms.

Survivors do not have high-end equipment in this regard.

Zidi, who arranged these spell traps, was also greatly limited by her mage level.

But for the mysterious man, it is impossible for him to spend his precious time dismantling these traps and mechanisms.

The state of blessing brought to him by the Tomato Clock has a time limit.

The mysterious man took out a sacred instrument from his arms.

This sacred artifact is very special, like a goblin's finger. There are long sharp nails on the front of the fingers.

This finger looks like it is made of gold, the whole body is shining with golden light, and it feels heavy in the hand.

This is the holy weapon - golden finger!

The mysterious man gently touched the surface of the hatch with his golden finger.

The moment it was activated, a surging golden light flashed away.

The resulting movement remains obscured by the Tomato Clock.

In just an instant, the spell traps and mechanisms near the cabin door were perfectly cracked, without triggering any alarm.

The mysterious man glanced at the dimmed golden finger and carefully placed it in his arms.

He pushed open the hatch, stepped inside, and then closed the hatch gently.

The whole process takes no more than a second.

The cabin was empty.

The mysterious man was slightly startled.

Just at this time, another patrol team came nearby.

The mysterious man heard the footsteps of the patrol members.

The footsteps are getting closer and closer, and it seems that the destination is this cabin.

Mysterious people are in a bad way.

He had just cracked all the magic traps and mechanisms, and it was impossible to rebuild them at this moment.

This is a huge flaw!

Even if the patrol team can't find him, they can definitely find that these magic traps and mechanisms have been cracked.

The mysterious man narrowed his eyes slightly and gently pulled out the dagger.

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