Infinite Bloodcore

Chapter 408: There is a big secret in the transmission

Binaural Probe Puppet Scouting has been around for a while.

"I hope that there will be a large number of powerful sea beasts living around the ocean mother nest. In this way, when I destroy the ocean mother nest, I can trigger a fight between the sea beasts. The more chaotic it is, the easier it will be for me to escape."

The fishman boy had great confidence in taking advantage of the chaos to escape from here.

He does not have confidence in himself, nor in the alchemy and magic ship of the Deep Sea Monster Fish, but in the art of deception and camouflage, and in the god-level material pearl foam!

However, the fact is: the binaural detector has been running for some time, but there has been no detection result.

The fishman boy asked Zhongyong for his opinion on this.

Zhongyong responded: It should be that the cave walls of the Ocean Mother Nest are too heavy and deep, and the cave walls themselves can absorb sound waves. The sound waves not only have to be transmitted out, but also come back again and again, which requires the alchemy puppet to be activated continuously for a long time.

The fish-man boy had no choice but to accept this reality.

In response to this situation, Zhongyong was not idle. He carefully selected a special model of reconnaissance puppet.

Fine eel driller!

This alchemy puppet looks like an eel, but is much smaller and slender than a normal eel. They are best at digging holes and drilling through rocks to explore for mineral deposits.

The reason why Zhongyong chose this model of alchemy puppets was because he wanted them to quietly penetrate into the cave wall of the ocean nest and drill some undetectable deep holes, without disturbing the sea beasts in the sanctuary. Facilitates the conduction of sound waves.

In other words, the fine eel driller mainly cooperates with the previous binaural driller.

After practicing the fast-swimming fighting skill for a period of time, the fish-man boy stopped and began to practice another fighting skill - riding waves.

This is also a fish-man fighting skill.

It can create strong thrust on the soles of the fish-man's feet, helping the fish-man move a certain distance quickly.

For the fishman boy, the way of exerting force in this fighting skill is far more familiar than the fast swimming fighting skill. This feeling is similar to when he unleashes his riot fighting skills on the soles of his feet.

Currently, the fish-man fighting skills that the fish-man boy majors in are all used for movement.

His imaginary battle involves a confrontation with a sacred sea beast in the depths of the undersea ocean. In such a battle, the fishman boy's goal is definitely not to defeat the enemy, but to escape.

In fact, he also knew that it would be difficult for him to escape.

According to his observations, with the speed of the holy sea beast, he could not get rid of it even if he used fast swimming, wave riding, riot fighting skills, etc. at the same time.

The fish-man boy's goal at this stage is very practical, which is to increase his mobility in a small space, be able to dodge some fatal attacks, and try to buy himself a second or two of survival time.

Don't look at the relatively short time of one or two seconds. In some cases, it is often the difference between life and death.

After practicing two fish-man fighting skills to help move, the fish-man boy began to practice the third fighting skill - Hard Scale.

Of course this is also a fish-man fighting skill.

Its effect is unpretentious and can be seen clearly from the naming. After using this fighting skill, the scales all over the fishman's body will become tougher and thicker. Your own defense capabilities will be greatly improved.

However, this substantial improvement is only for fishmen.

The fishman boy had compared it and found that even after using the Hard Scale Fighting Skill, its defensive power was far from being comparable to the dragon scales in the form of a dragon.

The blood concentration of the Flame Dragon King is slightly over 34%, while the blood concentration of the fish-man form is only 11%. In addition to the main factor of concentration, there are also specialties and differences between different species.

The bloodline of fishmen is basically not good at defense.

In fact, the race of fishmen cannot be compared with the dragon race.

But then again, having the blessing of Jian Scale Fighting Skills is better than nothing.

The fishman boy plans to practice some fighting skills in the future to try to improve his defense.

After getting used to the protection of dragon scales, when he transformed into a fish-man form, he always felt a little weak and insecure in his heart.

"If I could buy the Wandering Full Armor Badge, it would be of great help to me now. It's a pity that the Lord of Snowbird Harbor doesn't sell this gold-level equipment."

There is also a piece of gold-level armor beside the fish-man boy, which is a gold chain armor. However, this piece of equipment was seriously damaged in the battle with Fujituro and has never been repaired.

This is true even if a group of alchemist mages such as Buquan and Zhongyong join the Dragon and Lion Mercenary Group.

The reason is also very simple.

This piece of equipment is blessed with deception and camouflage techniques and anti-reconnaissance prophecy techniques. Put it in front of Zhongyong and Buquan, they can't even see it!

It would also be inappropriate to let them know this secret.

Because in this way, the existence of Pearl Bubble will be indirectly exposed, greatly increasing the risk of the survivors' core secrets being exposed.

Thinking of the golden chain armor, the fish-man boy couldn't help but think of Zong Ge and Zidi.

"I don't know how they are doing now."

