Infinite Bloodcore

Chapter 407: Practicing Murloc Fighting Skills

The battle in the Cold Wind Valley slowly came to an end.

This ambush battle was discovered by the Dragon and Lion Mercenary Group from the very beginning. When the battle begins, Zong Ge defeats the gold-level fighter, which determines the outcome.

Zong Ge and Zidi did not choose to pursue the Golden Fighter and Silver Mage. In the end, the Dragon and Lion Mercenary Group worked together to defeat all the alchemy puppets blocking the enemy's rear.

After the war, the Dragon and Lion Mercenary Group suffered 3 deaths and 17 injuries. Among them, 8 people were slightly injured and 9 people were seriously injured.

The last section of the Cold Wind Valley has been transformed beyond recognition after being turned into a battlefield.

The hillsides on both sides were blasted beyond recognition, and the narrow exit was almost completely covered up due to the collapse of the hillsides on both sides.

Traces of flames are everywhere. The broken pieces of the alchemy puppet are scattered everywhere. There are also ice blocks more than one meter high standing. Some seal the broken limbs of the alchemy puppet, and some freeze the dragon. Mercenaries of the Lion Mercenary Group.

These mercenaries were all frozen to death, and their faces still showed the look of terror before they died.

Some alchemy puppets have the ability to self-destruct. The explosion instantly produces powerful freezing air, freezing everything around them.

When the self-destruction first occurred, Zidi and Zong Ge were a little confused.

But soon, Zonge made the right response and used the small thunder god's flying hammer.

It has to be said that the little Thunder God's Flying Hammer has once again achieved great success, completely defeating this kind of alchemy puppet that can explode with ice. The paralyzing attack special effect can destroy them in advance and prevent the ice explosion.

Otherwise, the casualties of the Dragon and Lion Mercenary Group will rise to a higher level!

Zidi led the mercenaries to clean the battlefield, melt the ice, and collect as many of these alchemy puppets as possible.

These puppet fragments are quite valuable, and some even retain their cores. More importantly, Zidi found clues and then followed the clues to discover the identity of the mysterious enemy.

Zonge was inspecting the battlefield.

What he focused on checking were the battle traces left by gold-level fighters.

Through the hammer marks and the deep footprints left on the ground, combined with his recall of the battle just now, Zong Ge said to Zidi in a deep voice: "The other party has the intention of deliberately concealing his identity. Jin Jin, who fought with me, The level fighter did not use his main weapon."

"He temporarily used a long-handled war hammer, but in fierce battles, he mostly used chopping and cutting movements. Attacks such as butting were only used in the early stages of the fight."

"According to my judgment, his main weapons should be swords and axes."

In order to conceal his identity, the mysterious gold-level fighter did not display his full strength.

Zidi's heart sank: "His main weapon is probably gold-level and has obvious characteristics, so he deliberately doesn't use it."

"In their eyes, I am Yaoma, a silver-level mage. You blocked the golden fighter's crazy attack, and you were even able to gain the upper hand with the help of weapons. They understand very well that they will have to pay a huge amount to capture us. The price will be high and the time will not be short.”

"The flares that Suma and the others launched before also subtly increased their psychological pressure."

"Since they want to hide their identity, they naturally don't want this fight to attract other people to watch."

"So, they retreated voluntarily."

"What I can't figure out is why these two are targeting the Dragon and Lion Mercenary Group?"

Zong Ge recalled the previous battle scene: "The Golden Fighters gritted their teeth, showing strong hatred and anger. Perhaps they were not targeting the Dragon and Lion Mercenary Group, but me."

"To be precise, he is the 'Captain of the Dragon Service'!"

Zidi was even more confused: "If this hatred is not pretended, but real. Then these two people hate the leader so much, it is likely that they have something to do with the Bayonet Gang."

"But we have bought all the information about the Bayonet Gang."

"This is a local gang and has little contact with forces outside of Snowbird Port. Will someone ambush us in order to avenge Tofuturo?"

"Although Fujituro died at the hands of the captain, he died in a heroic duel. According to the custom here, if you take revenge for this, you will erase the glory of Fujituro's heroic death."

"Maybe it's the enemies attracted by the Buquan incident? But that's unreasonable. Even if the Alchemy Guild doesn't want to let go, they should know the contents of our contract with Buquan. Killing us is not a wise strategy to restore Buquan. .”

"Perhaps there are forces who have seen our business plan and want to defeat us and seize the kingdom's mount potion market?"

