Infinite Bloodcore

Chapter 394: Horned Turtle

White Hair Trench.

"I'm already in position." The little prince conveyed the message through magic.

"Then take action." Ship Ghost ordered and took the lead.

A strong wave surged forward, covering a group of turtles.

The group of turtles were attacked by undead spells, and some small turtles died on the spot, but the silver-level turtles only shook their bodies, and the gold-level leader was even more angry and rushed towards the ghost ship.

Driven by the ship ghost, the ghost ship slowly retreated, attacking while attracting the turtles.

The leader kept chasing the enemy without any regard for what was behind him. The gap between the turtles was widened, so that the formation was almost stretched into a straight line and scattered.

The ghost ship attracted the turtle group to the narrow terrain. When the turtle leader passed, all troops were raised on both sides.

A large number of clawed water monkey skeletons rushed towards the turtles, and there were also many skeleton archers shooting from high places.

Skeletons made from the corpses of sharp-clawed water monkeys rarely have skeleton mages. Most of them are in close combat and have no weapons. Their claws are the most convenient weapons. A few are skeleton shooters.

The clawed water monkey skeleton looks like a swarm of ants covering the turtle's body. But the sharp claws that can easily penetrate the reef have little effect when hitting the turtle's carapace.

These turtles are very aggressive. Their shells are covered with hard black spines, and they have a triangular vertical horn on the front of their heads.

This is a horned turtle.

In the early days, when there were no magic ships, people hunted horned turtles and obtained the horns on their heads to use as horns for ships.

In the mana ship era, these horns were also used as the main material to refine into horn-type alchemical components.

The tortoise shell of the horned turtle is still a material for making shields. With a little processing, it can become a giant defensive shield covered with spikes.

During the war when demons invaded the main world, the legendary Da Yili among the tauren poisoned the largest group of horned turtles on the seabed at that time with one man's power.

The obtained turtle shells were immediately sent to Fan City, where the war situation was extremely urgent.

The giants in Fan City used turtle shells directly as shields, and finally withstood the crazy attack of the demon army and protected the city. This laid the foundation for the subsequent major counterattack in the main world.

The turtles were in a frenzy.

They kept shaking their bodies, but they couldn't shake off the water monkey skeleton.

They vigorously swung their fin-like limbs, stretched out their heads, and slammed into the mountain walls on both sides.

The rocks on the seabed were knocked out into deep pits one after another. The turtle shells and rocks were violently squeezed and rubbed, and many of the clawed water monkey skeletons on them were directly crushed into slag.

The bone arrows shot by the skeleton archers hit the turtles, just like the itchy mosquitoes, and it was difficult to cause damage.

The little prince was very calm and had already expected this phenomenon.

In this battle, he mainly played the role of containment and cover. These water monkey skeletons that were sacrificed were either defective products that were about to be eliminated, or ordinary goods that would not feel bad if they were lost. He did not send any of the real elites, those black iron-level and silver-level skeletons, into battle.

Necromantic magic—soul-spelling!

The ship ghost cast the spell with all his strength, and the power of the spell increased several times because of the ghost ship.

After the gold-level horned turtle leader was hit by this spell, he immediately became unable to move, as if he had become a sculpture.

The ghost ship retreated instead of advancing, until it sailed in front of the leader of the Collision Turtle, who was still stunned.

Just as the two passed by, a turtle-shaped soul was absorbed by the ghost ship and became one of the many ghosts on the ghost ship.

Then an invisible force grabbed the body of the turtle leader.

The gold-level turtle corpse was thrown into the hole in the ghost ship's hull and disappeared in the darkness.

The ghost ship rushed back all the way, and a large number of ghosts roared and quickly shuttled through the battlefield.

The horned turtle's physical defense is very powerful, and its unique shape has a counter-injury effect. However, their resistance to spells is very low.

The ghosts can freely penetrate solid objects such as rocks, making the horned turtle's proud spines useless.

Only if they cast similar spells can they fight against ghosts.

However, there are many ghosts, and there is already the prototype of an army.

The ship ghosts didn't even need to cast any more spells. The attack of the ghosts alone caused chaos among the turtles.

Soon the turtle group was defeated, turned around and fled.

But this battlefield was carefully selected by the necromancers. The terrain was narrow and there were a large number of water monkey skeletons stationed on both sides.

The turtles lost their lives one by one in the process of escaping.

This underwater canyon fell into deathly silence.

The necromancers began to clean up the battlefield.

"This harvest is really big!" The little prince was very happy.

He made a lot of contributions, sacrificed a lot of skeletons, and the loot he got was huge.

Necromancy - Summon Skeletons.

Necromancy - Summon Skeletons.

Necromancy - summoning skeletons...

The little prince continued to cast spells, and a huge turtle skeleton was born from the corpse.

The white turtle shell is covered with sharp bone spurs, and the horns on the turtle's head are also preserved, which is eye-catching.