"Based on the time, they should have left Snowbird Port and headed to the Ice Sculpture Capital."

"Over Zong Ge, I kept the golden hacksaw, heel boots, inflator syringe, small thunder hammer, and gold-level longbow, etc."

"Perhaps, when we parted, I should also hand over the gold chain armor to them."

The survivors now have strong financial resources and can already purchase a large amount of silver-level equipment. There is no shortage of props at this level.

The difference lies in how much it costs to buy.

But when it comes to gold-level equipment, it’s much more difficult. Many times, you can't buy it with money. Some rare and unique gold-level equipment is also hard to come by.

For example, for gold-level armor, the entire mercenary group only has one piece of gold chain armor. The dragon boy and Zong Ge were both in need and could not be seconded in time.

Often when one party uses it, the other party does not.

Although Buquan joined the Dragon and Lion Mercenary Group, she was only at the silver level. She was hindered by the level of the alchemist mage and was still far away from refining gold-level equipment.

But the future is definitely promising.

When Buquan becomes gold-level, mass production of gold-level equipment will be possible.

The fish-man boy now feels that the gold chain armor is of little use to him.

Facing the sanctuary-level sea monsters, a piece of gold-level defensive equipment would be of little use. The difference between having it and not having it is not big.

But it's different when it comes to Zong Ge.

"My heroic duel with Fujituro made me famous in the Ice Sculpture Kingdom. However, the tree is so big that it attracts the wind. If Zong Ge wants to play me, he will face many challenges."

"However, even without the gold chain armor, he can still do the job!"

"Zong Ge is an excellent general with a sharp vision, able to deal with problems and break through difficulties. If he leads the team, things can be accomplished!"

"His personal combat power is also very strong. He is a weapons master, and his silver fighting spirit also has a golden luster. Coupled with those gold-level equipment, it should be enough to meet the challenge."

"Although Zidi's mage level is low, she has plenty of spell-casting scrolls and potions. And her real talent lies in business. Zidi's ability to negotiate with outsiders is far beyond my ability."

"The two of them are great talents among the survivors. They have experienced hardships themselves, and there are no flaws in their personalities. They are both stable. By partnering with each other, they should be able to gain a firm foothold when heading to the Ice Sculpture Capital."

The fish-man boy tried to analyze and deduce the situation on Zong Ge and Zidi's side.

At the same time, this is also comforting myself.

Now that he is trapped in the ocean nest, he is worried about others and might as well find a way to get out of here as soon as possible!

Suddenly, a strong spatial fluctuation occurred.

The fish-man boy's expression changed drastically.

He is no longer unfamiliar with this kind of fluctuation.

"This is a teleportation wave."

"The third teleportation happened!"

Realizing this, the fishman boy stopped practicing his fighting skills.

He immediately used his captain's authority to control the magic ship to drain the seawater from the landing cabin.

Then, he followed the opened metal hatch and entered the head of the Deep Sea Monster Fish.

He entered the cockpit and quickly observed the outside world through the magic image.

The next moment, a look of surprise appeared on his face.

Because there are many sea beasts sent in this time, and the types are mixed. There are dolphins, sharks, fin fish, clawed water monkeys and more.

"There are actually fish-men?"

"Wait a minute, these sea beasts seem to be controlled by fish-men."

"What are they doing?"

When the teleportation occurred, it awakened the sacred sea beast.

But the sea beast didn't kill them immediately, it seems because it discovered these fishmen.

One of the leading silver-level murlocs plucked up the courage to shout loudly to the huge Sydney octopus: "mengl, awngml, ealnmwgm, nlga, nlma."

He was actually communicating with the sacred sea beast!

The sacred sea beasts quickly lost their patience and launched an attack on those sea beasts, but they did not attack the fishmen.

For a moment, the sea water in the ocean nest was turbulent, and the smell of blood filled the air.

The sea beasts in the sanctuary are feasting, and their cruel and ferocious temperament is undoubtedly revealed.

The fishermen retreated to the corner of the ocean nest. During such a bloody hunt, they actually closed their eyes, murmured to themselves, and prayed.

After the fishman boy saw this scene, a flash of lightning flashed in his mind.

He suddenly realized that these murlocs had come prepared!

Taking a closer look, he found that these fish-men were not ordinary fish-men, but extraordinary beings.

Extraordinary levels range from bronze to silver, with no gold level.


There were definitely more than 200 extraordinary fishmen present. Although there are not many Silver-level people among them, only about 20-30 people, it is still a rare thing.

You must know that the fish-men race is a lower-level race, and the probability of producing extraordinary beings is much lower than that of the human race.

Now that there are suddenly more than 200 fish-men extraordinary people gathering together, how huge must be the size of the fish-men group behind them?

Another strange thing is that these fishmen have various appearances, and they do not have a unified bloodline, nor do they have dominant bloodline characteristics.

