Infinite Bloodcore

Chapter 306: Breaking the Magic Circle

The patrol team gradually moved away until they completely left the cabin.

The mysterious man looked calm and quietly put away the dagger.

He exhaled silently, and couldn't help but sigh in his heart again at the strict discipline of the Dragon and Lion Mercenary Group.

Generally speaking, patrolling is a boring thing. Patrol members usually chat a few words during patrol to combat boredom and pass the time.

When the mysterious man explored many barracks, it was very common for the patrol members to talk to each other.

But when he came to the ship of the Dragon and Lion Mercenary Group, he encountered several patrol teams. He never saw the patrol members chatting with each other. Each patrol team focuses its attention on its work.

Because once you talk to each other, you will distract yourself from your surroundings. Sometimes, even if the infiltrator makes a slight noise, it will be covered up by the sound of patrol members talking to each other.

"Mercenary groups rarely have such discipline, even in military camps, they may not be able to achieve this level."

The mysterious man couldn't help but think of another identity of the Dragon and Lion Mercenary Group - arms smugglers, and he suddenly understood.

Arms smuggling is absolutely a head-turning illegal activity.

The danger is much higher than that of normal mercenaries.

Only by cultivating such discipline can we be able to enforce orders and keep our own secrets. Transporting munitions has a better chance of success.

"When it comes to arms smuggling, this group of people is undoubtedly very professional."

The mysterious man's attention returned to his eyes again.

There was nothing in the cabin, but the mysterious man knew that he should not just believe what he saw with his own eyes.

Just when he was outside the door and used his fighting skills to check, he discovered that gold equipment and various alchemical materials were stored in this cabin. However, their traces have been covered up by a magic circle, and all their auras have been restrained.

So much so that even if an outsider stood in front of this pile of treasures, they would not be able to detect any trace of them with the naked eye.

The mysterious man approached the magic circle and used his fighting spirit again, causing ripples of golden fighting spirit.

The ripples spread rapidly, covering the entire invisible magic circle, but did not trigger any alarm.

After the mysterious man investigated, he quickly confirmed that the magic circle in front of him was mainly used to disguise and restrain the aura.

The grade itself is not high.

"The mages of the Dragon and Lion Mercenary Group are Lao Zhong and Hong Teng. These two are black iron and bronze level respectively."

"This black iron-level magic circle has obvious signs of being newly built. I wonder which one of them built it?"

Although the mysterious man saw through this magic circle at a glance, he was not able to immediately break it.

Because in addition to the main magic circle itself, there are also four small magic circles arranged in hidden corners of the cabin.

There is a secret connection between these four small arrays and the main array.

Once the main magic circle is cracked, or any of the four magic circles is damaged, an alarm will be triggered.

The mysterious man's sacred weapon, the Golden Finger, can decipher this arrangement.

But he didn't want to use it.

Because it's too wasteful.

The sacred golden finger can naturally be used repeatedly, but each use consumes the divine power stored in it.

But it is very difficult to obtain divine power.

As for the mysterious man, he was not a devout believer. If you accumulate divine power through prayer, it will take many times to accumulate enough power to use it once.

This time the mysterious man decided to take matters into his own hands.

He pulled out a set of tools.

This is a small leather case.

He untied the rope that bound the small leather case, completely unfolded the entire long cowhide case, and floated it in front of him.

There are many buckles on the top of the cowhide case, which can hold many delicate tools.

Without exception, these tools are all gold-level, and their auras vaguely echo each other.

Even the cowhide cases they come in are of the same quality.

This is a relatively rare gold-level small set, and it is also the main crime tool of the mysterious man.

The mysterious man first used fighting skills to make his eyes shine like gold.

After using the fighting skills, a hazy image of the magic circle appeared in his field of vision.

This main array is three-dimensional, almost cubic in shape, and almost fills the entire cabin.

All the details of the magic circle and the fluctuations caused by the magic power transmission were all caught by the mysterious man and remembered in his mind.

The mysterious man looked at it for a while and then took out a few long needles.

Instilled by his fighting spirit, these slender needles quickly stretched and became longer.

It used to be only as long as the index finger, but has now become the length of an adult's forearm.

The mysterious man carefully selected and quickly inserted these needles into the three-dimensional magic circle.

The magic circle continued to operate and seemed not to be affected by these needles.

The mysterious man then took out a magic ink pen.

He used this magic ink pen to first draw a new alchemical route in the blank space of the magic circle.

It's not easy to do this.

The mysterious man is obviously a fighter, and he also has considerable alchemy skills.

After depicting at least one, the mysterious man returned the magic ink pen to its original position in the leather sheath and took out a carving knife.

He hovered the carving knife over the position he wanted to change.

After taking a deep breath, he slashed the knife again.

His movements were fast, and within a second, he cut more than a dozen times in succession. Each cut was extremely precise, carving exactly where he wanted.

The magic circle was damaged, and the stable operation status immediately began to collapse.

But the next moment, several thin needles inserted by the mysterious man started to work together, emitting various colors of brilliance.

The fine needles temporarily helped stabilize the magic circle, barely maintaining it.

Subsequently, the mana flowing in the magic circle was deliberately guided by the mysterious man. Mana entered the alchemy route he had drawn before.

Soon, these alchemy routes were infused with mana.

After the mana passed through these routes, it quickly returned to the original part of the alchemy circle.

Some of the original parts that were cut off by the mysterious man were abandoned.

Quietly, the alchemy circle changed.

After discarding the original part, the new part deliberately drawn by the mysterious man was merged to form a new magic circle.

This magic circle retains its original function of collecting materials and condensing breath, but the primary authority has been reduced to the possession of a mysterious person.

The most important thing is that during the change process, the magic circle was always running without triggering any alarms from the four small magic circles.

The mysterious man gently snapped his fingers, and the magic circle moved as he pleased.

Something suddenly changed before his eyes.

A large number of alchemical materials are placed closely together.

Three pieces of gold-level equipment also came into view of the mysterious man.

The mysterious man raised his brows slightly, showing a look of surprise.

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