"No, our medicine has not yet been distributed across the country. It is just that the sales in Snowbird Port are booming. This profit should not be enough to send out the gold level to ambush us. More importantly, doing so will not hinder our business plan. "

Zidi made some guesses and couldn't figure out where the enemy came from and why there was such strong hatred.

"No matter what, it's better to leave here as soon as possible." Zong Ge looked away from the large number of battlefield traces.

Zidi's heart trembled.

They didn't know how many enemies there were secretly. If these two people escaped to report the news and go to ask for reinforcements, then they wouldn't be able to stay here for long.

Therefore, the Dragon and Lion Mercenary Group sped up, and after leaving the Cold Wind Valley, they headed straight to the next town without stopping.

Fortunately, they were not far from the town. The closer they got to the town, the more carriages and pedestrians there were on the road.

In the evening, the group officially arrived at Blood City.

At the city gate entrance they were inspected by guards.

The dusty and injured Dragon and Lion Mercenary Group quickly attracted attention.

When Zong Ge handed over the identity certificate issued by the Lord of Snowbird Port to the guard, someone asked excitedly: "Excuse me, are you Lord Longfu?"

Zong Ge nodded expressionlessly.

This small movement immediately triggered a burst of exclamation and admiration.

"Lord Longfu, you are truly amazing, killing gold with silver!"

"I bought your magic image. You eradicated the Bayonet Gang. You are a great hero."

"Excuse me, how did you do it?"

"Can you accept me as your disciple?"

There were more and more people at the city gate, and the scene gradually became chaotic.

There were also excited people among the guards, who looked at him with admiration.

After checking that everything was correct, the old guard quickly returned the identity certificate to Zong Ge: "Blood Relative City welcomes you and your group. But please leave quickly."

Zong Ge led a group of mercenaries and quickly entered the city.

Before night fell completely, they found a hotel to stay.

The wounded were placed first, and the hired priest entered the room and performed healing magic on them.

The hotel owner was very excited. He met with Zonge and Zidi and took the initiative to reduce the accommodation and dining fees. He also said that it was his honor to have the Dragon and Lion Mercenary Group settle in.

Late at night, the messenger who came to Blood City in advance secretly asked to see Zong Ge and Zidi.

He was sent here by San Dao and walked through the teleportation array. The information he sent was about blue algae.

As a result, Zong Ge and Zidi both knew the current situation of Cyanobacteria.

Zong Ge said in a calm tone: "Lunzao is lucky and survived, but he has to rely on himself next. He is just a bronze, and I am not optimistic that he can become a qualified spy."

"Cyanobacteria is not dead. Captain, do you know this situation? Where are you now?" Zi Di's thoughts overflowed.

After settling down, she especially missed the dragon boy.

After leaving Snowbird Port and before reaching the next town, Zidi had a conflict with Zong Ge and had serious differences.

The ambush that broke out in the Cold Wind Valley temporarily suppressed the differences. After the war, both Zidi and Zong Ge made a tacit agreement not to mention the previous conflict again.

But both of them knew it.

Zidi relied on the identity and ability of the mage to try to take the initiative.

But Zonge had his own ideas.

He does not have the excellent negotiation skills like Zidi, and his eloquence is not good, but his practical actions make him more powerful.

Zong Ge's actions at the exit of the valley especially showed his will - if he doesn't cooperate, then I can act on my own!

It was his active exposure that triggered the enemy's ambush when he left the Cold Wind Valley.

Zidi had to join the war and was forced to accept Zong Ge's action plan.

"Captain, it would be great if you were here..." Zidi sighed in her heart.

This gave her a headache.

The differences in the Cold Wind Valley made her completely realize that she and Zong Ge were very different in each other's personalities, values, and behaviors. Both wanted to dominate, and neither was willing to obey the other.

You know, this journey has just begun.

"There are also mysterious enemies, whose scale and motives are unknown, lurking in the dark and waiting for opportunities to deal with us... Sigh." Zidi felt helpless and anxious.

Ocean nest.

In the landing cabin, the fishman boy is training his fighting skills alone.

The fighting skill he practiced was new, called fast swimming. After performing this fighting skill, he can gain greater propulsion when paddling his limbs and fish tail in the water, increasing his swimming speed.

In the war monger database, there are more than 20 fighting skills named quick swimming. The contents of these fighting skills are generally not very different, and the fish-man boy chose the fast-swimming fighting skills suitable for fish-men.

