Infinite Bloodcore

Chapter 395: Mianli Zang

Looking down at the sea with the lookout hand, he saw the looming shadows of giant turtles.

Bang bang bang...

They kept hitting the bottom of the Kamikaze, causing the gold-level magic ship to shake.

"It's a group of horned turtles!"

"There are at least three gold-level ones."

"How is it possible? We have obviously investigated, where did this group of turtles come from?"

"If this continues, a hole will be knocked out of the bottom of the Kamikaze!"

The figure of Fenglian shot out like a sharp arrow.

He floated in mid-air, brandished his scythe, and sent out wind blades to slash at the group of horned turtles in the sea.

But the next moment, dense spatial fluctuations occurred around every turtle.

The head-to-head horned turtle suddenly disappeared into the distance, perfectly dodging all the wind blade attacks.

At the same time, similar space fluctuations occurred again inside the Kamikaze's cabin.

This time, bundles of alchemical bombs were produced out of thin air.

Boom boom boom...

Alchemy bombs exploded one after another, injuring countless pirates, destroying a large number of facilities on the ship, and causing great damage.

"Damn it!" Fenglian had no choice but to get back into the Kamikaze again and take charge of the situation.

Although the sickle in his hand is sharp and his personal combat power is very strong, he is unable to deal with the situation at this time and has nowhere to use his strength.

Fenglian almost crushed his steel teeth.

He can't find a match!

"This attack method... Watarizo! You are the head of the dignified Satoma family, and you have the courage to show up and fight me! Hiding elsewhere, where is your noble honor?!"

The next moment, Mianli Zang's voice penetrated the space and responded to Fenglian.

"Captain Kamikaze Pirates, you took advantage of our clan's weak period of testing new naval warships and took such a big advantage. Do you think you and your people can leave safely?"

"Now I will make you and your men pay a heavy price!"

Mianli Zang has no noble honor, but is very shameless. It was obviously the navy who ambushed them first, and they made it sound like they were the victims.

After Matsurizou finished speaking, space fluctuations of different sizes appeared again.

But this time, there are more space fluctuations, and the coverage is not limited to the Kamikaze, but almost all pirate ships.

Monsters appear out of thin air and attack people and objects around them crazily.

There are ice wolves, snow monsters, white tigers, and sub-dragon beasts with white dragon blood.

The Kamikaze Pirates fell into chaos.

A large number of pirates were massacred.

They were forced to fight on their own.

Ice Owl and the human leader also encountered trouble.


The two of them were only at Silver level and were attacked by three Silver level snow spiders.

Among the leaders of the Bayonet Gang, the human leader himself is at the bottom in terms of combat power.

The Ice Owl is already old, and what he is good at is cultivating giant slaves. Personal combat ability has never been outstanding.

The most important thing is that these monsters summoned by Mianrizang are not afraid of death.

They even kill each other!

For Ice Owls and human leaders, the most rational response is to fight while retreating.

To fight hard is to seek death!

This is the ship of the Kamikaze Pirates. Ice Owl and the human leader agreed that the Front Company would eventually solve all these troubles.

"Who will help me?" Ice Owl shouted for help while running.

But the characters they encountered, whether they were members of the Bayonet Gang or the Kamikaze Pirates, were all too busy to look after themselves.

During the thrilling escape, Ice Owl witnessed a large number of corpses, and blood stained the cabin and aisles red.

Every minute and every second the time turned into torture.

In the end, the two of them successfully attracted the attention of the pursuers behind them with the help of other people's presence, and were able to temporarily escape the crisis.

But they also paid a huge price.

There is a sharp ice spike stuck in the Ice Owl's right shoulder. The frost element was violently eroding his body.

The leader of the human race came to the rear to protect the Ice Owl. At this time, he was covered in blood, and there was a huge wound on his waist and abdomen. The bleeding was not stopping, and the situation was not optimistic.

When Ice Owl passed by Cyanobacteria's cabin, he found a giant ice wolf breaking in, threatening Cyanobacteria's life.

"Save him!" At the critical moment, Ice Owl shouted.

Direwolf only has bronze level. He was quickly killed by two people. If it were Silver level, or even Black Iron level, Ice Owl would probably make a different choice.

"Hurry and get something to block the door!" After killing the wolf, Ice Owl rushed into the cabin and shouted.

The human leader quickly moved tables and stools to block the hole in the cabin door, while pressing his body hard against the door.

Outside the door, there were constant sounds of pirates and monsters fighting, the wailing of someone dying, and the sound of shouting for help...

Ice Owl and the human leader were on guard nervously for a while, then gradually relaxed.

During this period, although some monsters approached the cabin with heavy steps, they all passed through the door and were attracted by the resisting pirates.

"Phew, it's safe for now!" After the human leader exhaled a breath of filthy air, he collapsed on the floor exhausted.

"You lost too much blood and need to be bandaged immediately!" Bing Xiao glanced around, walked quickly to Lan Zhao's bed, lowered his head and bent his hand, tore a strip of his sheets, and threw it to the human leader.

"You brat, I saved your life this time, and we don't owe each other anything." Ice Owl said, looking at the sleeping blue algae.

"The smell of blood here is too strong and will attract monsters. We'd better move to a safer place." Ice Owl turned his head and looked at the human leader again.

The leader of the human race has closed his eyes.

Ice Owl's expression suddenly changed and he cursed loudly: "Damn it!"

He ran towards the human leader again to check on his condition.

The human leader was not dead and was still breathing, but he fell into a coma due to excessive injuries.

"Mianli Zang is hiding in the subspace. As long as he doesn't show up in the main world, I can't threaten him." Fenglian combined his own intelligence to understand the situation.

Feng Lian was discouraged.

He tried his best to provoke, but Matarizo just didn't show up.

"Quickly start the ship, sail at full speed, and stay away from here." Fenglian suddenly ordered.

The effect of this is immediate.

As they gradually moved away from where they were, the phenomenon of spatial fluctuations decreased sharply, and the number of magical beasts or alchemy lamps transmitted by Matarizo also shrank by countless amounts.

When the Kamikaze Pirates pulled away some distance, no more Warcraft and Alchemy Bombs appeared.

Mianli's hiding place is in the pressure space and uses spatial positioning to transport items and creatures.

Once the kamikaze pirate ships are no longer in their original location, it will be very troublesome to quickly determine their new location.

For Mianli Zang, after all, they are separated by a space. A series of repeated calculations are required to obtain new precise coordinates and then carry out accurate transmission.

The kamikaze pirates fled.

Fenglian's face seemed to be covered with frost, very cold.

His combat prowess is much higher than that of the current patriarch of the Satoma family, Watarizo. But no matter what, the opponent just didn't confront him head-on, but continued to launch cross-dimensional attacks.

The crazy monster that is not afraid of death is a qualified death squad member. .

The Kamikaze Pirates suffered heavy losses when they were reduced to hiding one person in their ashes.

Fenglian will remember this shame deeply in his heart.

"The Utojian family... Matarizo!" Fenglian's eyes were full of resentment.

"The other party is still ambushing us in advance. How does he know the precise location of our regiment?"

"There must be a traitor on the ship!"

"Check it for me!!"

(ps: I wish everyone a happy new year. In the new year, practice the Nine Yin Sutra and be healthy and happy.)

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