This means that they come from all over the world and are not the product of the same huge ethnic group.

"What the hell does this happen?"

"This group of fishmen gathered together and were teleported in. They also brought a large number of sea beasts to feed the Sydney octopus. And they are praying here?"

The sanctuary-level Sydney octopus quickly devoured all the sea beasts. It also swallowed the blood water, swallowed up all the blood inside, and then spit out clean seawater without wasting a drop.

It stretched its soft and huge hands and slowly approached the fish-man in the corner.

At this time, the fishman boy did not need to use his spiritual vision to know that this sacred sea beast was still ferocious.

These praying fishmen are delicacies in its eyes. The greedy instinct of predation is making it ready to move.

There is no doubt that the approach of the sea beasts in the sanctuary has brought huge psychological pressure to the praying murlocs.

Most of the fishmen were trembling and subconsciously amplified their prayer voices.

They all prayed in the fish-man language. The fish-man boy was so embarrassed that he really didn't understand them at all.

The voice of prayer fell into the ears of the holy sea beast, but it made its movements slower and slower.

The fishman boy watched all this and felt the hesitation of the sacred sea beast.

After all, the Sydney octopus stretched out its huge snow-white tentacles and slowly approached a praying fish-man.

The fishman was quite frightened. When he saw the tentacles coming towards him, his psychological pressure increased and he finally collapsed.

He yelled and swam frantically behind him.

The next moment, the snow-white tentacles were like thunder, and the venomous snakes that had been prepared suddenly jumped out.

The escaping fishman was immediately tied up and screamed miserably.

With a little force, the Sydney octopus squeezed the fish-man into a puddle of broken flesh and bones, and blood spread.

The octopus opened its mouth to suck, and a large amount of water poured into its mouth. The corpse of the fishman was also sucked into the stomach, not a bit was wasted.

The octopus showed unprecedented joy after eating the fish-man, and waved its soft tentacles around. This was a sight that the fish-man boy had never seen before.


"gnal, mga..."

"lanm, wgln..."

Such a ferocious scene immediately made the fishmen pray a little louder.

The sacred sea beast continued to stretch its tentacles. Its tentacles are white and soft, huge like elongated white clouds, beautiful and deadly.

The tentacles gently touched the heads of the fish people, or passed by them.

The faces of many murlocs were full of fear, they could not control themselves, their bodies were like sieves of chaff, and they were shaking violently.

But there were also some fishmen who looked firm, even calm and indifferent, praying constantly, and did not take the octopus tentacles seriously.

The fish-man boy watched this spectacle quietly.

Every once in a while, the octopus tentacles will be fiercely dispatched, killing the fish-men and devouring them with lightning speed.

The fishman boy also gradually noticed the strange behavior of the sea beasts in the sanctuary.

It seemed to be slowly torturing these praying fish-men, toying with them, making them collapse under extreme fear, and it seemed to be afraid of some existence and did not dare to take any action.

"It attacks and devours individual fish-men, and seems to be selecting according to some underlying rules..." The fish-man boy watched intently, vaguely aware that there was a lot of secrets in it.

About half an hour passed like this, when suddenly the life aura of a fish-man changed dramatically!

Originally he was just a bronze-level fish-man fighter. But soon, his life aura was upgraded from bronze level to black iron level.

"What happened?!" When the fishman boy saw this scene, he almost suspected that he had seen it wrong.

But soon, a similar scene happened to another fish-man.

Next, the life levels of fishmen were gradually improved.

The fish-man boy also carefully discovered that there were also fish-men who still maintained their original life levels, but their faces were full of joy, obviously they had other gains!

"So, what is going on?" The fish-man boy was extremely surprised.

According to his understanding, life levels cannot mutate like this.

It must be accompanied by extraordinary practice, slowly accumulated, first quantitative changes, and then lead to qualitative changes.

This is a slow process.

But now, the scene that happened in front of him severely shattered the fish-man boy's past perceptions.

These fishmen were actually able to achieve a qualitative change in their life levels in a very short period of time.

This is incredible!

And that didn't stop the fish-man boy from being shocked.

About three hours later, space fluctuations occurred again.

All the fishmen who were praying disappeared.

"They have all been teleported away!" The fish-man boy was disturbed by such a change.

He stayed there for a while before he gradually came to his senses.

He began to think rapidly.

"There is a big secret in the transmission!"

"How on earth is this kind of teleportation possible?"

"Is it natural or man-made?"

"What on earth is going on with these fishmen? Their life levels can actually advance?!"

After thinking for a while, the fish-man boy stared at several corners in the magical image with burning eyes.

Hidden within these corners are binaural sounders.

Without exception, they are all blessed with a layer of deception and camouflage and anti-reconnaissance prophecy. To outsiders, they are just some pearls.

"The big secret of teleportation may be solved through the investigation of these puppets!"

Now, the fishman boy especially wants to know what is outside the ocean nest.

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