Fighting skills are a way to use fighting spirit. Each race will make corresponding improvements due to their different body structures.

For example, the riot fighting skills, explosive punches, etc. used by the dragon boy before are all dragon versions.

There is only a meditation room in the Deep Sea Monster Fish, but not a fighting room, which makes it very inconvenient for the fishman boy to practice fighting skills.

The Deep Sea Monster Fish really has limited space, and the situation here was originally even worse. The survivors harvested a lot of treasures from the Two-Eyed Island and piled them up in the Deep Sea Monster Fish. Even the aisles were piled up, making it difficult to get down.

Fortunately, a lot of these antiques and treasures were processed in Snowbird Port, and some of them were moved to other ships. It also cost a lot of money to trade with the city owner of Snowbird Port, so that space was freed up.

Even so, there was no suitable space for the fish-man boy to connect, and most of the cabins were still too small.

The largest cabin is the landing cabin.

The landing cabin is located in the belly of the fish and has the functions of water accumulation and drainage.

When outsiders enter the cabin from the sea, the landing cabin opens and swallows both the outsiders and the sea water.

The landing module then closed, drained out the seawater, and opened the door to the inner cabin to let in outsiders.

Active accumulation of water mostly occurs when the Deep Sea Monster Fish sinks. It also adds weight to the hull by absorbing large amounts of external seawater.

Because he was practicing fast swimming fighting skills, the fishman boy simply let the water accumulate in the landing cabin, reaching half of the cabin, and turned it into a temporary closed swimming pool.

He splashed in the water to his heart's content.

At the beginning, I was not very proficient in fast swimming and did not control my speed well. I hit the surrounding metal walls and was very painful.

After that, he became much more proficient, but the dragon boy still found that after performing fast swimming, his speed suddenly became faster and slower, making it difficult to control.

After some research, he discovered the problem - the fast swimming fighting skills and the explosive fighting skills did not match.

The Explosive Dou Qi cultivated through the Explosive Dou Qi Art has the iconic explosive characteristic.

Paired with attack skills such as blasting fists, they complement each other perfectly. However, if combined with fast swimming fighting skills, the swimming speed of the fishman boy will often become fast and slow, making it difficult to control.

This is because the detonation grudge itself cannot be processed in a refined manner.

"Do you want me to change my fighting spirit?" The dragon boy hesitated in his heart, unable to make this decision for the time being.

He is in a dilemma now.

The Deep Sea Monster Fish is trapped in the ocean nest. Considering the worst case scenario, he needs to fight the sacred sea beasts in the water. In this case, the fish-man form is far more reliable than the dragon-man form, because the dragon-man form cannot breathe freely underwater. The depths of the ocean floor are not the main battlefield for the dragon form.

But obviously, the combat effectiveness of the fish-man form is far less powerful than that of the dragon-man form.

Although it comes with 4 types of spells, covering four aspects: treatment, detection, attack and assistance. But the defensive ability has been greatly reduced, and it cannot give the boy a sense of security at all.

The explosive punches, machine gun bullet punches and riot fighting skills that the dragon boy was skilled in before were also greatly reduced in power in the fish-man form.

The reason is very obvious. These fighting skills are matched with the bloodline of the Flame Dragon King and are incompatible with the current fish-man bloodline.

The fishman boy had changed his fighting spirit before, from Baihe fighting spirit to explosive fighting spirit. He knew this process was quite laborious.

If he wanted to improve the combat effectiveness of the fish-man form, he not only had to convert the fighting spirit techniques, but also practiced the corresponding fighting skills.

To form a complete combat effectiveness, if there are no obvious shortcomings, just a fast swimming fighting skill is definitely not enough. You must have at least three or four fighting skills.

And this requires a lot of practice from the fish-man boy.

Although he now has a training shortcut such as the Grand Arena Medal, he does not have a suitable opponent to gain combat experience. If he starts practicing from scratch, even if he has a very outstanding warrior talent, it will take some time to see the effect.

The thing that made the fish-man boy hesitate the most was that he couldn't give up his dragon-man form.

Assuming that he escaped from the ocean nest, his most commonly used form would be the draconian form. Therefore, if his fighting spirit changes to something else, he will have to change it back after picking it up.

This is very troublesome.

Now the fish-man boy placed his greatest hope on the investigation results of the alchemy puppet.

Those binaural detection puppets have been released one after another.

Growing up, the fishman boy slowly amplified their sound waves, until they almost woke up the sea beasts in the sanctuary.

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