"In this way, I have a heavy cavalry. How wonderful! General, you are worthy of your name." The little prince shouted to his mount.

His mount is a three-headed sea snake, which is also an undead creature and was named General by the little prince.

The ship ghost also appeared in its true form.

He began practicing spiritualism.

The turtles had just been killed, and their souls almost remained on the battlefield.

Soon, turtle ghosts appeared on the battlefield.

"These turtle ghosts are excellent materials for making shield-backed ghosts." The little prince beamed.

The souls in the undead faction are very good at transforming ghosts, and shield-backing ghosts are one of the ways. The ghosts created can bring powerful defense to the necromancer.

The ship ghost separated some turtle ghosts and gave them to Cang Xu and the undead warrior Crying Wind.

In this battle, Cang Xu's death head only played a detective role. The undead warrior Crying Wind has been guarding the deck of the ghost ship, but he has not taken any action and has made the smallest contribution.

In just a few days, the combat power of the necromancers increased several times.

They wiped out more than a dozen groups of sea animals, including clawed water monkeys, horned turtles, and schools of sea fish.

As their combat power increases, the necromancers' movements become more and more unrestrained, and their coordination with each other becomes higher.

Take this time for example, the necromancers are no longer limited to the ghost ship, but divide their troops in advance, choose the battlefield, and make arrangements.

They used tactics to attract the turtles to the ambush location, and then took action with all their strength.

Obviously, correct tactics can greatly improve their efficiency in encircling and suppressing turtle groups.

Cang Xu put away the ghost he had just obtained without dealing with it first.

He returned to his cabin and continued to cast spells.

Necromantic Spell - Burden Reduction.

Necromantic magic - karma-cutting magic.

The former reduces Cang Xu's mental burden, and the latter can weaken the erosion of his secondary abilities.

Currently, the number of death heads he has in his possession is quite large.

There are 4 silver-level animals, 27 black iron-level animals, and as many as 86 bronze-level animals.

Controlling these death heads has placed a huge mental burden on Cangxu.

"My qualifications are limited. Even if I transform into an undead life form, I can only reach the black iron level."

"It's still because of the flying head technique inheritance, which is less burdensome than ordinary ghosts, skeletons, and zombies, that's why I can control so much."

Cang Xu looks like a silver-level one, but is actually just black iron.

Even if he uses burden reduction and karma reduction techniques every day, he is still almost reaching the limit of control.

After stopping these two spells, Cang Xu began to deal with the newly obtained ghost.

"This is all I gained from this battle."

"Too little."

"If this continues, it will not be good for me."

Cangxu's contribution is low, and the loot gained will naturally be less.

It's not that he doesn't want to contribute, but that he lacks strength and has a low status in the tactical system.

In every battle, the ship ghost gets the most loot. The size of the ghosts on the ghost ship has expanded nearly ten times!

The little prince's harvest often comes second, and the skeletons under his command have grown in size.

Cangxu Third, the number of death heads increased. However, due to his qualifications, he is about to reach his personal limit.

Among the necromancers, Crying Wind is the worst. Just like this time, he doesn't need to take action anymore.

Qingxin won’t mention it.

In the deep sea, she must maintain her spells at all times to ensure her breathing.

She almost never leaves the house.

Spend a lot of time every day meditating and replenishing your mana.

But deep in the ocean, there are many water elements and very few wind elements, so her meditation efficiency is very low.

She has been completely marginalized.


The leader of the human race frowned deeply.

After some investigation, he found that no one knew about cyanobacteria.

"How can this be?"

"Isn't he from the Bayonet Gang?"

The human leader was lost in thought: "The people on the boat are just remnants of the gang. Maybe these people have never gotten along with him."

"But the possibility is too low."

"Is he a spy who deliberately rescued Ice Owl to gain his trust?"

"Everything went well before, but the bloodline awakening was an accident and made him comatose."

Thinking of this, the human leader shook his head again.

"If I planted a spy, it wouldn't be this rough and crude."

"At least I will arrange a suitable identity. The rocket assault boat's teleportation ability was suddenly displayed. At that time, it was an accident that he was able to save the ice owl."

"Anyway, let's tell the old gang leader the news first."

The leader of the human race walked to the door of Ice Owl's cabin and was about to knock on the door.


Suddenly there was an explosion and the entire ship shook violently.

Boom boom boom...

Immediately afterwards, one after another explosions occurred inside the Kamikaze, causing considerable casualties immediately.

"What happened?!" The leader of the human race was surprised.

With a bang, the hatch was pushed open, almost hitting the human leader.

As soon as Ice Owl ran out, he and the human leader heard the Kamikaze's first mate shouting: "Enemy attack!!"

"Are there any more enemies?"


The front company, armed with long-handled scythes, immediately went into battle, but could not find the enemy.

"In the sea!" the lookout on the mast shouted.

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